未验证 提交 13d5db3e 编写于 作者: H Hui Li 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #14249 from taosdata/test3.0/lihui

import taos
import sys
import time
import socket
import os
import threading
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import *
from util.common import *
from tmqCommon import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
#tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql) # output sql.txt file
def tmqCase1(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1: ")
paraDict = {'dbName': 'db1',
'dropFlag': 1,
'event': '',
'vgroups': 4,
'stbName': 'stb',
'colPrefix': 'c',
'tagPrefix': 't',
'colSchema': [{'type': 'INT', 'count':2}, {'type': 'binary', 'len':20, 'count':1},{'type': 'TIMESTAMP', 'count':1}],
'tagSchema': [{'type': 'INT', 'count':1}, {'type': 'binary', 'len':20, 'count':1}],
'ctbPrefix': 'ctb',
'ctbNum': 10,
'rowsPerTbl': 4000,
'batchNum': 15,
'startTs': 1640966400000, # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
'pollDelay': 20,
'showMsg': 1,
'showRow': 1}
topicNameList = ['topic1', 'topic2', 'topic3', 'topic4']
consumeGroupIdList = ['cgrp1', 'cgrp1', 'cgrp3', 'cgrp4']
consumerIdList = [0, 1, 2, 3]
tdCom.create_database(tdSql, paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["dropFlag"], vgroups=paraDict['vgroups'],replica=1)
tdLog.info("create stb")
tdCom.create_stable(tdSql, dbname=paraDict["dbName"],stbname=paraDict["stbName"], column_elm_list=paraDict['colSchema'], tag_elm_list=paraDict['tagSchema'])
tdLog.info("create ctb")
tdCom.create_ctable(tdSql, dbname=paraDict["dbName"],stbname=paraDict["stbName"],tag_elm_list=paraDict['tagSchema'],count=paraDict["ctbNum"], default_ctbname_prefix=paraDict['ctbPrefix'])
# tdLog.info("insert data")
# tmqCom.insert_data(tdSql,paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["ctbPrefix"],paraDict["ctbNum"],paraDict["rowsPerTbl"],paraDict["batchNum"],paraDict["startTs"])
tdLog.info("create 4 topics")
sqlString = "create topic %s as database %s" %(topicNameList[0], paraDict['dbName'])
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
sqlString = "create topic %s as stable %s.%s" %(topicNameList[1], paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
queryString = "select * from %s.%s where c1 %% 7 == 0" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[2], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
queryString = "select ts, log(c1), ceil(pow(c1,3)) from %s.%s where c1 %% 7 == 0" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s " %(topicNameList[3], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
tdSql.query("show topics")
rows = tdSql.getRows()
if rows != len(consumerIdList):
tdLog.exit("topic rows error")
for i in range (rows):
topicName = tdSql.getData(i,0)
matchFlag = 0
while matchFlag == 0:
for j in range(len(topicNameList)):
if topicName == topicNameList[j]:
matchFlag = 1
if matchFlag == 0:
tdLog.exit("topic name: %s is error", topicName)
# init consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
tdLog.info("insert consume info to consume processor")
expectrowcnt = paraDict["rowsPerTbl"] * paraDict["ctbNum"]
topicList = topicNameList[0]
ifcheckdata = 0
ifManualCommit = 0
keyList = 'group.id:%s, enable.auto.commit:false, auto.commit.interval.ms:6000, auto.offset.reset:earliest'%consumeGroupIdList[0]
tmqCom.insertConsumerInfo(consumerIdList[0], expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifManualCommit)
topicList = topicNameList[1]
keyList = 'group.id:%s, enable.auto.commit:false, auto.commit.interval.ms:6000, auto.offset.reset:earliest'%consumeGroupIdList[1]
tmqCom.insertConsumerInfo(consumerIdList[1], expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifManualCommit)
topicList = topicNameList[2]
keyList = 'group.id:%s, enable.auto.commit:false, auto.commit.interval.ms:6000, auto.offset.reset:earliest'%consumeGroupIdList[2]
tmqCom.insertConsumerInfo(consumerIdList[2], expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifManualCommit)
topicList = topicNameList[3]
keyList = 'group.id:%s, enable.auto.commit:false, auto.commit.interval.ms:6000, auto.offset.reset:earliest'%consumeGroupIdList[3]
tmqCom.insertConsumerInfo(consumerIdList[3], expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifManualCommit)
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'])
tdLog.info("async insert data")
pThread = tmqCom.asyncInsertData(paraDict)
tdLog.info("check show consumers")
tdSql.query("show consumers")
# tdLog.info(tdSql.queryResult)
rows = tdSql.getRows()
tdLog.info("show consumers rows: %d"%rows)
if rows != len(topicNameList):
tdLog.exit("show consumers rows error")
tdLog.info("check show subscriptions")
tdSql.query("show subscriptions")
# tdLog.debug(tdSql.queryResult)
rows = tdSql.getRows()
tdLog.info("show subscriptions rows: %d"%rows)
if rows != paraDict['vgroups'] * len(topicNameList):
tdLog.exit("show subscriptions rows error")
tdLog.info("insert process end, and start to check consume result")
expectRows = len(consumerIdList)
_ = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
for i in range(len(topicNameList)):
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicNameList[i])
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1 end ...... ")
def run(self):
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
event = threading.Event()
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
......@@ -143,3 +143,4 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmqCheckData.py
python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmqUdf.py
#python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmq3mnodeSwitch.py -N 5
python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmqConsumerGroup.py
python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmqShow.py
......@@ -635,8 +635,9 @@ void loop_consume(SThreadInfo* pInfo) {
int32_t consumeDelay = g_stConfInfo.consumeDelay == -1 ? -1 : (g_stConfInfo.consumeDelay * 1000);
while (running) {
TAOS_RES* tmqMsg = tmq_consumer_poll(pInfo->tmq, g_stConfInfo.consumeDelay * 1000);
TAOS_RES* tmqMsg = tmq_consumer_poll(pInfo->tmq, consumeDelay);
if (tmqMsg) {
if (0 != g_stConfInfo.showMsgFlag) {
totalRows += msg_process(tmqMsg, pInfo, totalMsgs);
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