未验证 提交 11546cf2 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #9431 from taosdata/feature/3.0_liaohj

[td-11818] refactor create dnode. async send message to server.
......@@ -826,7 +826,8 @@ typedef struct SShowRsp {
} SShowRsp;
typedef struct {
char ep[TSDB_EP_LEN]; // end point, hostname:port
char ep[TSDB_FQDN_LEN]; // end point, hostname:port
int32_t port;
} SCreateDnodeMsg;
typedef struct {
......@@ -124,6 +124,15 @@ int32_t cleanupTaskQueue();
int32_t taosAsyncExec(__async_exec_fn_t execFn, void* execParam, int32_t* code);
* Asynchronously send message to server, after the response received, the callback will be incured.
* @param pTransporter
* @param epSet
* @param pTransporterId
* @param pInfo
* @return
int32_t asyncSendMsgToServer(void *pTransporter, SEpSet* epSet, int64_t* pTransporterId, const SMsgSendInfo* pInfo);
const SSchema* tGetTbnameColumnSchema();
......@@ -362,30 +362,6 @@ static void destroySendMsgInfo(SMsgSendInfo* pMsgBody) {
int32_t asyncSendMsgToServer(void *pTransporter, SEpSet* epSet, int64_t* pTransporterId, const SMsgSendInfo* pInfo) {
char *pMsg = rpcMallocCont(pInfo->msgInfo.len);
if (NULL == pMsg) {
tscError("0x%"PRIx64" msg:%s malloc failed", pInfo->requestId, TMSG_INFO(pInfo->msgType));
return -1;
memcpy(pMsg, pInfo->msgInfo.pData, pInfo->msgInfo.len);
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {
.msgType = pInfo->msgType,
.pCont = pMsg,
.contLen = pInfo->msgInfo.len,
.ahandle = (void*) pInfo,
.handle = NULL,
.code = 0
assert(pInfo->fp != NULL);
rpcSendRequest(pTransporter, epSet, &rpcMsg, pTransporterId);
void processMsgFromServer(void* parent, SRpcMsg* pMsg, SEpSet* pEpSet) {
SMsgSendInfo *pSendInfo = (SMsgSendInfo *) pMsg->ahandle;
assert(pMsg->ahandle != NULL);
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ TEST(testCase, create_dnode_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create dnode abc1");
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create dnode abc1 port 7000");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in create dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
......@@ -291,7 +291,24 @@ TEST(testCase, create_table_Test) {
// taos_close(pConn);
TEST(testCase, create_ctable_Test) {}
TEST(testCase, create_ctable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0 using st1 tags(1)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create child table tm0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, show_stable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ ifnotexists(X) ::= . { X.n = 0;}
/////////////////////////////////THE CREATE STATEMENT///////////////////////////////////////
//create option for dnode/db/user/account
cmd ::= CREATE DNODE ids(X). { setDCLSqlElems(pInfo, TSDB_SQL_CREATE_DNODE, 1, &X);}
cmd ::= CREATE DNODE ids(X) PORT ids(Y). { setDCLSqlElems(pInfo, TSDB_SQL_CREATE_DNODE, 2, &X, &Y);}
cmd ::= CREATE ACCOUNT ids(X) PASS ids(Y) acct_optr(Z).
{ setCreateAcctSql(pInfo, TSDB_SQL_CREATE_ACCT, &X, &Y, &Z);}
cmd ::= CREATE DATABASE ifnotexists(Z) ids(X) db_optr(Y). { setCreateDbInfo(pInfo, TSDB_SQL_CREATE_DB, &X, &Y, &Z);}
......@@ -398,13 +398,13 @@ create_stable_args(A) ::= ifnotexists(U) ids(V) cpxName(Z) LP columnlist(X) RP T
// create table by using super table
// create table table_name using super_table_name tags(tag_values1, tag_values2)
%type create_from_stable{SCreatedTableInfo}
create_from_stable(A) ::= ifnotexists(U) ids(V) cpxName(Z) USING ids(X) cpxName(F) TAGS LP tagitemlist(Y) RP. {
create_from_stable(A) ::= ifnotexists(U) ids(V) cpxName(Z) USING ids(X) cpxName(F) TAGS LP tagitemlist1(Y) RP. {
X.n += F.n;
V.n += Z.n;
A = createNewChildTableInfo(&X, NULL, Y, &V, &U);
create_from_stable(A) ::= ifnotexists(U) ids(V) cpxName(Z) USING ids(X) cpxName(F) LP tagNamelist(P) RP TAGS LP tagitemlist(Y) RP. {
create_from_stable(A) ::= ifnotexists(U) ids(V) cpxName(Z) USING ids(X) cpxName(F) LP tagNamelist(P) RP TAGS LP tagitemlist1(Y) RP. {
X.n += F.n;
V.n += Z.n;
A = createNewChildTableInfo(&X, P, Y, &V, &U);
......@@ -437,6 +437,15 @@ column(A) ::= ids(X) typename(Y). {
tSetColumnInfo(&A, &X, &Y);
%type tagitemlist1 {SArray*}
%destructor tagitemlist1 {taosArrayDestroy($$);}
tagitemlist1(A) ::= tagitemlist1(X) COMMA tagitem1(Y). { taosArrayPush(X, &Y); A = X;}
tagitemlist1(A) ::= tagitem1(Y). { A = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SToken)); taosArrayPush(A, &Y); }
%type tagitem1 {SToken}
tagitem1(A) ::= MINUS(X) INTEGER(Y). { A.n = X.n + Y.n; A.type = Y.type; }
%type tagitemlist {SArray*}
%destructor tagitemlist {taosArrayDestroy($$);}
......@@ -103,114 +103,115 @@
#define TK_RP 85
#define TK_IF 86
#define TK_EXISTS 87
#define TK_AS 88
#define TK_OUTPUTTYPE 89
#define TK_AGGREGATE 90
#define TK_BUFSIZE 91
#define TK_PPS 92
#define TK_TSERIES 93
#define TK_DBS 94
#define TK_STORAGE 95
#define TK_QTIME 96
#define TK_CONNS 97
#define TK_STATE 98
#define TK_COMMA 99
#define TK_KEEP 100
#define TK_CACHE 101
#define TK_REPLICA 102
#define TK_QUORUM 103
#define TK_DAYS 104
#define TK_MINROWS 105
#define TK_MAXROWS 106
#define TK_BLOCKS 107
#define TK_CTIME 108
#define TK_WAL 109
#define TK_FSYNC 110
#define TK_COMP 111
#define TK_PRECISION 112
#define TK_UPDATE 113
#define TK_CACHELAST 114
#define TK_UNSIGNED 115
#define TK_TAGS 116
#define TK_USING 117
#define TK_NULL 118
#define TK_NOW 119
#define TK_SELECT 120
#define TK_UNION 121
#define TK_ALL 122
#define TK_DISTINCT 123
#define TK_FROM 124
#define TK_VARIABLE 125
#define TK_INTERVAL 126
#define TK_EVERY 127
#define TK_SESSION 128
#define TK_STATE_WINDOW 129
#define TK_FILL 130
#define TK_SLIDING 131
#define TK_ORDER 132
#define TK_BY 133
#define TK_ASC 134
#define TK_GROUP 135
#define TK_HAVING 136
#define TK_LIMIT 137
#define TK_OFFSET 138
#define TK_SLIMIT 139
#define TK_SOFFSET 140
#define TK_WHERE 141
#define TK_RESET 142
#define TK_QUERY 143
#define TK_SYNCDB 144
#define TK_ADD 145
#define TK_COLUMN 146
#define TK_MODIFY 147
#define TK_TAG 148
#define TK_CHANGE 149
#define TK_SET 150
#define TK_KILL 151
#define TK_CONNECTION 152
#define TK_STREAM 153
#define TK_COLON 154
#define TK_ABORT 155
#define TK_AFTER 156
#define TK_ATTACH 157
#define TK_BEFORE 158
#define TK_BEGIN 159
#define TK_CASCADE 160
#define TK_CLUSTER 161
#define TK_CONFLICT 162
#define TK_COPY 163
#define TK_DEFERRED 164
#define TK_DELIMITERS 165
#define TK_DETACH 166
#define TK_EACH 167
#define TK_END 168
#define TK_EXPLAIN 169
#define TK_FAIL 170
#define TK_FOR 171
#define TK_IGNORE 172
#define TK_IMMEDIATE 173
#define TK_INITIALLY 174
#define TK_INSTEAD 175
#define TK_KEY 176
#define TK_OF 177
#define TK_RAISE 178
#define TK_REPLACE 179
#define TK_RESTRICT 180
#define TK_ROW 181
#define TK_STATEMENT 182
#define TK_TRIGGER 183
#define TK_VIEW 184
#define TK_IPTOKEN 185
#define TK_SEMI 186
#define TK_NONE 187
#define TK_PREV 188
#define TK_LINEAR 189
#define TK_IMPORT 190
#define TK_TBNAME 191
#define TK_JOIN 192
#define TK_INSERT 193
#define TK_INTO 194
#define TK_VALUES 195
#define TK_PORT 88
#define TK_AS 89
#define TK_OUTPUTTYPE 90
#define TK_AGGREGATE 91
#define TK_BUFSIZE 92
#define TK_PPS 93
#define TK_TSERIES 94
#define TK_DBS 95
#define TK_STORAGE 96
#define TK_QTIME 97
#define TK_CONNS 98
#define TK_STATE 99
#define TK_COMMA 100
#define TK_KEEP 101
#define TK_CACHE 102
#define TK_REPLICA 103
#define TK_QUORUM 104
#define TK_DAYS 105
#define TK_MINROWS 106
#define TK_MAXROWS 107
#define TK_BLOCKS 108
#define TK_CTIME 109
#define TK_WAL 110
#define TK_FSYNC 111
#define TK_COMP 112
#define TK_PRECISION 113
#define TK_UPDATE 114
#define TK_CACHELAST 115
#define TK_UNSIGNED 116
#define TK_TAGS 117
#define TK_USING 118
#define TK_NULL 119
#define TK_NOW 120
#define TK_SELECT 121
#define TK_UNION 122
#define TK_ALL 123
#define TK_DISTINCT 124
#define TK_FROM 125
#define TK_VARIABLE 126
#define TK_INTERVAL 127
#define TK_EVERY 128
#define TK_SESSION 129
#define TK_STATE_WINDOW 130
#define TK_FILL 131
#define TK_SLIDING 132
#define TK_ORDER 133
#define TK_BY 134
#define TK_ASC 135
#define TK_GROUP 136
#define TK_HAVING 137
#define TK_LIMIT 138
#define TK_OFFSET 139
#define TK_SLIMIT 140
#define TK_SOFFSET 141
#define TK_WHERE 142
#define TK_RESET 143
#define TK_QUERY 144
#define TK_SYNCDB 145
#define TK_ADD 146
#define TK_COLUMN 147
#define TK_MODIFY 148
#define TK_TAG 149
#define TK_CHANGE 150
#define TK_SET 151
#define TK_KILL 152
#define TK_CONNECTION 153
#define TK_STREAM 154
#define TK_COLON 155
#define TK_ABORT 156
#define TK_AFTER 157
#define TK_ATTACH 158
#define TK_BEFORE 159
#define TK_BEGIN 160
#define TK_CASCADE 161
#define TK_CLUSTER 162
#define TK_CONFLICT 163
#define TK_COPY 164
#define TK_DEFERRED 165
#define TK_DELIMITERS 166
#define TK_DETACH 167
#define TK_EACH 168
#define TK_END 169
#define TK_EXPLAIN 170
#define TK_FAIL 171
#define TK_FOR 172
#define TK_IGNORE 173
#define TK_IMMEDIATE 174
#define TK_INITIALLY 175
#define TK_INSTEAD 176
#define TK_KEY 177
#define TK_OF 178
#define TK_RAISE 179
#define TK_REPLACE 180
#define TK_RESTRICT 181
#define TK_ROW 182
#define TK_STATEMENT 183
#define TK_TRIGGER 184
#define TK_VIEW 185
#define TK_IPTOKEN 186
#define TK_SEMI 187
#define TK_NONE 188
#define TK_PREV 189
#define TK_LINEAR 190
#define TK_IMPORT 191
#define TK_TBNAME 192
#define TK_JOIN 193
#define TK_INSERT 194
#define TK_INTO 195
#define TK_VALUES 196
......@@ -379,8 +379,10 @@ SDropStbMsg* buildDropStableMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SParseBasicCtx* p
SCreateDnodeMsg *buildCreateDnodeMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg1 = "invalid host name (name too long, maximum length 128)";
const char* msg2 = "dnode name can not be string";
const char* msg3 = "port should be an integer that is less than 65535";
const char* msg4 = "failed prepare create dnode message";
if (taosArrayGetSize(pInfo->pMiscInfo->a) > 1) {
if (taosArrayGetSize(pInfo->pMiscInfo->a) != 2) {
buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
return NULL;
......@@ -391,10 +393,31 @@ SCreateDnodeMsg *buildCreateDnodeMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SMsgBuf* pMs
return NULL;
SToken* port = taosArrayGet(pInfo->pMiscInfo->a, 1);
if (port->type != TK_INTEGER) {
buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
return NULL;
bool isSign = false;
int64_t val = 0;
toInteger(port->z, port->n, 10, &val, &isSign);
if (val >= UINT16_MAX) {
buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
return NULL;
SCreateDnodeMsg *pCreate = (SCreateDnodeMsg *) calloc(1, sizeof(SCreateDnodeMsg));
if (pCreate == NULL) {
buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
return NULL;
strncpy(pCreate->ep, id->z, id->n);
*len = sizeof(SCreateDnodeMsg);
pCreate->port = val;
*len = sizeof(SCreateDnodeMsg);
return pCreate;
......@@ -3986,7 +3986,6 @@ int32_t qParserValidateSqlNode(struct SCatalog* pCatalog, SSqlInfo* pInfo, SQuer
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, "not support sql expression");
SCatalogReq req = {0};
SMetaData data = {0};
......@@ -4023,6 +4022,5 @@ int32_t qParserValidateSqlNode(struct SCatalog* pCatalog, SSqlInfo* pInfo, SQuer
validateSqlNode(p, pQueryInfo, &buf);
return code;
#include "tglobal.h"
#include "parserInt.h"
#include <ttime.h>
#include "astToMsg.h"
#include "parserInt.h"
#include "parserUtil.h"
#include "queryInfoUtil.h"
#include "tglobal.h"
/* is contained in pFieldList or not */
static bool has(SArray* pFieldList, int32_t startIndex, const char* name) {
......@@ -293,7 +294,6 @@ int32_t doCheckForCreateCTable(SSqlInfo* pInfo, SParseBasicCtx *pCtx, SMsgBuf* p
// super table name, create table by using dst
int32_t numOfTables = (int32_t) taosArrayGetSize(pCreateTable->childTableInfo);
for(int32_t j = 0; j < numOfTables; ++j) {
#if 0
SCreatedTableInfo* pCreateTableInfo = taosArrayGet(pCreateTable->childTableInfo, j);
SToken* pSTableNameToken = &pCreateTableInfo->stbName;
......@@ -341,12 +341,7 @@ int32_t doCheckForCreateCTable(SSqlInfo* pInfo, SParseBasicCtx *pCtx, SMsgBuf* p
pNameList = pCreateTableInfo->pTagNames;
nameSize = taosArrayGetSize(pNameList);
if (valSize != nameSize) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
if (schemaSize < valSize) {
if (valSize != nameSize || schemaSize < valSize) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
......@@ -359,15 +354,15 @@ int32_t doCheckForCreateCTable(SSqlInfo* pInfo, SParseBasicCtx *pCtx, SMsgBuf* p
strncpy(tmpTokenBuf, sToken->z, sToken->n);
sToken->z = tmpTokenBuf;
if (TK_STRING == sToken->type) {
// if (TK_STRING == sToken->type) {
// tscDequoteAndTrimToken(sToken);
// }
if (TK_ID == sToken->type) {
// if (TK_ID == sToken->type) {
// tscRmEscapeAndTrimToken(sToken);
// }
tVariantListItem* pItem = taosArrayGet(pValList, i);
SListItem* pItem = taosArrayGet(pValList, i);
findColumnIndex = false;
......@@ -384,16 +379,16 @@ int32_t doCheckForCreateCTable(SSqlInfo* pInfo, SParseBasicCtx *pCtx, SMsgBuf* p
} else if (pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
if (pItem->pVar.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
ret = convertTimestampStrToInt64(&(pItem->pVar), tinfo.precision);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
// code = convertTimestampStrToInt64(&(pItem->pVar), tinfo.precision);
// if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
// }
} else if (pItem->pVar.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
pItem->pVar.i64 = convertTimePrecision(pItem->pVar.i64, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, tinfo.precision);
pItem->pVar.i = convertTimePrecision(pItem->pVar.i, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, tinfo.precision);
code = tVariantDump(&(pItem->pVar), tagVal, pSchema->type, true);
code = taosVariantDump(&(pItem->pVar), tagVal, pSchema->type, true);
// check again after the convert since it may be converted from binary to nchar.
if (pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY || pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
......@@ -428,8 +423,8 @@ int32_t doCheckForCreateCTable(SSqlInfo* pInfo, SParseBasicCtx *pCtx, SMsgBuf* p
for (int32_t i = 0; i < valSize; ++i) {
SSchema* pSchema = &pTagSchema[i];
tVariantListItem* pItem = taosArrayGet(pValList, i);
SSchema *pSchema = &pTagSchema[i];
SListItem *pItem = taosArrayGet(pValList, i);
char tagVal[TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN];
if (pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY || pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
......@@ -439,16 +434,16 @@ int32_t doCheckForCreateCTable(SSqlInfo* pInfo, SParseBasicCtx *pCtx, SMsgBuf* p
} else if (pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
if (pItem->pVar.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
ret = convertTimestampStrToInt64(&(pItem->pVar), tinfo.precision);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// code = convertTimestampStrToInt64(&(pItem->pVar), tinfo.precision);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
} else if (pItem->pVar.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
pItem->pVar.i64 = convertTimePrecision(pItem->pVar.i64, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, tinfo.precision);
pItem->pVar.i = convertTimePrecision(pItem->pVar.i, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, tinfo.precision);
code = tVariantDump(&(pItem->pVar), tagVal, pSchema->type, true);
code = taosVariantDump(&(pItem->pVar), tagVal, pSchema->type, true);
// check again after the convert since it may be converted from binary to nchar.
if (pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY || pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
......@@ -485,22 +480,21 @@ int32_t doCheckForCreateCTable(SSqlInfo* pInfo, SParseBasicCtx *pCtx, SMsgBuf* p
bool dbIncluded2 = false;
// table name
if (tscValidateName(&(pCreateTableInfo->name), true, &dbIncluded2) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, TABLE_INDEX);
code = tscSetTableFullName(&pTableMetaInfo->name, &pCreateTableInfo->name, pSql, dbIncluded2);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
pCreateTableInfo->fullname = calloc(1, tNameLen(&pTableMetaInfo->name) + 1);
code = tNameExtractFullName(&pTableMetaInfo->name, pCreateTableInfo->fullname);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
// if (tscValidateName(&(pCreateTableInfo->name), true, &dbIncluded2) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
// }
// STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, TABLE_INDEX);
// code = tscSetTableFullName(&pTableMetaInfo->name, &pCreateTableInfo->name, pSql, dbIncluded2);
// if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// return code;
// }
// pCreateTableInfo->fullname = calloc(1, tNameLen(&pTableMetaInfo->name) + 1);
// code = tNameExtractFullName(&pTableMetaInfo->name, pCreateTableInfo->fullname);
// if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
// }
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ static SKeyword keywordTable[] = {
{"REM ", TK_REM},
{"||", TK_CONCAT},
{"||", TK_CONCAT},
......@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ static SKeyword keywordTable[] = {
static const char isIdChar[] = {
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "query.h"
#include "tglobal.h"
#include "tsched.h"
#include "trpc.h"
#define VALIDNUMOFTAGS(x) ((x) >= 0 && (x) <= TSDB_MAX_TAGS)
......@@ -121,3 +122,27 @@ int32_t taosAsyncExec(__async_exec_fn_t execFn, void* execParam, int32_t* code)
taosScheduleTask(pTaskQueue, &schedMsg);
int32_t asyncSendMsgToServer(void *pTransporter, SEpSet* epSet, int64_t* pTransporterId, const SMsgSendInfo* pInfo) {
char *pMsg = rpcMallocCont(pInfo->msgInfo.len);
if (NULL == pMsg) {
qError("0x%"PRIx64" msg:%s malloc failed", pInfo->requestId, TMSG_INFO(pInfo->msgType));
return -1;
memcpy(pMsg, pInfo->msgInfo.pData, pInfo->msgInfo.len);
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {
.msgType = pInfo->msgType,
.pCont = pMsg,
.contLen = pInfo->msgInfo.len,
.ahandle = (void*) pInfo,
.handle = NULL,
.code = 0
assert(pInfo->fp != NULL);
rpcSendRequest(pTransporter, epSet, &rpcMsg, pTransporterId);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -438,6 +438,12 @@ column(A) ::= ids(X) typename(Y). {
tSetColumnInfo(&A, &X, &Y);
%type tagitemlist1 {SArray*}
%destructor tagitemlist1 {taosArrayDestroy($$);}
%type tagitem1 {SToken}
%type tagitemlist {SArray*}
%destructor tagitemlist {taosArrayDestroy($$);}
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