提交 0fed3ffa 编写于 作者: wmmhello's avatar wmmhello

fix:remove useless config for schemaless

上级 8098a299
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=2 current=13.4,voltage=223,phase=0
- Each data in `field_set` must be self-descriptive for its data type. For example 1.2f32 means a value 1.2 of float type. Without the "f" type suffix, it will be treated as type double.
- Multiple kinds of precision can be used for the `timestamp` field. Time precision can be from nanosecond (ns) to hour (h).
- The child table name is created automatically in a rule to guarantee its uniqueness. But you can configure `smlChildTableName` in taos.cfg to specify a tag value as the table names if the tag value is unique globally. For example, if a tag is called `tname` and you set `smlChildTableName=tname` in taos.cfg, when you insert `st,tname=cpu1,t1=4 c1=3 1626006833639000000`, the child table `cpu1` will be created automatically. Note that if multiple rows have the same tname but different tag_set values, the tag_set of the first row is used to create the table and the others are ignored.
- It is assumed that the order of field_set in a supertable is consistent, meaning that the first record contains all fields and subsequent records store fields in the same order. If the order is not consistent, set smlDataFormat in taos.cfg to false. Otherwise, data will be written out of order and a database error will occur.(smlDataFormat in taos.cfg default to false after version of
- It is assumed that the order of field_set in a supertable is consistent, meaning that the first record contains all fields and subsequent records store fields in the same order. If the order is not consistent, set smlDataFormat in taos.cfg to false. Otherwise, data will be written out of order and a database error will occur.(smlDataFormat in taos.cfg default to false after version of, smlDataFormat is discarded since 3.0.3)
For more details please refer to [InfluxDB Line Protocol](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.0/reference/syntax/line-protocol/) and [TDengine Schemaless](/reference/schemaless/#Schemaless-Line-Protocol)
......@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ The charset that takes effect is UTF-8.
| Attribute | Description |
| -------- | ----------------------------- |
| Applicable | Client only |
| Meaning | Whether schemaless columns are consistently ordered |
| Meaning | Whether schemaless columns are consistently ordered, depat, discarded since 3.0.3|
| Value Range | 0: not consistent; 1: consistent. |
| Default | 1 |
......@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ The charset that takes effect is UTF-8.
| 20 | minimalTmpDirGB | Yes | Yes | |
| 21 | smlChildTableName | Yes | Yes | |
| 22 | smlTagName | Yes | Yes | |
| 23 | smlDataFormat | No | Yes | |
| 23 | smlDataFormat | No | Yes(discarded since 3.0.3) | |
| 24 | statusInterval | Yes | Yes | |
| 25 | logDir | Yes | Yes | |
| 26 | minimalLogDirGB | Yes | Yes | |
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ You can configure smlChildTableName in taos.cfg to specify table names, for exam
6. For BINARY or NCHAR columns, if the length of the value provided in a data row exceeds the column type limit, the maximum length of characters allowed to be stored in the column is automatically increased (only incremented and not decremented) to ensure complete preservation of the data.
7. Errors encountered throughout the processing will interrupt the writing process and return an error code.
8. It is assumed that the order of field_set in a supertable is consistent, meaning that the first record contains all fields and subsequent records store fields in the same order. If the order is not consistent, set smlDataFormat in taos.cfg to false. Otherwise, data will be written out of order and a database error will occur.(smlDataFormat in taos.cfg default to false after version of
8. It is assumed that the order of field_set in a supertable is consistent, meaning that the first record contains all fields and subsequent records store fields in the same order. If the order is not consistent, set smlDataFormat in taos.cfg to false. Otherwise, data will be written out of order and a database error will occur.(smlDataFormat in taos.cfg default to false after version of, discarded since 3.0.3)
All processing logic of schemaless will still follow TDengine's underlying restrictions on data structures, such as the total length of each row of data cannot exceed
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=2 current=13.4,voltage=223,phase=0
- tag_set 中的所有的数据自动转化为 NCHAR 数据类型;
- field_set 中的每个数据项都需要对自身的数据类型进行描述, 比如 1.2f32 代表 FLOAT 类型的数值 1.2, 如果不带类型后缀会被当作 DOUBLE 处理;
- timestamp 支持多种时间精度。写入数据的时候需要用参数指定时间精度,支持从小时到纳秒的 6 种时间精度。
- 为了提高写入的效率,默认假设同一个超级表中 field_set 的顺序是一样的(第一条数据包含所有的 field,后面的数据按照这个顺序),如果顺序不一样,需要配置参数 smlDataFormat 为 false,否则,数据写入按照相同顺序写入,库中数据会异常。( 之后的版本 smlDataFormat 默认为 false) [TDengine 无模式写入参考指南](/reference/schemaless/#无模式写入行协议)
- 为了提高写入的效率,默认假设同一个超级表中 field_set 的顺序是一样的(第一条数据包含所有的 field,后面的数据按照这个顺序),如果顺序不一样,需要配置参数 smlDataFormat 为 false,否则,数据写入按照相同顺序写入,库中数据会异常。( 之后的版本 smlDataFormat 默认为 false,从3.0.3开始,该配置废弃) [TDengine 无模式写入参考指南](/reference/schemaless/#无模式写入行协议)
- 默认产生的子表名是根据规则生成的唯一 ID 值。用户也可以通过在 taos.cfg 里配置 smlChildTableName 参数来指定某个标签值作为子表名。该标签值应该具有全局唯一性。举例如下:假设有个标签名为tname, 配置 smlChildTableName=tname, 插入数据为 st,tname=cpu1,t1=4 c1=3 1626006833639000000 则创建的子表名为 cpu1。注意如果多行数据 tname 相同,但是后面的 tag_set 不同,则使用第一行自动建表时指定的 tag_set,其他的行会忽略)。[TDengine 无模式写入参考指南](/reference/schemaless/#无模式写入行协议)
......@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ charset 的有效值是 UTF-8。
| 属性 | 说明 |
| -------- | ----------------------------- |
| 适用范围 | 仅客户端适用 |
| 含义 | schemaless 列数据是否顺序一致 |
| 含义 | schemaless 列数据是否顺序一致,从3.0.3开始,该配置废弃 |
| 值域 | 0:不一致;1: 一致 |
| 缺省值 | 1 |
......@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ charset 的有效值是 UTF-8。
| 20 | minimalTmpDirGB | 是 | 是 | |
| 21 | smlChildTableName | 是 | 是 | |
| 22 | smlTagName | 是 | 是 | |
| 23 | smlDataFormat | 否 | 是 | |
| 23 | smlDataFormat | 否 | 是(从3.0.3开始,该配置废弃) | |
| 24 | statusInterval | 是 | 是 | |
| 25 | logDir | 是 | 是 | |
| 26 | minimalLogDirGB | 是 | 是 | |
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4f64 1626006833639000000
6. 对 BINARY 或 NCHAR 列,如果数据行中所提供值的长度超出了列类型的限制,自动增加该列允许存储的字符长度上限(只增不减),以保证数据的完整保存。
7. 整个处理过程中遇到的错误会中断写入过程,并返回错误代码。
8. 为了提高写入的效率,默认假设同一个超级表中 field_set 的顺序是一样的(第一条数据包含所有的 field,后面的数据按照这个顺序),如果顺序不一样,需要配置参数 smlDataFormat 为 false,否则,数据写入按照相同顺序写入,库中数据会异常。
8. 为了提高写入的效率,默认假设同一个超级表中 field_set 的顺序是一样的(第一条数据包含所有的 field,后面的数据按照这个顺序),如果顺序不一样,需要配置参数 smlDataFormat 为 false,否则,数据写入按照相同顺序写入,库中数据会异常,从3.0.3开始,自动检测顺序是否一致,该配置废弃
无模式所有的处理逻辑,仍会遵循 TDengine 对数据结构的底层限制,例如每行数据的总长度不能超过
......@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ extern char tsUdfdLdLibPath[];
// schemaless
extern char tsSmlChildTableName[];
extern char tsSmlTagName[];
extern bool tsSmlDataFormat;
extern int32_t tsSmlBatchSize;
//extern bool tsSmlDataFormat;
//extern int32_t tsSmlBatchSize;
// wal
extern int64_t tsWalFsyncDataSizeLimit;
......@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ char tsSmlTagName[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = "_tag_null";
char tsSmlChildTableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN] = ""; // user defined child table name can be specified in tag value.
// If set to empty system will generate table name using MD5 hash.
// true means that the name and order of cols in each line are the same(only for influx protocol)
bool tsSmlDataFormat = false;
int32_t tsSmlBatchSize = 10000;
//bool tsSmlDataFormat = false;
//int32_t tsSmlBatchSize = 10000;
// query
int32_t tsQueryPolicy = 1;
......@@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ static int32_t taosAddClientCfg(SConfig *pCfg) {
if (cfgAddBool(pCfg, "keepColumnName", tsKeepColumnName, true) != 0) return -1;
if (cfgAddString(pCfg, "smlChildTableName", "", 1) != 0) return -1;
if (cfgAddString(pCfg, "smlTagName", tsSmlTagName, 1) != 0) return -1;
if (cfgAddBool(pCfg, "smlDataFormat", tsSmlDataFormat, 1) != 0) return -1;
if (cfgAddInt32(pCfg, "smlBatchSize", tsSmlBatchSize, 1, INT32_MAX, true) != 0) return -1;
// if (cfgAddBool(pCfg, "smlDataFormat", tsSmlDataFormat, 1) != 0) return -1;
// if (cfgAddInt32(pCfg, "smlBatchSize", tsSmlBatchSize, 1, INT32_MAX, true) != 0) return -1;
if (cfgAddInt32(pCfg, "maxMemUsedByInsert", tsMaxMemUsedByInsert, 1, INT32_MAX, true) != 0) return -1;
if (cfgAddInt32(pCfg, "maxRetryWaitTime", tsMaxRetryWaitTime, 0, 86400000, 0) != 0) return -1;
if (cfgAddBool(pCfg, "useAdapter", tsUseAdapter, true) != 0) return -1;
......@@ -662,9 +662,9 @@ static int32_t taosSetClientCfg(SConfig *pCfg) {
tstrncpy(tsSmlChildTableName, cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlChildTableName")->str, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN);
tstrncpy(tsSmlTagName, cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlTagName")->str, TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN);
tsSmlDataFormat = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlDataFormat")->bval;
// tsSmlDataFormat = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlDataFormat")->bval;
tsSmlBatchSize = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlBatchSize")->i32;
// tsSmlBatchSize = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlBatchSize")->i32;
tsMaxMemUsedByInsert = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "maxMemUsedByInsert")->i32;
tsShellActivityTimer = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "shellActivityTimer")->i32;
......@@ -1048,10 +1048,10 @@ int32_t taosSetCfg(SConfig *pCfg, char *name) {
tstrncpy(tsSmlChildTableName, cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlChildTableName")->str, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN);
} else if (strcasecmp("smlTagName", name) == 0) {
tstrncpy(tsSmlTagName, cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlTagName")->str, TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN);
} else if (strcasecmp("smlDataFormat", name) == 0) {
tsSmlDataFormat = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlDataFormat")->bval;
} else if (strcasecmp("smlBatchSize", name) == 0) {
tsSmlBatchSize = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlBatchSize")->i32;
// } else if (strcasecmp("smlDataFormat", name) == 0) {
// tsSmlDataFormat = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlDataFormat")->bval;
// } else if (strcasecmp("smlBatchSize", name) == 0) {
// tsSmlBatchSize = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "smlBatchSize")->i32;
} else if (strcasecmp("shellActivityTimer", name) == 0) {
tsShellActivityTimer = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "shellActivityTimer")->i32;
} else if (strcasecmp("supportVnodes", name) == 0) {
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