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......@@ -120,6 +120,10 @@ typedef struct {
// SEpSet* pSet; // for synchronous API
} SRpcReqContext;
typedef SRpcMsg STransMsg;
typedef SRpcInfo STrans;
typedef SRpcConnInfo STransHandleInfo;
typedef struct {
SEpSet epSet; // ip list provided by app
void* ahandle; // handle provided by app
......@@ -134,7 +138,7 @@ typedef struct {
int8_t connType; // connection type
int64_t rid; // refId returned by taosAddRef
SRpcMsg* pRsp; // for synchronous API
STransMsg* pRsp; // for synchronous API
tsem_t* pSem; // for synchronous API
int hThrdIdx;
......@@ -143,6 +147,7 @@ typedef struct {
// SEpSet* pSet; // for synchronous API
} STransConnCtx;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct {
......@@ -243,10 +248,24 @@ bool transReadComplete(SConnBuffer* connBuf);
int transSetConnOption(uv_tcp_t* stream);
void transRefSrvHandle(void* handle);
void transUnrefSrvHandle(void* handle);
void transRefCliHandle(void* handle);
void transUnrefCliHandle(void* handle);
void transSendRequest(void *shandle, const char *ip, uint32_t port, STransMsg *pMsg);
void transSendRecv(void* shandle, const char *ip, uint32_t port, STransMsg *pMsg, STransMsg *pRsp);
void transSendResponse(const STransMsg* pMsg);
int transGetConnInfo(void *thandle, STransHandleInfo *pInfo);
void* transInitServer(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads, void* fp, void* shandle);
void* transInitClient(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads, void* fp, void* shandle);
void transCloseClient(void *arg);
void transCloseServer(void *arg);
......@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
#include "transComm.h"
void* (*taosInitHandle[])(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads, void* fp, void* shandle) = {
taosInitServer, taosInitClient};
void (*taosCloseHandle[])(void* arg) = {taosCloseServer, taosCloseClient};
transInitServer, transInitClient};
void (*taosCloseHandle[])(void* arg) = {transCloseServer, transCloseClient};
void* rpcOpen(const SRpcInit* pInit) {
SRpcInfo* pRpc = calloc(1, sizeof(SRpcInfo));
......@@ -34,11 +35,12 @@ void* rpcOpen(const SRpcInit* pInit) {
pRpc->cfp = pInit->cfp;
pRpc->afp = pInit->afp;
pRpc->pfp = pInit->pfp;
pRpc->mfp = pInit->mfp;
if (pInit->connType == TAOS_CONN_SERVER) {
pRpc->numOfThreads = pInit->numOfThreads > TSDB_MAX_RPC_THREADS ? TSDB_MAX_RPC_THREADS : pInit->numOfThreads;
} else {
pRpc->numOfThreads = pInit->numOfThreads;
pRpc->numOfThreads = pInit->numOfThreads > TSDB_MAX_RPC_THREADS ? TSDB_MAX_RPC_THREADS : pInit->numOfThreads;
pRpc->connType = pInit->connType;
......@@ -116,6 +118,24 @@ int32_t rpcInit() {
return 0;
void rpcSendRequest(void *shandle, const SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pMsg, int64_t *pRid) {
char* ip = (char*)(pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].fqdn);
uint32_t port = pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].port;
transSendRequest(shandle, ip, port, pMsg);
void rpcSendRecv(void* shandle, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRsp) {
char* ip = (char*)(pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].fqdn);
uint32_t port = pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].port;
transSendRecv(shandle, ip, port, pMsg, pRsp);
void rpcSendResponse(const SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
int rpcGetConnInfo(void *thandle, SRpcConnInfo *pInfo) {
return transGetConnInfo((void *)thandle, pInfo);
void rpcCleanup(void) {
// impl later
......@@ -129,6 +149,7 @@ void rpcRefHandle(void* handle, int8_t type) {
assert(type == TAOS_CONN_SERVER || type == TAOS_CONN_CLIENT);
void rpcUnrefHandle(void* handle, int8_t type) {
assert(type == TAOS_CONN_SERVER || type == TAOS_CONN_CLIENT);
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ typedef struct SCliConn {
typedef struct SCliMsg {
STransConnCtx* ctx;
SRpcMsg msg;
STransMsg msg;
queue q;
uint64_t st;
} SCliMsg;
......@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ static void cliHandleExcept(SCliConn* conn);
static void cliHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd);
static void cliHandleQuit(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd);
static void cliSendQuit(SCliThrdObj* thrd);
static void destroyUserdata(SRpcMsg* userdata);
static void destroyUserdata(STransMsg* userdata);
static int cliRBChoseIdx(SRpcInfo* pTransInst);
static int cliRBChoseIdx(STrans* pTransInst);
static void destroyCmsg(SCliMsg* cmsg);
static void transDestroyConnCtx(STransConnCtx* ctx);
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static void destroyThrdObj(SCliThrdObj* pThrd);
#define CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(conn) (conn ? ((SCliConn*)conn)->hThrdIdx : -1)
#define CONN_PERSIST_TIME(para) (para * 1000 * 10)
#define CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn) (((SRpcInfo*)(((SCliThrdObj*)conn->hostThrd)->pTransInst))->label)
#define CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn) (((STrans*)(((SCliThrdObj*)conn->hostThrd)->pTransInst))->label)
#define CONN_HANDLE_THREAD_QUIT(conn, thrd) \
do { \
if (thrd->quit) { \
......@@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ static void destroyThrdObj(SCliThrdObj* pThrd);
} \
} while (0);
#define CONN_PERSIST_BY_APP(conn) do { if (conn->persist == false) { conn->persist = true; transRefCliHandle(conn);}} while(0)
#define CONN_SET_PERSIST_BY_APP(conn) do { if (conn->persist == false) { conn->persist = true; transRefCliHandle(conn);}} while(0)
#define CONN_NO_PERSIST_BY_APP(conn) ((conn)->persist == false)
static void* cliWorkThread(void* arg);
static void cliHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
void cliHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = conn->hostThrd;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
STrans* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
STransMsgHead* pHead = (STransMsgHead*)(conn->readBuf.buf);
pHead->code = htonl(pHead->code);
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ static void cliHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
// buf's mem alread translated to rpcMsg.pCont
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0};
STransMsg rpcMsg = {0};
rpcMsg.contLen = transContLenFromMsg(pHead->msgLen);
rpcMsg.pCont = transContFromHead((char*)pHead);
rpcMsg.code = pHead->code;
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ static void cliHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
if (pTransInst->pfp != NULL && (*pTransInst->pfp)(pTransInst->parent, rpcMsg.msgType)) {
rpcMsg.handle = conn;
tDebug("%s cli conn %p ref by app", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn);
......@@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ static void cliHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
// uv_timer_start((uv_timer_t*)&pThrd->timer, cliTimeoutCb, CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime) / 2, 0);
static void cliHandleExcept(SCliConn* pConn) {
void cliHandleExcept(SCliConn* pConn) {
if (pConn->data == NULL) {
if (pConn->broken == true || CONN_NO_PERSIST_BY_APP(pConn)) {
......@@ -212,12 +213,12 @@ static void cliHandleExcept(SCliConn* pConn) {
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = pConn->hostThrd;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
STrans* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
SCliMsg* pMsg = pConn->data;
STransConnCtx *pCtx = pMsg ? pMsg->ctx : NULL;
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0};
STransMsg rpcMsg = {0};
rpcMsg.msgType = pMsg ? pMsg->msg.msgType + 1 : 0;
rpcMsg.ahandle = NULL;
......@@ -243,9 +244,9 @@ static void cliHandleExcept(SCliConn* pConn) {
static void cliTimeoutCb(uv_timer_t* handle) {
void cliTimeoutCb(uv_timer_t* handle) {
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = handle->data;
SRpcInfo* pRpc = pThrd->pTransInst;
STrans* pRpc = pThrd->pTransInst;
int64_t currentTime = pThrd->nextTimeout;
tTrace("%s, cli conn timeout, try to remove expire conn from conn pool", pRpc->label);
......@@ -267,11 +268,12 @@ static void cliTimeoutCb(uv_timer_t* handle) {
pThrd->nextTimeout = taosGetTimestampMs() + CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime);
uv_timer_start(handle, cliTimeoutCb, CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime) / 2, 0);
static void* createConnPool(int size) {
void* createConnPool(int size) {
// thread local, no lock
return taosHashInit(size, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK);
static void* destroyConnPool(void* pool) {
void* destroyConnPool(void* pool) {
SConnList* connList = taosHashIterate((SHashObj*)pool, NULL);
while (connList != NULL) {
while (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&connList->conn)) {
......@@ -316,7 +318,7 @@ static void addConnToPool(void* pool, char* ip, uint32_t port, SCliConn* conn) {
tstrncpy(key + strlen(key), (char*)(&port), sizeof(port));
tTrace("cli conn %p added to conn pool, read buf cap: %d", conn, conn->readBuf.cap);
SRpcInfo* pRpc = ((SCliThrdObj*)conn->hostThrd)->pTransInst;
STrans* pRpc = ((SCliThrdObj*)conn->hostThrd)->pTransInst;
conn->expireTime = taosGetTimestampMs() + CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime);
SConnList* plist = taosHashGet((SHashObj*)pool, key, strlen(key));
......@@ -411,16 +413,16 @@ static void cliSendCb(uv_write_t* req, int status) {
uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)pConn->stream, cliAllocBufferCb, cliRecvCb);
static void cliSend(SCliConn* pConn) {
void cliSend(SCliConn* pConn) {
SCliMsg* pCliMsg = pConn->data;
STransConnCtx* pCtx = pCliMsg->ctx;
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = pConn->hostThrd;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
STrans* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
SRpcMsg* pMsg = (SRpcMsg*)(&pCliMsg->msg);
STransMsg* pMsg = (STransMsg*)(&pCliMsg->msg);
STransMsgHead* pHead = transHeadFromCont(pMsg->pCont);
int msgLen = transMsgLenFromCont(pMsg->contLen);
......@@ -458,7 +460,8 @@ static void cliSend(SCliConn* pConn) {
static void cliConnCb(uv_connect_t* req, int status) {
void cliConnCb(uv_connect_t* req, int status) {
// impl later
SCliConn* pConn = req->data;
if (status != 0) {
......@@ -488,7 +491,8 @@ static void cliHandleQuit(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
pThrd->quit = true;
static SCliConn* cliGetConn(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
SCliConn* cliGetConn(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
SCliConn* conn = NULL;
if (pMsg->msg.handle != NULL) {
conn = (SCliConn*)(pMsg->msg.handle);
......@@ -502,13 +506,14 @@ static SCliConn* cliGetConn(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
return conn;
static void cliHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
void cliHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
uint64_t et = taosGetTimestampUs();
uint64_t el = et - pMsg->st;
tTrace("%s cli msg tran time cost: %" PRIu64 "us", ((SRpcInfo*)pThrd->pTransInst)->label, el);
tTrace("%s cli msg tran time cost: %" PRIu64 "us", ((STrans*)pThrd->pTransInst)->label, el);
STransConnCtx* pCtx = pMsg->ctx;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
STrans* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
SCliConn* conn = cliGetConn(pMsg, pThrd);
if (conn != NULL) {
......@@ -567,10 +572,10 @@ static void* cliWorkThread(void* arg) {
uv_run(pThrd->loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
void* taosInitClient(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads, void* fp, void* shandle) {
void* transInitClient(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads, void* fp, void* shandle) {
SCliObj* cli = calloc(1, sizeof(SCliObj));
SRpcInfo* pRpc = shandle;
STrans* pRpc = shandle;
memcpy(cli->label, label, strlen(label));
cli->numOfThreads = numOfThreads;
cli->pThreadObj = (SCliThrdObj**)calloc(cli->numOfThreads, sizeof(SCliThrdObj*));
......@@ -589,7 +594,7 @@ void* taosInitClient(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads,
return cli;
static void destroyUserdata(SRpcMsg* userdata) {
static void destroyUserdata(STransMsg* userdata) {
if (userdata->pCont == NULL) {
......@@ -645,12 +650,20 @@ static void transDestroyConnCtx(STransConnCtx* ctx) {
static void cliSendQuit(SCliThrdObj* thrd) {
void cliSendQuit(SCliThrdObj* thrd) {
// cli can stop gracefully
SCliMsg* msg = calloc(1, sizeof(SCliMsg));
transSendAsync(thrd->asyncPool, &msg->q);
void taosCloseClient(void* arg) {
int cliRBChoseIdx(STrans* pTransInst) {
int64_t index = pTransInst->index;
if (pTransInst->index++ >= pTransInst->numOfThreads) {
pTransInst->index = 0;
return index % pTransInst->numOfThreads;
void transCloseClient(void* arg) {
SCliObj* cli = arg;
for (int i = 0; i < cli->numOfThreads; i++) {
......@@ -659,13 +672,6 @@ void taosCloseClient(void* arg) {
static int cliRBChoseIdx(SRpcInfo* pTransInst) {
int64_t index = pTransInst->index;
if (pTransInst->index++ >= pTransInst->numOfThreads) {
pTransInst->index = 0;
return index % pTransInst->numOfThreads;
void transRefCliHandle(void* handle) {
if (handle == NULL) {
......@@ -681,17 +687,11 @@ void transUnrefCliHandle(void* handle) {
if (ref == 0) {
cliDestroyConn((SCliConn*)handle, true);
// unref cli handle
void rpcSendRequest(void* shandle, const SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pMsg, int64_t* pRid) {
// impl later
char* ip = (char*)(pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].fqdn);
uint32_t port = pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].port;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = (SRpcInfo*)shandle;
int index = CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(pMsg->handle);
void transSendRequest(void *shandle, const char *ip, uint32_t port, STransMsg *pMsg) {
STrans* pTransInst = (STrans*)shandle;
int index = CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX((SCliConn *)pMsg->handle);
if (index == -1) {
index = cliRBChoseIdx(pTransInst);
......@@ -718,13 +718,8 @@ void rpcSendRequest(void* shandle, const SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pMsg, int64_t*
SCliThrdObj* thrd = ((SCliObj*)pTransInst->tcphandle)->pThreadObj[index];
transSendAsync(thrd->asyncPool, &(cliMsg->q));
void rpcSendRecv(void* shandle, SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pReq, SRpcMsg* pRsp) {
char* ip = (char*)(pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].fqdn);
uint32_t port = pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].port;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = (SRpcInfo*)shandle;
void transSendRecv(void* shandle, const char *ip, uint32_t port, STransMsg *pReq, STransMsg *pRsp) {
STrans* pTransInst = (STrans*)shandle;
int index = CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(pReq->handle);
if (index == -1) {
index = cliRBChoseIdx(pTransInst);
......@@ -751,7 +746,6 @@ void rpcSendRecv(void* shandle, SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pReq, SRpcMsg* pRsp) {
......@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ typedef struct SSrvConn {
struct sockaddr_in addr;
struct sockaddr_in locaddr;
// SRpcMsg sendMsg;
// del later
char secured;
int spi;
char info[64];
......@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ typedef struct SSrvConn {
typedef struct SSrvMsg {
SSrvConn* pConn;
SRpcMsg msg;
STransMsg msg;
queue q;
} SSrvMsg;
......@@ -207,20 +206,20 @@ static void uvHandleReq(SSrvConn* pConn) {
pConn->inType = pHead->msgType;
SRpcInfo* pRpc = (SRpcInfo*)p->shandle;
STrans* pRpc = (STrans*)p->shandle;
pHead->code = htonl(pHead->code);
int32_t dlen = 0;
if (transDecompressMsg(NULL, 0, NULL)) {
// add compress later
// pHead = rpcDecompressRpcMsg(pHead);
// pHead = rpcDecompresSTransMsg(pHead);
} else {
pHead->msgLen = htonl(pHead->msgLen);
// impl later
SRpcMsg rpcMsg;
STransMsg rpcMsg;
rpcMsg.contLen = transContLenFromMsg(pHead->msgLen);
rpcMsg.pCont = pHead->content;
rpcMsg.msgType = pHead->msgType;
......@@ -319,7 +318,7 @@ static void uvPrepareSendData(SSrvMsg* smsg, uv_buf_t* wb) {
tTrace("server conn %p prepare to send resp", smsg->pConn);
SSrvConn* pConn = smsg->pConn;
SRpcMsg* pMsg = &smsg->msg;
STransMsg* pMsg = &smsg->msg;
if (pMsg->pCont == 0) {
pMsg->pCont = (void*)rpcMallocCont(0);
pMsg->contLen = 0;
......@@ -547,7 +546,7 @@ static bool addHandleToWorkloop(void* arg) {
return false;
// SRpcInfo* pRpc = pThrd->shandle;
// STrans* pRpc = pThrd->shandle;
uv_pipe_init(pThrd->loop, pThrd->pipe, 1);
uv_pipe_open(pThrd->pipe, pThrd->fd);
......@@ -668,7 +667,7 @@ static int transAddAuthPart(SSrvConn* pConn, char* msg, int msgLen) {
return msgLen;
void* taosInitServer(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads, void* fp, void* shandle) {
void* transInitServer(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads, void* fp, void* shandle) {
SServerObj* srv = calloc(1, sizeof(SServerObj));
srv->loop = (uv_loop_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_loop_t));
srv->numOfThreads = numOfThreads;
......@@ -720,7 +719,7 @@ void* taosInitServer(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads,
return srv;
return NULL;
......@@ -740,7 +739,7 @@ void sendQuitToWorkThrd(SWorkThrdObj* pThrd) {
transSendAsync(pThrd->asyncPool, &srvMsg->q);
void taosCloseServer(void* arg) {
void transCloseServer(void* arg) {
// impl later
SServerObj* srv = arg;
for (int i = 0; i < srv->numOfThreads; i++) {
......@@ -786,7 +785,7 @@ void transUnrefSrvHandle(void* handle) {
// unref srv handle
void rpcSendResponse(const SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
void transSendResponse(const STransMsg* pMsg) {
if (pMsg->handle == NULL) {
......@@ -799,14 +798,12 @@ void rpcSendResponse(const SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
tTrace("server conn %p start to send resp", pConn);
transSendAsync(pThrd->asyncPool, &srvMsg->q);
int rpcGetConnInfo(void* thandle, SRpcConnInfo* pInfo) {
int transGetConnInfo(void *thandle, STransHandleInfo *pInfo) {
SSrvConn* pConn = thandle;
struct sockaddr_in addr = pConn->addr;
pInfo->clientIp = (uint32_t)(addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
pInfo->clientPort = ntohs(addr.sin_port);
tstrncpy(pInfo->user, pConn->user, sizeof(pInfo->user));
return 0;
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