提交 0c307568 编写于 作者: C Cary Xu

code refactor

上级 0595d9f1
......@@ -1895,24 +1895,19 @@ typedef enum {
} ETDTimeUnit;
typedef struct {
uint16_t funcId;
uint16_t nColIds;
col_id_t* colIds; // sorted colIds
} SFuncColIds;
typedef struct {
uint8_t version; // for compatibility
uint8_t intervalUnit;
uint8_t slidingUnit;
char indexName[TSDB_INDEX_NAME_LEN];
char timezone[TD_TIMEZONE_LEN];
uint16_t nFuncColIds;
uint16_t tagsFilterLen;
tb_uid_t tableUid; // super/common table uid
int64_t interval;
int64_t sliding;
SFuncColIds* funcColIds; // sorted funcIds
char* tagsFilter;
int8_t version; // for compatibility(default 0)
int8_t intervalUnit;
int8_t slidingUnit;
char indexName[TSDB_INDEX_NAME_LEN];
char timezone[TD_TIMEZONE_LEN]; // sma data is invalid if timezone change.
uint16_t exprLen;
uint16_t tagsFilterLen;
int64_t indexUid;
tb_uid_t tableUid; // super/child/common table uid
int64_t interval;
int64_t sliding;
char* expr; // sma expression
char* tagsFilter;
} STSma; // Time-range-wise SMA
typedef struct {
......@@ -1939,24 +1934,30 @@ int32_t tSerializeSVDropTSmaReq(void** buf, SVDropTSmaReq* pReq);
void* tDeserializeSVDropTSmaReq(void* buf, SVDropTSmaReq* pReq);
typedef struct {
STimeWindow tsWindow; // [skey, ekey]
uint64_t tableUid; // sub/common table uid
int32_t numOfBlocks; // number of sma blocks for each column, total number is numOfBlocks*numOfColId
int32_t dataLen; // total data length
col_id_t* colIds; // e.g. 2,4,9,10
col_id_t numOfColIds; // e.g. 4
char data[]; // the sma blocks
} STSmaData;
// TODO: move to the final location afte schema of STSma/STSmaData defined
static FORCE_INLINE void tdDestroySmaData(STSmaData* pSmaData) {
if (pSmaData) {
if (pSmaData->colIds) {
col_id_t colId;
uint16_t blockSize; // sma data block size
char data[];
} STSmaColData;
typedef struct {
tb_uid_t tableUid; // super/child/normal table uid
int32_t dataLen; // not including head
char data[];
} STSmaTbData;
typedef struct {
int64_t indexUid;
TSKEY skey; // startTS of one interval/sliding
int64_t interval;
int32_t dataLen; // not including head
int8_t intervalUnit;
char data[];
} STSmaDataWrapper; // sma data for a interval/sliding window
// interval/sliding => window
// => window->table->colId
// => 当一个window下所有的表均计算完成时,流计算告知tsdb清除window的过期标记
// RSma: Rollup SMA
typedef struct {
......@@ -1979,13 +1980,7 @@ typedef struct {
static FORCE_INLINE void tdDestroyTSma(STSma* pSma) {
if (pSma) {
if (pSma->funcColIds != NULL) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < pSma->nFuncColIds; ++i) {
tfree((pSma->funcColIds + i)->colIds);
......@@ -2004,24 +1999,20 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void tdDestroyTSmaWrapper(STSmaWrapper* pSW) {
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tEncodeTSma(void** buf, const STSma* pSma) {
int32_t tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU8(buf, pSma->version);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU8(buf, pSma->intervalUnit);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU8(buf, pSma->slidingUnit);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pSma->version);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pSma->intervalUnit);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pSma->slidingUnit);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pSma->indexName);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pSma->timezone);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, pSma->nFuncColIds);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, pSma->exprLen);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, pSma->tagsFilterLen);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI64(buf, pSma->indexUid);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI64(buf, pSma->tableUid);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI64(buf, pSma->interval);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI64(buf, pSma->sliding);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < pSma->nFuncColIds; ++i) {
SFuncColIds* funcColIds = pSma->funcColIds + i;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, funcColIds->funcId);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, funcColIds->nColIds);
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < funcColIds->nColIds; ++j) {
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, *(funcColIds->colIds + j));
if (pSma->exprLen > 0) {
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pSma->expr);
if (pSma->tagsFilterLen > 0) {
......@@ -2042,43 +2033,30 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tEncodeTSmaWrapper(void** buf, const STSmaWrapper* p
static FORCE_INLINE void* tDecodeTSma(void* buf, STSma* pSma) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedU8(buf, &pSma->version);
buf = taosDecodeFixedU8(buf, &pSma->intervalUnit);
buf = taosDecodeFixedU8(buf, &pSma->slidingUnit);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &pSma->version);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &pSma->intervalUnit);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &pSma->slidingUnit);
buf = taosDecodeStringTo(buf, pSma->indexName);
buf = taosDecodeStringTo(buf, pSma->timezone);
buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &pSma->nFuncColIds);
buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &pSma->exprLen);
buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &pSma->tagsFilterLen);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &pSma->indexUid);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &pSma->tableUid);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &pSma->interval);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &pSma->sliding);
if (pSma->nFuncColIds > 0) {
pSma->funcColIds = (SFuncColIds*)calloc(pSma->nFuncColIds, sizeof(SFuncColIds));
if (pSma->funcColIds == NULL) {
if (pSma->exprLen > 0) {
pSma->expr = (char*)calloc(pSma->exprLen, 1);
if (pSma->expr != NULL) {
buf = taosDecodeStringTo(buf, pSma->expr);
} else {
return NULL;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < pSma->nFuncColIds; ++i) {
SFuncColIds* funcColIds = pSma->funcColIds + i;
buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &funcColIds->funcId);
buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &funcColIds->nColIds);
if (funcColIds->nColIds > 0) {
funcColIds->colIds = (col_id_t*)calloc(funcColIds->nColIds, sizeof(col_id_t));
if (funcColIds->colIds != NULL) {
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < funcColIds->nColIds; ++j) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, funcColIds->colIds + j);
} else {
return NULL;
} else {
funcColIds->colIds = NULL;
} else {
pSma->funcColIds = NULL;
pSma->expr = NULL;
if (pSma->tagsFilterLen > 0) {
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ STbCfg * metaGetTbInfoByUid(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid);
STbCfg * metaGetTbInfoByName(SMeta *pMeta, char *tbname, tb_uid_t *uid);
SSchemaWrapper *metaGetTableSchema(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid, int32_t sver, bool isinline);
STSchema * metaGetTbTSchema(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid, int32_t sver);
STSma * metaGetSmaInfoByName(SMeta *pMeta, const char *indexName);
STSmaWrapper * metaGetSmaInfoByUid(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid);
STSma * metaGetSmaInfoByIndex(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t indexUid);
STSmaWrapper * metaGetSmaInfoByTable(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid);
SArray * metaGetSmaTbUids(SMeta *pMeta, bool isDup);
SMTbCursor *metaOpenTbCursor(SMeta *pMeta);
......@@ -89,24 +89,21 @@ int tsdbCommit(STsdb *pTsdb);
* @brief Insert tSma(Time-range-wise SMA) data from stream computing engine
* @param pTsdb
* @param param
* @param pData
* @return int32_t
* @param pTsdb
* @param msg
* @return int32_t
int32_t tsdbInsertTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, STSma *param, STSmaData *pData);
int32_t tsdbInsertTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, char *msg);
* @brief Insert RSma(Time-range-wise Rollup SMA) data.
* @param pTsdb
* @param param
* @param pData
* @return int32_t
* @param pTsdb
* @param msg
* @return int32_t
int32_t tsdbInsertRSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, SRSma *param, STSmaData *pData);
int32_t tsdbInsertRSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, char *msg);
// STsdbCfg
int tsdbOptionsInit(STsdbCfg *);
......@@ -42,17 +42,14 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
STsdbFSMeta meta; // FS meta
SArray * df; // data file array
// SArray * v2t100.index_name
SArray * smaf; // sma data file array v2t1900.index_name
SArray * sf; // sma data file array v2(t|r)1900.index_name_1
} SFSStatus;
* @brief Directory structure of .tsma data files.
* root@cary /vnode2/tsdb $ tree .tsma/
* .tsma/
* /vnode2/tsdb $ tree .sma/
* .sma/
* ├── v2t100.index_name_1
* ├── v2t101.index_name_1
* ├── v2t102.index_name_1
......@@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ typedef struct {
* 0 directories, 9 files
typedef struct {
typedef struct {
pthread_rwlock_t lock;
SFSStatus *cstatus; // current status
......@@ -335,6 +335,17 @@ typedef struct {
SDFile files[TSDB_FILE_MAX];
} SDFileSet;
typedef struct {
int fid;
int8_t state;
uint8_t ver;
#if 0
SDFInfo info;
STfsFile f;
TdFilePtr pFile;
} SSFile; // files split by days with fid
#define TSDB_FSET_FID(s) ((s)->fid)
......@@ -19,26 +19,28 @@
typedef struct SSmaStat SSmaStat;
// insert/update interface
int32_t tsdbInsertTSmaDataImpl(STsdb *pTsdb, STSma *param, STSmaData *pData);
int32_t tsdbInsertRSmaDataImpl(STsdb *pTsdb, SRSma *param, STSmaData *pData);
int32_t tsdbInsertTSmaDataImpl(STsdb *pTsdb, char *msg);
int32_t tsdbInsertRSmaDataImpl(STsdb *pTsdb, char *msg);
// query interface
// TODO: This is the basic params, and should wrap the params to a queryHandle.
int32_t tsdbGetTSmaDataImpl(STsdb *pTsdb, STSma *param, STSmaData *pData, STimeWindow *queryWin, int32_t nMaxResult);
int32_t tsdbGetTSmaDataImpl(STsdb *pTsdb, STSmaDataWrapper *pData, STimeWindow *queryWin, int32_t nMaxResult);
// management interface
int32_t tsdbUpdateExpiredWindow(STsdb *pTsdb, char *msg);
int32_t tsdbDestroySmaState(SSmaStat *pSmaStat);
#if 0
int32_t tsdbGetTSmaStatus(STsdb *pTsdb, STSma *param, void *result);
int32_t tsdbRemoveTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, STSma *param, STimeWindow *pWin);
int32_t tsdbDestroySmaState(SSmaStat *pSmaStat);
// internal func
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tsdbEncodeTSmaKey(uint64_t tableUid, col_id_t colId, TSKEY tsKey, void **pData) {
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tsdbEncodeTSmaKey(tb_uid_t tableUid, col_id_t colId, TSKEY tsKey, void **pData) {
int32_t len = 0;
len += taosEncodeFixedU64(pData, tableUid);
len += taosEncodeFixedI64(pData, tableUid);
len += taosEncodeFixedU16(pData, colId);
len += taosEncodeFixedI64(pData, tsKey);
return len;
......@@ -227,21 +227,27 @@ int metaRemoveTableFromDb(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid) {
int metaSaveSmaToDB(SMeta *pMeta, STSma *pSmaCfg) {
char buf[512] = {0}; // TODO: may overflow
void *pBuf = NULL;
// char buf[512] = {0}; // TODO: may overflow
void *pBuf = NULL, *qBuf = NULL;
DBT key1 = {0}, value1 = {0};
// save sma info
pBuf = buf;
int32_t len = tEncodeTSma(NULL, pSmaCfg);
pBuf = calloc(len, 1);
if (pBuf == NULL) {
return -1;
key1.data = pSmaCfg->indexName;
key1.size = strlen(key1.data);
key1.data = (void *)&pSmaCfg->indexUid;
key1.size = sizeof(pSmaCfg->indexUid);
tEncodeTSma(&pBuf, pSmaCfg);
qBuf = pBuf;
tEncodeTSma(&qBuf, pSmaCfg);
value1.data = buf;
value1.size = POINTER_DISTANCE(pBuf, buf);
value1.data = pBuf;
value1.size = POINTER_DISTANCE(qBuf, pBuf);
value1.app_data = pSmaCfg;
......@@ -609,7 +615,7 @@ STbCfg *metaGetTbInfoByName(SMeta *pMeta, char *tbname, tb_uid_t *uid) {
return pTbCfg;
STSma *metaGetSmaInfoByName(SMeta *pMeta, const char *indexName) {
STSma *metaGetSmaInfoByIndex(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t indexUid) {
STSma * pCfg = NULL;
SMetaDB *pDB = pMeta->pDB;
DBT key = {0};
......@@ -617,8 +623,8 @@ STSma *metaGetSmaInfoByName(SMeta *pMeta, const char *indexName) {
int ret;
// Set key/value
key.data = (void *)indexName;
key.size = strlen(indexName);
key.data = (void *)&indexUid;
key.size = sizeof(indexUid);
// Query
......@@ -634,7 +640,10 @@ STSma *metaGetSmaInfoByName(SMeta *pMeta, const char *indexName) {
return NULL;
tDecodeTSma(value.data, pCfg);
if (tDecodeTSma(value.data, pCfg) == NULL) {
return NULL;
return pCfg;
......@@ -871,7 +880,7 @@ const char *metaSmaCursorNext(SMSmaCursor *pCur) {
STSmaWrapper *metaGetSmaInfoByUid(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid) {
STSmaWrapper *metaGetSmaInfoByTable(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid) {
STSmaWrapper *pSW = NULL;
pSW = calloc(sizeof(*pSW), 1);
......@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ int tsdbInsertData(STsdb *pTsdb, SSubmitReq *pMsg, SSubmitRsp *pRsp) {
* @param pTsdb
* @param param
* @param pData
* @param msg
* @return int32_t
* TODO: Who is responsible for resource allocate and release?
int32_t tsdbInsertTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, STSma *param, STSmaData *pData) {
int32_t tsdbInsertTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, char *msg) {
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
if ((code = tsdbInsertTSmaDataImpl(pTsdb, param, pData)) < 0) {
if ((code = tsdbInsertTSmaDataImpl(pTsdb, msg)) < 0) {
tsdbWarn("vgId:%d insert tSma data failed since %s", REPO_ID(pTsdb), tstrerror(terrno));
return code;
......@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ int32_t tsdbInsertTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, STSma *param, STSmaData *pData) {
* @param pTsdb
* @param param
* @param pData
* @param msg
* @return int32_t
int32_t tsdbInsertRSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, SRSma *param, STSmaData *pData) {
int32_t tsdbInsertRSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, char *msg) {
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
if ((code = tsdbInsertRSmaDataImpl(pTsdb, param, pData)) < 0) {
if ((code = tsdbInsertRSmaDataImpl(pTsdb, msg)) < 0) {
tsdbWarn("vgId:%d insert rSma data failed since %s", REPO_ID(pTsdb), tstrerror(terrno));
return code;
......@@ -43,20 +43,8 @@ TEST(testCase, tSmaEncodeDecodeTest) {
tSma.sliding = 0;
tstrncpy(tSma.indexName, "sma_index_test", TSDB_INDEX_NAME_LEN);
tstrncpy(tSma.timezone, "Asia/Shanghai", TD_TIMEZONE_LEN);
tSma.indexUid = 2345678910;
tSma.tableUid = 1234567890;
tSma.nFuncColIds = 5;
tSma.funcColIds = (SFuncColIds *)calloc(tSma.nFuncColIds, sizeof(SFuncColIds));
ASSERT(tSma.funcColIds != NULL);
for (int32_t n = 0; n < tSma.nFuncColIds; ++n) {
SFuncColIds *funcColIds = tSma.funcColIds + n;
funcColIds->funcId = n;
funcColIds->nColIds = 10;
funcColIds->colIds = (col_id_t *)calloc(funcColIds->nColIds, sizeof(col_id_t));
ASSERT(funcColIds->colIds != NULL);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < funcColIds->nColIds; ++i) {
*(funcColIds->colIds + i) = (i + PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID);
STSmaWrapper tSmaWrapper = {.number = 1, .tSma = &tSma};
uint32_t bufLen = tEncodeTSmaWrapper(NULL, &tSmaWrapper);
......@@ -85,35 +73,31 @@ TEST(testCase, tSmaEncodeDecodeTest) {
EXPECT_EQ(pSma->slidingUnit, qSma->slidingUnit);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSma->indexName, qSma->indexName);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSma->timezone, qSma->timezone);
EXPECT_EQ(pSma->nFuncColIds, qSma->nFuncColIds);
EXPECT_EQ(pSma->indexUid, qSma->indexUid);
EXPECT_EQ(pSma->tableUid, qSma->tableUid);
EXPECT_EQ(pSma->interval, qSma->interval);
EXPECT_EQ(pSma->sliding, qSma->sliding);
EXPECT_EQ(pSma->exprLen, qSma->exprLen);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSma->expr, qSma->expr);
EXPECT_EQ(pSma->tagsFilterLen, qSma->tagsFilterLen);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSma->tagsFilter, qSma->tagsFilter);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < pSma->nFuncColIds; ++j) {
SFuncColIds *pFuncColIds = pSma->funcColIds + j;
SFuncColIds *qFuncColIds = qSma->funcColIds + j;
EXPECT_EQ(pFuncColIds->funcId, qFuncColIds->funcId);
EXPECT_EQ(pFuncColIds->nColIds, qFuncColIds->nColIds);
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < pFuncColIds->nColIds; ++k) {
EXPECT_EQ(*(pFuncColIds->colIds + k), *(qFuncColIds->colIds + k));
// resource release
#if 1
TEST(testCase, tSma_DB_Put_Get_Del_Test) {
const char * smaIndexName1 = "sma_index_test_1";
const char * smaIndexName2 = "sma_index_test_2";
const char * timeZone = "Asia/Shanghai";
const char * timezone = "Asia/Shanghai";
const char * expr = "select count(a,b, top 20), from table interval 1d, sliding 1h;";
const char * tagsFilter = "I'm tags filter";
const char * smaTestDir = "./smaTest";
const uint64_t tbUid = 1234567890;
const tb_uid_t tbUid = 1234567890;
const int64_t indexUid1 = 2000000001;
const int64_t indexUid2 = 2000000002;
const uint32_t nCntTSma = 2;
// encode
STSma tSma = {0};
......@@ -122,22 +106,15 @@ TEST(testCase, tSma_DB_Put_Get_Del_Test) {
tSma.interval = 1;
tSma.slidingUnit = TD_TIME_UNIT_HOUR;
tSma.sliding = 0;
tSma.indexUid = indexUid1;
tstrncpy(tSma.indexName, smaIndexName1, TSDB_INDEX_NAME_LEN);
tstrncpy(tSma.timezone, timeZone, TD_TIMEZONE_LEN);
tstrncpy(tSma.timezone, timezone, TD_TIMEZONE_LEN);
tSma.tableUid = tbUid;
tSma.nFuncColIds = 5;
tSma.funcColIds = (SFuncColIds *)calloc(tSma.nFuncColIds, sizeof(SFuncColIds));
ASSERT(tSma.funcColIds != NULL);
for (int32_t n = 0; n < tSma.nFuncColIds; ++n) {
SFuncColIds *funcColIds = tSma.funcColIds + n;
funcColIds->funcId = n;
funcColIds->nColIds = 10;
funcColIds->colIds = (col_id_t *)calloc(funcColIds->nColIds, sizeof(col_id_t));
ASSERT(funcColIds->colIds != NULL);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < funcColIds->nColIds; ++i) {
*(funcColIds->colIds + i) = (i + PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID);
tSma.exprLen = strlen(expr);
tSma.expr = (char *)calloc(tSma.exprLen + 1, 1);
tstrncpy(tSma.expr, expr, tSma.exprLen + 1);
tSma.tagsFilterLen = strlen(tagsFilter);
tSma.tagsFilter = (char *)calloc(tSma.tagsFilterLen + 1, 1);
tstrncpy(tSma.tagsFilter, tagsFilter, tSma.tagsFilterLen + 1);
......@@ -151,8 +128,9 @@ TEST(testCase, tSma_DB_Put_Get_Del_Test) {
pMeta = metaOpen(smaTestDir, pMetaCfg, NULL);
assert(pMeta != NULL);
// save index 1
metaSaveSmaToDB(pMeta, pSmaCfg);
EXPECT_EQ(metaSaveSmaToDB(pMeta, pSmaCfg), 0);
pSmaCfg->indexUid = indexUid2;
tstrncpy(pSmaCfg->indexName, smaIndexName2, TSDB_INDEX_NAME_LEN);
pSmaCfg->version = 1;
pSmaCfg->intervalUnit = TD_TIME_UNIT_HOUR;
......@@ -161,24 +139,26 @@ TEST(testCase, tSma_DB_Put_Get_Del_Test) {
pSmaCfg->sliding = 5;
// save index 2
metaSaveSmaToDB(pMeta, pSmaCfg);
EXPECT_EQ(metaSaveSmaToDB(pMeta, pSmaCfg), 0);
// get value by indexName
STSma *qSmaCfg = NULL;
qSmaCfg = metaGetSmaInfoByName(pMeta, smaIndexName1);
qSmaCfg = metaGetSmaInfoByIndex(pMeta, indexUid1);
assert(qSmaCfg != NULL);
printf("name1 = %s\n", qSmaCfg->indexName);
printf("timezone1 = %s\n", qSmaCfg->timezone);
printf("expr1 = %s\n", qSmaCfg->expr != NULL ? qSmaCfg->expr : "");
printf("tagsFilter1 = %s\n", qSmaCfg->tagsFilter != NULL ? qSmaCfg->tagsFilter : "");
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(qSmaCfg->indexName, smaIndexName1);
EXPECT_EQ(qSmaCfg->tableUid, tSma.tableUid);
qSmaCfg = metaGetSmaInfoByName(pMeta, smaIndexName2);
qSmaCfg = metaGetSmaInfoByIndex(pMeta, indexUid2);
assert(qSmaCfg != NULL);
printf("name2 = %s\n", qSmaCfg->indexName);
printf("timezone2 = %s\n", qSmaCfg->timezone);
printf("expr2 = %s\n", qSmaCfg->expr != NULL ? qSmaCfg->expr : "");
printf("tagsFilter2 = %s\n", qSmaCfg->tagsFilter != NULL ? qSmaCfg->tagsFilter : "");
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(qSmaCfg->indexName, smaIndexName2);
EXPECT_EQ(qSmaCfg->interval, tSma.interval);
......@@ -201,17 +181,21 @@ TEST(testCase, tSma_DB_Put_Get_Del_Test) {
// get wrapper by table uid
STSmaWrapper *pSW = metaGetSmaInfoByUid(pMeta, tbUid);
STSmaWrapper *pSW = metaGetSmaInfoByTable(pMeta, tbUid);
assert(pSW != NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(pSW->number, nCntTSma);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSW->tSma->indexName, smaIndexName1);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSW->tSma->timezone, timeZone);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSW->tSma->timezone, timezone);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSW->tSma->expr, expr);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(pSW->tSma->tagsFilter, tagsFilter);
EXPECT_EQ(pSW->tSma->tableUid, tSma.tableUid);
EXPECT_EQ(pSW->tSma->indexUid, indexUid1);
EXPECT_EQ(pSW->tSma->tableUid, tbUid);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ((pSW->tSma + 1)->indexName, smaIndexName2);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ((pSW->tSma + 1)->timezone, timeZone);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ((pSW->tSma + 1)->timezone, timezone);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ((pSW->tSma + 1)->expr, expr);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ((pSW->tSma + 1)->tagsFilter, tagsFilter);
EXPECT_EQ((pSW->tSma + 1)->tableUid, tSma.tableUid);
EXPECT_EQ((pSW->tSma + 1)->indexUid, indexUid2);
EXPECT_EQ((pSW->tSma + 1)->tableUid, tbUid);
......@@ -233,44 +217,68 @@ TEST(testCase, tSma_DB_Put_Get_Del_Test) {
#if 0
#if 1
TEST(testCase, tSmaInsertTest) {
STSma tSma = {0};
STSmaData *pSmaData = NULL;
STsdb tsdb = {0};
const int64_t indexUid = 2000000002;
STSmaDataWrapper *pSmaData = NULL;
STsdb tsdb = {0};
STsdbCfg * pCfg = &tsdb.config;
pCfg->daysPerFile = 1;
// init
tSma.intervalUnit = TD_TIME_UNIT_DAY;
tSma.interval = 1;
tSma.numOfFuncIds = 5; // sum/min/max/avg/last
int32_t blockSize = tSma.numOfFuncIds * sizeof(int64_t);
int32_t numOfColIds = 3;
int32_t numOfBlocks = 10;
int32_t dataLen = numOfColIds * numOfBlocks * blockSize;
pSmaData = (STSmaData *)malloc(sizeof(STSmaData) + dataLen);
ASSERT_EQ(pSmaData != NULL, true);
pSmaData->tableUid = 3232329230;
pSmaData->numOfColIds = numOfColIds;
pSmaData->numOfBlocks = numOfBlocks;
pSmaData->dataLen = dataLen;
pSmaData->tsWindow.skey = 1640000000;
pSmaData->tsWindow.ekey = 1645788649;
pSmaData->colIds = (col_id_t *)malloc(sizeof(col_id_t) * numOfColIds);
ASSERT_EQ(pSmaData->colIds != NULL, true);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfColIds; ++i) {
*(pSmaData->colIds + i) = (i + PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID);
int32_t allocCnt = 0;
int32_t allocStep = 40960;
int32_t buffer = 4096;
void * buf = NULL;
EXPECT_EQ(tsdbMakeRoom(&buf, allocStep), 0);
int32_t bufSize = taosTSizeof(buf);
int32_t numOfTables = 25;
col_id_t numOfCols = 4096;
EXPECT_GT(numOfCols, 0);
pSmaData = (STSmaDataWrapper *)buf;
printf(">> allocate [%d] time to %d and addr is %p\n", ++allocCnt, bufSize, pSmaData);
pSmaData->skey = 1646987196;
pSmaData->interval = 10;
pSmaData->intervalUnit = TD_TIME_UNIT_MINUTE;
pSmaData->indexUid = indexUid;
int32_t len = sizeof(STSmaDataWrapper);
for (int32_t t = 0; t < numOfTables; ++t) {
STSmaTbData *pTbData = (STSmaTbData *)POINTER_SHIFT(pSmaData, len);
pTbData->tableUid = t;
int32_t tableDataLen = sizeof(STSmaTbData);
for (col_id_t c = 0; c < numOfCols; ++c) {
if (bufSize - len - tableDataLen < buffer) {
EXPECT_EQ(tsdbMakeRoom(&buf, bufSize + allocStep), 0);
pSmaData = (STSmaDataWrapper *)buf;
pTbData = (STSmaTbData *)POINTER_SHIFT(pSmaData, len);
bufSize = taosTSizeof(buf);
printf(">> allocate [%d] time to %d and addr is %p\n", ++allocCnt, bufSize, pSmaData);
STSmaColData *pColData = (STSmaColData *)POINTER_SHIFT(pSmaData, len + tableDataLen);
pColData->blockSize = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 8 : 16;
// TODO: fill col data
tableDataLen += (sizeof(STSmaColData) + pColData->blockSize);
pTbData->dataLen = (tableDataLen - sizeof(STSmaTbData));
len += tableDataLen;
// printf("bufSize=%d, len=%d, len of table[%d]=%d\n", bufSize, len, t, tableDataLen);
pSmaData->dataLen = (len - sizeof(STSmaDataWrapper));
EXPECT_GE(bufSize, pSmaData->dataLen);
// execute
EXPECT_EQ(tsdbInsertTSmaData(&tsdb, &tSma, pSmaData), TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS);
EXPECT_EQ(tsdbInsertTSmaData(&tsdb, (char *)pSmaData), TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS);
// release
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ TdFilePtr taosOpenFile(const char *path, int32_t tdFileOptions) {
return NULL;
pthread_rwlock_init(&(pFile->rwlock), NULL);
pFile->fd = fd;
pFile->fp = fp;
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