提交 09784ca6 编写于 作者: haoranc's avatar haoranc

[TD-5898]<test>:modify testcase

上级 a8a22ef6
......@@ -52,11 +52,10 @@ class TDTestCase:
return buildPath
def run(self):
if not os.path.exists("./taosdumptest"):
if not os.path.exists("./taosdumptest/tmp1"):
print("path has already existed")
if not os.path.exists("./taosdumptest/tmp2"):
if not os.path.exists("./taosdumptest/tmp3"):
......@@ -83,7 +82,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists gt1 (ts timestamp, c0 int, c1 double) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into gt0 values(1614218412000,637,8.861)")
tdSql.execute("insert into gt1 values(1614218413000,638,8.862)")
# create db1 , three stables ; create general tables
# create db1 , three stables:stb0,include ctables stb0_0 \ stb0_1,stb1 include ctables stb1_0 and stb1_1
# \stb3,include ctables stb3_0 and stb3_1
# ; create general three tables gt0 gt1 gt2
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists dp2")
tdSql.execute("use dp2")
tdSql.execute("create stable st0(ts timestamp, c01 int, c02 nchar(10)) tags(t1 int)")
......@@ -110,11 +111,14 @@ class TDTestCase:
os.system("rm -rf ./taosdumptest/tmp2/*")
os.system("rm -rf ./taosdumptest/tmp3/*")
os.system("rm -rf ./taosdumptest/tmp4/*")
# taosdump stable and general table
os.system("%staosdump -o ./taosdumptest/tmp1 -D dp1 dp2 " % binPath)
os.system("%staosdump -o ./taosdumptest/tmp2 dp1 st0 gt0 " % binPath)
os.system("%staosdump -o ./taosdumptest/tmp3 dp2 st0 st1_0 gt0" % binPath)
os.system("%staosdump -o ./taosdumptest/tmp4 dp2 st0 st2 gt0 gt2" % binPath)
# # taosdump stable and general table
# os.system("%staosdump -o ./taosdumptest/tmp1 -D dp1 dp2 " % binPath)
# os.system("%staosdump -o ./taosdumptest/tmp2 dp1 st0 gt0 " % binPath)
# os.system("%staosdump -o ./taosdumptest/tmp3 dp2 st0 st1_0 gt0" % binPath)
# os.system("%staosdump -o ./taosdumptest/tmp4 dp2 st0 st2 gt0 gt2" % binPath)、
# verify -D:--database
# os.system("%staosdump --databases dp1 -o ./taosdumptest/tmp3 dp2 st0 st1_0 gt0" % binPath)
# os.system("%staosdump --databases dp1,dp2 -o ./taosdumptest/tmp3 " % binPath)
# #check taosdumptest/tmp1
# tdSql.execute("drop database dp1")
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