提交 088fd12b 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

[td-255] remove dead code and reformat some code.

上级 a24f5bbd
......@@ -351,16 +351,16 @@ enum OPERATOR_TYPE_E {
typedef struct SOperatorInfo {
uint8_t operatorType;
bool blockingOptr; // block operator or not
uint8_t status; // denote if current operator is completed
int32_t numOfOutput; // number of columns of the current operator results
char *name; // name, used to show the query execution plan
void *info; // extension attribution
bool blockingOptr; // block operator or not
uint8_t status; // denote if current operator is completed
int32_t numOfOutput; // number of columns of the current operator results
char *name; // name, used to show the query execution plan
void *info; // extension attribution
SExprInfo *pExpr;
SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv;
struct SOperatorInfo **upstream; // upstream pointer list
int32_t numOfUpstream; // number of upstream. The value is always ONE expect for join operator
struct SOperatorInfo **upstream; // upstream pointer list
int32_t numOfUpstream; // number of upstream. The value is always ONE expect for join operator
__operator_fn_t exec;
__optr_cleanup_fn_t cleanup;
} SOperatorInfo;
......@@ -5147,7 +5147,6 @@ SOperatorInfo* createTableScanOperator(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, SQueryRuntimeEnv*
pInfo->reverseTimes = 0;
pInfo->order = pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr->order.order;
pInfo->current = 0;
// pInfo->prevGroupId = -1;
SOperatorInfo* pOperator = calloc(1, sizeof(SOperatorInfo));
pOperator->name = "TableScanOperator";
......@@ -3474,9 +3474,12 @@ void filterPrepare(void* expr, void* param) {
int dummy = -1;
SHashObj *pObj = NULL;
if (pInfo->sch.colId == TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX) {
pObj = taosHashInit(256, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(pInfo->sch.type), true, false);
SArray *arr = (SArray *)(pCond->arr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(arr); i++) {
size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(arr);
pObj = taosHashInit(size * 2, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(pInfo->sch.type), true, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
char* p = taosArrayGetP(arr, i);
strntolower_s(varDataVal(p), varDataVal(p), varDataLen(p));
taosHashPut(pObj, varDataVal(p), varDataLen(p), &dummy, sizeof(dummy));
......@@ -3484,12 +3487,14 @@ void filterPrepare(void* expr, void* param) {
} else {
buildFilterSetFromBinary((void **)&pObj, pCond->pz, pCond->nLen);
pInfo->q = (char *)pObj;
} else if (pCond != NULL) {
uint32_t size = pCond->nLen * TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
if (size < (uint32_t)pSchema->bytes) {
size = pSchema->bytes;
// to make sure tonchar does not cause invalid write, since the '\0' needs at least sizeof(wchar_t) space.
pInfo->q = calloc(1, size + TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE);
tVariantDump(pCond, pInfo->q, pSchema->type, true);
......@@ -3665,8 +3670,7 @@ static bool tableFilterFp(const void* pNode, void* param) {
uint64_t v;
GET_TYPED_DATA(v, uint64_t, pInfo->sch.type, val);
return NULL != taosHashGet((SHashObj *)pInfo->q, (char *)&v, sizeof(v));
else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE || type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
} else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE || type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
double v;
GET_TYPED_DATA(v, double, pInfo->sch.type, val);
return NULL != taosHashGet((SHashObj *)pInfo->q, (char *)&v, sizeof(v));
......@@ -4126,19 +4130,6 @@ static void queryIndexedColumn(SSkipList* pSkipList, tQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SAr
taosArrayPush(result, &info);
} else if (optr == TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
while(tSkipListIterNext(iter)) {
SSkipListNode* pNode = tSkipListIterGet(iter);
int32_t ret = pQueryInfo->compare(SL_GET_NODE_KEY(pSkipList, pNode), cond.start->v);
if (ret != 0) {
STableKeyInfo info = {.pTable = (void*)SL_GET_NODE_DATA(pNode), .lastKey = TSKEY_INITIAL_VAL};
taosArrayPush(result, &info);
} else {
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