未验证 提交 04b6576a 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #19728 from taosdata/fix/nodisk

fix(query): reset the del file index when beginning last file check.
......@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ static int32_t doBuildDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader);
static TSDBKEY getCurrentKeyInBuf(STableBlockScanInfo* pScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader);
static bool hasDataInFileBlock(const SBlockData* pBlockData, const SFileBlockDumpInfo* pDumpInfo);
static void initBlockDumpInfo(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter);
static int32_t getInitialDelIndex(const SArray* pDelSkyline, int32_t order);
static bool outOfTimeWindow(int64_t ts, STimeWindow* pWindow) { return (ts > pWindow->ekey) || (ts < pWindow->skey); }
......@@ -2526,6 +2527,14 @@ _end:
void setComposedBlockFlag(STsdbReader* pReader, bool composed) { pReader->status.composedDataBlock = composed; }
int32_t getInitialDelIndex(const SArray* pDelSkyline, int32_t order) {
if (pDelSkyline == NULL) {
return 0;
return ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(order) ? 0 : taosArrayGetSize(pDelSkyline) - 1;
int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader, STbData* pMemTbData,
STbData* piMemTbData) {
if (pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline != NULL) {
......@@ -2543,7 +2552,6 @@ int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader*
if (pIdx != NULL) {
code = tsdbReadDelData(pReader->pDelFReader, pIdx, pDelData);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _err;
......@@ -2572,11 +2580,13 @@ int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader*
pBlockScanInfo->iter.index =
ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pReader->order) ? 0 : taosArrayGetSize(pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline) - 1;
pBlockScanInfo->iiter.index = pBlockScanInfo->iter.index;
pBlockScanInfo->fileDelIndex = pBlockScanInfo->iter.index;
pBlockScanInfo->lastBlockDelIndex = pBlockScanInfo->iter.index;
int32_t index = getInitialDelIndex(pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline, pReader->order);
pBlockScanInfo->iter.index = index;
pBlockScanInfo->iiter.index = index;
pBlockScanInfo->fileDelIndex = index;
pBlockScanInfo->lastBlockDelIndex = index;
return code;
......@@ -2676,13 +2686,17 @@ static int32_t uidComparFunc(const void* p1, const void* p2) {
static void extractOrderedTableUidList(SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderCheckInfo, SReaderStatus* pStatus) {
static void extractOrderedTableUidList(SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderCheckInfo, SReaderStatus* pStatus, int32_t order) {
int32_t index = 0;
int32_t total = taosHashGetSize(pStatus->pTableMap);
void* p = taosHashIterate(pStatus->pTableMap, NULL);
while (p != NULL) {
STableBlockScanInfo* pScanInfo = *(STableBlockScanInfo**)p;
// reset the last del file index
pScanInfo->lastBlockDelIndex = getInitialDelIndex(pScanInfo->delSkyline, order);
pOrderCheckInfo->tableUidList[index++] = pScanInfo->uid;
p = taosHashIterate(pStatus->pTableMap, p);
......@@ -2690,7 +2704,9 @@ static void extractOrderedTableUidList(SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderCheckInfo, SRea
taosSort(pOrderCheckInfo->tableUidList, total, sizeof(uint64_t), uidComparFunc);
static int32_t initOrderCheckInfo(SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderCheckInfo, SReaderStatus* pStatus) {
static int32_t initOrderCheckInfo(SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderCheckInfo, STsdbReader* pReader) {
SReaderStatus* pStatus = &pReader->status;
int32_t total = taosHashGetSize(pStatus->pTableMap);
if (total == 0) {
......@@ -2703,7 +2719,7 @@ static int32_t initOrderCheckInfo(SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderCheckInfo, SReaderSt
extractOrderedTableUidList(pOrderCheckInfo, pStatus);
extractOrderedTableUidList(pOrderCheckInfo, pStatus, pReader->order);
uint64_t uid = pOrderCheckInfo->tableUidList[0];
pStatus->pTableIter = taosHashGet(pStatus->pTableMap, &uid, sizeof(uid));
} else {
......@@ -2720,7 +2736,7 @@ static int32_t initOrderCheckInfo(SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderCheckInfo, SReaderSt
pOrderCheckInfo->tableUidList = p;
extractOrderedTableUidList(pOrderCheckInfo, pStatus);
extractOrderedTableUidList(pOrderCheckInfo, pStatus, pReader->order);
uid = pOrderCheckInfo->tableUidList[0];
pStatus->pTableIter = taosHashGet(pStatus->pTableMap, &uid, sizeof(uid));
......@@ -2740,11 +2756,7 @@ static bool moveToNextTable(SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderedCheckInfo, SReaderStatus
uint64_t uid = pOrderedCheckInfo->tableUidList[pOrderedCheckInfo->currentIndex];
pStatus->pTableIter = taosHashGet(pStatus->pTableMap, &uid, sizeof(uid));
if (pStatus->pTableIter == NULL) {
return false;
return true;
return (pStatus->pTableIter != NULL);
static int32_t doLoadLastBlockSequentially(STsdbReader* pReader) {
......@@ -2752,7 +2764,7 @@ static int32_t doLoadLastBlockSequentially(STsdbReader* pReader) {
SLastBlockReader* pLastBlockReader = pStatus->fileIter.pLastBlockReader;
SUidOrderCheckInfo* pOrderedCheckInfo = &pStatus->uidCheckInfo;
int32_t code = initOrderCheckInfo(pOrderedCheckInfo, pStatus);
int32_t code = initOrderCheckInfo(pOrderedCheckInfo, pReader);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS || (taosHashGetSize(pStatus->pTableMap) == 0)) {
return code;
......@@ -63,4 +63,38 @@ if $rows != 8198 then
return -1
print ===========================> TD-22077 && TD-21877
sql drop database if exists $db -x step1
sql create database $db vgroups 1;
sql use $db
sql create stable st1 (ts timestamp, c int) tags(a int);
sql create table t1 using st1 tags(1);
sql create table t2 using st1 tags(2);
$i = 0
$ts = 1674977959000
$rowNum = 200
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$xs = $x * $delta
$ts = $ts0 + $xs
sql insert into t1 values ( $ts , $x )
sql insert into t2 values ( $ts + 1000a, $x )
$x = $x + 1
$ts = $ts + 1000
sql flush database $db
sql insert into t1 values('2018-09-17 09:00:26', 26);
sql insert into t2 values('2018-09-17 09:00:25', 25);
sql insert into t2 values('2018-09-17 09:00:30', 30);
sql flush database reg_db0;
sql delete from st1 where ts<='2018-9-17 09:00:26';
sql select * from st1;
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
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