未验证 提交 0418e6c0 编写于 作者: H Hui Li 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #13274 from taosdata/test/unique

test : add case for unique 
from math import floor
from random import randint, random
from numpy import equal
import taos
import sys
import datetime
import inspect
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {'debugFlag': 143 ,"cDebugFlag":143,"uDebugFlag":143 ,"rpcDebugFlag":143 , "tmrDebugFlag":143 ,
"jniDebugFlag":143 ,"simDebugFlag":143,"dDebugFlag":143, "dDebugFlag":143,"vDebugFlag":143,"mDebugFlag":143,"qDebugFlag":143,
"wDebugFlag":143,"sDebugFlag":143,"tsdbDebugFlag":143,"tqDebugFlag":143 ,"fsDebugFlag":143 ,"fnDebugFlag":143}
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
def prepare_datas(self):
'''create table stb1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t1 int)
create table t1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
for i in range(4):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
for i in range(9):
f"insert into ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
f'''insert into t1 values
( '2020-04-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2020-10-21 01:01:01.000', 1, 11111, 111, 11, 1.11, 11.11, 1, "binary1", "nchar1", now()+1a )
( '2020-12-31 01:01:01.000', 2, 22222, 222, 22, 2.22, 22.22, 0, "binary2", "nchar2", now()+2a )
( '2021-01-01 01:01:06.000', 3, 33333, 333, 33, 3.33, 33.33, 0, "binary3", "nchar3", now()+3a )
( '2021-05-07 01:01:10.000', 4, 44444, 444, 44, 4.44, 44.44, 1, "binary4", "nchar4", now()+4a )
( '2021-07-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2021-09-30 01:01:16.000', 5, 55555, 555, 55, 5.55, 55.55, 0, "binary5", "nchar5", now()+5a )
( '2022-02-01 01:01:20.000', 6, 66666, 666, 66, 6.66, 66.66, 1, "binary6", "nchar6", now()+6a )
( '2022-10-28 01:01:26.000', 7, 00000, 000, 00, 0.00, 00.00, 1, "binary7", "nchar7", "1970-01-01 08:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-01 01:01:30.000', 8, -88888, -888, -88, -8.88, -88.88, 0, "binary8", "nchar8", "1969-01-01 01:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-31 01:01:36.000', 9, -99999999999999999, -999, -99, -9.99, -999999999999999999999.99, 1, "binary9", "nchar9", "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000" )
( '2023-02-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
def test_errors(self):
error_sql_lists = [
"select unique from t1",
"select unique(123--123)==1 from t1",
"select unique(123,123) from t1",
"select unique(c1,ts) from t1",
"select unique(c1,c1,ts) from t1",
"select unique(c1) as 'd1' from t1",
"select unique(c1 ,c2 ) from t1",
"select unique(c1 ,NULL) from t1",
"select unique(,) from t1;",
"select unique(floor(c1) ab from t1)",
"select unique(c1) as int from t1",
"select unique('c1') from t1",
"select unique(NULL) from t1",
"select unique('') from t1",
"select unique(c%) from t1",
"select unique(t1) from t1",
"select unique(True) from t1",
"select unique(c1) , count(c1) from t1",
"select unique(c1) , avg(c1) from t1",
"select unique(c1) , min(c1) from t1",
"select unique(c1) , spread(c1) from t1",
"select unique(c1) , diff(c1) from t1",
"select unique(c1) , abs(c1) from t1",
"select unique(c1) , c1 from t1",
"select unique from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(123--123)==1 from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(123) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1,ts) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1,c1,ts) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1) as 'd1' from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1 ,c2 ) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1 ,NULL) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(,) from stb1 partition by tbname;",
"select unique(floor(c1) ab from stb1 partition by tbname)",
"select unique(c1) as int from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique('c1') from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(NULL) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique('') from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c%) from stb1 partition by tbname",
#"select unique(t1) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(True) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1) , count(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1) , avg(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1) , min(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1) , spread(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1) , diff(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1) , abs(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c1) , c1 from stb1 partition by tbname"
for error_sql in error_sql_lists:
def support_types(self):
other_no_value_types = [
"select unique(ts) from t1" ,
"select unique(c7) from t1",
"select unique(c8) from t1",
"select unique(c9) from t1",
"select unique(ts) from ct1" ,
"select unique(c7) from ct1",
"select unique(c8) from ct1",
"select unique(c9) from ct1",
"select unique(ts) from ct3" ,
"select unique(c7) from ct3",
"select unique(c8) from ct3",
"select unique(c9) from ct3",
"select unique(ts) from ct4" ,
"select unique(c7) from ct4",
"select unique(c8) from ct4",
"select unique(c9) from ct4",
"select unique(ts) from stb1 partition by tbname" ,
"select unique(c7) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c8) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c9) from stb1 partition by tbname"
for type_sql in other_no_value_types:
tdLog.info("support type ok , sql is : %s"%type_sql)
type_sql_lists = [
"select unique(c1) from t1",
"select unique(c2) from t1",
"select unique(c3) from t1",
"select unique(c4) from t1",
"select unique(c5) from t1",
"select unique(c6) from t1",
"select unique(c1) from ct1",
"select unique(c2) from ct1",
"select unique(c3) from ct1",
"select unique(c4) from ct1",
"select unique(c5) from ct1",
"select unique(c6) from ct1",
"select unique(c1) from ct3",
"select unique(c2) from ct3",
"select unique(c3) from ct3",
"select unique(c4) from ct3",
"select unique(c5) from ct3",
"select unique(c6) from ct3",
"select unique(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c2) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c3) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c4) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c5) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c6) from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c6) as alisb from stb1 partition by tbname",
"select unique(c6) alisb from stb1 partition by tbname",
for type_sql in type_sql_lists:
def check_unique_table(self , unique_sql):
# unique_sql = "select unique(c1) from ct1"
origin_sql = unique_sql.replace("unique(","").replace(")","")
unique_result = tdSql.queryResult
unique_datas = []
for elem in unique_result:
origin_result = tdSql.queryResult
origin_datas = []
for elem in origin_result:
pre_unique = []
for elem in origin_datas:
if elem in pre_unique:
if pre_unique == unique_datas:
tdLog.info(" unique query check pass , unique sql is: %s" %unique_sql)
tdLog.exit(" unique query check fail , unique sql is: %s " %unique_sql)
def basic_unique_function(self):
# basic query
tdSql.query("select c1 from ct3")
tdSql.query("select c1 from t1")
tdSql.query("select c1 from stb1")
# used for empty table , ct3 is empty
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from ct3")
tdSql.query("select unique(c2) from ct3")
tdSql.query("select unique(c3) from ct3")
tdSql.query("select unique(c4) from ct3")
tdSql.query("select unique(c5) from ct3")
tdSql.query("select unique(c6) from ct3")
# will support _rowts mix with
# tdSql.query("select unique(c6),_rowts from ct3")
# auto check for t1 table
# used for regular table
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from t1")
tdSql.query("desc t1")
col_lists_rows = tdSql.queryResult
col_lists = []
for col_name in col_lists_rows:
for col in col_lists:
self.check_unique_table(f"select unique({col}) from t1")
# unique with super tags
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from ct1")
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from ct4")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1),tbname from ct1")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1),t1 from ct1")
# unique with common col
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) ,ts from ct1")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) ,c1 from ct1")
# unique with scalar function
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) ,abs(c1) from ct1")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) , unique(c2) from ct1")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) , abs(c2)+2 from ct1")
# unique with aggregate function
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) ,sum(c1) from ct1")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) ,max(c1) from ct1")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) ,csum(c1) from ct1")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) ,count(c1) from ct1")
# unique with filter where
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from ct4 where c1 is null")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from ct4 where c1 >2 ")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 8)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 7)
tdSql.checkData(2, 0, 6)
tdSql.checkData(5, 0, 3)
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from ct4 where c2 between 0 and 99999")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 8)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 7)
tdSql.checkData(2, 0, 6)
tdSql.checkData(3, 0, 5)
tdSql.checkData(4, 0, 4)
tdSql.checkData(5, 0, 3)
tdSql.checkData(6, 0, 2)
tdSql.checkData(7, 0, 1)
tdSql.checkData(8, 0, 0)
# unique with union all
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from ct4 union all select c1 from ct1")
tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from ct4 union all select distinct(c1) from ct4")
tdSql.query("select unique(c2) from ct4 union all select abs(c2)/2 from ct4")
# unique with join
# prepare join datas with same ts
tdSql.execute(" use db ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable st1 (ts timestamp , num int) tags(ind int)")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb1 using st1 tags(1)")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb2 using st1 tags(2)")
tdSql.execute(" create stable st2 (ts timestamp , num int) tags(ind int)")
tdSql.execute(" create table ttb1 using st2 tags(1)")
tdSql.execute(" create table ttb2 using st2 tags(2)")
start_ts = 1622369635000 # 2021-05-30 18:13:55
for i in range(10):
ts_value = start_ts+i*1000
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb1 values({ts_value} , {i})")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb2 values({ts_value} , {i})")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into ttb1 values({ts_value} , {i})")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into ttb2 values({ts_value} , {i})")
tdSql.query("select unique(tb2.num) from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts ")
tdSql.query("select unique(tb2.num) from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts union all select unique(tb1.num) from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts ")
# nest query
# tdSql.query("select unique(c1) from (select c1 from ct1)")
tdSql.query("select c1 from (select unique(c1) c1 from ct4)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 8)
tdSql.checkData(9, 0, 0)
tdSql.query("select sum(c1) from (select unique(c1) c1 from ct1)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 45)
tdSql.query("select sum(c1) from (select distinct(c1) c1 from ct1) union all select sum(c1) from (select unique(c1) c1 from ct1)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 45)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 45)
tdSql.query("select 1-abs(c1) from (select unique(c1) c1 from ct4)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, -7.000000000)
# bug for stable
#partition by tbname
# tdSql.query(" select unique(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname ")
# tdSql.checkRows(21)
# tdSql.query(" select unique(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname ")
# tdSql.checkRows(21)
# group by
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) from ct1 group by c1")
tdSql.error("select unique(c1) from ct1 group by tbname")
# super table
def check_boundary_values(self):
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists bound_test")
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists bound_test")
tdSql.execute("use bound_test")
"create table stb_bound (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(32),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp) tags (t1 int);"
tdSql.execute(f'create table sub1_bound using stb_bound tags ( 1 )')
f"insert into sub1_bound values ( now()-1s, 2147483647, 9223372036854775807, 32767, 127, 3.40E+38, 1.7e+308, True, 'binary_tb1', 'nchar_tb1', now() )"
f"insert into sub1_bound values ( now(), 2147483646, 9223372036854775806, 32766, 126, 3.40E+38, 1.7e+308, True, 'binary_tb1', 'nchar_tb1', now() )"
f"insert into sub1_bound values ( now(), -2147483646, -9223372036854775806, -32766, -126, -3.40E+38, -1.7e+308, True, 'binary_tb1', 'nchar_tb1', now() )"
f"insert into sub1_bound values ( now(), 2147483643, 9223372036854775803, 32763, 123, 3.39E+38, 1.69e+308, True, 'binary_tb1', 'nchar_tb1', now() )"
f"insert into sub1_bound values ( now(), -2147483643, -9223372036854775803, -32763, -123, -3.39E+38, -1.69e+308, True, 'binary_tb1', 'nchar_tb1', now() )"
f"insert into sub1_bound values ( now()+1s, 2147483648, 9223372036854775808, 32768, 128, 3.40E+38, 1.7e+308, True, 'binary_tb1', 'nchar_tb1', now() )"
tdSql.query("select unique(c2) from sub1_bound")
def run(self): # sourcery skip: extract-duplicate-method, remove-redundant-fstring
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table ==============")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:test errors ==============")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step3:support types ============")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4: floor basic query ============")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step5: floor boundary query ============")
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/mavg.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/diff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/sample.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/function_diff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/unique.py
python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/basic5.py
python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/subscribeDb.py
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