未验证 提交 0405c4fb 编写于 作者: D dapan1121 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #15810 from taosdata/fix/TD-18200

fix: fix show database result error
......@@ -354,11 +354,19 @@ static const SSysTableMeta perfsMeta[] = {
{TSDB_PERFS_TABLE_APPS, appSchema, tListLen(appSchema)}};
void getInfosDbMeta(const SSysTableMeta** pInfosTableMeta, size_t* size) {
*pInfosTableMeta = infosMeta;
*size = tListLen(infosMeta);
if (pInfosTableMeta) {
*pInfosTableMeta = infosMeta;
if (size) {
*size = tListLen(infosMeta);
void getPerfDbMeta(const SSysTableMeta** pPerfsTableMeta, size_t* size) {
*pPerfsTableMeta = perfsMeta;
*size = tListLen(perfsMeta);
if (pPerfsTableMeta) {
*pPerfsTableMeta = perfsMeta;
if (size) {
*size = tListLen(perfsMeta);
......@@ -1691,13 +1691,17 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveDbs(SRpcMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *pBloc
if (!pShow->sysDbRsp) {
SDbObj infoschemaDb = {0};
dumpDbInfoData(pBlock, &infoschemaDb, pShow, numOfRows, 14, true, 0, 1);
size_t numOfTables = 0;
getInfosDbMeta(NULL, &numOfTables);
dumpDbInfoData(pBlock, &infoschemaDb, pShow, numOfRows, numOfTables, true, 0, 1);
numOfRows += 1;
SDbObj perfschemaDb = {0};
dumpDbInfoData(pBlock, &perfschemaDb, pShow, numOfRows, 3, true, 0, 1);
numOfTables = 0;
getPerfDbMeta(NULL, &numOfTables);
dumpDbInfoData(pBlock, &perfschemaDb, pShow, numOfRows, numOfTables, true, 0, 1);
numOfRows += 1;
pShow->sysDbRsp = true;
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_insertdatas_query
# python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_querydatas_stop_follower.py -N 4 -M 1
# python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_querydatas_stop_leader_force_stop.py -N 4 -M 1
# python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_querydatas_stop_leader.py -N 4 -M 1
python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_vgroups.py -N 4 -M 1
#python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_vgroups.py -N 4 -M 1
# python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_vgroups_stopOne.py -N 4 -M 1
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