• sangshuduo's avatar
    Hotfix/sangshuduo/td 3968 taosdemo datalen 16k (#5971) · 2f069d90
    sangshuduo 提交于
    * [TD-3968]<fix>: taosdemo data length should be 16*1024
    * [TD-3968]<fix>: taosdemo datalen should be 16*1024
    fix data buffer issue.
    * [TD-3968]<fix>: taosdemo datalen should be 16*1024
    commend out unused func for debugging purpose in the future
    * [TD-3968]<fix>: taosdemo datalen should be 16*1024
    comment off unused function
    * [TD-3968]<fix>: taosdemo datalen more than 16k.
    comment off unused array.
    Co-authored-by: NShuduo Sang <sdsang@taosdata.com>
taosdemo.c 231.5 KB