main2Con1Cgrp1TopicFrCtb.sim 10.5 KB
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#### test scenario, please refer to
# scene1: vgroups=2, one topic for two consumers, include: columns from stb/ctb/ntb, * from stb/ctb/ntb, Scalar function from stb/ctb/ntb
# scene2: vgroups=2, multi topics for two consumers, include: columns from stb/ctb/ntb, * from stb/ctb/ntb, Scalar function from stb/ctb/ntb
# scene3: vgroups=4, one topic for two consumers, include: columns from stb/ctb/ntb, * from stb/ctb/ntb, Scalar function from stb/ctb/ntb
# scene4: vgroups=4, multi topics for two consumers, include: columns from stb/ctb/ntb, * from stb/ctb/ntb, Scalar function from stb/ctb/ntb
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
######## This test case include scene1 and scene3
######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 

system sh/
system sh/ -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/ -n dnode1
system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start

$loop_cnt = 0
	$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
	sleep 200
	if $loop_cnt == 10 then
	  print ====> dnode not ready!
		return -1
sql show dnodes
print ===> $rows $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05
if $data00 != 1 then
  return -1
if $data04 != ready then
  goto check_dnode_ready

sql connect

$loop_cnt = 0
$vgroups  = 2
$dbNamme  = d0
print =============== create database $dbNamme vgroups $vgroups
sql create database $dbNamme vgroups $vgroups
sql show databases
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 $data16 $data17 $data18 $data19
print $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 $data26 $data27 $data28 $data29

if $loop_cnt == 0 then 
  if $rows != 2 then 
    return -1
  if $data02 != 2 then  # vgroups
    print vgroups: $data02
    return -1
  if $rows != 3 then 
    return -1
  if $data00 == d1 then 
    if $data02 != 4 then  # vgroups
      print vgroups: $data02
      return -1
    if $data12 != 4 then  # vgroups
      print vgroups: $data12
      return -1

plum-lihui 已提交
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264
sql use $dbNamme

print =============== create super table
sql create table if not exists stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) tags (t1 int)

sql show stables
if $rows != 1 then 
  return -1

print =============== create child table
$tbPrefix = ct
$tbNum = 100

$i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
  $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
  sql create table $tb using stb tags( $i )
  $i = $i + 1

print =============== create normal table
sql create table ntb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10))

print =============== create topics from child table

sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c1, c3 from ct0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ct0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ct0

#sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c1, c3 from ntb
#sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb
#sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb

sql show tables
if $rows != 101 then 
  return -1

print =============== run_back insert data

if $loop_cnt == 0 then 
  run_back tsim/tmq/insertFixedDataV2.sim
  run_back tsim/tmq/insertFixedDataV4.sim

#sleep 1000

#$rowNum = 1000
#$tstart = 1640966400000  # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#$i = 0
#while $i < $tbNum
#  $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
#  $x = 0
#  while $x < $rowNum
#    $c = $x / 10
#    $c = $c * 10
#    $c = $x - $c
#    $binary = ' . binary
#    $binary = $binary . $c
#    $binary = $binary . '
#    sql insert into $tb values ($tstart , $c , $x , $binary )
#    sql insert into ntb values ($tstart , $c , $x , $binary )
#    $tstart = $tstart + 1
#    $x = $x + 1
#  endw
#  $i = $i + 1
#  $tstart = 1640966400000

#root@trd02 /home $ tmq_sim --help                                                                          
# -c      Configuration directory, default is 
# -d      The name of the database for cosumer, no default 
# -t      The topic string for cosumer, no default 
# -k      The key-value string for cosumer, no default 
# -g      showMsgFlag, default is 0

$tbNum = 10
$consumeDelay = 10
$expectMsgCntFromCtb = 300
$expectMsgCntFromStb = $expectMsgCntFromCtb * $tbNum
print consumeDelay: $consumeDelay
print insert data child num: $tbNum
print expectMsgCntFromCtb: $expectMsgCntFromCtb 
print expectMsgCntFromStb: $expectMsgCntFromStb 

# supported key:
#<true | false>
# auto.offset.reset:<earliest | latest | none>
# td.connect.ip:<fqdn | ipaddress>
# td.connect.user:root
# td.connect.pass:taosdata
# td.connect.port:6030
# td.connect.db:db

$expect_result = @{consume success: @
$expect_result = $expect_result . $rowNum
$expect_result = $expect_result . @, @ 
$expect_result = $expect_result . 0}
print expect_result----> $expect_result
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ctb_column" -k1 "" -t "topic_ctb_column" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb -j 0
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ctb_column" -k1 "" -t "topic_ctb_column" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb -j 0
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content != success then
  return -1

print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ctb_all" -k1 "" -t "topic_ctb_all" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb -j 0
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ctb_all" -k1 "" -t "topic_ctb_all" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb -j 0
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content != success then
  return -1

print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ctb_function" -k1 "" -t "topic_ctb_function" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb -j 0
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ctb_function" -k1 "" -t "topic_ctb_function" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb -j 0
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content != success then
  return -1

#$expect_result = @{consume success: @
#$expect_result = $expect_result . $totalMsgCnt
#$expect_result = $expect_result . @, @ 
#$expect_result = $expect_result . 0}
#print expect_result----> $expect_result
#print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ntb_column" -k1 "" -t "topic_ntb_column" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb
#system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ntb_column" -k1 "" -t "topic_ntb_column" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb
#print cmd result----> $system_content
#if $system_content != success then
#  return -1
#print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ntb_all" -k1 "" -t "topic_ntb_all" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb
#system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ntb_all" -k1 "" -t "topic_ntb_all" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb
#print cmd result----> $system_content
#if $system_content != success then
#  return -1
#print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ntb_function" -k1 "" -t "topic_ntb_function" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb
#system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_ntb_function" -k1 "" -t "topic_ntb_function" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromCtb
#print cmd result----> $system_content
#if $system_content != success then
#  return -1
#$expect_result = @{consume success: @
#$expect_result = $expect_result . $expectConsumeMsgCnt
#$expect_result = $expect_result . @, @ 
#$expect_result = $expect_result . 0}
#print expect_result----> $expect_result
#print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_stb_column" -k1 "" -t "topic_stb_column" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromStb
#system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_stb_column" -k1 "" -t "topic_stb_column" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromStb
#print cmd result----> $system_content
#if $system_content != success then
#  return -1
##print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_stb_all" -k1 "" -t "topic_stb_all" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromStb
##system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_stb_all" -k1 "" -t "topic_stb_all" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromStb
##print cmd result----> $system_content
###if $system_content != @{consume success: 10000, 0}@ then
##if $system_content != success then
##  return -1
#print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_stb_function" -k1 "" -t "topic_stb_function" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromStb
#system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t1 "topic_stb_function" -k1 "" -t "topic_stb_function" -k "" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectMsgCntFromStb
#print cmd result----> $system_content
##if $system_content != @{consume success: 10000, 0}@ then
#if $system_content != success then
#  return -1

if $loop_cnt == 0 then
  $loop_cnt = 1
  $vgroups  = 4
  $dbNamme  = d1
  goto loop_vgroups

system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT