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sidebar_label: Helm
title: Use Helm to deploy TDengine

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that can provide more capabilities in deploying on Kubernetes.

## Install Helm

curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh \
chmod +x get_helm.sh


Helm uses the kubectl and kubeconfig configurations to perform Kubernetes operations. For more information, see the Rancher configuration for Kubernetes installation.

## Install TDengine Chart

To use TDengine Chart, download it from GitHub:

wget https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine-Operator/raw/3.0/helm/tdengine-3.0.0.tgz


Query the storageclass of your Kubernetes deployment:

kubectl get storageclass


With minikube, the default value is standard.

Use Helm commands to install TDengine:

helm install tdengine tdengine-3.0.0.tgz \
  --set storage.className=<your storage class name>


You can configure a small storage size in minikube to ensure that your deployment does not exceed your available disk space.

helm install tdengine tdengine-3.0.0.tgz \
  --set storage.className=standard \
  --set storage.dataSize=2Gi \
  --set storage.logSize=10Mi


After TDengine is deployed, TDengine Chart outputs information about how to use TDengine:

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default \
  -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=tdengine,app.kubernetes.io/instance=tdengine" \
  -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
kubectl --namespace default exec $POD_NAME -- taos -s "show dnodes; show mnodes"
kubectl --namespace default exec -it $POD_NAME -- taos


You can test the deployment by creating a table:

kubectl --namespace default exec $POD_NAME -- \
  taos -s "create database test;
    use test;
    create table t1 (ts timestamp, n int);
    insert into t1 values(now, 1)(now + 1s, 2);
    select * from t1;"


## Configuring Values

You can configure custom parameters in TDengine with the `values.yaml` file.

Run the `helm show values` command to see all parameters supported by TDengine Chart.

helm show values tdengine-3.0.0.tgz


Save the output of this command as `values.yaml`. Then you can modify this file with your desired values and use it to deploy a TDengine cluster:

helm install tdengine tdengine-3.0.0.tgz -f values.yaml


The parameters are described as follows:

# Default values for tdengine.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into helm templates.

replicaCount: 1

  prefix: tdengine/tdengine
  #pullPolicy: Always
  # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
#  tag: ""

  # ClusterIP is the default service type, use NodeIP only if you know what you are doing.
  type: ClusterIP
    # TCP range required
    tcp: [6030, 6041, 6042, 6043, 6044, 6046, 6047, 6048, 6049, 6060]
    # UDP range
    udp: [6044, 6045]

# Set timezone here, not in taoscfg
timezone: "Asia/Shanghai"

  # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
  # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
  # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
  # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
  # limits:
  #   cpu: 100m
  #   memory: 128Mi
  # requests:
  #   cpu: 100m
  #   memory: 128Mi

  # Set storageClassName for pvc. K8s use default storage class if not set.
  className: ""
  dataSize: "100Gi"
  logSize: "10Gi"

    # node selectors

clusterDomainSuffix: ""
# Config settings in taos.cfg file.
# The helm/k8s support will use environment variables for taos.cfg,
# converting an upper-snake-cased variable like `TAOS_DEBUG_FLAG`,
# to a camelCase taos config variable `debugFlag`.
# See the variable list at https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/administrator .
# Note:
# 1. firstEp/secondEp: should not be setted here, it's auto generated at scale-up.
# 2. serverPort: should not be setted, we'll use the default 6030 in many places.
# 3. fqdn: will be auto generated in kubenetes, user should not care about it.
# 4. role: currently role is not supported - every node is able to be mnode and vnode.
# Btw, keep quotes "" around the value like below, even the value will be number or not.
  # Starts as cluster or not, must be 0 or 1.
  #   0: all pods will start as a seperate TDengine server
  #   1: pods will start as TDengine server cluster. [default]
  CLUSTER: "1"

  # number of replications, for cluster only

  # number of days per DB file
  # TAOS_DAYS: "10"

  # number of days to keep DB file, default is 10 years.
  #TAOS_KEEP: "3650"

  # cache block size (Mbyte)
  #TAOS_CACHE: "16"

  # number of cache blocks per vnode

  # minimum rows of records in file block
  #TAOS_MIN_ROWS: "100"

  # maximum rows of records in file block
  #TAOS_MAX_ROWS: "4096"

  # TAOS_NUM_OF_THREADS_PER_CORE: number of threads per CPU core

  # TAOS_NUM_OF_COMMIT_THREADS: number of threads to commit cache data

  # the proportion of total CPU cores available for query processing
  # 2.0: the query threads will be set to double of the CPU cores.
  # 1.0: all CPU cores are available for query processing [default].
  # 0.5: only half of the CPU cores are available for query.
  # 0.0: only one core available.

  # the last_row/first/last aggregator will not change the original column name in the result fields

  # enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing vnode

  # enable/disable installation / usage report

  # enable/disable load balancing

  # max timer control blocks

  # time interval of system monitor, seconds

  # number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only

  # RPC re-try timer, millisecond
  #TAOS_RPC_TIMER: "1000"

  # RPC maximum time for ack, seconds.

  # time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only

  # time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds

  # minimum sliding window time, milli-second

  # minimum time window, milli-second

  # maximum delay before launching a stream computation, milli-second

  # maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second

  # retry delay when a stream computation fails, milli-second

  # the delayed time for launching a stream computation, from 0.1(default, 10% of whole computing time window) to 0.9

  # max number of vgroups per db, 0 means configured automatically

  # max number of tables per vnode

  # the number of acknowledgments required for successful data writing

  # enable/disable compression
  #TAOS_COMP: "2"

  # write ahead log (WAL) level, 0: no wal; 1: write wal, but no fysnc; 2: write wal, and call fsync

  # if walLevel is set to 2, the cycle of fsync being executed, if set to 0, fsync is called right away
  #TAOS_FSYNC: "3000"

  # the compressed rpc message, option:
  #  -1 (no compression)
  #   0 (all message compressed),
  # > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed)

  # max length of an SQL
  #TAOS_MAX_SQL_LENGTH: "1048576"

  # the maximum number of records allowed for super table time sorting

  # max number of connections allowed in dnode

  # max number of connections allowed in client

  # stop writing logs when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value

  # stop writing temporary files when the disk size of the tmp folder is less than this value

  # if disk free space is less than this value, taosd service exit directly within startup process

  # One mnode is equal to the number of vnode consumed

  # enbale/disable http service
  #TAOS_HTTP: "1"

  # enable/disable system monitor

  # enable/disable recording the SQL statements via restful interface

  # number of threads used to process http requests

  # maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface

  # The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
  # max number of lines per log filters
  # numOfLogLines         10000000

  # enable/disable async log

  # time of keeping log files, days

  # The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
  # debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
  # 131: output warning and error
  # 135: output debug, warning and error
  # 143: output trace, debug, warning and error to log
  # 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
  # 207: output trace, debug, warning and error to both screen and file
  # debug flag for all log type, take effect when non-zero value\

  # enable/disable recording the SQL in taos client

  # generate core file when service crash

  # maximum display width of binary and nchar fields in the shell. The parts exceeding this limit will be hidden

  # enable/disable stream (continuous query)

  # in retrieve blocking model, only in 50% query threads will be used in query processing in dnode

  # the maximum allowed query buffer size in MB during query processing for each data node
  # -1 no limit (default)
  # 0  no query allowed, queries are disabled

## Scaling Out

For information about scaling out your deployment, see Kubernetes. Additional Helm-specific is described as follows.

First, obtain the name of the StatefulSet service for your deployment.

export STS_NAME=$(kubectl get statefulset \
  -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=tdengine" \
  -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")


You can scale out your deployment by adding replicas. The following command scales a deployment to three nodes:

kubectl scale --replicas 3 statefulset/$STS_NAME


Run the `show dnodes` and `show mnodes` commands to check whether the scale-out was successful.

## Scaling In

Exercise caution when scaling in a cluster.


Determine which dnodes you want to remove and drop them manually.

kubectl --namespace default exec $POD_NAME -- \
  cat /var/lib/taos/dnode/dnodeEps.json \
  | jq '.dnodeInfos[1:] |map(.dnodeFqdn + ":" + (.dnodePort|tostring)) | .[]' -r
kubectl --namespace default exec $POD_NAME -- taos -s "show dnodes"
kubectl --namespace default exec $POD_NAME -- taos -s 'drop dnode "<you dnode in list>"'


## Remove a TDengine Cluster

You can use Helm to remove your cluster:

helm uninstall tdengine


However, Helm does not remove PVCs automatically. After you remove your cluster, manually remove all PVCs.