tsdbReadUtil.h 9.9 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
 * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "tsdbDataFileRW.h"
Minglei Jin 已提交
#include "tsdbUtil2.h"
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


typedef enum {
} EReaderStatus;

typedef enum {
} EContentData;

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
typedef struct STsdbReaderInfo {
  uint64_t      suid;
  STSchema*     pSchema;
  EReadMode     readMode;
  uint64_t      rowsNum;
  STimeWindow   window;
  SVersionRange verRange;
  int16_t       order;
} STsdbReaderInfo;

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
typedef struct SBlockInfoBuf {
  int32_t currentIndex;
  SArray* pData;
  int32_t numPerBucket;
  int32_t numOfTables;
} SBlockInfoBuf;

typedef struct {
  STbDataIter* iter;
  int32_t      index;
  bool         hasVal;
} SIterInfo;

typedef struct STableBlockScanInfo {
  uint64_t  uid;
  TSKEY     lastKey;
  TSKEY     lastKeyInStt;       // last accessed key in stt
  SArray*   pBlockList;         // block data index list, SArray<SBrinRecord>
  SArray*   pMemDelData;        // SArray<SDelData>
  SArray*   pfileDelData;       // SArray<SDelData> from each file set
  SIterInfo iter;               // mem buffer skip list iterator
  SIterInfo iiter;              // imem buffer skip list iterator
  SArray*   delSkyline;         // delete info for this table
  int32_t   fileDelIndex;       // file block delete index
  int32_t   lastBlockDelIndex;  // delete index for last block
  bool      iterInit;           // whether to initialize the in-memory skip list iterator or not
} STableBlockScanInfo;

typedef struct SResultBlockInfo {
  SSDataBlock* pResBlock;
  bool         freeBlock;
  int64_t      capacity;
} SResultBlockInfo;

typedef struct SCostSummary {
  int64_t numOfBlocks;
  double  blockLoadTime;
  double  buildmemBlock;
  int64_t headFileLoad;
  double  headFileLoadTime;
  int64_t smaDataLoad;
  double  smaLoadTime;
  int64_t lastBlockLoad;
  double  lastBlockLoadTime;
  int64_t composedBlocks;
  double  buildComposedBlockTime;
  double  createScanInfoList;
  double  createSkylineIterTime;
  double  initLastBlockReader;
} SCostSummary;

typedef struct STableUidList {
  uint64_t* tableUidList;  // access table uid list in uid ascending order list
  int32_t   currentIndex;  // index in table uid list
} STableUidList;

typedef struct {
  int32_t numOfBlocks;
  int32_t numOfLastFiles;
} SBlockNumber;

typedef struct SBlockIndex {
  int32_t     ordinalIndex;
  int64_t     inFileOffset;
  STimeWindow window;  // todo replace it with overlap flag.
} SBlockIndex;

typedef struct SBlockOrderWrapper {
  int64_t              uid;
  int64_t              offset;
  STableBlockScanInfo* pInfo;
} SBlockOrderWrapper;

typedef struct SBlockOrderSupporter {
  SBlockOrderWrapper** pDataBlockInfo;
  int32_t*             indexPerTable;
  int32_t*             numOfBlocksPerTable;
  int32_t              numOfTables;
} SBlockOrderSupporter;

typedef struct SBlockLoadSuppInfo {
  TColumnDataAggArray colAggArray;
  SColumnDataAgg      tsColAgg;
  int16_t*            colId;
  int16_t*            slotId;
  int32_t             numOfCols;
  char**              buildBuf;  // build string tmp buffer, todo remove it later after all string format being updated.
  bool                smaValid;  // the sma on all queried columns are activated
} SBlockLoadSuppInfo;

typedef struct SLastBlockReader {
  STimeWindow        window;
  SVersionRange      verRange;
  int32_t            order;
  uint64_t           uid;
  SMergeTree         mergeTree;
  SSttBlockLoadInfo* pInfo;
  int64_t            currentKey;
} SLastBlockReader;

typedef struct SFilesetIter {
  int32_t           numOfFiles;    // number of total files
  int32_t           index;         // current accessed index in the list
  TFileSetArray*    pFilesetList;  // data file set list
  int32_t           order;
  SLastBlockReader* pLastBlockReader;  // last file block reader
} SFilesetIter;

typedef struct SFileDataBlockInfo {
  // index position in STableBlockScanInfo in order to check whether neighbor block overlaps with it
  uint64_t    uid;
  int32_t     tbBlockIdx;
  SBrinRecord record;
} SFileDataBlockInfo;

typedef struct SDataBlockIter {
  int32_t    numOfBlocks;
  int32_t    index;
  SArray*    blockList;  // SArray<SFileDataBlockInfo>
  int32_t    order;
  SDataBlk   block;  // current SDataBlk data
  SSHashObj* pTableMap;
} SDataBlockIter;

typedef struct SFileBlockDumpInfo {
  int32_t totalRows;
  int32_t rowIndex;
  int64_t lastKey;
  bool    allDumped;
} SFileBlockDumpInfo;

typedef struct SReaderStatus {
  bool                  loadFromFile;       // check file stage
  bool                  composedDataBlock;  // the returned data block is a composed block or not
  SSHashObj*            pTableMap;          // SHash<STableBlockScanInfo>
  STableBlockScanInfo** pTableIter;         // table iterator used in building in-memory buffer data blocks.
  STableUidList         uidList;            // check tables in uid order, to avoid the repeatly load of blocks in STT.
  SFileBlockDumpInfo    fBlockDumpInfo;
  STFileSet*            pCurrentFileset;  // current opened file set
  SBlockData            fileBlockData;
  SFilesetIter          fileIter;
  SDataBlockIter        blockIter;
  SArray*               pLDataIterArray;
  SRowMerger            merger;
  SColumnInfoData*      pPrimaryTsCol;  // primary time stamp output col info data
} SReaderStatus;

struct STsdbReader {
  STsdb*             pTsdb;
  STsdbReaderInfo    info;
  TdThreadMutex      readerMutex;
  EReaderStatus      flag;
  int32_t            code;
  uint64_t           rowsNum;
  SResultBlockInfo   resBlockInfo;
  SReaderStatus      status;
  char*              idStr;  // query info handle, for debug purpose
  int32_t            type;   // query type: 1. retrieve all data blocks, 2. retrieve direct prev|next rows
  SBlockLoadSuppInfo suppInfo;
  STsdbReadSnap*     pReadSnap;
  SCostSummary       cost;
  SHashObj**         pIgnoreTables;
  SSHashObj*         pSchemaMap;   // keep the retrieved schema info, to avoid the overhead by repeatly load schema
  SDataFileReader*   pFileReader;  // the file reader
  SBlockInfoBuf      blockInfoBuf;
  EContentData       step;
  STsdbReader*       innerReader[2];

typedef struct SBrinRecordIter {
  SArray*          pBrinBlockList;
  SBrinBlk*        pCurrentBlk;
  int32_t          blockIndex;
  int32_t          recordIndex;
  SDataFileReader* pReader;
  SBrinBlock       block;
  SBrinRecord      record;
} SBrinRecordIter;

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int32_t uidComparFunc(const void* p1, const void* p2);

230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251
STableBlockScanInfo* getTableBlockScanInfo(SSHashObj* pTableMap, uint64_t uid, const char* id);

SSHashObj* createDataBlockScanInfo(STsdbReader* pTsdbReader, SBlockInfoBuf* pBuf, const STableKeyInfo* idList,
                                   STableUidList* pUidList, int32_t numOfTables);
void       clearBlockScanInfo(STableBlockScanInfo* p);
void       destroyAllBlockScanInfo(SSHashObj* pTableMap);
void       resetAllDataBlockScanInfo(SSHashObj* pTableMap, int64_t ts, int32_t step);
void       cleanupInfoFoxNextFileset(SSHashObj* pTableMap);
int32_t    ensureBlockScanInfoBuf(SBlockInfoBuf* pBuf, int32_t numOfTables);
void       clearBlockScanInfoBuf(SBlockInfoBuf* pBuf);
void*      getPosInBlockInfoBuf(SBlockInfoBuf* pBuf, int32_t index);

// brin records iterator
void         initBrinRecordIter(SBrinRecordIter* pIter, SDataFileReader* pReader, SArray* pList);
SBrinRecord* getNextBrinRecord(SBrinRecordIter* pIter);
void         clearBrinBlockIter(SBrinRecordIter* pIter);

// initialize block iterator API
int32_t initBlockIterator(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter, int32_t numOfBlocks, SArray* pTableList);
bool    blockIteratorNext(SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter, const char* idStr);

// load tomb data API (stt/mem only for one table each, tomb data from data files are load for all tables at one time)
Minglei Jin 已提交
void    loadMemTombData(SArray** ppMemDelData, STbData* pMemTbData, STbData* piMemTbData, int64_t ver);
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int32_t loadDataFileTombDataForAll(STsdbReader* pReader);
int32_t loadSttTombDataForAll(STsdbReader* pReader, SSttFileReader* pSttFileReader, SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo);

256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290
typedef struct {
  SArray* pTombData;
} STableLoadInfo;

struct SDataFileReader;

typedef struct SCacheRowsReader {
  STsdb*                  pTsdb;
  STsdbReaderInfo         info;
  TdThreadMutex           readerMutex;
  SVnode*                 pVnode;
  STSchema*               pSchema;
  STSchema*               pCurrSchema;
  uint64_t                uid;
  char**                  transferBuf;  // todo remove it soon
  int32_t                 numOfCols;
  SArray*                 pCidList;
  int32_t*                pSlotIds;
  int32_t                 type;
  int32_t                 tableIndex;  // currently returned result tables
  STableKeyInfo*          pTableList;  // table id list
  int32_t                 numOfTables;
  uint64_t*               uidList;
  SSHashObj*              pTableMap;
  SArray*                 pLDataIterArray;
  struct SDataFileReader* pFileReader;
  STFileSet*              pCurFileSet;
  const TBrinBlkArray*    pBlkArray;
  STsdbReadSnap*          pReadSnap;
  char*                   idstr;
  int64_t                 lastTs;
} SCacheRowsReader;

int32_t tsdbCacheGetBatch(STsdb* pTsdb, tb_uid_t uid, SArray* pLastArray, SCacheRowsReader* pr, int8_t ltype);

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#ifdef __cplusplus