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title: Configuration Parameters
danielclow 已提交
description: This document describes the configuration parameters for the TDengine server and client.
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## Configuration File on Server Side

On the server side, the actual service of TDengine is provided by an executable `taosd` whose parameters can be configured in file `taos.cfg` to meet the requirements of different use cases. The default location of `taos.cfg` is `/etc/taos` on Linux system, it's located under `C:\TDengine` on Windows system. The location of configuration file can be specified by using `-c` parameter on the CLI of `taosd`. For example, on Linux system the configuration file can be put under `/home/user` and used like below

danielclow 已提交
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
taosd -c /home/user

Parameter `-C` can be used on the CLI of `taosd` to show its configuration, like below:

taosd -C

## Configuration File on Client Side

Bo Ding 已提交
TDengine CLI `taos` is the tool for users to interact with TDengine. It can share same configuration file as `taosd` or use a separate configuration file. When launching `taos`, parameter `-c` can be used to specify the location where its configuration file is. For example:
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Bo Ding 已提交
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taos -c /home/cfg

means `/home/cfg/taos.cfg` will be used. If `-c` is not used, the default location of the configuration file is `/etc/taos`. For more details please use `taos --help` to get.

Parameter `-C` can be used on the CLI of `taos` to show its configuration, like below:
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Bo Ding 已提交
taos -C
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## Configuration Parameters

danielclow 已提交
38 39 40 41 42
The parameters described in this document by the effect that they have on the system.


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`taosd` needs to be restarted for the parameters changed in the configuration file to take effect.


## Connection Parameters

### firstEp

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52 53 54 55 56
| Attribute  | Description                                                                                          |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable | Server and Client                                                                                    |
| Meaning    | The end point of the first dnode in the cluster to be connected to when `taosd` or `taos` is started |
| Default    | localhost:6030                                                                                       |
57 58 59

### secondEp

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60 61 62 63 64
| Attribute  | Description                                                                                                            |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable | Server and Client                                                                                                      |
| Meaning    | The end point of the second dnode to be connected to if the firstEp is not available when `taosd` or `taos` is started |
| Default    | None                                                                                                                   |
65 66 67 68 69 70 71

### fqdn

| Attribute     | Description                                                              |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                                              |
| Meaning       | The FQDN of the host where `taosd` will be started. It can be IP address |
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72 73
| Default Value | The first hostname configured for the host                               |
| Note          | It should be within 96 bytes                                             |  |
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### serverPort

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77 78 79 80 81
| Attribute     | Description                                           |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                           |
| Meaning       | The port for external access after `taosd` is started |
| Default Value | 6030                                                  |
82 83

Bo Ding 已提交
Ensure that your firewall rules do not block TCP port 6042  on any host in the cluster. Below table describes the ports used by TDengine in details.
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87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
| Protocol | Default Port | Description                                                                                               | How to configure                                                                               |
| :------- | :----------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| TCP      | 6030         | Communication between client and server. In a multi-node cluster, communication between nodes. serverPort |
| TCP      | 6041         | REST connection between client and server                                                                 | Prior to serverPort+11; After refer to [taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter/) |
| TCP      | 6043         | Service Port of taosKeeper                                                                                | The parameter of taosKeeper                                                                    |
| TCP      | 6044         | Data access port for StatsD                                                                               | Configurable through taosAdapter parameters.                                                   |
| UDP      | 6045         | Data access for statsd                                                                                    | Configurable through taosAdapter parameters.                                                   |
| TCP      | 6060         | Port of Monitoring Service in Enterprise version                                                          |                                                                                                |
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

### maxShellConns

| Attribute     | Description                                          |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                          |
| Meaning       | The maximum number of connections a dnode can accept |
| Value Range   | 10-50000000                                          |
| Default Value | 5000                                                 |

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105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
### numOfRpcSessions 

| Attribute     | Description                                |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Applicable    | Client/Server                              |
| Meaning       | The maximum number of connection to create |
| Value Range   | 100-100000                                 |
| Default Value | 10000                                      |

### timeToGetAvailableConn

| Attribute     | Description                                    |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Client/Server                                  |
sangshuduo's avatar
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| Meaning       | The maximum waiting time to get available conn |
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120 121 122
| Value Range   | 10-50000000(ms)                                |
| Default Value | 500000                                         |

danielclow 已提交
## Monitoring Parameters

125 126 127
Please note the `taoskeeper` needs to be installed and running to create the `log` database and receiving metrics sent by `taosd` as the full monitoring solution.

Bo Ding 已提交
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### monitor

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132 133 134 135 136 137
| Attribute   | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable  | Server only                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Meaning     | The switch for monitoring inside server. The main object of monitoring is to collect information about load on physical nodes, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, and network bandwidth. Monitoring information is sent over HTTP to the taosKeeper service specified by `monitorFqdn` and `monitorProt`. |
| Value Range | 0: monitoring disabled, 1: monitoring enabled                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| Default     | 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |

danielclow 已提交
### monitorFqdn

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141 142 143 144 145
| Attribute  | Description                           |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------- |
| Applicable | Server Only                           |
| Meaning    | FQDN of taosKeeper monitoring service |
| Default    | None                                  |

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### monitorPort

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149 150 151 152 153
| Attribute     | Description                           |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                           |
| Meaning       | Port of taosKeeper monitoring service |
| Default Value | 6043                                  |
154 155 156

### monitorInterval

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157 158 159
| Attribute     | Description                                |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                |
160 161
| Meaning       | The interval of collecting system workload |
| Unit          | second                                     |
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162 163
| Value Range   | 1-200000                                   |
| Default Value | 30                                         |
164 165 166

### telemetryReporting

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167 168 169
| Attribute     | Description                                                                  |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                                                  |
170 171
| Meaning       | Switch for allowing TDengine to collect and report service usage information |
| Value Range   | 0: Not allowed; 1: Allowed                                                   |
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| Default Value | 1                                                                            |
wade zhang 已提交
173 174
### crashReporting

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175 176 177 178 179 180
| Attribute     | Description                                                                  |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                                                  |
| Meaning       | Switch for allowing TDengine to collect and report crash related information |
| Value Range   | 0,1   0: Not allowed; 1: allowed                                             |
| Default Value | 1                                                                            |
wade zhang 已提交

182 183 184

## Query Parameters

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### queryPolicy

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187 188 189 190 191 192
| Attribute   | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable  | Client only                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Meaning     | Execution policy for query statements                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| Unit        | None                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| Default     | 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
wade zhang 已提交
| Value Range | 1: Run queries on vnodes and not on qnodes; 2: Run subtasks without scan operators on qnodes and subtasks with scan operators on vnodes; 3: Only run scan operators on vnodes, and run all other operators on qnodes. |
danielclow 已提交
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### querySmaOptimize

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197 198 199 200 201 202 203
| Attribute     | Description                                                                                                                                                         |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Client only                                                                                                                                                         |
| Meaning       | SMA index optimization policy                                                                                                                                       |
| Unit          | None                                                                                                                                                                |
| Default Value | 0                                                                                                                                                                   |
| Notes         | 0: Disable SMA indexing and perform all queries on non-indexed data; 1: Enable SMA indexing and perform queries from suitable statements on precomputation results. |

205 206
### countAlwaysReturnValue 

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207 208 209 210 211 212 213
| Attribute  | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable | Server only                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| Meaning    | count()/hyperloglog() return value or not if the input data is empty or NULL                                                                                                                                                    |
| Vlue Range | 0: Return empty line, 1: Return 0                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| Default    | 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| Notes      | When this parameter is setting to 1, for queries containing GROUP BY, PARTITION BY and INTERVAL clause, and input data in certain groups or windows is empty or NULL, the corresponding groups or windows have no return values |
214 215 216

### maxNumOfDistinctRes

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217 218 219
| Attribute     | Description                                  |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                  |
| Meaning       | The maximum number of distinct rows returned |
Sean Ely 已提交
221 222
| Value Range   | [100,000 - 100,000,000]                      |
| Default Value | 100,000                                      |

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### keepColumnName

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226 227 228 229 230 231
| Attribute     | Description                                                                                                     |
| ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Client only                                                                                                     |
| Meaning       | When the Last, First, LastRow function is queried, whether the returned column name contains the function name. |
| Value Range   | 0 means including the function name, 1 means not including the function name.                                   |
| Default Value | 0                                                                                                               |

233 234 235 236
## Locale Parameters

### timezone

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237 238 239
| Attribute     | Description                     |
| ------------- | ------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client               |
240 241 242 243
| Meaning       | TimeZone                        |
| Default Value | TimeZone configured in the host |

danielclow 已提交
To handle the data insertion and data query from multiple timezones, Unix Timestamp is used and stored in TDengine. The timestamp generated from any timezones at same time is same in Unix timestamp. Note that Unix timestamps are converted and recorded on the client side. To make sure the time on client side can be converted to Unix timestamp correctly, the timezone must be set properly.

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wafwerar 已提交
On Linux/macOS, TDengine clients automatically obtain timezone from the host. Alternatively, the timezone can be configured explicitly in configuration file `taos.cfg` like below. For example:
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timezone UTC-8
250 251 252 253 254 255
timezone GMT-8
timezone Asia/Shanghai

The above examples are all proper configuration for the timezone of UTC+8. On Windows system, however, `timezone Asia/Shanghai` is not supported, it must be set as `timezone UTC-8`.

The setting for timezone impacts strings that are not in Unix timestamp format and keywords or functions related to date/time. For example:
257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273

SELECT count(*) FROM table_name WHERE TS<'2019-04-11 12:01:08';

If the timezone is UTC+8, the above SQL statement is equal to:

SELECT count(*) FROM table_name WHERE TS<1554955268000;

If the timezone is UTC, it's equal to

SELECT count(*) FROM table_name WHERE TS<1554984068000;

To avoid the problems of using time strings, Unix timestamp can be used directly. Furthermore, time strings with timezone can be used in SQL statements. For example "2013-04-12T15:52:01.123+08:00" in RFC3339 format or "2013-04-12T15:52:01.123+0800" in ISO-8601 format are not influenced by timezone setting when converted to Unix timestamp.
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### locale

| Attribute     | Description               |
| ------------- | ------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client         |
| Meaning       | Location code             |
| Default Value | Locale configured in host |

danielclow 已提交
A specific type "nchar" is provided in TDengine to store non-ASCII characters such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The characters to be stored in nchar type are firstly encoded in UCS4-LE before sending to server side. Note that the correct encoding is determined by the user. To store non-ASCII characters correctly, the encoding format of the client side needs to be set properly.

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wafwerar 已提交
The characters input on the client side are encoded using the default system encoding, which is UTF-8 on Linux/macOS, or GB18030 or GBK on some systems in Chinese, POSIX in docker, CP936 on Windows in Chinese. The encoding of the operating system in use must be set correctly so that the characters in nchar type can be converted to UCS4-LE.

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wafwerar 已提交
The locale definition standard on Linux/macOS is: <Language\>\_<Region\>.<charset\>, for example, in "zh_CN.UTF-8", "zh" means Chinese, "CN" means China mainland, "UTF-8" means charset. The charset indicates how to display the characters. On Linux/macOS, the charset can be set by locale in the system. On Windows system another configuration parameter `charset` must be used to configure charset because the locale used on Windows is not POSIX standard. Of course, `charset` can also be used on Linux/macOS to specify the charset.
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### charset

| Attribute     | Description               |
| ------------- | ------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client         |
| Meaning       | Character                 |
| Default Value | charset set in the system |

wafwerar's avatar
wafwerar 已提交
On Linux/macOS, if `charset` is not set in `taos.cfg`, when `taos` is started, the charset is obtained from system locale. If obtaining charset from system locale fails, `taos` would fail to start.
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wafwerar's avatar
wafwerar 已提交
So on Linux/macOS, if system locale is set properly, it's not necessary to set `charset` in `taos.cfg`. For example:
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locale zh_CN.UTF-8

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On Windows system, it's not possible to obtain charset from system locale. If it's not set in configuration file `taos.cfg`, it would be default to CP936, same as set as below in `taos.cfg`. For example

charset CP936

Refer to the documentation for your operating system before changing the charset.

wafwerar's avatar
wafwerar 已提交
On a Linux/macOS, if the charset contained in `locale` is not consistent with that set by `charset`, the later setting in the configuration file takes precedence.

danielclow 已提交
323 324 325 326
locale zh_CN.UTF-8
charset GBK

danielclow 已提交
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The charset that takes effect is GBK.

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charset GBK
locale zh_CN.UTF-8

danielclow 已提交
The charset that takes effect is UTF-8.
335 336 337 338 339 340 341


## Storage Parameters

### dataDir

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342 343 344 345 346
| Attribute     | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| Meaning       | All data files are stored in this directory                                                                                                                                                                 |
| Default Value | /var/lib/taos                                                                                                                                                                                               |
Cary Xu 已提交
| Note          | The [Tiered Storage]( function needs to be used in conjunction with the [KEEP]( parameter |

349 350
### tempDir

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351 352 353 354 355
| Attribute  | Description                                                                        |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable | Server only                                                                        |
| Meaning    | The directory where to put all the temporary files generated during system running |
| Default    | /tmp                                                                               |

357 358
### minimalTmpDirGB

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359 360 361
| Attribute     | Description                                                                                     |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client                                                                               |
| Meaning       | When the available disk space in tmpDir is below this threshold, writing to tmpDir is suspended |
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363 364
| Unit          | GB                                                                                              |
| Default Value | 1.0                                                                                             |
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### minimalDataDirGB

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368 369 370
| Attribute     | Description                                                                                       |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                                                                                       |
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| Meaning       | When the available disk space in dataDir is below this threshold, writing to dataDir is suspended |
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372 373
| Unit          | GB                                                                                                |
| Default Value | 2.0                                                                                               |

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### metaCacheMaxSize

| Attribute     | Description                                                                                       |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Client Only                                                                                       |
| Meaning       | Maximum meta cache size in single client process                                                  |
| Unit          | MB                                                                                                |
| Default Value | -1 (No limitation)                                                                                |

385 386
## Cluster Parameters

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### supportVnodes

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389 390 391 392 393 394
| Attribute     | Description                        |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                        |
| Meaning       | Maximum number of vnodes per dnode |
| Value Range   | 0-4096                             |
| Default Value | 2x the CPU cores                   |

396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406
## Performance Tuning

### numOfCommitThreads

| Attribute     | Description                         |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                         |
| Meaning       | Maximum number of threads to commit |
| Value Range   | 0-1024                              |
| Default Value |                                     |

407 408 409 410
## Log Parameters

### logDir

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411 412 413
| Attribute     | Description                         |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client                   |
414 415 416 417 418
| Meaning       | The directory for writing log files |
| Default Value | /var/log/taos                       |

### minimalLogDirGB

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419 420 421
| Attribute     | Description                                                                                        |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client                                                                                  |
| Meaning       | When the available disk space in logDir is below this threshold, writing to log files is suspended |
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423 424
| Unit          | GB                                                                                                 |
| Default Value | 1.0                                                                                                |
425 426 427

### numOfLogLines

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428 429 430
| Attribute     | Description                                |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Applicable    | Server and Client                          |
| Meaning       | Maximum number of lines in single log file |
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| Default Value | 10000000                                   |
433 434 435

### asyncLog

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436 437 438
| Attribute     | Description                  |
| ------------- | ---------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client            |
439 440
| Meaning       | The mode of writing log file |
| Value Range   | 0: sync way; 1: async way    |
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| Default Value | 1                            |
442 443 444

### logKeepDays

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445 446 447
| Attribute     | Description                                                                                                                                 |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client                                                                                                                           |
| Meaning       | The number of days for log files to be kept                                                                                                 |
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449 450
| Unit          | day                                                                                                                                         |
| Default Value | 0                                                                                                                                           |
451 452
| Note          | When it's bigger than 0, the log file would be renamed to "" in which "xxx" is the timestamp when the file is changed last time |

dapan1121 已提交
453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472
### slowLogThreshold

| Attribute     | Description                                                                                              |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Client only                                                                                              |
| Meaning       | When an operation execution time exceeds this threshold, the operation will be logged in slow log file   |
| Unit          | second                                                                                                   |
| Default Value | 3                                                                                                        |
| Note          | All slow operations will be logged in file "taosSlowLog" in the log directory                            |

### slowLogScope

| Attribute       | Description                                                             |
| --------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable      | Client only                                                             |
| Meaning         | Slow log type to be logged                                              |
| Optional Values | ALL, QUERY, INSERT, OTHERS, NONE                                        |
| Default Value   | ALL                                                                     |
| Note            | All slow operations will be logged by default, one option could be set  |

473 474
### debugFlag

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475 476 477
| Attribute     | Description                                               |
| ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client                                         |
478 479 480 481
| Meaning       | Log level                                                 |
| Value Range   | 131: INFO/WARNING/ERROR; 135: plus DEBUG; 143: plus TRACE |
| Default Value | 131 or 135, depending on the module                       |

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### tmrDebugFlag

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484 485
| Attribute     | Description               |
| ------------- | ------------------------- |
danielclow 已提交
486 487
| Applicable    | Server and Client         |
| Meaning       | Log level of timer module |
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488 489
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag         |
| Default Value |                           |

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### uDebugFlag

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493 494 495
| Attribute     | Description                |
| ------------- | -------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client          |
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| Meaning       | Log level of common module |
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497 498
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag          |
| Default Value |                            |
499 500 501

### rpcDebugFlag

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502 503 504
| Attribute     | Description             |
| ------------- | ----------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client       |
| Meaning       | Log level of rpc module |
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506 507
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag       |
| Default Value |                         |

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### jniDebugFlag

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511 512 513
| Attribute     | Description             |
| ------------- | ----------------------- |
| Applicable    | Client Only             |
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| Meaning       | Log level of jni module |
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515 516
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag       |
| Default Value |                         |
danielclow 已提交
517 518 519

### qDebugFlag

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520 521
| Attribute     | Description               |
| ------------- | ------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server and Client         |
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523 524 525
| Meaning       | Log level of query module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag         |
| Default Value |                           |
526 527 528

### cDebugFlag

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529 530
| Attribute     | Description         |
| ------------- | ------------------- |
531 532
| Applicable    | Client Only         |
| Meaning       | Log level of Client |
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533 534
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag   |
| Default Value |                     |

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### dDebugFlag

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538 539 540
| Attribute     | Description        |
| ------------- | ------------------ |
| Applicable    | Server Only        |
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541 542
| Meaning       | Log level of dnode |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag  |
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| Default Value | 135                |

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### vDebugFlag

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547 548 549
| Attribute     | Description        |
| ------------- | ------------------ |
| Applicable    | Server Only        |
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550 551
| Meaning       | Log level of vnode |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag  |
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| Default Value |                    |

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### mDebugFlag

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556 557 558 559 560 561
| Attribute     | Description               |
| ------------- | ------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only               |
| Meaning       | Log level of mnode module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag         |
| Default Value | 135                       |

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### wDebugFlag

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565 566 567 568 569 570
| Attribute     | Description             |
| ------------- | ----------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only             |
| Meaning       | Log level of WAL module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag       |
| Default Value | 135                     |

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### sDebugFlag

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574 575 576
| Attribute     | Description              |
| ------------- | ------------------------ |
| Applicable    | Server and Client        |
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| Meaning       | Log level of sync module |
dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
578 579
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag        |
| Default Value | 135                      |
580 581 582

### tsdbDebugFlag

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
583 584 585 586 587 588
| Attribute     | Description              |
| ------------- | ------------------------ |
| Applicable    | Server Only              |
| Meaning       | Log level of TSDB module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag        |
| Default Value |                          |

danielclow 已提交
### tqDebugFlag

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
592 593 594 595 596 597
| Attribute     | Description            |
| ------------- | ---------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server only            |
| Meaning       | Log level of TQ module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag      |
| Default Value |                        |

danielclow 已提交
### fsDebugFlag

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
601 602 603 604 605 606
| Attribute     | Description            |
| ------------- | ---------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server only            |
| Meaning       | Log level of FS module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag      |
| Default Value |                        |
danielclow 已提交
607 608

### udfDebugFlag

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
610 611 612
| Attribute     | Description             |
| ------------- | ----------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only             |
danielclow 已提交
| Meaning       | Log level of UDF module |
dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
614 615
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag       |
| Default Value |                         |

danielclow 已提交
### smaDebugFlag

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
619 620 621 622 623 624
| Attribute     | Description             |
| ------------- | ----------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only             |
| Meaning       | Log level of SMA module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag       |
| Default Value |                         |

danielclow 已提交
### idxDebugFlag

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
628 629 630 631 632 633
| Attribute     | Description               |
| ------------- | ------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only               |
| Meaning       | Log level of index module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag         |
| Default Value |                           |

danielclow 已提交
### tdbDebugFlag

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
637 638 639 640 641 642
| Attribute     | Description             |
| ------------- | ----------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only             |
| Meaning       | Log level of TDB module |
| Value Range   | same as debugFlag       |
| Default Value |                         |

danielclow 已提交
## Schemaless Parameters

danielclow 已提交
### smlChildTableName

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
648 649 650 651 652 653
| Attribute     | Description                                |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Applicable    | Client only                                |
| Meaning       | Custom subtable name for schemaless writes |
| Type          | String                                     |
| Default Value | None                                       |

danielclow 已提交
### smlTagName

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
657 658 659 660 661 662
| Attribute     | Description                                                   |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Client only                                                   |
| Meaning       | Default tag for schemaless writes without tag value specified |
| Type          | String                                                        |
| Default Value | _tag_null                                                     |
danielclow 已提交
663 664

### smlDataFormat

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
666 667 668 669 670 671
| Attribute   | Description                                                                         |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable  | Client only                                                                         |
| Meaning     | Whether schemaless columns are consistently ordered, depat, discarded since |
| Value Range | 0: not consistent; 1: consistent.                                                   |
| Default     | 0                                                                                   |

gccgdb1234 已提交
673 674 675 676
## Compress Parameters

### compressMsgSize

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
677 678 679 680 681 682
| Attribute   | Description                                                                                                        |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Applicable  | Both Client and Server side                                                                                        |
| Meaning     | Whether RPC message is compressed                                                                                  |
| Value Range | -1: none message is compressed; 0: all messages are compressed; N (N>0): messages exceeding N bytes are compressed |
| Default     | -1                                                                                                                 |
gccgdb1234 已提交
683 684

685 686 687 688
## Other Parameters

### enableCoreFile

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
689 690 691 692 693 694
| Attribute     | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Applicable    | Server and Client                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| Meaning       | Whether to generate core file when server crashes                                                                                                                                                                  |
| Value Range   | 0: false, 1: true                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| Default Value | 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
wafwerar's avatar
wafwerar 已提交
| Note          | The core file is generated under root directory `systemctl start taosd`/`launchctl start com.tdengine.taosd` is used to start, or under the working directory if `taosd` is started directly on Linux/macOS Shell. |
danielclow 已提交

Alex Duan 已提交
697 698
### enableScience

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
699 700 701 702 703 704
| Attribute     | Description                                                   |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Only taos-CLI client                                          |
| Meaning       | Whether to show float and double with the scientific notation |
| Value Range   | 0: false, 1: true                                             |
| Default Value | 0                                                             |
Alex Duan 已提交
705 706

danielclow 已提交
707 708
### udf

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
709 710 711 712 713 714
| Attribute     | Description                        |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| Applicable    | Server Only                        |
| Meaning       | Whether the UDF service is enabled |
| Value Range   | 0: disable UDF; 1: enabled UDF     |
| Default Value | 1                                  |
danielclow 已提交

716 717 718

## 3.0 Parameters

dengyihao's avatar
dengyihao 已提交
719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772
| #   |     **Parameter**      | **Applicable to 2.x ** | **Applicable to  3.0 **      | Current behavior in 3.0 |
| --- | :--------------------: | ---------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| 1   |        firstEp         | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 2   |        secondEp        | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 3   |          fqdn          | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 4   |       serverPort       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 5   |     maxShellConns      | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 6   |        monitor         | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 7   |      monitorFqdn       | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 8   |      monitorPort       | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 9   |    monitorInterval     | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 10  |      queryPolicy       | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 11  |    querySmaOptimize    | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 12  |  maxNumOfDistinctRes   | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 15  | countAlwaysReturnValue | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 16  |        dataDir         | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 17  |    minimalDataDirGB    | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 18  |     supportVnodes      | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 19  |        tempDir         | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 20  |    minimalTmpDirGB     | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 21  |   smlChildTableName    | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 22  |       smlTagName       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 23  |     smlDataFormat      | No                     | Yes(discarded since |                         |
| 24  |     statusInterval     | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 25  |         logDir         | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 26  |    minimalLogDirGB     | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 27  |     numOfLogLines      | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 28  |        asyncLog        | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 29  |      logKeepDays       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 30  |       debugFlag        | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 31  |      tmrDebugFlag      | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 32  |       uDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 33  |      rpcDebugFlag      | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 34  |      jniDebugFlag      | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 35  |       qDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 36  |       cDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 37  |       dDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 38  |       vDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 39  |       mDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 40  |       wDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 41  |       sDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 42  |     tsdbDebugFlag      | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 43  |      tqDebugFlag       | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 44  |      fsDebugFlag       | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 45  |      udfDebugFlag      | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 46  |      smaDebugFlag      | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 47  |      idxDebugFlag      | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 48  |      tdbDebugFlag      | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 49  |     metaDebugFlag      | No                     | Yes                          |                         |
| 50  |        timezone        | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 51  |         locale         | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 52  |        charset         | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 53  |          udf           | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |
| 54  |     enableCoreFile     | Yes                    | Yes                          |                         |