taosadapter_perftest.py 7.9 KB
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from fabric import Connection
from loguru import logger
import shutil
import os
import time

class TaosadapterPerftest():
    def __init__(self):
        self.ip     = "" 
        self.port   = "22"     
        self.user   = "root"      
        self.passwd = "tbase125!"
        self.telnetCreateStbJmxFile = "opentsdb_telnet_createStb.jmx"
        self.telnetCreateTbJmxFile = "opentsdb_telnet_createTb.jmx"
        self.telnetInsertRowsFile = "opentsdb_telnet_insertRows.jmx"
16 17
        self.telnetMixJmxFile = "opentsdb_telnet_MixTbRows.jmx"

18 19 20
        self.jsonCreateStbJmxFile = "opentsdb_json_createStb.jmx"
        self.jsonCreateTbJmxFile = "opentsdb_json_createTb.jmx"
        self.jsonInsertRowsFile = "opentsdb_json_insertRows.jmx"
21 22
        self.jsonMixJmxFile = "opentsdb_json_MixTbRows.jmx"

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
        self.logfile = "taosadapter_perftest.log"
        self.createStbThreads = 100
        self.createTbThreads = 100
        self.insertRowsThreads = 24

    def exec_remote_cmd(self, cmd):
            remote exec shell cmd
            c = Connection(self.ip, user=self.user, port=self.port, connect_timeout=120, connect_kwargs={"password": self.passwd})
            result = c.run(cmd, pty=False, warn=True, hide=True).stdout
            return result
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"exec cmd {cmd} failed:{e}");

    def exec_local_cmd(self, shell_cmd):
            exec local shell cmd
        result = os.popen(shell_cmd).read().strip()
        return result

    def modifyJxmLooptimes(self, filename, looptimes, row_count=None):
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
            modify looptimes
        with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f_w:
            for line in lines:
                if "looptimes" in line:
                    line = line.replace("looptimes", looptimes)
59 60 61
                if row_count is not None:
                    if "row_count" in line:
                        line = line.replace("row_count", row_count)
62 63 64 65 66 67

    def cleanAndRestartTaosd(self):
            restart taosd and clean env
        logger.info("---- restarting taosd and taosadapter ----")
69 70 71
        self.exec_remote_cmd("systemctl stop taosd")
        self.exec_remote_cmd("rm -rf /var/lib/taos/* /var/log/taos/*")
        self.exec_remote_cmd("systemctl start taosd")
        logger.info("---- finish restart ----")
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
    def recreateReportDir(self, path):
            recreate jmeter report path
        if os.path.exists(path):
            self.exec_local_cmd(f'rm -rf {path}/*')

    def cleanLog(self):
            clean log
        with open(self.logfile, 'w') as f:

    def outputParams(self, protocol, create_type):
            procotol is "telnet" or "json"
            create_type is "stb" or "tb" or "rows"
        if protocol == "telnet":
            if create_type == "stb":
                return self.telnetCreateStbJmxFile, self.createStbThreads
            elif create_type == "tb":
                return self.telnetCreateTbJmxFile, self.createTbThreads
            elif create_type == "rows":
                return self.telnetInsertRowsFile, self.insertRowsThreads
                logger.error("create type error!")
            if create_type == "stb":
                return self.jsonCreateStbJmxFile, self.createStbThreads
            elif create_type == "tb":
                return self.jsonCreateTbJmxFile, self.createTbThreads
            elif create_type == "rows":
                return self.jsonInsertRowsFile, self.insertRowsThreads
                logger.error("create type error!")

    def insertTDengine(self, procotol, create_type, count):
            create stb/tb or insert rows
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
        jmxfile, threads = self.outputParams(procotol, create_type)
        handle_file = str(count) + jmxfile
        report_dir = f'testreport/{handle_file}'
        shutil.copyfile(jmxfile, handle_file)
        replace_count = int(count/threads)
        self.modifyJxmLooptimes(handle_file, str(replace_count))
        result = self.exec_local_cmd(f"jmeter -n -t {handle_file} -l {report_dir}/{handle_file}.txt -e -o {report_dir}")
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
        logger.info("----- sleep 120s and please record data -----")
    def insertMixTbRows(self, procotol, looptimes, row_count):
        jmxfile = f"opentsdb_{procotol}_{looptimes}Tb100Rows.jmx"
        report_dir = f'testreport/{jmxfile}'
        if procotol == "telnet":
            shutil.copyfile(self.telnetMixJmxFile, jmxfile)
            shutil.copyfile(self.jsonMixJmxFile, jmxfile)

        self.modifyJxmLooptimes(jmxfile, str(looptimes), str(row_count))
        result = self.exec_local_cmd(f"jmeter -n -t {jmxfile} -l {report_dir}/{jmxfile}.txt -e -o {report_dir}")
        logger.info("----- sleep 120s and please record data -----")

150 151 152 153 154 155 156

if __name__ == '__main__':
    taosadapterPerftest = TaosadapterPerftest()
    logger.info('------------ Start testing the scenarios in the report chapter 3.4.1 ------------')
    for procotol in ["telnet", "json"]:
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 30W stable ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "stb", 300000)
        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 100W table with stb "cpu.usage_user" ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "tb", 1000000)
        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- inserting 100W rows ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "rows", 1000000)

        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 50W stable ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "stb", 500000)
        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 500W table with stb "cpu.usage_user" ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "tb", 5000000)
        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- inserting 500W rows ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "rows", 5000000)

        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 100W stable ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "stb", 1000000)
        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 1000W table with stb "cpu.usage_user" ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "tb", 10000000)
        # logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- inserting 1000W rows ------------')
        # taosadapterPerftest.insertTDengine(procotol, "rows", 10000000)

        logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 100W stable 100Rows ------------')
        taosadapterPerftest.insertMixTbRows(procotol, 1000000, 1000000)

        logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 1000W stable 100Rows ------------')
        taosadapterPerftest.insertMixTbRows(procotol, 10000000, 10000000)

        logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 3000W stable 100Rows ------------')
        taosadapterPerftest.insertMixTbRows(procotol, 30000000, 30000000)

        logger.info(f'----- {procotol} protocol ------- Creating 5000W stable 100Rows ------------')
        taosadapterPerftest.insertMixTbRows(procotol, 50000000, 50000000)

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