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import taos
import sys
import time
import socket
import os
import platform
if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
    import wexpect as taosExpect
    import pexpect as taosExpect

from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import *

def taos_command (buildPath, key, value, expectString, sqlString=''):
    if len(key) == 0:
        tdLog.exit("taos test key is null!")

    if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
        taosCmd = buildPath + '\\build\\bin\\taos.exe '
        taosCmd = taosCmd.replace('\\','\\\\')
        taosCmd = buildPath + '/build/bin/taos '

    cfgPath = buildPath + "/../sim/psim/cfg"
    taosCmd = taosCmd + ' -c' + cfgPath + ' -' + key
    if len(value) != 0:
        taosCmd = taosCmd + ' ' + value ("taos cmd: %s" % taosCmd)

    child = taosExpect.spawn(taosCmd, timeout=20)
    #output = child.readline()
    #print (output.decode())
    if len(expectString) != 0:
        i = child.expect([expectString, taosExpect.TIMEOUT, taosExpect.EOF], timeout=20)
        i = child.expect([taosExpect.TIMEOUT, taosExpect.EOF], timeout=20)

    if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
        retResult = child.before
        retResult = child.before.decode()
    if i == 0:
        print ('taos login success! Here can run sql, taos> ')
        return  "TAOS_OK"
        return "TAOS_FAIL"

class TDTestCase:
    #updatecfgDict = {'clientCfg': {'serverPort': 7080, 'firstEp': 'trd02:7080', 'secondEp':'trd02:7080'},\
    #                 'serverPort': 7080, 'firstEp': 'trd02:7080'}
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    if (platform.system().lower() == 'windows' and not tdDnodes.dnodes[0].remoteIP == ""):
            config = eval(tdDnodes.dnodes[0].remoteIP)
            hostname = config["host"]
        except Exception:
            hostname = tdDnodes.dnodes[0].remoteIP
    serverPort = '7080'
    rpcDebugFlagVal = '143'
    clientCfgDict = {'serverPort': '', 'firstEp': '', 'secondEp':'', 'rpcDebugFlag':'135', 'fqdn':''}
    clientCfgDict["serverPort"]    = serverPort
    clientCfgDict["firstEp"]       = hostname + ':' + serverPort
    clientCfgDict["secondEp"]      = hostname + ':' + serverPort
    clientCfgDict["rpcDebugFlag"]  = rpcDebugFlagVal
    clientCfgDict["fqdn"] = hostname

    updatecfgDict = {'clientCfg': {}, 'serverPort': '', 'firstEp': '', 'secondEp':'', 'rpcDebugFlag':'135', 'fqdn':''}
    updatecfgDict["clientCfg"]  = clientCfgDict
    updatecfgDict["serverPort"] = serverPort
    updatecfgDict["firstEp"]    = hostname + ':' + serverPort
    updatecfgDict["secondEp"]   = hostname + ':' + serverPort
    updatecfgDict["fqdn"] = hostname

    print ("===================: ", updatecfgDict)

    def init(self, conn, logSql, replicaVar=1):
        self.replicaVar = int(replicaVar)
        tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
        tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), True)
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87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149

    def getBuildPath(self):
        selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

        if ("community" in selfPath):
            projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")]
            projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")]

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath):
            if ("taosd" in files or "taosd.exe" in files):
                rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root))
                if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath):
                    buildPath = root[:len(root) - len("/build/bin")]
        return buildPath

    def run(self):  # sourcery skip: extract-duplicate-method, remove-redundant-fstring
        # time.sleep(2)
        tdSql.query("create user testpy pass 'testpy'")

        buildPath = self.getBuildPath()
        if (buildPath == ""):
            tdLog.exit("taosd not found!")
  "taosd found in %s" % buildPath)
        cfgPath = buildPath + "/../sim/psim/cfg""cfgPath: %s" % cfgPath)

        checkNetworkStatus = ['0: unavailable', '1: network ok', '2: service ok', '3: service degraded', '4: exiting']
        netrole            = ['client', 'server']

        keyDict = {'h':'', 'P':'6030', 'p':'testpy', 'u':'testpy', 'a':'', 'A':'', 'c':'', 'C':'', 's':'', 'r':'', 'f':'', \
                   'k':'', 't':'', 'n':'', 'l':'1024', 'N':'100', 'V':'', 'd':'db', 'w':'30', '-help':'', '-usage':'', '?':''}

        keyDict['h'] = self.hostname
        keyDict['c'] = cfgPath
        keyDict['P'] = self.serverPort

        tdSql.query("drop database if exists db1")
        tdSql.query("create database if not exists db1 vgroups 1")
        tdSql.query("use db1")
        tdSql.query("create table tba (ts timestamp, f1 binary(2))")
        tdSql.query("insert into tba values (now, '22')")
        tdSql.query("select * from tba")
        tdSql.checkData(0, 1, '22')

        keyDict['s'] = "\"alter table db1.tba modify column f1 binary(5) \""
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Query OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

        keyDict['s'] = "\"insert into db1.tba values (now, '55555')\""
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Insert OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

        tdSql.query("select * from tba order by ts")
        tdSql.checkData(0, 1, '22')
        tdSql.checkData(1, 1, '55555')

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150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173

        keyDict['s'] = "\"alter table db1.tba add column f2 binary(5) \""
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Query OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

        tdSql.query("select * from tba order by ts")
        tdSql.query("select * from tba order by ts")
        tdSql.checkData(0, 2, None)
        tdSql.checkData(1, 2, None)

        keyDict['s'] = "\"alter table db1.tba add column f3 binary(5) \""
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Query OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

        tdSql.query("select f3 from tba order by ts")
        tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
        tdSql.checkData(1, 0, None)

“happyguoxy” 已提交
        tdSql.query("create table stb (ts timestamp, f1 int, f2 binary(2)) tags (tg1 binary(2))")
dapan1121 已提交
        tdSql.query("create table tb1 using stb tags('bb')")
“happyguoxy” 已提交
        tdSql.query("insert into tb1 values (now, 2,'22')")
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177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
        tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb group by tg1")
        tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 1)

        keyDict['s'] = "\"alter table db1.stb modify tag tg1 binary(5) \""
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Query OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

        keyDict['s'] = "\"create table db1.tb2 using db1.stb tags('bbbbb')\""
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Create OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

“happyguoxy” 已提交
190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
        keyDict['s'] = "\"insert into db1.tb2 values (now, 2,'22')\""
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Insert OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

        keyDict['s'] = "\"alter table db1.stb modify column f2 binary(5) \""
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Query OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

        keyDict['s'] = "\"insert into db1.tb2 values (now, 3,'55555')\""
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201 202 203 204
        retCode = taos_command(buildPath, "s", keyDict['s'], "Insert OK", '')
        if retCode != "TAOS_OK":
            tdLog.exit("taos -s fail")

        tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb group by tg1 order by count(*) desc")
“happyguoxy” 已提交
        tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 2)
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        tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 1)

    def stop(self):
        tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")

tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())