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refactor<mock>: compatibility notes (#2555)

上级 5335ae75
import { createProdMockServer } from 'vite-plugin-mock/es/createProdMockServer';
// 问题描述
// 1. `import.meta.globEager` 已被弃用, 需要升级vite版本,有兼容问题
// 2. `vite-plugin-mock` 插件问题 https://github.com/vbenjs/vite-plugin-mock/issues/56
// const modules: Record<string, any> = import.meta.glob("./**/*.ts", {
// import: "default",
// eager: true,
// });
// const mockModules = Object.keys(modules).reduce((pre, key) => {
// if (!key.includes("/_")) {
// pre.push(...modules[key]);
// }
// return pre;
// }, [] as any[]);
const modules = import.meta.globEager('./**/*.ts');
const mockModules: any[] = [];
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