提交 1a85477f 编写于 作者: 茶陵後's avatar 茶陵後 👍

#1 代码格式调整

上级 9d55142e
......@@ -753,23 +753,23 @@ module.exports = {
nav: [
text: "Spring",
link: '/why-spring.html'
link: '/why-spring.html'
text: "Spring Boot",
link: '/spring-boot/getting-help.html'
link: '/spring-boot/getting-help.html'
text: "Spring Framework",
link: '/spring-framework/overview.html'
link: '/spring-framework/overview.html'
text: "Spring Data",
link: '/spring-data/spring-data.html'
link: '/spring-data/spring-data.html'
text: "Spring Cloud",
link: '/spring-cloud/documentation-overview.html'
link: '/spring-cloud/documentation-overview.html'
text: "更多文档",
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