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# Kotlin Configuration

|   |Spring Security provides [a sample application]( which demonstrates the use of Spring Security Kotlin Configuration.|

## HttpSecurity

How does Spring Security know that we want to require all users to be authenticated?
How does Spring Security know we want to support form based authentication?
There is a configuration class that is being invoked behind the scenes called `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`.
It has a method called `configure` with the following default implementation:

fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
   http {
        authorizeRequests {
            authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
       formLogin { }
       httpBasic { }

The default configuration above:

* Ensures that any request to our application requires the user to be authenticated

* Allows users to authenticate with form based login

* Allows users to authenticate with HTTP Basic authentication

You will notice that this configuration is quite similar the XML Namespace configuration:

	<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="authenticated"/>
	<form-login />
	<http-basic />

## Multiple HttpSecurity

We can configure multiple HttpSecurity instances just as we can have multiple `<http>` blocks.
The key is to extend the `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` multiple times.
For example, the following is an example of having a different configuration for URL’s that start with `/api/`.

class MultiHttpSecurityConfig {
    @Bean                                                            (1)
    public fun userDetailsService(): UserDetailsService {
        val users: User.UserBuilder = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
        val manager = InMemoryUserDetailsManager()
        return manager

    @Order(1)                                                        (2)
    class ApiWebSecurityConfigurationAdapter: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
        override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
            http {
                securityMatcher("/api/**")                           (3)
                authorizeRequests {
                    authorize(anyRequest, hasRole("ADMIN"))
                httpBasic { }

    @Configuration                                                   (4)
    class FormLoginWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
        override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
            http {
                authorizeRequests {
                    authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
                formLogin { }

|**1**|                                                                                                                              Configure Authentication as normal                                                                                                                               |
|**2**|                                                                    Create an instance of `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` that contains `@Order` to specify which `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` should be considered first.                                                                    |
|**3**|                                                                                         The `http.antMatcher` states that this `HttpSecurity` will only be applicable to URLs that start with `/api/`                                                                                         |
|**4**|Create another instance of `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`.<br/>If the URL does not start with `/api/` this configuration will be used.<br/>This configuration is considered after `ApiWebSecurityConfigurationAdapter` since it has an `@Order` value after `1` (no `@Order` defaults to last).|

[Java Configuration](java.html)[Namespace Configuration](xml-namespace.html)