提交 f36e7b49 编写于 作者: O Ojan Vafai

Assorted cleanup of RenderLayer.

-Move perspectiveOrigin to RenderBox. It's only used in
one place and called on a RenderBox.
-Inline some methods that were just calling out to the renderer.
-Inline updateStackingNode() into the constructor and remove
the branch since requiresStackingNode is always true.
-Delete a bunch of dead code.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/961053002
上级 a3eeb226
......@@ -281,6 +281,17 @@ FloatQuad RenderBox::absoluteContentQuad() const
return localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(rect));
FloatPoint RenderBox::perspectiveOrigin() const
if (!hasTransform())
return FloatPoint();
const LayoutRect borderBox = borderBoxRect();
return FloatPoint(
floatValueForLength(style()->perspectiveOriginX(), borderBox.width().toFloat()),
floatValueForLength(style()->perspectiveOriginY(), borderBox.height().toFloat()));
void RenderBox::addFocusRingRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, const RenderBox*) const
if (!size().isEmpty())
......@@ -835,7 +846,7 @@ void RenderBox::paintLayerContents(GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPainting
if (layer()->isTransparent()) {
if (isTransparent()) {
LayoutRect clipRect = intersection(paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect,
transparencyClipBox(layer(), localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation));
......@@ -873,7 +884,7 @@ void RenderBox::paintLayerContents(GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPainting
layer()->restoreClip(context, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, contentRect);
if (layer()->isTransparent()) {
if (isTransparent()) {
......@@ -172,6 +172,8 @@ public:
// The content box converted to absolute coords (taking transforms into account).
FloatQuad absoluteContentQuad() const;
FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin() const;
// This returns the content area of the box (excluding padding and border). The only difference with contentBoxRect is that computedCSSContentBoxRect
// does include the intrinsic padding in the content box as this is what some callers expect (like getComputedStyle).
LayoutRect computedCSSContentBoxRect() const { return LayoutRect(borderLeft() + computedCSSPaddingLeft(), borderTop() + computedCSSPaddingTop(), clientWidth() - computedCSSPaddingLeft() - computedCSSPaddingRight(), clientHeight() - computedCSSPaddingTop() - computedCSSPaddingBottom()); }
......@@ -92,8 +92,7 @@ RenderLayer::RenderLayer(RenderBox* renderer, LayerType type)
, m_last(0)
, m_clipper(*renderer)
m_stackingNode = adoptPtr(new RenderLayerStackingNode(this));
m_isSelfPaintingLayer = shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer();
......@@ -102,33 +101,15 @@ RenderLayer::~RenderLayer()
String RenderLayer::debugName() const
return renderer()->debugName();
LayoutSize RenderLayer::subpixelAccumulation() const
return m_subpixelAccumulation;
void RenderLayer::setSubpixelAccumulation(const LayoutSize& size)
m_subpixelAccumulation = size;
void RenderLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout()
TRACE_EVENT0("blink", "RenderLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout");
void RenderLayer::updateTransformationMatrix()
if (m_transform) {
RenderBox* box = renderBox();
RenderBox* box = renderer();
box->style()->applyTransform(*m_transform, box->pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().size(), RenderStyle::IncludeTransformOrigin);
// FIXME(sky): We shouldn't need to do this once Skia has 4x4 matrix support.
......@@ -166,38 +147,6 @@ void RenderLayer::updateTransform(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, RenderStyle* newS
static RenderLayer* enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(RenderLayer* layer)
if (RenderObject* containingBlock = layer->renderer()->containingBlock())
return containingBlock->enclosingLayer();
return 0;
RenderLayer* RenderLayer::renderingContextRoot()
RenderLayer* renderingContext = 0;
if (shouldPreserve3D())
renderingContext = this;
for (RenderLayer* current = enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(this); current && current->shouldPreserve3D(); current = enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(current))
renderingContext = current;
return renderingContext;
RenderLayer* RenderLayer::enclosingOverflowClipLayer(IncludeSelfOrNot includeSelf) const
const RenderLayer* layer = (includeSelf == IncludeSelf) ? this : parent();
while (layer) {
if (layer->renderer()->hasOverflowClip())
return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(layer);
layer = layer->parent();
return 0;
void RenderLayer::dirty3DTransformedDescendantStatus()
RenderLayerStackingNode* stackingNode = m_stackingNode->ancestorStackingContextNode();
......@@ -241,14 +190,9 @@ bool RenderLayer::update3DTransformedDescendantStatus()
IntSize RenderLayer::size() const
if (renderer()->isInline() && renderer()->isRenderInline())
return toRenderInline(renderer())->linesBoundingBox().size();
// FIXME: Is snapping the size really needed here?
if (RenderBox* box = renderBox())
return pixelSnappedIntSize(box->size(), box->location());
return IntSize();
RenderBox* box = renderer();
return pixelSnappedIntSize(box->size(), box->location());
LayoutPoint RenderLayer::location() const
......@@ -261,8 +205,8 @@ LayoutPoint RenderLayer::location() const
IntRect lineBox = inlineFlow->linesBoundingBox();
inlineBoundingBoxOffset = toSize(lineBox.location());
localPoint += inlineBoundingBoxOffset;
} else if (RenderBox* box = renderBox()) {
localPoint += box->locationOffset();
} else {
localPoint += renderer()->locationOffset();
if (!renderer()->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && renderer()->parent()) {
......@@ -285,47 +229,6 @@ LayoutPoint RenderLayer::location() const
return localPoint;
TransformationMatrix RenderLayer::perspectiveTransform() const
if (!renderer()->hasTransform())
return TransformationMatrix();
RenderStyle* style = renderer()->style();
if (!style->hasPerspective())
return TransformationMatrix();
// Maybe fetch the perspective from the backing?
const IntRect borderBox = renderer()->pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect();
const float boxWidth = borderBox.width();
const float boxHeight = borderBox.height();
float perspectiveOriginX = floatValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginX(), boxWidth);
float perspectiveOriginY = floatValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginY(), boxHeight);
// A perspective origin of 0,0 makes the vanishing point in the center of the element.
// We want it to be in the top-left, so subtract half the height and width.
perspectiveOriginX -= boxWidth / 2.0f;
perspectiveOriginY -= boxHeight / 2.0f;
TransformationMatrix t;
t.translate(perspectiveOriginX, perspectiveOriginY);
t.translate(-perspectiveOriginX, -perspectiveOriginY);
return t;
FloatPoint RenderLayer::perspectiveOrigin() const
if (!renderer()->hasTransform())
return FloatPoint();
const LayoutRect borderBox = renderer()->borderBoxRect();
RenderStyle* style = renderer()->style();
return FloatPoint(floatValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginX(), borderBox.width().toFloat()), floatValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginY(), borderBox.height().toFloat()));
RenderLayer* RenderLayer::enclosingPositionedAncestor() const
RenderLayer* curr = parent();
......@@ -527,14 +430,6 @@ void RenderLayer::convertToLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutR
rect.move(-delta.x(), -delta.y());
void RenderLayer::updateStackingNode()
if (requiresStackingNode())
m_stackingNode = adoptPtr(new RenderLayerStackingNode(this));
m_stackingNode = nullptr;
static bool inContainingBlockChain(RenderLayer* startLayer, RenderLayer* endLayer)
if (startLayer == endLayer)
......@@ -617,8 +512,7 @@ LayoutRect RenderLayer::logicalBoundingBox() const
if (renderer()->isInline() && renderer()->isRenderInline()) {
result = toRenderInline(renderer())->linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox();
} else {
RenderBox* box = renderBox();
RenderBox* box = renderer();
result = box->borderBoxRect();
......@@ -716,22 +610,12 @@ bool RenderLayer::shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer() const
return m_layerType == NormalLayer;
bool RenderLayer::hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground() const
return renderer()->style()->hasBoxDecorations() || renderer()->style()->hasBackground();
bool RenderLayer::hasVisibleBoxDecorations() const
return hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground();
void RenderLayer::updateFilters(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle)
if (!newStyle->hasFilter() && (!oldStyle || !oldStyle->hasFilter()))
if (!hasFilter()) {
if (!renderer()->hasFilter()) {
......@@ -73,11 +73,7 @@ public:
RenderLayer(RenderBox*, LayerType);
String debugName() const;
RenderBox* renderer() const { return m_renderer; }
// FIXME(sky): Remove
RenderBox* renderBox() const { return m_renderer; }
RenderLayer* parent() const { return m_parent; }
RenderLayer* previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
RenderLayer* nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
......@@ -91,14 +87,9 @@ public:
void insertOnlyThisLayer();
void styleChanged(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* oldStyle);
// FIXME: Many people call this function while it has out-of-date information.
bool isSelfPaintingLayer() const { return m_isSelfPaintingLayer; }
void setLayerType(LayerType layerType) { m_layerType = layerType; }
bool isTransparent() const { return renderer()->isTransparent(); }
const RenderLayer* root() const
const RenderLayer* curr = this;
......@@ -109,30 +100,20 @@ public:
LayoutPoint location() const;
IntSize size() const;
LayoutRect rect() const { return LayoutRect(location(), size()); }
bool isRootLayer() const { return m_isRootLayer; }
void updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout();
void updateTransformationMatrix();
RenderLayer* renderingContextRoot();
RenderLayerStackingNode* stackingNode() { return m_stackingNode.get(); }
const RenderLayerStackingNode* stackingNode() const { return m_stackingNode.get(); }
bool hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground() const;
bool hasVisibleBoxDecorations() const;
// True if this layer container renderers that paint.
bool hasNonEmptyChildRenderers() const;
// Gets the nearest enclosing positioned ancestor layer (also includes
// the <html> layer and the root layer).
RenderLayer* enclosingPositionedAncestor() const;
RenderLayer* enclosingOverflowClipLayer(IncludeSelfOrNot = IncludeSelf) const;
const RenderLayer* compositingContainer() const;
void convertToLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutPoint&) const;
......@@ -144,25 +125,11 @@ public:
// Bounding box relative to some ancestor layer. Pass offsetFromRoot if known.
LayoutRect physicalBoundingBox(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot = 0) const;
LayoutRect physicalBoundingBoxIncludingReflectionAndStackingChildren(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, const LayoutPoint& offsetFromRoot) const;
// If true, this layer's children are included in its bounds for overlap testing.
// We can't rely on the children's positions if this layer has a filter that could have moved the children's pixels around.
bool overlapBoundsIncludeChildren() const { return hasFilter() && renderer()->style()->filter().hasFilterThatMovesPixels(); }
LayoutRect boundingBoxForCompositing(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer = 0) const;
LayoutSize subpixelAccumulation() const;
void setSubpixelAccumulation(const LayoutSize&);
bool hasTransform() const { return renderer()->hasTransform(); }
// This transform has the transform-origin baked in.
TransformationMatrix* transform() const { return m_transform.get(); }
// Get the perspective transform, which is applied to transformed sublayers.
// Returns true if the layer has a -webkit-perspective.
// Note that this transform has the perspective-origin baked in.
TransformationMatrix perspectiveTransform() const;
FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin() const;
bool preserves3D() const { return renderer()->style()->transformStyle3D() == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D; }
bool has3DTransform() const { return m_transform && !m_transform->isAffine(); }
......@@ -173,8 +140,6 @@ public:
// FIXME: reflections should force transform-style to be flat in the style: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106959
bool shouldPreserve3D() const { return renderer()->style()->transformStyle3D() == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D; }
bool hasFilter() const { return renderer()->hasFilter(); }
void* operator new(size_t);
// Only safe to call from RenderBox::destroyLayer()
void operator delete(void*);
......@@ -196,16 +161,13 @@ public:
bool hasFilterInfo() const { return m_hasFilterInfo; }
void setHasFilterInfo(bool hasFilterInfo) { m_hasFilterInfo = hasFilterInfo; }
void updateFilters(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle);
RenderLayerClipper& clipper() { return m_clipper; }
const RenderLayerClipper& clipper() const { return m_clipper; }
inline bool isPositionedContainer() const
// FIXME: This is not in sync with containingBlock.
RenderBox* layerRenderer = renderer();
return isRootLayer() || layerRenderer->isPositioned() || hasTransform();
return isRootLayer() || renderer()->isPositioned() || renderer()->hasTransform();
void clipToRect(const LayerPaintingInfo&, GraphicsContext*, const ClipRect&, BorderRadiusClippingRule = IncludeSelfForBorderRadius);
......@@ -220,14 +182,9 @@ private:
void setFirstChild(RenderLayer* first) { m_first = first; }
void setLastChild(RenderLayer* last) { m_last = last; }
LayoutPoint renderBoxLocation() const { return renderer()->location(); }
bool shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer() const;
// FIXME: We should only create the stacking node if needed.
bool requiresStackingNode() const { return true; }
void updateStackingNode();
void updateFilters(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle);
void updateTransform(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, RenderStyle* newStyle);
void dirty3DTransformedDescendantStatus();
......@@ -260,8 +217,6 @@ private:
RenderLayerClipper m_clipper; // FIXME: Lazily allocate?
OwnPtr<RenderLayerStackingNode> m_stackingNode;
LayoutSize m_subpixelAccumulation; // The accumulated subpixel offset of a composited layer's composited bounds compared to absolute coordinates.
} // namespace blink
......@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ void RenderObject::getTransformFromContainer(const RenderObject* containerObject
if (containerObject && containerObject->hasLayer() && containerObject->style()->hasPerspective()) {
// Perpsective on the container affects us, so we have to factor it in here.
FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin = toRenderBox(containerObject)->layer()->perspectiveOrigin();
FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin = toRenderBox(containerObject)->perspectiveOrigin();
TransformationMatrix perspectiveMatrix;
......@@ -356,8 +356,6 @@ static void write(TextStream& ts, RenderLayer& l,
if (!adjustedClipRect.contains(adjustedLayoutBounds))
ts << " clip " << adjustedClipRect;
if (l.isTransparent())
ts << " transparent";
ts << "\n";
write(ts, *l.renderer(), indent + 1, behavior);
......@@ -369,8 +367,8 @@ void RenderTreeAsText::writeLayers(TextStream& ts, const RenderLayer* rootLayer,
// FIXME: Apply overflow to the root layer to not break every test. Complete hack. Sigh.
LayoutRect paintDirtyRect(paintRect);
if (rootLayer == layer) {
paintDirtyRect.setWidth(max<LayoutUnit>(paintDirtyRect.width(), rootLayer->renderBox()->layoutOverflowRect().maxX()));
paintDirtyRect.setHeight(max<LayoutUnit>(paintDirtyRect.height(), rootLayer->renderBox()->layoutOverflowRect().maxY()));
paintDirtyRect.setWidth(max<LayoutUnit>(paintDirtyRect.width(), rootLayer->renderer()->layoutOverflowRect().maxX()));
paintDirtyRect.setHeight(max<LayoutUnit>(paintDirtyRect.height(), rootLayer->renderer()->layoutOverflowRect().maxY()));
// Calculate the clip rects we should use.
......@@ -380,7 +378,7 @@ void RenderTreeAsText::writeLayers(TextStream& ts, const RenderLayer* rootLayer,
// FIXME: Apply overflow to the root layer to not break every test. Complete hack. Sigh.
if (rootLayer == layer)
layerBounds.setSize(layer->size().expandedTo(pixelSnappedIntSize(layer->renderBox()->maxLayoutOverflow(), LayoutPoint(0, 0))));
layerBounds.setSize(layer->size().expandedTo(pixelSnappedIntSize(layer->renderer()->maxLayoutOverflow(), LayoutPoint(0, 0))));
// Ensure our lists are up-to-date.
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