提交 d9dd8b12 编写于 作者: H Hixie

Specs: Drop @nonnull from dom.md, drop ChildNode from dom.md, drop TreeRoot...

Specs: Drop @nonnull from dom.md, drop ChildNode from dom.md, drop TreeRoot from dom.md, other minor idomatic changes

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/927613002
上级 7de4ec3b
......@@ -8,44 +8,49 @@ SKY MODULE
abstract class ChildNode {
@nonnull external TreeScope get ownerScope; // O(1)
abstract class Node extends EventTarget {
external List<EventTarget> getEventDispatchChain(); // O(N) in number of ancestors across shadow trees
// implements EventTarget.getEventDispatchChain()
// returns the event dispatch chain (including handling shadow trees)
external Root get owner; // O(1)
external ParentNode get parentNode; // O(1)
external Element get parentElement; // O(1) // if parentNode isn't an element, returns null
external ChildNode get previousSibling; // O(1)
external ChildNode get nextSibling; // O(1)
external Node get previousSibling; // O(1)
external Node get nextSibling; // O(1)
// the following all throw if parentNode is null
external void insertBefore(@nonnull List</*@nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
external void insertAfter(@nonnull List</*@nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
external void replaceWith(@nonnull List</*@nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes); // O(N) in number of descendants plus arguments plus all their descendants
external void insertBefore(List nodes); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
external void insertAfter(List nodes); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
external void replaceWith(List nodes); // O(N) in number of descendants plus arguments plus all their descendants
// nodes must be String, Text, or Element
external void remove(); // O(N) in number of descendants
// called when parentNode changes
external void parentChangeCallback(ParentNode oldParent, ParentNode newParent, ChildNode previousSibling, ChildNode nextSibling); // O(N) in descendants
// this is why insertBefore(), append(), et al, are O(N) -- the whole affected subtree is walked
// mutating the element tree from within this is strongly discouraged, since it will result in the
// callbacks being invoked while the element tree is in a different state than implied by the callbacks
external void parentChangeCallback(ParentNode oldParent, ParentNode newParent, Node previousSibling, Node nextSibling); // O(N) in descendants
// default implementation calls attached/detached
void attachedCallback() { }
void detachedCallback() { }
external List<ContentElement> getDestinationInsertionPoints(); // O(N) in number of insertion points the node is in
// returns the <content> elements to which this element was distributed
abstract class Node extends EventTarget {
external List</*@nonnull*/ EventTarget> getEventDispatchChain(); // O(N) in number of ancestors across shadow trees
// implements EventTarget.getEventDispatchChain()
// returns the event dispatch chain (including handling shadow trees)
external Node cloneNode({bool deep: false}); // O(1) if deep=false, O(N) in the number of descendants if deep=true
external ElementStyleDeclarationList get style; // O(1)
// for nodes that aren't reachable from the Application Document, returns null
// (so in particular orphaned subtrees and nodes in module documents don't have one)
// -- should be updated when the node's parent chain changes (same time as, e.g.,
// the id hashtable is updated)
// also always returns null for ContentElement elements and ShadowRoot nodes
// for nodes that aren't in the ApplicationRoot's composed tree,
// returns null (so in particular orphaned subtrees and nodes in
// module Roots don't have one, nor do shadow tree Roots)
// also always returns null for ContentElement elements
// -- should be (lazily) updated when the node's parent chain
// changes (same time as, e.g., the id hashtable is marked
// dirty)
external RenderNode get renderNode; // O(1)
// this will be null until the first time it is rendered
......@@ -62,17 +67,19 @@ abstract class Node extends EventTarget {
abstract class ParentNode extends Node {
external ChildNode get firstChild; // O(1)
external ChildNode get lastChild; // O(1)
external Node get firstChild; // O(1)
external Node get lastChild; // O(1)
// Returns a new List every time.
external List</*nonnull*/ ChildNode> getChildNodes(); // O(N) in number of child nodes
external List<Node> getChildren(); // O(N) in number of child nodes
external List<Element> getChildElements(); // O(N) in number of child nodes
// TODO(ianh): might not be necessary if we have the parser drop unnecessary whitespace text nodes
external void append(@nonnull List</*nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
external void prepend(@nonnull List</*nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
external void replaceChildrenWith(@nonnull List</*nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes); // O(N) in number of descendants plus arguments plus all their descendants
external void append(List nodes); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
external void appendSingle(Node nodes); // O(N) in number of descandants
external void prepend(List nodes); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
external void replaceChildrenWith(List nodes); // O(N) in number of descendants plus arguments plus all their descendants
// nodes must be String, Text, or Element
class Attr {
......@@ -85,7 +92,7 @@ class Attr {
// only useful when placed on classes that inherit from Element
class tagname extends AutomaticMetadata {
const tagname(this.name);
@nonnull final String name;
final String name;
void init(DeclarationMirror target, Module module) {
assert(target is ClassMirror);
if (!target.isSubclassOf(reflectClass(Element)))
......@@ -94,32 +101,33 @@ class tagname extends AutomaticMetadata {
abstract class FindRoot { }
abstract class Element extends ParentNode with ChildNode implements FindRoot {
external Element({Map</*@nonnull*/ String, /*@nonnull*/ String> attributes: null,
List</*nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes: null,
Module hostModule: null}); // O(M+N), M = number of attributes, N = number of nodes plus all their descendants
abstract class Element extends ParentNode with Node {
external Element({Map<String, String> attributes: null,
List children: null,
Module hostModule: null}); // O(M+N), M = number of attributes, N = number of children nodes plus all their descendants
// initialises the internal attributes table
// appends the given child nodes
// appends the given children nodes
// children must be String, Text, or Element
// if this.needsShadow, creates a shadow tree
@nonnull String get tagName { // O(N) in number of annotations on the class
String get tagName { // O(N) in number of annotations on the class
// throws a StateError if the class doesn't have an @tagname annotation
var tagnameClass = reflectClass(tagname);
return (reflectClass(this.runtimeType).metadata.singleWhere((mirror) => mirror.type == tagnameClass).reflectee as tagname).value;
@nonnull external bool hasAttribute(@nonnull String name); // O(N) in number of attributes
@nonnull external String getAttribute(@nonnull String name); // O(N) in number of attributes
external void setAttribute(@nonnull String name, [@nonnull String value = '']); // O(N) in number of attributes
external void removeAttribute(@nonnull String name); // O(N) in number of attributes
external bool hasAttribute(String name); // O(N) in number of attributes
external String getAttribute(String name); // O(N) in number of attributes
external void setAttribute(String name, [String value = '']); // O(N) in number of attributes
external void removeAttribute(String name); // O(N) in number of attributes
// calling setAttribute() with a null value removes the attribute
// (calling it without a value sets it to the empty string)
// Returns a new Array and new Attr instances every time.
@nonnull external List<Attr> getAttributes(); // O(N) in number of attributes
external List<Attr> getAttributes(); // O(N) in number of attributes
get bool needsShadow => false; // O(1)
external ShadowRoot get shadowRoot; // O(1)
external Root get shadowRoot; // O(1)
// returns the shadow root
// TODO(ianh): Should this be mutable? It would help explain how it gets set...
......@@ -137,44 +145,36 @@ abstract class Element extends ParentNode with ChildNode implements FindRoot {
class Text extends Node with ChildNode {
external Text([@nonnull String value = '']); // O(1)
class Text extends Node with Node {
external Text([String value = '']); // O(1)
@nonnull external String get value; // O(1)
external void set (@nonnull String value); // O(1)
external String get value; // O(1)
external void set (String value); // O(1)
void valueChangeCallback(@nonnull String oldValue, @nonnull String newValue) { }
void valueChangeCallback(String oldValue, String newValue) { }
Type getLayoutManager() => TextLayoutManager; // O(1)
class DocumentFragment extends ParentNode implements FindRoot {
DocumentFragment([List</*nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes = null]); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
class Fragment extends ParentNode {
Fragment({List children}); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
// children must be String, Text, or Element
abstract class TreeScope extends ParentNode {
external Document get ownerDocument; // O(1)
external TreeScope get parentScope; // O(1)
class Root extends ParentNode {
external Root ({List children, Element host}); // O(N) in number of children nodes arguments plus all their descendants
// children must be String, Text, or Element
final Element host;
external Element findId(String id); // O(1)
// throws if id is null
class ShadowRoot extends TreeScope implements FindRoot {
ShadowRoot([this._host]); // O(1)
// note that there is no way in the API to use a newly created ShadowRoot currently
Element _host;
Element get host => _host; // O(1)
class Document extends TreeScope implements FindRoot {
external Document ([List</*@nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes = null]); // O(N) in number of arguments plus all their descendants
class ApplicationDocument extends Document {
external ApplicationDocument ([List</*@nonnull*/ ChildNode> nodes = null]); // O(N) in number of /nodes/ arguments plus all their descendants
class ApplicationRoot extends Root {
external ApplicationRoot ({List children}) : Root(children: children); // O(N) in number of children nodes arguments plus all their descendants
// children must be String, Text, or Element
Type getLayoutManager() => rootLayoutManager; // O(1)
......@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ class ImportElement extends Element {
class TemplateElement extends Element {
TemplateElement = Element;
// TODO(ianh): convert <template> to using a token stream instead of a DocumentFragment
// TODO(ianh): convert <template> to using a token stream instead of a Fragment
@nonnull external DocumentFragment get content; // O(1)
external Fragment get content; // O(1)
Type getLayoutManager() => null; // O(1)
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class ScriptElement extends Element {
class StyleElement extends Element {
StyleElement = Element;
@nonnull external List</*@nonnull*/ Rule> getRules(); // O(N) in rules
external List<Rule> getRules(); // O(N) in rules
Type getLayoutManager() => null; // O(1)
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class StyleElement extends Element {
class ContentElement extends Element {
ContentElement = Element;
@nonnull external List</*@nonnull*/ Node> getDistributedNodes(); // O(N) in distributed nodes
external List<Node> getDistributedNodes(); // O(N) in distributed nodes
Type getLayoutManager() => null; // O(1)
......@@ -285,11 +285,15 @@ class _ErrorElement extends Element {
class SelectorQuery {
external SelectorQuery(@nonnull String selector); // O(F()) where F() is the complexity of the selector
@nonnull external bool matches(@nonnull Element element); // O(F())
external Element find(@nonnull FindRoot root); // O(N*F())+O(M) where N is the number of descendants and M the average depth of the tree
@nonnull external List</*@nonnull*/ Element> findAll(FindRoot root); // O(N*F())+O(N*M) where N is the number of descendants and M the average depth of the tree
external SelectorQuery(String selector); // O(F()) where F() is the complexity of the selector
external bool matches(Element element); // O(F())
external Element find(node root); // O(N*F())+O(M) where N is the number of descendants and M the average depth of the tree
external List<Element> findAll(Node root); // O(N*F())+O(N*M) where N is the number of descendants and M the average depth of the tree
// find() and findAll() throw if the root is not one of the following:
// - Element
// - Fragment
// - Root
......@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ abstract class Event<ReturnType> {
// TODO(ianh): abstract API for doing things at shadow tree boundaries
// TODO(ianh): do events get blocked at scope boundaries, e.g. focus events when both sides are in the scope?
// TODO(ianh): do events get retargetted, e.g. focus when leaving a custom element?
// e.g. sent from inside a shadow tree, when exiting the shadow tree, focus event should:
// - disappear if we're moving from one to another element
// - be targetted if it's going to another node in a different scope
class EventTarget {
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