提交 b08167ba 编写于 作者: C Chinmay Garde 提交者: GitHub

Implement all known blink::PointerData fields on iOS. (#3955)

上级 cc7e71ea
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ allowed_hosts = [
deps = {
'src': 'https://github.com/flutter/buildroot.git' + '@' + '4cf93efdd098f6c3bc26b9f38f2306fa0560ead6',
'src': 'https://github.com/flutter/buildroot.git' + '@' + 'b0caefa339171dfa48b72b1064652d7c11cfe857',
# Fuchsia compatibility
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ source_set("fml") {
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "lib/ftl/macros.h"
namespace fml {
bool IsPlatformVersionAtLeast(size_t major, size_t minor = 0, size_t patch = 0);
} // namespace fml
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/platform_version.h"
#include <Foundation/NSProcessInfo.h>
namespace fml {
bool IsPlatformVersionAtLeast(size_t major, size_t minor, size_t patch) {
const NSOperatingSystemVersion version = {
.majorVersion = static_cast<NSInteger>(major),
.minorVersion = static_cast<NSInteger>(minor),
.patchVersion = static_cast<NSInteger>(patch),
return [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion:version];
} // namespace fml
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <memory>
#include "flutter/common/threads.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/platform_version.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/scoped_block.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/buffer_conversions.h"
......@@ -71,6 +72,9 @@ class PlatformMessageResponseDarwin : public blink::PlatformMessageResponse {
fml::scoped_nsprotocol<FlutterMethodChannel*> _textInputChannel;
fml::scoped_nsprotocol<FlutterBasicMessageChannel*> _lifecycleChannel;
fml::scoped_nsprotocol<FlutterBasicMessageChannel*> _systemChannel;
bool _platformSupportsTouchTypes;
bool _platformSupportsTouchPressure;
bool _platformSupportsTouchOrientationAndTilt;
BOOL _initialized;
BOOL _connected;
......@@ -116,6 +120,10 @@ class PlatformMessageResponseDarwin : public blink::PlatformMessageResponse {
_initialized = YES;
_platformSupportsTouchTypes = fml::IsPlatformVersionAtLeast(9);
_platformSupportsTouchPressure = fml::IsPlatformVersionAtLeast(9);
_platformSupportsTouchOrientationAndTilt = fml::IsPlatformVersionAtLeast(9, 1);
_orientationPreferences = UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;
_statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleDefault;
_platformView =
......@@ -165,7 +173,6 @@ class PlatformMessageResponseDarwin : public blink::PlatformMessageResponse {
[self setupNotificationCenterObservers];
- (void)setupNotificationCenterObservers {
......@@ -226,10 +233,8 @@ class PlatformMessageResponseDarwin : public blink::PlatformMessageResponse {
- (void)setInitialRoute:(NSString*)route {
[_navigationChannel.get() invokeMethod:@"setInitialRoute"
[_navigationChannel.get() invokeMethod:@"setInitialRoute" arguments:route];
#pragma mark - Initializing the engine
......@@ -378,6 +383,23 @@ static inline PointerChangeMapperPhase PointerChangePhaseFromUITouchPhase(UITouc
return PointerChangeMapperPhase(blink::PointerData::Change::kCancel, MapperPhase::Accessed);
static inline blink::PointerData::DeviceKind DeviceKindFromTouchType(UITouch* touch,
bool touchTypeSupported) {
if (!touchTypeSupported) {
return blink::PointerData::DeviceKind::kTouch;
switch (touch.type) {
case UITouchTypeDirect:
case UITouchTypeIndirect:
return blink::PointerData::DeviceKind::kTouch;
case UITouchTypeStylus:
return blink::PointerData::DeviceKind::kStylus;
return blink::PointerData::DeviceKind::kTouch;
- (void)dispatchTouches:(NSSet*)touches phase:(UITouchPhase)phase {
// Note: we cannot rely on touch.phase, since in some cases, e.g.,
// handleStatusBarTouches, we synthesize touches from existing events.
......@@ -412,13 +434,68 @@ static inline PointerChangeMapperPhase PointerChangePhaseFromUITouchPhase(UITouc
constexpr int kMicrosecondsPerSecond = 1000 * 1000;
pointer_data.time_stamp = touch.timestamp * kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
pointer_data.change = eventTypePhase.first;
pointer_data.kind = blink::PointerData::DeviceKind::kTouch;
pointer_data.kind = DeviceKindFromTouchType(touch, _platformSupportsTouchTypes);
pointer_data.device = device_id;
pointer_data.physical_x = windowCoordinates.x * scale;
pointer_data.physical_y = windowCoordinates.y * scale;
pointer_data.pressure = 1.0;
pointer_data.pressure_max = 1.0;
// pressure_min is always 0.0
if (_platformSupportsTouchPressure) {
// These properties were introduced in iOS 9.0.
pointer_data.pressure = touch.force;
pointer_data.pressure_max = touch.maximumPossibleForce;
} else {
pointer_data.pressure = 1.0;
pointer_data.pressure_max = 1.0;
// These properties were introduced in iOS 8.0
pointer_data.radius_major = touch.majorRadius;
pointer_data.radius_min = touch.majorRadius - touch.majorRadiusTolerance;
pointer_data.radius_max = touch.majorRadius + touch.majorRadiusTolerance;
// These properties were introduced in iOS 9.1
if (_platformSupportsTouchOrientationAndTilt) {
// iOS Documentation: altitudeAngle
// A value of 0 radians indicates that the stylus is parallel to the surface. The value of
// this property is Pi/2 when the stylus is perpendicular to the surface.
// PointerData Documentation: tilt
// The angle of the stylus, in radians in the range:
// 0 <= tilt <= pi/2
// giving the angle of the axis of the stylus, relative to the axis perpendicular to the input
// surface (thus 0.0 indicates the stylus is orthogonal to the plane of the input surface,
// while pi/2 indicates that the stylus is flat on that surface).
// Discussion:
// The ranges are the same. Origins are swapped.
pointer_data.tilt = M_PI_2 - touch.altitudeAngle;
// iOS Documentation: azimuthAngleInView:
// With the tip of the stylus touching the screen, the value of this property is 0 radians
// when the cap end of the stylus (that is, the end opposite of the tip) points along the
// positive x axis of the device's screen. The azimuth angle increases as the user swings the
// cap end of the stylus in a clockwise direction around the tip.
// PointerData Documentation: orientation
// The angle of the stylus, in radians in the range:
// -pi < orientation <= pi
// giving the angle of the axis of the stylus projected onto the input surface, relative to
// the positive y-axis of that surface (thus 0.0 indicates the stylus, if projected onto that
// surface, would go from the contact point vertically up in the positive y-axis direction, pi
// would indicate that the stylus would go down in the negative y-axis direction; pi/4 would
// indicate that the stylus goes up and to the right, -pi/2 would indicate that the stylus
// goes to the left, etc).
// Discussion:
// Sweep direction is the same. Phase of M_PI_2.
pointer_data.orientation = [touch azimuthAngleInView:nil] - M_PI_2;
packet->SetPointerData(i++, pointer_data);
......@@ -490,8 +567,7 @@ static inline PointerChangeMapperPhase PointerChangePhaseFromUITouchPhase(UITouc
- (void)keyboardWillChangeFrame:(NSNotification*)notification {
NSDictionary* info = [notification userInfo];
CGFloat bottom =
CGRectGetHeight([[info objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] CGRectValue]);
CGFloat bottom = CGRectGetHeight([[info objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] CGRectValue]);
CGFloat scale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
_viewportMetrics.physical_padding_bottom = bottom * scale;
[self updateViewportMetrics];
......@@ -567,7 +643,7 @@ static inline PointerChangeMapperPhase PointerChangePhaseFromUITouchPhase(UITouc
#pragma mark - Memory Notifications
- (void)onMemoryWarning:(NSNotification*)notification {
[_systemChannel.get() sendMessage:@{ @"type" : @"memoryPressure" }];
[_systemChannel.get() sendMessage:@{@"type" : @"memoryPressure"}];
#pragma mark - Locale updates
......@@ -1401,6 +1401,8 @@ FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/cf_utils.h
FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/message_loop_darwin.h
FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/message_loop_darwin.mm
FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/paths_darwin.mm
FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/platform_version.h
FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/platform_version.mm
FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/resource_mapping_darwin.h
FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/resource_mapping_darwin.mm
FILE: ../../../flutter/fml/platform/darwin/scoped_block.mm
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