提交 88b60428 编写于 作者: C Collin Jackson

Refactoring to support dark theme better


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1218153005.
上级 7600714a
......@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ dart_pkg("sky") {
......@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@ class StocksApp extends App {
ThemeData theme;
if (optimismSetting == StockMode.optimistic) {
theme = new ThemeData.light(
primary: colors.Purple,
accent: colors.RedAccent,
darkToolbar: true
theme = new ThemeData(
brightness: ThemeBrightness.light,
primarySwatch: colors.Purple,
accentColor: colors.RedAccent[200]
} else {
theme = new ThemeData.dark(
primary: colors.Red,
accent: colors.PurpleAccent
theme = new ThemeData(
brightness: ThemeBrightness.dark,
accentColor: colors.RedAccent[200]
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:sky/editing/input.dart';
import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/drawer.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/drawer_header.dart';
......@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ import 'package:sky/widgets/popup_menu.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/radio.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/scaffold.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/tabs.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/theme.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/tool_bar.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class StockHome extends Component {
focused: true,
placeholder: 'Search stocks',
onChanged: _handleSearchQueryChanged),
backgroundColor: colors.Grey[50]
backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).canvasColor
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/checkbox.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/switch.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/flat_button.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/dialog.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/icon_button.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/material.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/menu_item.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/navigator.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/scaffold.dart';
......@@ -87,27 +87,29 @@ class StockSettings extends Component {
Widget buildSettingsPane() {
// TODO(ianh): Once we have the gesture API hooked up, fix https://github.com/domokit/mojo/issues/281
// (whereby tapping the widgets below causes both the widget and the menu item to fire their callbacks)
return new Container(
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 20.0),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: colors.Grey[50]),
child: new Block([
new MenuItem(
icon: 'action/thumb_up',
onPressed: () => _confirmOptimismChange(),
children: [
new Flexible(child: new Text('Everything is awesome')),
new Checkbox(value: optimism == StockMode.optimistic, onChanged: _handleOptimismChanged)
new MenuItem(
icon: 'action/backup',
onPressed: () { _handleBackupChanged(!(backup == BackupMode.enabled)); },
children: [
new Flexible(child: new Text('Back up stock list to the cloud')),
new Switch(value: backup == BackupMode.enabled, onChanged: _handleBackupChanged)
return new Material(
type: MaterialType.canvas,
child: new Container(
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 20.0),
child: new Block([
new MenuItem(
icon: 'action/thumb_up',
onPressed: () => _confirmOptimismChange(),
children: [
new Flexible(child: new Text('Everything is awesome')),
new Checkbox(value: optimism == StockMode.optimistic, onChanged: _handleOptimismChanged)
new MenuItem(
icon: 'action/backup',
onPressed: () { _handleBackupChanged(!(backup == BackupMode.enabled)); },
children: [
new Flexible(child: new Text('Back up stock list to the cloud')),
new Switch(value: backup == BackupMode.enabled, onChanged: _handleBackupChanged)
......@@ -74,13 +74,12 @@ class SectorApp extends App {
Widget build() {
return new Theme(
data: new ThemeData.light(primary: colors.Blue, darkToolbar: true),
data: new ThemeData.light(),
child: new Scaffold(
toolbar: new ToolBar(
center: new Text('Sector Layout in a Widget Tree')),
body: new Material(
color: colors.Grey[50],
edge: MaterialEdge.canvas,
type: MaterialType.canvas,
child: new Flex([
new Container(
padding: new EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0, vertical: 25.0),
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.''';
return new Theme(
data: new ThemeData.light(primary: colors.Blue, darkToolbar: true),
data: new ThemeData.light(),
child: new Scaffold(
body: new Material(
color: colors.Grey[50],
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class TabbedNavigatorApp extends App {
return new Container(
child: new Card(child: tabNavigator),
padding: const EdgeDims.all(12.0),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).primary[50])
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).primarySwatch[50])
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import 'package:mojom/intents/intents.mojom.dart';
import 'package:sky/mojo/shell.dart' as shell;
import 'package:sky/painting/box_painter.dart';
import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
import 'package:sky/theme/edges.dart';
import 'package:sky/theme/typography.dart' as typography;
import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/card.dart';
......@@ -170,14 +169,14 @@ class DemoList extends FixedHeightScrollable {
class SkyHome extends App {
Widget build() {
return new Theme(
data: new ThemeData.dark(
primary: colors.Teal,
accent: colors.Orange
data: new ThemeData(
brightness: ThemeBrightness.dark,
primarySwatch: colors.Teal
child: new Scaffold(
toolbar: new ToolBar(center: new Text('Sky Demos')),
body: new Material(
edge: MaterialEdge.canvas,
type: MaterialType.canvas,
child: new DemoList()
......@@ -68,15 +68,23 @@ class Input extends Component {
ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(this);
Color focusHighlightColor = themeData.accentColor;
Color cursorColor = themeData.accentColor;
if (themeData.primarySwatch != null) {
cursorColor = Theme.of(this).primarySwatch[200];
focusHighlightColor = focused ? themeData.primarySwatch[400] : themeData.primarySwatch[200];
textChildren.add(new EditableText(
value: _editableValue,
focused: focused,
style: textStyle,
cursorColor: Theme.of(this).primary[200]
cursorColor: cursorColor
Border focusHighlight = new Border(bottom: new BorderSide(
color: focused ? Theme.of(this).primary[400] : Theme.of(this).primary[200],
color: focusHighlightColor,
width: focused ? 2.0 : 1.0
......@@ -370,3 +370,15 @@ const Map<int, Color> BlueGrey = const {
800: const Color(0xFF37474F),
900: const Color(0xFF263238),
const List<Map<int, Color>> DarkColors = const [
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,29 +11,67 @@ enum ThemeBrightness { dark, light }
class ThemeData {
bool darkToolbar: false })
: brightness = ThemeBrightness.light,
toolbarText = darkToolbar ? typography.white : typography.black,
text = typography.black;
ThemeData.dark({ this.primary, this.accent })
: brightness = ThemeBrightness.dark,
toolbarText = typography.white,
text = typography.white;
: brightness = ThemeBrightness.light,
primary = colors.Indigo,
accent = colors.PinkAccent,
toolbarText = typography.white,
text = typography.black;
ThemeBrightness brightness,
Map<int, Color> primarySwatch,
Color accentColor,
Color floatingActionButtonColor,
typography.TextTheme text,
typography.TextTheme toolbarText })
: this.brightness = brightness,
this.primarySwatch = primarySwatch,
canvasColor = brightness == ThemeBrightness.dark ? colors.Grey[850] : colors.Grey[50],
cardColor = brightness == ThemeBrightness.dark ? colors.Grey[800] : colors.White,
text = brightness == ThemeBrightness.dark ? typography.white : typography.black {
assert(brightness != null);
if (primarySwatch == null) {
_primaryColor = brightness == ThemeBrightness.dark ? colors.Grey[900] : colors.Grey[100];
} else {
_primaryColor = primarySwatch[500];
if (accentColor == null) {
_accentColor = primarySwatch == null ? colors.Blue[500] : primarySwatch[500];
} else {
_accentColor = accentColor;
if (floatingActionButtonColor == null) {
_floatingActionButtonColor = accentColor == null ? colors.PinkAccent[200] : accentColor;
} else {
_floatingActionButtonColor = floatingActionButtonColor;
if (toolbarText == null) {
if (colors.DarkColors.contains(primarySwatch) || _primaryColor == colors.Grey[900])
_toolbarText = typography.white;
_toolbarText = typography.black;
} else {
_toolbarText = toolbarText;
factory ThemeData.light() => new ThemeData(primarySwatch: colors.Blue, brightness: ThemeBrightness.light);
factory ThemeData.dark() => new ThemeData(brightness: ThemeBrightness.dark);
factory ThemeData.fallback() => new ThemeData.light();
final ThemeBrightness brightness;
final Map<int, Color> primary;
final Map<int, Color> accent;
final Map<int, Color> primarySwatch;
final Color canvasColor;
final Color cardColor;
final typography.TextTheme text;
final typography.TextTheme toolbarText;
Color _primaryColor;
Color get primaryColor => _primaryColor;
Color _accentColor;
Color get accentColor => _accentColor;
Color _floatingActionButtonColor;
Color get floatingActionButtonColor => _floatingActionButtonColor;
typography.TextTheme _toolbarText;
typography.TextTheme get toolbarText => _toolbarText;
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../theme/colors.dart' as colors;
import '../theme/edges.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'material.dart';
import "theme.dart";
......@@ -14,27 +13,16 @@ class Card extends Component {
final Widget child;
final Color color;
Color get materialColor {
if (color != null)
return color;
switch (Theme.of(this).brightness) {
case ThemeBrightness.light:
return colors.White;
case ThemeBrightness.dark:
return colors.Grey[800];
Widget build() {
return new Container(
margin: const EdgeDims.all(4.0),
child: new Material(
color: materialColor,
edge: MaterialEdge.card,
color: color,
type: MaterialType.card,
level: 2,
child: new ClipRRect(
xRadius: edges[MaterialEdge.card],
yRadius: edges[MaterialEdge.card],
xRadius: edges[MaterialType.card],
yRadius: edges[MaterialType.card],
child: child
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import 'toggleable.dart';
export 'toggleable.dart' show ValueChanged;
const double _kMidpoint = 0.5;
const sky.Color _kUncheckedColor = const sky.Color(0x8A000000);
const sky.Color _kLightUncheckedColor = const sky.Color(0x8A000000);
const sky.Color _kDarkUncheckedColor = const sky.Color(0xB2FFFFFF);
const double _kEdgeSize = 20.0;
const double _kEdgeRadius = 1.0;
......@@ -26,9 +27,12 @@ class Checkbox extends Toggleable {
Size get size => const Size(_kEdgeSize + 2.0, _kEdgeSize + 2.0);
void customPaintCallback(sky.Canvas canvas, Size size) {
ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(this);
Color uncheckedColor = themeData.brightness == ThemeBrightness.light ? _kLightUncheckedColor : _kDarkUncheckedColor;
// Choose a color between grey and the theme color
sky.Paint paint = new sky.Paint()..strokeWidth = 2.0
..color = _kUncheckedColor;
..color = uncheckedColor;
// The rrect contracts slightly during the animation
double inset = 2.0 - (toggleAnimation.value - _kMidpoint).abs() * 2.0;
......@@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ class Checkbox extends Toggleable {
new sky.Gradient.radial(
new Point(_kEdgeSize / 2.0, _kEdgeSize / 2.0),
_kEdgeSize * (_kMidpoint - toggleAnimation.value) * 8.0,
[const sky.Color(0x00000000), _kUncheckedColor]
[const sky.Color(0x00000000), uncheckedColor]
canvas.drawRRect(rrect, paint);
......@@ -57,11 +61,10 @@ class Checkbox extends Toggleable {
// Solid filled rrect
Color themeColor = Theme.of(this).primary[500];
paint.color = new Color.fromARGB((t * 255).floor(),
canvas.drawRRect(rrect, paint);
// White inner check
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import '../animation/animation_performance.dart';
import '../animation/curves.dart';
import '../theme/colors.dart';
import '../theme/shadows.dart';
import 'animated_component.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
// TODO(eseidel): Draw width should vary based on device size:
// http://www.google.com/design/spec/layout/structure.html#structure-side-nav
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class Drawer extends AnimatedComponent {
Widget content = controller.position.build(
new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: Grey[50],
backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).canvasColor,
boxShadow: shadows[level]),
width: _kWidth,
child: new Block(children)
......@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../theme/colors.dart';
import '../theme/view_configuration.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'default_text_style.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
// TODO(jackson): This class should usually render the user's
// preferred banner image rather than a solid background
class DrawerHeader extends Component {
DrawerHeader({ String key, this.children }) : super(key: key);
......@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ class DrawerHeader extends Component {
return new Container(
height: kStatusBarHeight + kMaterialDrawerHeight,
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: BlueGrey[50],
backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).cardColor,
border: const Border(
bottom: const BorderSide(
color: const Color(0xFFD1D9E1),
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ class FloatingActionButton extends ButtonBase {
Widget buildContent() {
return new Material(
color: Theme.of(this).accent[200],
edge: MaterialEdge.circle,
color: Theme.of(this).floatingActionButtonColor,
type: MaterialType.circle,
level: highlight ? 3 : 2,
child: new ClipOval(
child: new Listener(
......@@ -4,14 +4,20 @@
import '../animation/animated_value.dart';
import '../painting/box_painter.dart';
import '../theme/edges.dart';
import '../theme/shadows.dart';
import 'animated_component.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'default_text_style.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
export '../theme/edges.dart' show MaterialEdge;
enum MaterialType { canvas, card, circle, button }
const Map<MaterialType, double> edges = const {
MaterialType.canvas: null,
MaterialType.card: 2.0,
MaterialType.circle: null,
MaterialType.button: 2.0,
const double _kAnimateShadowDurationMS = 100.0;
......@@ -34,7 +40,7 @@ class Material extends AnimatedComponent {
String key,
this.edge: MaterialEdge.card,
this.type: MaterialType.card,
int level: 0,
}) : super(key: key) {
......@@ -43,13 +49,13 @@ class Material extends AnimatedComponent {
Widget child;
MaterialEdge edge;
MaterialType type;
AnimatedValue level;
Color color;
void syncFields(Material source) {
child = source.child;
edge = source.edge;
type = source.type;
// TODO(mpcomplete): duration is wrong, because the current level may be
// anything. We really want |rate|.
if (level.value != source.level.value)
......@@ -58,15 +64,28 @@ class Material extends AnimatedComponent {
Color get backgroundColor {
if (color != null)
return color;
switch(type) {
case MaterialType.canvas:
return Theme.of(this).canvasColor;
case MaterialType.card:
return Theme.of(this).cardColor;
return null;
// TODO(mpcomplete): make this animate color changes.
Widget build() {
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
boxShadow: _computeShadow(level.value),
borderRadius: edges[edge],
backgroundColor: color,
shape: edge == MaterialEdge.circle ? Shape.circle : Shape.rectangle
borderRadius: edges[type],
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
shape: type == MaterialType.circle ? Shape.circle : Shape.rectangle
child: new DefaultTextStyle(style: Theme.of(this).text.body1, child: child)
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ abstract class MaterialButton extends ButtonBase {
constraints: new BoxConstraints(minWidth: 88.0),
margin: new EdgeDims.all(8.0),
child: new Material(
type: MaterialType.button,
child: enabled ? new InkWell(child: contents) : contents,
level: level,
color: color
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class MenuItem extends ButtonBase {
TextStyle get textStyle {
TextStyle result = Theme.of(this).text.body2;
if (highlight)
result = result.copyWith(color: Theme.of(this).primary[500]);
result = result.copyWith(color: Theme.of(this).primaryColor);
return result;
......@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@
import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import '../rendering/object.dart';
import '../theme/colors.dart' as colors;
import 'basic.dart';
import 'button_base.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
const sky.Color _kLightOffColor = const sky.Color(0x8A000000);
const sky.Color _kDarkOffColor = const sky.Color(0xB2FFFFFF);
typedef void ValueChanged(value);
......@@ -31,9 +34,14 @@ class Radio extends ButtonBase {
Color get color {
ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(this);
if (value == groupValue)
return themeData.accentColor;
return themeData.brightness == ThemeBrightness.light ? _kLightOffColor : _kDarkOffColor;
Widget buildContent() {
// TODO(jackson): This should change colors with the theme
Color color = highlight ? colors.Purple[500] : const Color(0x8A000000);
const double kDiameter = 16.0;
const double kOuterRadius = kDiameter / 2;
const double kInnerRadius = 5.0;
......@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ class RaisedButton extends MaterialButton {
case ThemeBrightness.dark:
if (highlight)
return Theme.of(this).primary[700];
return Theme.of(this).primarySwatch[700];
return Theme.of(this).primary[600];
return Theme.of(this).primarySwatch[600];
} else {
......@@ -8,12 +8,9 @@ import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import '../animation/generators.dart';
import '../animation/mechanics.dart';
import '../animation/scroll_behavior.dart';
import '../theme/colors.dart' as colors;
import '../theme/theme_data.dart';
import '../theme/view_configuration.dart' as config;
import 'basic.dart';
import 'material.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
const double _kMillisecondsPerSecond = 1000.0;
......@@ -37,17 +34,6 @@ abstract class Scrollable extends Component {
backgroundColor = source.backgroundColor;
Color get _nonNullBackgroundColor {
if (backgroundColor != null)
return backgroundColor;
switch (Theme.of(this).brightness) {
case ThemeBrightness.light:
return colors.Grey[50];
case ThemeBrightness.dark:
return colors.Grey[850];
double _scrollOffset = 0.0;
double get scrollOffset => _scrollOffset;
......@@ -66,9 +52,9 @@ abstract class Scrollable extends Component {
Widget build() {
return new Listener(
child: new Material(
type: MaterialType.canvas,
child: buildContent(),
edge: MaterialEdge.canvas,
color: _nonNullBackgroundColor
color: backgroundColor
onPointerDown: _handlePointerDown,
onPointerUp: _handlePointerUpOrCancel,
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Switch extends Toggleable {
sky.Color thumbColor = _kThumbOffColor;
sky.Color trackColor = _kTrackOffColor;
if (value) {
thumbColor = Theme.of(this).primary[500];
thumbColor = Theme.of(this).accentColor;
trackColor = new sky.Color(thumbColor.value & 0x80FFFFFF);
......@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ class TabBar extends Component {
return new TabBarWrapper(
children: tabs,
selectedIndex: selectedIndex,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).primary[500],
indicatorColor: Theme.of(this).accent[200],
backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).primaryColor,
indicatorColor: Theme.of(this).accentColor,
textAndIcons: textAndIcons
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class ToolBar extends Component {
padding: new EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: backgroundColor == null ? Theme.of(this).primary[500] : backgroundColor,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor == null ? Theme.of(this).primaryColor : backgroundColor,
boxShadow: shadows[2]
......@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ PAINT FOR FRAME #2 ----------------------------------------------
2 | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | paintChild RenderTabBar at Point(0.0, 81.0)
2 | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 81.0, 800.0, 129.0), Paint(color:Color(0xff3f51b5)))
2 | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 81.0, 800.0, 129.0), Paint(color:Color(0xff2196f3)))
2 | | | | paintChild RenderInkWell at Point(0.0, 81.0)
2 | | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | | paintChild RenderOpacity at Point(115.33333333333334, 97.0)
2 | | | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | | | translate(115.33333333333334, 97.0)
2 | | | | | | translate(-115.33333333333334, -97.0)
2 | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 127.0, 266.6666564941406, 129.0), Paint(color:Color(0xffff4081)))
2 | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 127.0, 266.6666564941406, 129.0), Paint(color:Color(0xff2196f3)))
2 | | | | paintChild RenderInkWell at Point(266.6666666666667, 81.0)
2 | | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | | paintChild RenderOpacity at Point(377.5, 97.0)
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PAINT FOR FRAME #2 ----------------------------------------------
2 | | | | | | restore
2 | | | paintChild RenderDecoratedBox at Point(0.0, 129.0)
2 | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 129.0, 800.0, 600.0), Paint(color:Color(0xffe8eaf6)))
2 | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 129.0, 800.0, 600.0), Paint(color:Color(0xffe3f2fd)))
2 | | | | paintChild RenderPadding at Point(12.0, 141.0)
2 | | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | | paintChild RenderDecoratedBox at Point(16.0, 145.0)
......@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ PAINT FOR FRAME #2 ----------------------------------------------
2 | | | | | | clipRRect()
2 | | | | | | paintChild RenderTabBar at Point(16.0, 145.0)
2 | | | | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(16.0, 145.0, 784.0, 193.0), Paint(color:Color(0xff3f51b5)))
2 | | | | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(16.0, 145.0, 784.0, 193.0), Paint(color:Color(0xff2196f3)))
2 | | | | | | | paintChild RenderInkWell at Point(16.0, 145.0)
2 | | | | | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | | | | | paintChild RenderOpacity at Point(96.5, 159.0)
2 | | | | | | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | | | | | | translate(96.5, 159.0)
2 | | | | | | | | | translate(-96.5, -159.0)
2 | | | | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(16.0, 191.0, 208.0, 193.0), Paint(color:Color(0xffff4081)))
2 | | | | | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(16.0, 191.0, 208.0, 193.0), Paint(color:Color(0xff2196f3)))
2 | | | | | | | paintChild RenderInkWell at Point(208.0, 145.0)
2 | | | | | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | | | | | paintChild RenderOpacity at Point(287.0, 159.0)
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ PAINT FOR FRAME #2 ----------------------------------------------
2 | | | | | | restore
2 | | paintChild RenderDecoratedBox at Point(0.0, 0.0)
2 | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 800.0, 81.0), Paint(color:Color(0xff3f51b5), drawLooper:true))
2 | | | drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 800.0, 81.0), Paint(color:Color(0xff2196f3), drawLooper:true))
2 | | | paintChild RenderFlex at Point(8.0, 0.0)
2 | | | | TestPaintingCanvas() constructor: 800.0 x 600.0
2 | | | | paintChild RenderConstrainedBox at Point(8.0, 25.0)
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