提交 61b16cba 编写于 作者: I Ian Hickson

Merge pull request #2164 from Hixie/remove-back

Remove old 'back' callback, and add dartdocs.
......@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ void _pushRoute(String route) {
void _popRoute() {
if (window.onPopRoute != null)
// TODO(abarth): Remove after engine roll.
if (window.onEvent != null)
window.onEvent('back', 0.0);
void _dispatchPointerPacket(ByteData serializedPacket) {
......@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ enum TextDecorationStyle {
// - Element 3: The |decorationColor| in ARGB with 8 bits per channel.
// - Element 4: The enum index of the |decorationStyle|.
// - Element 4: The bit field of the |decorationStyle|.
// - Element 5: The enum index of the |fontWeight|.
// - Element 5: The index of the |fontWeight|.
// - Element 6: The enum index of the |fontStyle|.
......@@ -6,9 +6,14 @@ part of dart_ui;
typedef void VoidCallback();
typedef void _FrameCallback(Duration duration);
typedef void _EventCallback(String eventType, double timeStamp);
typedef void _PointerPacketCallback(ByteData serializedPacket);
/// A representation of distances for each of the four edges of a rectangle,
/// used to encode the padding that applications should place around their user
/// interface, as exposed by [Window.padding].
/// For a generic class that represents distances around a rectangle, see the
/// [EdgeDims] class.
class WindowPadding {
const WindowPadding._({ this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.left });
......@@ -18,41 +23,102 @@ class WindowPadding {
final double left;
/// An identifier used to select a user's language and formatting preferences,
/// consisting of a language and a country. This is a subset of locale
/// identifiers as defined by BCP 47.
class Locale {
Locale(this.languageCode, this.countryCode);
const Locale(this.languageCode, this.countryCode);
/// The primary language subtag for the locale.
final String languageCode;
/// The region subtag for the locale.
final String countryCode;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other is! Locale)
return false;
final Locale typedOther = other;
return languageCode == typedOther.languageCode
&& countryCode == typedOther.countryCode;
int get hashCode {
int result = 373;
result = 37 * result + languageCode.hashCode;
result = 37 * result + countryCode.hashCode;
return result;
String toString() => '${languageCode}_$countryCode';
/// The most basic interface to the host operating system's user interface.
class Window {
/// The number of device pixels for each logical pixel. This number might not
/// be a power of two. Indeed, it might not even be an integer. For example,
/// the Nexus 6 has a device pixel ratio of 3.5.
double get devicePixelRatio => _devicePixelRatio;
double _devicePixelRatio;
/// The dimensions of the rectangle into which the application will be drawn,
/// in logical pixels.
Size get size => _size;
Size _size;
/// The number of pixels on each side of the display rectangle into which the
/// application can render, but over which the operating system will likely
/// place system UI (such as the Android system notification area).
WindowPadding get padding => _padding;
WindowPadding _padding;
/// A callback that is invoked whenever the [devicePixelRatio], [size], or
/// [padding] values change.
VoidCallback onMetricsChanged;
/// The system-reported locale. This establishes the language and formatting
/// conventions that application should, if possible, use to render their user
/// interface.
Locale get locale => _locale;
Locale _locale;
/// A callback that is invoked whenever [locale] changes value.
VoidCallback onLocaleChanged;
/// A callback that is invoked to notify the application that it is an
/// appropriate time to provide a scene using the [SceneBuilder] API and the
/// [render()] method. When possible, this is driven by the hardware VSync
/// signal. This is only called if [scheduleFrame()] has been called since the
/// last time this callback was invoked.
_FrameCallback onBeginFrame;
_EventCallback onEvent; // TODO(abarth): Remove.
/// A callback that is invoked when pointer data is available. The data is
/// provided in the form of a raw byte stream containing an encoded mojo
/// PointerPacket.
_PointerPacketCallback onPointerPacket;
VoidCallback onMetricsChanged;
VoidCallback onLocaleChanged;
/// The route or path that the operating system requested when the application
/// was launched.
String defaultRouteName;
/// A callback that is invoked when the operating system requests that the
/// application goes "back" one step in its history. For example, on Android
/// this is invoked in response to the "back" button.
VoidCallback onPopRoute;
/// Requests that, at the next appropriate opportunity, the [onBeginFrame]
/// callback be invoked.
void scheduleFrame() native "Window_scheduleFrame";
/// Updates the application's rendering on the GPU with the newly provided
/// [Scene]. For optimal performance, this should only be called in response
/// to the [onBeginFrame] callback being invoked.
void render(Scene scene) native "Window_render";
/// The [Window] singleton.
final Window window = new Window._();
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