提交 058f0222 编写于 作者: C Collin Jackson

WIP Flexbox Layout Manager for Sky framework.

This only handles really basic cases and doesn't understand
justification, wrapping, and so on. Submitting for code
review so I can get some early feedback before I invest
more time into making it correct.

R=ianh@google.com, abarth

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1151293002
上级 19bb5cb5
......@@ -7,19 +7,26 @@ import 'dart:sky';
import 'package:sky/framework/layout2.dart';
class RenderSolidColor extends RenderDecoratedBox {
final double desiredHeight;
final double desiredWidth;
final int backgroundColor;
RenderSolidColor(int backgroundColor)
: super(new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: backgroundColor)),
backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
RenderSolidColor(int backgroundColor, { double desiredHeight: double.INFINITY,
double desiredWidth: double.INFINITY })
: desiredHeight = desiredHeight,
desiredWidth = desiredWidth,
backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
super(new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: backgroundColor));
BoxDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return new BoxDimensions.withConstraints(constraints, height: 200.0);
return new BoxDimensions.withConstraints(constraints,
height: desiredHeight,
width: desiredWidth);
void layout(BoxConstraints constraints, { RenderNode relayoutSubtreeRoot }) {
width = constraints.constrainWidth(constraints.maxWidth);
height = constraints.constrainHeight(200.0);
width = constraints.constrainWidth(desiredWidth);
height = constraints.constrainHeight(desiredHeight);
......@@ -56,12 +63,42 @@ void main() {
var root = new RenderBlock(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: 0xFF00FFFF),
var root = new RenderFlex(
direction: FlexDirection.Vertical,
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: 0xFF000000));
void addFlexChild(RenderFlex parent, int backgroundColor, { int flex: 0 }) {
RenderNode child = new RenderSolidColor(backgroundColor);
child.parentData.flex = flex;
// Yellow bar at top
addFlexChild(root, 0xFFFFFF00, flex: 1);
// Turquoise box
root.add(new RenderSolidColor(0x7700FFFF, desiredHeight: 100.0, desiredWidth: 100.0));
// Green and cyan render block with padding
var renderBlock = new RenderBlock(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: 0xFFFFFFFF),
padding: const EdgeDims(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0));
root.add(new RenderSolidColor(0xFF00FF00));
root.add(new RenderSolidColor(0xFF0000FF));
renderBlock.add(new RenderSolidColor(0xFF00FF00, desiredHeight: 50.0, desiredWidth: 100.0));
renderBlock.add(new RenderSolidColor(0x7700FFFF, desiredHeight: 100.0, desiredWidth: 50.0));
var row = new RenderFlex(
direction: FlexDirection.Horizontal,
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: 0xFF333333));
// Purple and blue cells
addFlexChild(row, 0x77FF00FF, flex: 1);
addFlexChild(row, 0xFF0000FF, flex: 2);
row.parentData.flex = 3;
renderView = new RenderView(root: root);
renderView.layout(newWidth: view.width, newHeight: view.height);
......@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ abstract class RenderNode extends AbstractNode {
bool handlePointer(sky.PointerEvent event, { double x: 0.0, double y: 0.0 }) {
// override this if you have children, to hand it to the appropriate child
// override this if you want to do anything with the pointer event
return false;
......@@ -425,10 +426,9 @@ class BoxDimensions {
const BoxDimensions({this.width, this.height});
BoxConstraints constraints, {double width: 0.0, double height: 0.0}) {
this.width = constraints.constrainWidth(width);
this.height = constraints.constrainHeight(height);
BoxConstraints constraints, {double width: 0.0, double height: 0.0})
: width = constraints.constrainWidth(width),
height = constraints.constrainHeight(height);
final double width;
final double height;
......@@ -580,6 +580,33 @@ class RenderView extends RenderNode {
abstract class RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin<ChildType extends RenderBox, ParentDataType extends ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType>> implements ContainerRenderNodeMixin<ChildType, ParentDataType> {
bool defaultHandlePointer(sky.PointerEvent event, double x, double y) {
// the x, y parameters have the top left of the node's box as the origin
ChildType child = lastChild;
while (child != null) {
assert(child.parentData is BoxParentData);
if ((x >= child.parentData.x) && (x < child.parentData.x + child.width) &&
(y >= child.parentData.y) && (y < child.parentData.y + child.height)) {
if (child.handlePointer(event, x: x-child.parentData.x, y: y-child.parentData.y))
return true;
child = child.parentData.previousSibling;
return false;
void defaultPaint(RenderNodeDisplayList canvas) {
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
assert(child.parentData is BoxParentData);
canvas.paintChild(child, child.parentData.x, child.parentData.y);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
......@@ -598,7 +625,8 @@ class EdgeDims {
class BlockParentData extends BoxParentData with ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderBox> { }
class RenderBlock extends RenderDecoratedBox with ContainerRenderNodeMixin<RenderBox, BlockParentData> {
class RenderBlock extends RenderDecoratedBox with ContainerRenderNodeMixin<RenderBox, BlockParentData>,
RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin<RenderBox, BlockParentData> {
// lays out RenderBox children in a vertical stack
// uses the maximum width provided by the parent
// sizes itself to the height of its child stack
......@@ -634,10 +662,10 @@ class RenderBlock extends RenderDecoratedBox with ContainerRenderNodeMixin<Rende
assert(outerWidth < double.INFINITY);
double innerWidth = outerWidth - (_padding.left + _padding.right);
RenderBox child = _firstChild;
BoxConstraints constraints = new BoxConstraints(minWidth: innerWidth,
maxWidth: innerWidth);
BoxConstraints innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(minWidth: innerWidth,
maxWidth: innerWidth);
while (child != null) {
outerHeight += child.getIntrinsicDimensions(constraints).height;
outerHeight += child.getIntrinsicDimensions(innerConstraints).height;
assert(child.parentData is BlockParentData);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
......@@ -683,34 +711,19 @@ class RenderBlock extends RenderDecoratedBox with ContainerRenderNodeMixin<Rende
bool handlePointer(sky.PointerEvent event, { double x: 0.0, double y: 0.0 }) {
// the x, y parameters have the top left of the node's box as the origin
RenderBox child = _lastChild;
while (child != null) {
assert(child.parentData is BlockParentData);
if ((x >= child.parentData.x) && (x < child.parentData.x + child.width) &&
(y >= child.parentData.y) && (y < child.parentData.y + child.height)) {
if (child.handlePointer(event, x: x-child.parentData.x, y: y-child.parentData.y))
return true;
child = child.parentData.previousSibling;
return super.handlePointer(event, x: x, y: y);
return defaultHandlePointer(event, x, y) || super.handlePointer(event, x: x, y: y);
void paint(RenderNodeDisplayList canvas) {
RenderBox child = _firstChild;
while (child != null) {
assert(child.parentData is BlockParentData);
canvas.paintChild(child, child.parentData.x, child.parentData.y);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
class FlexBoxParentData extends BoxParentData {
class FlexBoxParentData extends BoxParentData with ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderBox> {
int flex;
void merge(FlexBoxParentData other) {
if (other.flex != null)
......@@ -719,10 +732,127 @@ class FlexBoxParentData extends BoxParentData {
enum FlexDirection { Row, Column }
enum FlexDirection { Horizontal, Vertical }
class RenderFlex extends RenderDecoratedBox with ContainerRenderNodeMixin<RenderBox, FlexBoxParentData>,
RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin<RenderBox, BlockParentData> {
// lays out RenderBox children using flexible layout
BoxDecoration decoration,
FlexDirection direction: FlexDirection.Horizontal
}) : super(decoration), _direction = direction;
FlexDirection _direction;
FlexDirection get direction => _direction;
void set direction (FlexDirection value) {
if (_direction != value) {
_direction = value;
void setParentData(RenderBox child) {
if (child.parentData is! FlexBoxParentData)
child.parentData = new FlexBoxParentData();
BoxConstraints _constraints; // value cached from parent for relayout call
void layout(BoxConstraints constraints, { RenderNode relayoutSubtreeRoot }) {
if (relayoutSubtreeRoot != null)
relayoutSubtreeRoot = relayoutSubtreeRoot == null ? this : relayoutSubtreeRoot;
_constraints = constraints;
width = _constraints.constrainWidth(_constraints.maxWidth);
height = _constraints.constrainHeight(_constraints.maxHeight);
assert(height < double.INFINITY);
assert(width < double.INFINITY);
void relayout() {
int _getFlex(RenderBox child) {
assert(child.parentData is FlexBoxParentData);
return (child.parentData.flex != null ? child.parentData.flex : 0);
void internalLayout(RenderNode relayoutSubtreeRoot) {
// Based on http://www.w3.org/TR/css-flexbox-1/ Section 9.7 Resolving Flexible Lengths
// Steps 1-3. Determine used flex factor, size inflexible items, calculate free space
int numFlexibleChildren = 0;
int totalFlex = 0;
assert(_constraints != null);
double freeSpace = (_direction == FlexDirection.Horizontal) ? _constraints.maxWidth : _constraints.maxHeight;
RenderBox child = _firstChild;
while (child != null) {
int flex = _getFlex(child);
if (flex > 0) {
totalFlex += child.parentData.flex;
} else {
BoxConstraints constraints = new BoxConstraints(maxHeight: _constraints.maxHeight,
maxWidth: _constraints.maxWidth);
relayoutSubtreeRoot: relayoutSubtreeRoot);
freeSpace -= (_direction == FlexDirection.Horizontal) ? child.width : child.height;
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
// Steps 4-5. Distribute remaining space to flexible children.
double spacePerFlex = totalFlex > 0 ? (freeSpace / totalFlex) : 0.0;
double usedSpace = 0.0;
child = _firstChild;
while (child != null) {
int flex = _getFlex(child);
if (flex > 0) {
double spaceForChild = spacePerFlex * flex;
BoxConstraints constraints;
switch (_direction) {
case FlexDirection.Horizontal:
constraints = new BoxConstraints(maxHeight: _constraints.maxHeight,
minWidth: spaceForChild,
maxWidth: spaceForChild);
case FlexDirection.Vertical:
constraints = new BoxConstraints(minHeight: spaceForChild,
maxHeight: spaceForChild,
maxWidth: _constraints.maxWidth);
child.layout(constraints, relayoutSubtreeRoot: relayoutSubtreeRoot);
// TODO(ianh): FlexBox
// For now, center the flex items in the cross direction
switch (_direction) {
case FlexDirection.Horizontal:
child.parentData.x = usedSpace;
usedSpace += child.width;
child.parentData.y = height / 2 - child.height / 2;
case FlexDirection.Vertical:
child.parentData.y = usedSpace;
usedSpace += child.height;
child.parentData.x = width / 2 - child.width / 2;
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
bool handlePointer(sky.PointerEvent event, { double x: 0.0, double y: 0.0 }) {
return defaultHandlePointer(event, x, y) || super.handlePointer(event, x: x, y: y);
void paint(RenderNodeDisplayList canvas) {
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