• S
    Roll src/third_party/skia a8ceb775c12f..d93ee53affd3 (8 commits) (#9018) · effc2147
    skia-flutter-autoroll 提交于
    git log a8ceb775c12f1516e11dd7463f0576d9fb26d524..d93ee53affd3ffaa8e3206d9358b8f9197d118bf --date=short --no-merges --format=%ad %ae %s
    2019-05-20 reed@google.com Rework colorfilter bench
    2019-05-20 reed@google.com simplify setColor, without needing the 4f or the colorspace
    2019-05-20 bsalomon@google.com Fix async_rescale_and_read_no_bleed with --preAbandonGpuContext
    2019-05-20 bsalomon@google.com Reland "Make SkSurface::asyncRescaleAndRead use kStrict constraint"
    2019-05-20 robertphillips@google.com Move explicit backend object allocation API to GrContext
    2019-05-17 bungeman@chromium.org Move ccpr headers for display list out of include/private.
    2019-05-20 reed@google.com remove allocs for colorfilters
    2019-05-17 ethannicholas@google.com support for SkSL interpreter external function calls
    The AutoRoll server is located here: https://autoroll.skia.org/r/skia-flutter-autoroll
    Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
    If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff (csmartdalton@google.com), and stop
    the roller if necessary.
DEPS 20.5 KB