• S
    Roll src/third_party/dart 94a4f6415e6c..c547f5d933e5 (9 commits) (#14812) · ef8fdd0a
    skia-flutter-autoroll 提交于
    git log 94a4f6415e6c..c547f5d933e5 --date=short --first-parent --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2019-12-27 brianwilkerson@google.com Enable prefer_generic_function_type_aliases in most of the packages
    2019-12-26 bkonyi@google.com [ VM / dart:io / Service ] Add service extension RPCs to dart:io to allow for HttpClient.enableTimelineLogging to be set remotely.
    2019-12-26 scheglov@google.com Extract TypeNameResolver.
    2019-12-26 bkonyi@google.com [ dartfuzz ] Fix update_spreadsheet.py so it can be run from any directory.
    2019-12-26 bkonyi@google.com [ package:vm_service ] Added support for dart:io service extensions
    2019-12-26 scheglov@google.com Move ResolverErrorCode codes into CompileTimeErrorCode.
    2019-12-26 scheglov@google.com Extract TypeProvider class into lib/dart/element/type_provider.dart file
    2019-12-26 scheglov@google.com Remove unused InstanceFieldResolverVisitor.
    2019-12-26 markzipan@google.com [dartdevc] Adding nullability check to is expressions.
    Created with:
      gclient setdep -r src/third_party/dart@c547f5d933e5
    If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller
    using the controls here:
    Please CC dart-vm-team@google.com on the revert to ensure that a human
    is aware of the problem.
    To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug:
    Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
    Bug: None
    Tbr: dart-vm-team@google.com
DEPS 22.8 KB