• B
    Roll src/third_party/dart 965b8cb1d8..9f33e8da04 (15 commits) · 3e099dcd
    Ben Konyi 提交于
    dart-lang/sdk@9f33e8da04 [vm/ffi] Pointer optimize indexed load and store
    dart-lang/sdk@e1c159d5fe [vm/ffi] Add missing sharded library dependency to ffi/data_test.dart.
    dart-lang/sdk@4ee5ef9f10 [vm/ffi] Use Pointer<Null> as the type of nullptr.
    dart-lang/sdk@e6a856a3b3 Update CHANGELOG.md with dart2native
    dart-lang/sdk@d374ff8cbc [parser] Allow parser test to add trace to output for easier debugging
    dart-lang/sdk@8d4c5c6f65 [CFE] Add toString on Message for better debugging
    dart-lang/sdk@753c187675 [spell] Add 'reuslt' to blacklist
    dart-lang/sdk@cd86dbbdeb [cfe] Replace UnknownType in typedef types
    dart-lang/sdk@eaeedd1988 [infra] Remove class UniqueObject
    dart-lang/sdk@d77f4913a1 [vm/compiler] Further compress the information previously in StackMaps.
    dart-lang/sdk@377409f043 [cfe] Introduce FieldBuilder, FunctionBuilder, and ProcedureBuilder as interfaces
    dart-lang/sdk@17702e4af0 Export promiseToFuture function from dart:html
    dart-lang/sdk@b8aef62abd [kernel] Effectively clear extension members before adding new ones when loaing dill if 'shouldWriteData'
    dart-lang/sdk@8796723b82 [frontend_server] Enable incremental serializer by default
    dart-lang/sdk@5c2b86897c [parser] late is a built-in identifier
licenses_third_party 1.3 MB
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