• S
    Roll src/third_party/skia e6a2ad81ab40..8fec4140f614 (17 commits) (#14557) · 105eb66b
    skia-flutter-autoroll 提交于
    git log e6a2ad81ab40..8fec4140f614 --date=short --first-parent --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2019-12-18 mtklein@google.com Reland "roll clang_win"
    2019-12-18 mtklein@google.com demote -fsanitize=pointer-overflow to warning
    2019-12-18 herb@google.com Only checksum and query a valid descriptor
    2019-12-18 bsalomon@google.com "fix" formatting of auto generated cpp from fp
    2019-12-18 kjlubick@google.com Properly free bytes in SkDescriptor fuzzer
    2019-12-18 bsalomon@google.com Make sure random unit test processors use an alpha type compatible with texture data.
    2019-12-18 mtklein@google.com disable warnings in ANGLE
    2019-12-18 mtklein@google.com Revert "roll clang_win"
    2019-12-18 robertphillips@google.com Change signature of several gpu backend methods
    2019-12-18 mtklein@google.com roll clang_win
    2019-12-18 kjlubick@google.com [canvaskit] Fix SaveLayer constants
    2019-12-18 brianosman@google.com Runtime SkSL: Reflect inputs in SkRuntimeEffect
    2019-12-18 bsalomon@google.com Reland x3 "Remove most of GrConfig.h"
    2019-12-18 robertphillips@google.com Fix a sprinkling of GPU issues
    2019-12-18 rmistry@google.com Make OUTPUT_DIRECTORY in ProdDoxyfile configurable
    2019-12-18 csmartdalton@google.com Add a kWireframe flag to GrPipeline
    2019-12-18 bsalomon@google.com Remove SkRuntimeEffect.h include from SkColorFilterPriv.h
    Created with:
      gclient setdep -r src/third_party/skia@8fec4140f614
    If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller
    using the controls here:
    Please CC borenet@google.com on the revert to ensure that a human
    is aware of the problem.
    To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug:
    Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
    Bug: None
    Tbr: borenet@google.com
DEPS 22.8 KB