embedder.h 24.7 KB
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Michael Goderbauer 已提交
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {



typedef enum {
  kSuccess = 0,
} FlutterEngineResult;
28 29 30

typedef enum {
32 33
} FlutterRendererType;

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
// Additional accessibility features that may be enabled by the platform.
// Must match the |AccessibilityFeatures| enum in window.dart.
typedef enum {
  // Indicate there is a running accessibility service which is changing the
  // interaction model of the device.
  kFlutterAccessibilityFeatureAccessibleNavigation = 1 << 0,
  // Indicate the platform is inverting the colors of the application.
  kFlutterAccessibilityFeatureInvertColors = 1 << 1,
  // Request that animations be disabled or simplified.
  kFlutterAccessibilityFeatureDisableAnimations = 1 << 2,
  // Request that text be rendered at a bold font weight.
  kFlutterAccessibilityFeatureBoldText = 1 << 3,
  // Request that certain animations be simplified and parallax effects
  // removed.
  kFlutterAccessibilityFeatureReduceMotion = 1 << 4,
} FlutterAccessibilityFeature;

// The set of possible actions that can be conveyed to a semantics node.
// Must match the |SemanticsAction| enum in semantics.dart.
typedef enum {
  // The equivalent of a user briefly tapping the screen with the finger without
  // moving it.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionTap = 1 << 0,
  // The equivalent of a user pressing and holding the screen with the finger
  // for a few seconds without moving it.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionLongPress = 1 << 1,
  // The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from right
  // to left.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionScrollLeft = 1 << 2,
  // The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from left to
  // right.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionScrollRight = 1 << 3,
  // The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from bottom
  // to top.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionScrollUp = 1 << 4,
  // The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from top to
  // bottom.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionScrollDown = 1 << 5,
  // Increase the value represented by the semantics node.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionIncrease = 1 << 6,
  // Decrease the value represented by the semantics node.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionDecrease = 1 << 7,
  // A request to fully show the semantics node on screen.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionShowOnScreen = 1 << 8,
  // Move the cursor forward by one character.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionMoveCursorForwardByCharacter = 1 << 9,
  // Move the cursor backward by one character.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter = 1 << 10,
  // Set the text selection to the given range.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionSetSelection = 1 << 11,
  // Copy the current selection to the clipboard.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionCopy = 1 << 12,
  // Cut the current selection and place it in the clipboard.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionCut = 1 << 13,
  // Paste the current content of the clipboard.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionPaste = 1 << 14,
  // Indicate that the node has gained accessibility focus.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionDidGainAccessibilityFocus = 1 << 15,
  // Indicate that the node has lost accessibility focus.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionDidLoseAccessibilityFocus = 1 << 16,
  // Indicate that the user has invoked a custom accessibility action.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionCustomAction = 1 << 17,
  // A request that the node should be dismissed.
  kFlutterSemanticsActionDismiss = 1 << 18,
} FlutterSemanticsAction;

// The set of properties that may be associated with a semantics node.
// Must match the |SemanticsFlag| enum in semantics.dart.
typedef enum {
  // The semantics node has the quality of either being "checked" or
  // "unchecked".
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagHasCheckedState = 1 << 0,
  // Whether a semantics node is checked.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsChecked = 1 << 1,
  // Whether a semantics node is selected.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsSelected = 1 << 2,
  // Whether the semantic node represents a button.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsButton = 1 << 3,
  // Whether the semantic node represents a text field.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsTextField = 1 << 4,
  // Whether the semantic node currently holds the user's focus.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsFocused = 1 << 5,
  // The semantics node has the quality of either being "enabled" or "disabled".
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagHasEnabledState = 1 << 6,
  // Whether a semantic node that hasEnabledState is currently enabled.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsEnabled = 1 << 7,
  // Whether a semantic node is in a mutually exclusive group.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsInMutuallyExclusiveGroup = 1 << 8,
  // Whether a semantic node is a header that divides content into sections.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsHeader = 1 << 9,
  // Whether the value of the semantics node is obscured.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsObscured = 1 << 10,
  // Whether the semantics node is the root of a subtree for which a route name
  // should be announced.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagScopesRoute = 1 << 11,
  // Whether the semantics node label is the name of a visually distinct route.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagNamesRoute = 1 << 12,
  // Whether the semantics node is considered hidden.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsHidden = 1 << 13,
  // Whether the semantics node represents an image.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsImage = 1 << 14,
  // Whether the semantics node is a live region.
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsLiveRegion = 1 << 15,
  // The semantics node has the quality of either being "on" or "off".
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagHasToggledState = 1 << 16,
  // If true, the semantics node is "on". If false, the semantics node is "off".
  kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsToggled = 1 << 17,
} FlutterSemanticsFlag;

typedef enum {
  // Text has unknown text direction.
  kFlutterTextDirectionUnknown = 0,
  // Text is read from right to left.
  kFlutterTextDirectionRTL = 1,
  // Text is read from left to right.
  kFlutterTextDirectionLTR = 2,
} FlutterTextDirection;

155 156
typedef struct _FlutterEngine* FlutterEngine;

157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
typedef struct {
  //   horizontal scale factor
  double scaleX;
  //    horizontal skew factor
  double skewX;
  //   horizontal translation
  double transX;
  //    vertical skew factor
  double skewY;
  //   vertical scale factor
  double scaleY;
  //   vertical translation
  double transY;
  //    input x-axis perspective factor
  double pers0;
  //    input y-axis perspective factor
  double pers1;
  //    perspective scale factor
  double pers2;
} FlutterTransformation;

178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193
typedef void (*VoidCallback)(void* /* user data */);

typedef struct {
  //    Target texture of the active texture unit (example GL_TEXTURE_2D).
  uint32_t target;
  //    The name of the texture.
  uint32_t name;
  //    The texture format (example GL_RGBA8).
  uint32_t format;
  //    User data to be returned on the invocation of the destruction callback.
  void* user_data;
  //    Callback invoked (on an engine managed thread) that asks the embedder to
  //    collect the texture.
  VoidCallback destruction_callback;
} FlutterOpenGLTexture;

typedef bool (*BoolCallback)(void* /* user data */);
typedef FlutterTransformation (*TransformationCallback)(void* /* user data */);
typedef uint32_t (*UIntCallback)(void* /* user data */);
197 198 199 200
typedef bool (*SoftwareSurfacePresentCallback)(void* /* user data */,
                                               const void* /* allocation */,
                                               size_t /* row bytes */,
                                               size_t /* height */);
typedef void* (*ProcResolver)(void* /* user data */, const char* /* name */);
202 203 204 205 206
typedef bool (*TextureFrameCallback)(void* /* user data */,
                                     int64_t /* texture identifier */,
                                     size_t /* width */,
                                     size_t /* height */,
                                     FlutterOpenGLTexture* /* texture out */);
207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214

typedef struct {
  // The size of this struct. Must be sizeof(FlutterOpenGLRendererConfig).
  size_t struct_size;
  BoolCallback make_current;
  BoolCallback clear_current;
  BoolCallback present;
  UIntCallback fbo_callback;
215 216 217 218 219 220
  // This is an optional callback. Flutter will ask the emebdder to create a GL
  // context current on a background thread. If the embedder is able to do so,
  // Flutter will assume that this context is in the same sharegroup as the main
  // rendering context and use this context for asynchronous texture uploads.
  // Though optional, it is recommended that all embedders set this callback as
  // it will lead to better performance in texture handling.
  BoolCallback make_resource_current;
222 223 224 225 226
  // By default, the renderer config assumes that the FBO does not change for
  // the duration of the engine run. If this argument is true, the
  // engine will ask the embedder for an updated FBO target (via an fbo_callback
  // invocation) after a present call.
  bool fbo_reset_after_present;
227 228 229
  // The transformation to apply to the render target before any rendering
  // operations. This callback is optional.
  TransformationCallback surface_transformation;
  ProcResolver gl_proc_resolver;
231 232
  // When the embedder specifies that a texture has a frame available, the
  // engine will call this method (on an internal engine managed thread) so that
  // external texture details can be supplied to the engine for subsequent
234 235
  // composition.
  TextureFrameCallback gl_external_texture_frame_callback;
236 237
} FlutterOpenGLRendererConfig;

238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247
typedef struct {
  // The size of this struct. Must be sizeof(FlutterSoftwareRendererConfig).
  size_t struct_size;
  // The callback presented to the embedder to present a fully populated buffer
  // to the user. The pixel format of the buffer is the native 32-bit RGBA
  // format. The buffer is owned by the Flutter engine and must be copied in
  // this callback if needed.
  SoftwareSurfacePresentCallback surface_present_callback;
} FlutterSoftwareRendererConfig;

248 249 250 251
typedef struct {
  FlutterRendererType type;
  union {
    FlutterOpenGLRendererConfig open_gl;
    FlutterSoftwareRendererConfig software;
253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271
} FlutterRendererConfig;

typedef struct {
  // The size of this struct. Must be sizeof(FlutterWindowMetricsEvent).
  size_t struct_size;
  // Physical width of the window.
  size_t width;
  // Physical height of the window.
  size_t height;
  // Scale factor for the physical screen.
  double pixel_ratio;
} FlutterWindowMetricsEvent;

typedef enum {
272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283
} FlutterPointerPhase;

typedef struct {
  // The size of this struct. Must be sizeof(FlutterPointerEvent).
  size_t struct_size;
  FlutterPointerPhase phase;
  size_t timestamp;  // in microseconds.
  double x;
  double y;
284 285 286
  // An optional device identifier. If this is not specified, it is assumed that
  // the embedder has no multitouch capability.
  int32_t device;
287 288
} FlutterPointerEvent;

289 290 291 292
struct _FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle;
typedef struct _FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle

293 294 295 296 297 298
typedef struct {
  // The size of this struct. Must be sizeof(FlutterPlatformMessage).
  size_t struct_size;
  const char* channel;
  const uint8_t* message;
  const size_t message_size;
299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307
  // The response handle on which to invoke
  // |FlutterEngineSendPlatformMessageResponse| when the response is ready. This
  // field is ignored for messages being sent from the embedder to the
  // framework. If the embedder ever receives a message with a non-null response
  // handle, that handle must always be used with a
  // |FlutterEngineSendPlatformMessageResponse| call. If not, this is a memory
  // leak. It is not safe to send multiple responses on a single response
  // object.
  const FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle* response_handle;
308 309
} FlutterPlatformMessage;

310 311 312 313
typedef void (*FlutterPlatformMessageCallback)(
    const FlutterPlatformMessage* /* message*/,
    void* /* user data */);

314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418
typedef struct {
  double left;
  double top;
  double right;
  double bottom;
} FlutterRect;

// A node that represents some semantic data.
// The semantics tree is maintained during the semantics phase of the pipeline
// (i.e., during PipelineOwner.flushSemantics), which happens after
// compositing. Updates are then pushed to embedders via the registered
// |FlutterUpdateSemanticsNodeCallback|.
typedef struct {
  // The size of this struct. Must be sizeof(FlutterSemanticsNode).
  size_t struct_size;
  // The unique identifier for this node.
  int32_t id;
  // The set of semantics flags associated with this node.
  FlutterSemanticsFlag flags;
  // The set of semantics actions applicable to this node.
  FlutterSemanticsAction actions;
  // The position at which the text selection originates.
  int32_t textSelectionBase;
  // The position at which the text selection terminates.
  int32_t textSelectionExtent;
  // The total number of scrollable children that contribute to semantics.
  int32_t scrollChildren;
  // The index of the first visible semantic child of a scroll node.
  int32_t scrollIndex;
  // The current scrolling position in logical pixels if the node is scrollable.
  double scrollPosition;
  // The maximum in-range value for |scrollPosition| if the node is scrollable.
  double scrollExtentMax;
  // The minimum in-range value for |scrollPosition| if the node is scrollable.
  double scrollExtentMin;
  // The elevation along the z-axis at which the rect of this semantics node is
  // located above its parent.
  double elevation;
  // Describes how much space the semantics node takes up along the z-axis.
  double thickness;
  // A textual description of the node.
  const char* label;
  // A brief description of the result of performing an action on the node.
  const char* hint;
  // A textual description of the current value of the node.
  const char* value;
  // A value that |value| will have after a kFlutterSemanticsActionIncrease|
  // action has been performed.
  const char* increasedValue;
  // A value that |value| will have after a kFlutterSemanticsActionDecrease|
  // action has been performed.
  const char* decreasedValue;
  // The reading direction for |label|, |value|, |hint|, |increasedValue|, and
  // |decreasedValue|.
  FlutterTextDirection textDirection;
  // The bounding box for this node in its coordinate system.
  FlutterRect rect;
  // The transform from this node's coordinate system to its parent's coordinate
  // system.
  FlutterTransformation transform;
  // The number of children this node has.
  size_t child_count;
  // Array of child node IDs in traversal order. Has length |child_count|.
  const int32_t* children_in_traversal_order;
  // Array of child node IDs in hit test order. Has length |child_count|.
  const int32_t* children_in_hit_test_order;
  // The number of custom accessibility action associated with this node.
  size_t custom_accessibility_actions_count;
  // Array of |FlutterSemanticsCustomAction| IDs associated with this node.
  // Has length |custom_accessibility_actions_count|.
  const int32_t* custom_accessibility_actions;
} FlutterSemanticsNode;

// A custom semantics action, or action override.
// Custom actions can be registered by applications in order to provide
// semantic actions other than the standard actions available through the
// |FlutterSemanticsAction| enum.
// Action overrides are custom actions that the application developer requests
// to be used in place of the standard actions in the |FlutterSemanticsAction|
// enum.
typedef struct {
  // The size of the struct. Must be sizeof(FlutterSemanticsCustomAction).
  size_t struct_size;
  // The unique custom action or action override ID.
  int32_t id;
  // For overriden standard actions, corresponds to the
  // |FlutterSemanticsAction| to override.
  FlutterSemanticsAction override_action;
  // The user-readable name of this custom semantics action.
  const char* label;
  // The hint description of this custom semantics action.
  const char* hint;
} FlutterSemanticsCustomAction;

typedef void (*FlutterUpdateSemanticsNodeCallback)(
    const FlutterSemanticsNode* /* semantics node */,
    void* /* user data */);

typedef void (*FlutterUpdateSemanticsCustomActionCallback)(
    const FlutterSemanticsCustomAction* /* semantics custom action */,
    void* /* user data */);

419 420 421
typedef struct {
  // The size of this struct. Must be sizeof(FlutterProjectArgs).
  size_t struct_size;
422 423 424
  // The path to the Flutter assets directory containing project assets. The
  // string can be collected after the call to |FlutterEngineRun| returns. The
  // string must be NULL terminated.
  const char* assets_path;
426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434
  // The path to the Dart file containing the |main| entry point.
  // The string can be collected after the call to |FlutterEngineRun| returns.
  // The string must be NULL terminated.
  // \deprecated As of Dart 2, running from Dart source is no longer supported.
  // Dart code should now be compiled to kernel form and will be loaded by from
  // |kernel_blob.bin| in the assets directory. This struct member is retained
  // for ABI stability.
  const char* main_path__unused__;
435 436 437
  // The path to the |.packages| for the project. The string can be collected
  // after the call to |FlutterEngineRun| returns. The string must be NULL
  // terminated.
438 439 440 441 442 443
  // \deprecated As of Dart 2, running from Dart source is no longer supported.
  // Dart code should now be compiled to kernel form and will be loaded by from
  // |kernel_blob.bin| in the assets directory. This struct member is retained
  // for ABI stability.
  const char* packages_path__unused__;
444 445 446 447
  // The path to the icudtl.dat file for the project. The string can be
  // collected after the call to |FlutterEngineRun| returns. The string must
  // be NULL terminated.
  const char* icu_data_path;
  // The command line argument count used to initialize the project.
449 450 451 452
  int command_line_argc;
  // The command line arguments used to initialize the project. The strings can
  // be collected after the call to |FlutterEngineRun| returns. The strings must
  // be NULL terminated.
453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460
  // Note: The first item in the command line (if specificed at all) is
  // interpreted as the executable name. So if an engine flag needs to be passed
  // into the same, it needs to not be the very first item in the list. The set
  // of engine flags are only meant to control unstable features in the engine.
  // Deployed applications should not pass any command line arguments at all as
  // they may affect engine stability at runtime in the presence of unsanitized
  // input. The list of currently recognized engine flags and their descriptions
  // can be retrieved from the |switches.h| engine source file.
461 462 463 464 465
  const char* const* command_line_argv;
  // The callback invoked by the engine in order to give the embedder the chance
  // to respond to platform messages from the Dart application. The callback
  // will be invoked on the thread on which the |FlutterEngineRun| call is made.
  FlutterPlatformMessageCallback platform_message_callback;
466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491
  // The VM snapshot data buffer used in AOT operation. This buffer must be
  // mapped in as read-only. For more information refer to the documentation on
  // the Wiki at
  // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter-engine-operation-in-AOT-Mode
  const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_data;
  // The size of the VM snapshot data buffer.
  size_t vm_snapshot_data_size;
  // The VM snapshot instructions buffer used in AOT operation. This buffer must
  // be mapped in as read-execute. For more information refer to the
  // documentation on the Wiki at
  // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter-engine-operation-in-AOT-Mode
  const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_instructions;
  // The size of the VM snapshot instructions buffer.
  size_t vm_snapshot_instructions_size;
  // The isolate snapshot data buffer used in AOT operation. This buffer must be
  // mapped in as read-only. For more information refer to the documentation on
  // the Wiki at
  // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter-engine-operation-in-AOT-Mode
  const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_data;
  // The size of the isolate snapshot data buffer.
  size_t isolate_snapshot_data_size;
  // The isolate snapshot instructions buffer used in AOT operation. This buffer
  // must be mapped in as read-execute. For more information refer to the
  // documentation on the Wiki at
  // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter-engine-operation-in-AOT-Mode
  const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_instructions;
  // The size of the isolate snapshot instructions buffer.
  size_t isolate_snapshot_instructions_size;
494 495 496
  // The callback invoked by the engine in root isolate scope. Called
  // immediately after the root isolate has been created and marked runnable.
  VoidCallback root_isolate_create_callback;
497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507
  // The callback invoked by the engine in order to give the embedder the
  // chance to respond to semantics node updates from the Dart application. The
  // callback will be invoked on the thread on which the |FlutterEngineRun|
  // call is made.
  FlutterUpdateSemanticsNodeCallback update_semantics_node_callback;
  // The callback invoked by the engine in order to give the embedder the
  // chance to respond to updates to semantics custom actions from the Dart
  // application. The callback will be invoked on the thread on which the
  // |FlutterEngineRun| call is made.
508 509 510 511
  // Path to a directory used to store data that is cached across runs of a
  // Flutter application (such as compiled shader programs used by Skia).
  // This is optional.  The string must be NULL terminated.
  const char* persistent_cache_path;
512 513
} FlutterProjectArgs;

515 516 517 518 519
FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineRun(size_t version,
                                     const FlutterRendererConfig* config,
                                     const FlutterProjectArgs* args,
                                     void* user_data,
                                     FlutterEngine* engine_out);
520 521

FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineShutdown(FlutterEngine engine);
523 524

FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineSendWindowMetricsEvent(
526 527 528 529
    FlutterEngine engine,
    const FlutterWindowMetricsEvent* event);

530 531 532 533
FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineSendPointerEvent(
    FlutterEngine engine,
    const FlutterPointerEvent* events,
    size_t events_count);

FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineSendPlatformMessage(
537 538 539
    FlutterEngine engine,
    const FlutterPlatformMessage* message);

FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineSendPlatformMessageResponse(
542 543 544 545 546
    FlutterEngine engine,
    const FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle* handle,
    const uint8_t* data,
    size_t data_length);

547 548 549 550
// This API is only meant to be used by platforms that need to flush tasks on a
// message loop not controlled by the Flutter engine. This API will be
// deprecated soon.
FlutterEngineResult __FlutterEngineFlushPendingTasksNow();

553 554 555 556 557 558
// Register an external texture with a unique (per engine) identifier. Only
// rendering backends that support external textures accept external texture
// registrations. After the external texture is registered, the application can
// mark that a frame is available by calling
// |FlutterEngineMarkExternalTextureFrameAvailable|.
559 560 561
FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineRegisterExternalTexture(
    FlutterEngine engine,
    int64_t texture_identifier);
562 563 564

// Unregister a previous texture registration.
FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineUnregisterExternalTexture(
566 567 568 569 570
    FlutterEngine engine,
    int64_t texture_identifier);

// Mark that a new texture frame is available for a given texture identifier.
FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineMarkExternalTextureFrameAvailable(
572 573 574
    FlutterEngine engine,
    int64_t texture_identifier);

575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598
// Enable or disable accessibility semantics.
// When enabled, changes to the semantic contents of the window are sent via
// the |FlutterUpdateSemanticsNodeCallback| registered to
// |update_semantics_node_callback| in |FlutterProjectArgs|;
FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineUpdateSemanticsEnabled(FlutterEngine engine,
                                                        bool enabled);

// Sets additional accessibility features.
FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineUpdateAccessibilityFeatures(
    FlutterEngine engine,
    FlutterAccessibilityFeature features);

// Dispatch a semantics action to the specified semantics node.
FlutterEngineResult FlutterEngineDispatchSemanticsAction(
    FlutterEngine engine,
    uint64_t id,
    FlutterSemanticsAction action,
    const uint8_t* data,
    size_t data_length);

599 600 601 602 603
#if defined(__cplusplus)
}  // extern "C"