engine.h 40.2 KB
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Michael Goderbauer 已提交
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
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// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

5 6

8 9 10 11 12
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "flutter/assets/asset_manager.h"
#include "flutter/common/task_runners.h"
13 14
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image_decoder.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/custom_accessibility_action.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/semantics_node.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/snapshot_delegate.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/text/font_collection.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/window/platform_message.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/window/viewport_metrics.h"
#include "flutter/runtime/dart_vm.h"
#include "flutter/runtime/runtime_controller.h"
#include "flutter/runtime/runtime_delegate.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/animator.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/rasterizer.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/run_configuration.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/shell_io_manager.h"
Adam Barth 已提交
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPicture.h"

namespace flutter {

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
/// The engine is a component owned by the shell that resides on the UI task
/// runner and is responsible for managing the needs of the root isolate and its
/// runtime. The engine can only be created, accessed and collected on the UI
/// task runner. Each shell owns exactly one instance of the engine.
/// The root isolate of Flutter application gets "window" bindings. Using these
/// bindings, the application can schedule frames, post layer-trees for
/// rendering, ask to decompress images and upload them to the GPU, etc..
/// Non-root isolates of the VM do not get any of these capabilities and are run
/// in a VM managed thread pool (so if they did have "window", the threading
/// guarantees needed for engine operation would be violated).
/// The engine is responsible for the entire life-cycle of the root isolate.
/// When the engine is collected, its owner assumes that the root isolate has
/// been shutdown and appropriate resources collected. While each engine
/// instance can only manage a single instance of a root isolate, it may restart
/// that isolate on request. This is how the cold-restart development scenario
/// is supported.
/// When the engine instance is initially created, the root isolate is created
/// but it is not in the |DartIsolate::Phase::Running| phase yet. It only moves
/// into that phase when a successful call to `Engine::Run` is made.
/// @see      `Shell`
/// @note     This name of this class is perhaps a bit unfortunate and has
///           sometimes been the cause of confusion. For a class named "Engine"
///           in the Flutter "Engine" repository, its responsibilities are
///           decidedly unremarkable. But, it does happen to be the primary
///           entry-point used by components higher up in the Flutter tech stack
///           (usually in Dart code) to peer into the lower level functionality.
///           Besides, the authors haven't been able to come up with a more apt
///           name and it does happen to be one of the older classes in the
///           repository.
class Engine final : public RuntimeDelegate {
71 72 73
  /// @brief      Indicates the result of the call to `Engine::Run`.
  enum class RunStatus {
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
    /// The call to |Engine::Run| was successful and the root isolate is in the
    /// `DartIsolate::Phase::Running` phase with its entry-point invocation
    /// already pending in the task queue.

    /// The engine can only manage a single instance of a root isolate. If a
    /// previous call to run the root isolate was successful, subsequent calls
    /// to run the isolate (even if the new run configuration is different) will
    /// be rejected.
    /// It is up to the caller to decide to re-purpose the running isolate,
    /// terminate it, or use another shell to host the new isolate. This is
    /// mostly used by embedders which have a fire-and-forget strategy to root
    /// isolate launch. For example, the application may try to "launch" and
    /// isolate when the embedders launches or resumes from a paused state. That
    /// the isolate is running is not necessarily a failure condition for them.
    /// But from the engine's perspective, the run configuration was rejected.

    /// Used to indicate to the embedder that a root isolate was not already
    /// running but the run configuration was not valid and root isolate could
    /// not be moved into the `DartIsolate::Phase::Running` phase.
    /// The caller must attempt the run call again with a valid configuration.
    /// The set of all failure modes is massive and can originate from a variety
    /// of sub-components. The engine will attempt to log the same when
    /// possible. With the aid of logs, the common causes of failure are:
    /// * AOT assets give to JIT/DBC mode VM's and vice-versa.
    /// * The assets could not be found in the asset manager. Callers must make
    ///   sure their run configuration asset managers have been correctly setup.
    /// * The assets themselves were corrupt or invalid. Callers must make sure
    ///   their asset delivery mechanisms are sound.
    /// * The application entry-point or the root library of the entry-point
    ///   specified in the run configuration was invalid. Callers must make sure
    ///   that the entry-point is present in the application. If the name of the
    ///   entrypoint is not "main" in the root library, callers must also ensure
    ///   that the snapshotting process has not tree-shaken away this
    ///   entrypoint. This requires the decoration of the entrypoint with the
    ///   `@pragma('vm:entry-point')` directive. This problem will manifest in
    ///   AOT mode operation of the Dart VM.
123 124

125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
  /// @brief      While the engine operates entirely on the UI task runner, it
  ///             needs the capabilities of the other components to fulfill the
  ///             requirements of the root isolate. The shell is the only class
  ///             that implements this interface as no other component has
  ///             access to all components in a thread safe manner. The engine
  ///             delegates these tasks to the shell via this interface.
133 134
  class Delegate {
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
    /// @brief      When the accessibility tree has been updated by the Flutter
    ///             application, this new information needs to be conveyed to
    ///             the underlying platform. The engine delegates this task to
    ///             the shell via this call. The engine cannot access the
    ///             underlying platform directly because of threading
    ///             considerations. Most platform specific APIs to convey
    ///             accessibility information are only safe to access on the
    ///             platform task runner while the engine is running on the UI
    ///             task runner.
    /// @see        `SemanticsNode`, `SemticsNodeUpdates`,
    ///             `CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates`,
    ///             `PlatformView::UpdateSemantics`
    /// @param[in]  updates  A map with the stable semantics node identifier as
    ///                      key and the node properties as the value.
    /// @param[in]  actions  A map with the stable semantics node identifier as
    ///                      key and the custom node action as the value.
    virtual void OnEngineUpdateSemantics(
        SemanticsNodeUpdates updates,
        CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates actions) = 0;

159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
    /// @brief      When the Flutter application has a message to send to the
    ///             underlying platform, the message needs to be forwarded to
    ///             the platform on the the appropriate thread (via the platform
    ///             task runner). The engine delegates this task to the shell
    ///             via this method.
    /// @see        `PlatformView::HandlePlatformMessage`
    /// @param[in]  message  The message from the Flutter application to send to
    ///                      the underlying platform.
    virtual void OnEngineHandlePlatformMessage(
        fml::RefPtr<PlatformMessage> message) = 0;

174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
    /// @brief      Notifies the delegate that the root isolate of the
    ///             application is about to be discarded and a new isolate with
    ///             the same runtime started in its place. This should only
    ///             happen in the Flutter "debug" runtime mode in the
    ///             cold-restart scenario. The embedder may need to reset native
    ///             resource in response to the restart.
    /// @see        `PlatformView::OnPreEngineRestart`
    virtual void OnPreEngineRestart() = 0;

186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
    /// @brief      Notifies the shell of the name of the root isolate and its
    ///             port when that isolate is launched, restarted (in the
    ///             cold-restart scenario) or the application itself updates the
    ///             name of the root isolate (via `Window.setIsolateDebugName`
    ///             in `window.dart`). The name of the isolate is meaningless to
    ///             the engine but is used in instrumentation and tooling.
    ///             Currently, this information is to update the service
    ///             protocol list of available root isolates running in the VM
    ///             and their names so that the appropriate isolate can be
    ///             selected in the tools for debugging and instrumentation.
    /// @param[in]  isolate_name  The isolate name
    /// @param[in]  isolate_port  The isolate port
201 202
    virtual void UpdateIsolateDescription(const std::string isolate_name,
                                          int64_t isolate_port) = 0;

204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
    /// @brief      Notifies the shell that the application has an opinion about
    ///             whether its frame timings need to be reported backed to it.
    ///             Due to the asynchronous nature of rendering in Flutter, it
    ///             is not possible for the application to determine the total
    ///             time it took to render a specific frame. While the
    ///             layer-tree is constructed on the UI thread, it needs to be
    ///             rendering on the GPU thread. Dart code cannot execute on
    ///             this thread. So any instrumentation about the frame times
    ///             gathered on this thread needs to be aggregated and sent back
    ///             to the UI thread for processing in Dart.
    ///             When the application indicates that frame times need to be
    ///             reported, it collects this information till a specified
    ///             number of data points are gathered. Then this information is
    ///             sent back to Dart code via `Engine::ReportTimings`.
    ///             This option is engine counterpart of the
    ///             `Window._setNeedsReportTimings` in `window.dart`.
    /// @param[in]  needs_reporting  If reporting information should be
    ///                              collected and send back to Dart.
    virtual void SetNeedsReportTimings(bool needs_reporting) = 0;
228 229

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  /// @brief      Creates an instance of the engine. This is done by the Shell
  ///             on the the UI task runner.
  /// @param      delegate           The object used by the engine to perform
  ///                                tasks that require access to components
  ///                                that cannot be safely accessed by the
  ///                                engine. This is the shell.
  /// @param      vm                 An instance of the running Dart VM.
  /// @param[in]  isolate_snapshot   The snapshot used to create the root
  ///                                isolate. Even though the isolate is not
  ///                                `DartIsolate::Phase::Running` phase, it is
  ///                                created when the engine is created. This
  ///                                requires access to the isolate snapshot
  ///                                upfront.
  /// @param[in]  shared_snapshot    The portion of the isolate snapshot shared
  ///                                among multiple isolates.
  //  TODO(chinmaygarde): This is probably redundant now that the IO manager is
  //  it's own object.
  /// @param[in]  task_runners       The task runners used by the shell that
  ///                                hosts this engine.
  /// @param[in]  settings           The settings used to initialize the shell
  ///                                and the engine.
  /// @param[in]  animator           The animator used to schedule frames.
  //  TODO(chinmaygarde): Move this to `Engine::Delegate`
  /// @param[in]  snapshot_delegate  The delegate used to fulfill requests to
  ///                                snapshot a specified scene. The engine
  ///                                cannot snapshot a scene on the UI thread
  ///                                directly because the scene (described via
  ///                                an `SkPicture`) may reference resources on
  ///                                the GPU and there is no GPU context current
  ///                                on the UI thread. The delegate is a
  ///                                component that has access to all the
  ///                                requisite GPU resources.
  /// @param[in]  io_manager         The IO manager used by this root isolate to
  ///                                schedule tasks that manage resources on the
  ///                                GPU.
  Engine(Delegate& delegate,
269 270 271 272 273
         DartVM& vm,
         fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot,
         fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> shared_snapshot,
         TaskRunners task_runners,
         Settings settings,
         std::unique_ptr<Animator> animator,
275 276
         fml::WeakPtr<SnapshotDelegate> snapshot_delegate,
         fml::WeakPtr<IOManager> io_manager);
Adam Barth 已提交

278 279 280 281 282 283 284
  /// @brief      Destroys the engine engine. Called by the shell on the UI task
  ///             runner. The running root isolate is terminated and will no
  ///             longer access the task runner after this call returns. This
  ///             allows the embedder to tear down the thread immediately if
  ///             needed.
285 286
  ~Engine() override;

287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308
  /// @brief      Gets the refresh rate in frames per second of the vsync waiter
  ///             used by the animator managed by this engine. This information
  ///             is purely advisory and is not used by any component. It is
  ///             only used by the tooling to visualize frame performance.
  /// @attention  The display refresh rate is useless for frame scheduling
  ///             because it can vary and more accurate frame specific
  ///             information is given to the engine by the vsync waiter
  ///             already. However, this call is used by the tooling to ask very
  ///             high level questions about display refresh rate. For example,
  ///             "Is the display 60 or 120Hz?". This information is quite
  ///             unreliable (not available immediately on launch on some
  ///             platforms), variable and advisory. It must not be used by any
  ///             component that claims to use it to perform accurate frame
  ///             scheduling.
  /// @return     The display refresh rate in frames per second. This may change
  ///             from frame to frame, throughout the lifecycle of the
  ///             application, and, may not be available immediately upon
  ///             application launch.
309 310
  float GetDisplayRefreshRate() const;

311 312 313 314
  /// @return     The pointer to this instance of the engine. The engine may
  ///             only be accessed safely on the UI task runner.
  fml::WeakPtr<Engine> GetWeakPtr() const;

317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336
  /// @brief      Moves the root isolate to the `DartIsolate::Phase::Running`
  ///             phase on a successful call to this method.
  ///             The isolate itself is created when the engine is created, but
  ///             it is not yet in the running phase. This is done to amortize
  ///             initial time taken to launch the root isolate. The isolate
  ///             snapshots used to run the isolate can be fetched on another
  ///             thread while the engine itself is launched on the UI task
  ///             runner.
  ///             Repeated calls to this method after a successful run will be
  ///             rejected even if the run configuration is valid (with the
  ///             appropriate error returned).
  /// @param[in]  configuration  The configuration used to run the root isolate.
  ///                            The configuration must be valid.
  /// @return     The result of the call to run the root isolate.
  RunStatus Run(RunConfiguration configuration);

340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356
  /// @brief      Tears down an existing root isolate, reuses the components of
  ///             that isolate and attempts to launch a new isolate using the
  ///             given the run configuration. This is only used in the
  ///             "debug" Flutter runtime mode in the cold-restart scenario.
  /// @attention  This operation must be performed with care as even a
  ///             non-successful restart will still tear down any existing root
  ///             isolate. In such cases, the engine and its shell must be
  ///             discarded.
  /// @param[in]  configuration  The configuration used to launch the new
  ///                            isolate.
  /// @return     Whether the restart was successful. If not, the engine and its
  ///             shell must be discarded.
  bool Restart(RunConfiguration configuration);

360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379
  /// @brief      Updates the asset manager referenced by the root isolate of a
  ///             Flutter application. This happens implicitly in the call to
  ///             `Engine::Run` and `Engine::Restart` as the asset manager is
  ///             referenced from the run configuration provided to those calls.
  ///             In addition to the the `Engine::Run` and `Engine::Restart`
  ///             calls, the tooling may need to update the assets available to
  ///             the application as the user adds them to their project. For
  ///             example, these assets may be referenced by code that is newly
  ///             patched in after a hot-reload. Neither the shell or the
  ///             isolate in relaunched in such cases. The tooling usually
  ///             patches in the new assets in a temporary location and updates
  ///             the asset manager to point to that location.
  /// @param[in]  asset_manager  The new asset manager to use for the running
  ///                            root isolate.
  /// @return     If the asset manager was successfully replaced. This may fail
  ///             if the new asset manager is invalid.
  bool UpdateAssetManager(std::shared_ptr<AssetManager> asset_manager);

382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421
  /// @brief      Notifies the engine that it is time to begin working on a new
  ///             frame previously scheduled via a call to
  ///             `Engine::ScheduleFrame`. This call originates in the animator.
  ///             The frame time given as the argument indicates the point at
  ///             which the current frame interval began. It is very slightly
  ///             (because of scheduling overhead) in the past. If a new layer
  ///             tree is not produced and given to the GPU task runner within
  ///             one frame interval from this point, the Flutter application
  ///             will jank.
  ///             If an root isolate is running, this method calls the
  ///             `::_beginFrame` method in `hooks.dart`. If a root isolate is
  ///             not running, this call does nothing.
  ///             This method encapsulates the entire UI thread frame workload.
  ///             The following (mis)behavior in the functioning of the method
  ///             will cause the jank in the Flutter application:
  ///             * The time taken by this method to create a layer-tree exceeds
  ///               on frame interval (for example, 16.66 ms on a 60Hz display).
  ///             * The time take by this method to generate a new layer-tree
  ///               causes the current layer-tree pipeline depth to change. To
  ///               illustrate this point, note that maximum pipeline depth used
  ///               by layer tree in the engine is 2. If both the UI and GPU
  ///               task runner tasks finish within one frame interval, the
  ///               pipeline depth is one. If the UI thread happens to be
  ///               working on a frame when the GPU thread is still not done
  ///               with the previous frame, the pipeline depth is 2. When the
  ///               pipeline depth changes from 1 to 2, animations and UI
  ///               interactions that cause the generation of the new layer tree
  ///               appropriate for (frame_time + one frame interval) will
  ///               actually end up at (frame_time + two frame intervals). This
  ///               is not what code running on the UI thread expected would
  ///               happen. This causes perceptible jank.
  /// @param[in]  frame_time  The point at which the current frame interval
  ///                         began. May be used by animation interpolators,
  ///                         physics simulations, etc..
  void BeginFrame(fml::TimePoint frame_time);

424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464
  /// @brief      Notifies the engine that the UI task runner is not expected to
  ///             undertake a new frame workload till a specified timepoint. The
  ///             timepoint is measured in microseconds against the system's
  ///             monotonic clock. It is recommended that the clock be accessed
  ///             via `Dart_TimelineGetMicros` from `dart_api.h` for
  ///             consistency. In reality, the clocks used by Dart, FML and
  ///             std::steady_clock are all the same and the timepoints can be
  ///             converted from on clock type to another.
  ///             The Dart VM uses this notification to schedule book-keeping
  ///             tasks that may include a garbage collection. In this way, it
  ///             is less likely for the VM to perform such (potentially long
  ///             running) tasks in the middle of a frame workload.
  ///             This notification is advisory. That is, not providing this
  ///             notification does not mean garbage collection is postponed
  ///             till this call is made. If this notification is not provided,
  ///             garbage collection will happen based on the usual heuristics
  ///             used by the Dart VM.
  ///             Currently, this idle notification is delivered to the engine
  ///             at two points. Once, the deadline is calculated based on how
  ///             much time in the current frame interval is left on the UI task
  ///             runner. Since the next frame workload cannot begin till at
  ///             least the next callback from the vsync waiter, this period may
  ///             be used to used as a "small" idle notification. On the other
  ///             hand, if no more frames are scheduled, a large (but arbitrary)
  ///             idle notification deadline is chosen for a "big" idle
  ///             notification. Again, this notification does not guarantee
  ///             collection, just gives the Dart VM more hints about opportune
  ///             moments to perform collections.
  //  TODO(chinmaygarde): This should just use fml::TimePoint instead of having
  //  to remember that the unit is microseconds (which is no used anywhere else
  //  in the engine).
  /// @param[in]  deadline  The deadline as a timepoint in microseconds measured
  ///                       against the system monotonic clock. Use
  ///                       `Dart_TimelineGetMicros()`, for consistency.
  void NotifyIdle(int64_t deadline);

467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508
  /// @brief      Dart code cannot fully measure the time it takes for a
  ///             specific frame to be rendered. This is because Dart code only
  ///             runs on the UI task runner. That is only a small part of the
  ///             overall frame workload. The GPU task runner frame workload is
  ///             executed on a thread where Dart code cannot run (and hence
  ///             instrument). Besides, due to the pipelined nature of rendering
  ///             in Flutter, there may be multiple frame workloads being
  ///             processed at any given time. However, for non-Timeline based
  ///             profiling, it is useful for trace collection and processing to
  ///             happen in Dart. To do this, the GPU task runner frame
  ///             workloads need to be instrumented separately. After a set
  ///             number of these profiles have been gathered, they need to be
  ///             reported back to Dart code. The shell reports this extra
  ///             instrumentation information back to Dart code running on the
  ///             engine by invoking this method at predefined intervals.
  /// @see        `FrameTiming`
  //  TODO(chinmaygarde): The use `int64_t` is added for ease of conversion to
  //  Dart but hurts readability. The phases and the units of the timepoints are
  //  not obvious without some sleuthing. The conversion can happen at the
  //  native interface boundary instead.
  /// @param[in]  timings  Collection of `FrameTiming::kCount` * `n` timestamps
  ///                      for `n` frames whose timings have not been reported
  ///                      yet. A collection of integers is reported here for
  ///                      easier conversions to Dart objects. The timestamps
  ///                      are measured against the system monotonic clock
  ///                      measured in microseconds.
  void ReportTimings(std::vector<int64_t> timings);

  /// @brief      Gets the main port of the root isolate. Since the isolate is
  ///             created immediately in the constructor of the engine, it is
  ///             possible to get its main port immediately (even before a call
  ///             to `Run` can be made). This is useful in registering the port
  ///             in a race free manner with a port nameserver.
  /// @return     The main port of the root isolate.
  Dart_Port GetUIIsolateMainPort();

511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523
  /// @brief      Gets the debug name of the root isolate. But default, the
  ///             debug name of the isolate is derived from its advisory script
  ///             URI, advisory main entrypoint and its main port name. For
  ///             example, "main.dart$main-1234" where the script URI is
  ///             "main.dart", the entrypoint is "main" and the port name
  ///             "1234". Once launched, the isolate may re-christen itself
  ///             using a name it selects via `setIsolateDebugName` in
  ///             `window.dart`. This name is purely advisory and only used by
  ///             instrumentation and reporting purposes.
  /// @return     The debug name of the root isolate.
  std::string GetUIIsolateName();

526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548
  /// @brief      It is an unexpected challenge to determine when a Dart
  ///             application is "done". The application cannot simply terminate
  ///             the native process (and perhaps return an exit code) because
  ///             it does not have that power. After all, Flutter applications
  ///             reside within a host process that may have other
  ///             responsibilities besides just running Flutter applications.
  ///             Also, the `main` entry-points are run on an event loop and
  ///             returning from "main" (unlike in C/C++ applications) does not
  ///             mean termination of the process. Besides, the return value of
  ///             the main entrypoint is discarded.
  ///             One technique used by embedders to determine "liveness" is to
  ///             count the outstanding live ports dedicated to the application.
  ///             These ports may be live as a result of pending timers,
  ///             scheduled tasks, pending IO on sockets, channels open with
  ///             other isolates, etc.. At regular intervals (sometimes as often
  ///             as after the UI task runner processes any task), embedders may
  ///             check for the "liveness" of the application and perform
  ///             teardown of the embedder when no more ports are live.
  /// @return     Check if the root isolate has any live ports.
  bool UIIsolateHasLivePorts();

551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558
  /// @brief      Errors that are unhandled on the Dart message loop are kept
  ///             for further inspection till the next unhandled error comes
  ///             along. This accessor returns the last unhandled error
  ///             encountered by the root isolate.
  /// @return     The ui isolate last error.
  tonic::DartErrorHandleType GetUIIsolateLastError();

561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581
  /// @brief      As described in the discussion for `UIIsolateHasLivePorts`,
  ///             the "done-ness" of a Dart application is tricky to ascertain
  ///             and the return value from the main entrypoint is discarded
  ///             (because the Dart isolate is still running after the main
  ///             entrypoint returns). But, the concept of an exit code akin to
  ///             those returned by native applications is still useful. Short
  ///             lived Dart applications (usually tests), emulate this by
  ///             setting a per isolate "return value" and then indicating their
  ///             "done-ness" (usually via closing all live ports). This
  ///             accessor returns that "return value" is present.
  /// @see        `UIIsolateHasLivePorts`
  //  TODO(chinmaygarde): Use std::optional instead of the pair now that it is
  //  available.
  /// @return     A pair containing a boolean value indicating if the isolate
  ///             set a "return value" and that value if present. When the first
  ///             item of the pair is false, second item is meaningless.
582 583
  std::pair<bool, uint32_t> GetUIIsolateReturnCode();

584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600
  /// @brief      Indicates to the Flutter application that it has obtained a
  ///             rendering surface. This is a good opportunity for the engine
  ///             to start servicing any outstanding frame requests from the
  ///             Flutter applications. Flutter application that have no
  ///             rendering concerns may never get a rendering surface. In such
  ///             cases, while their root isolate can perform as normal, any
  ///             frame requests made by them will never be serviced and layer
  ///             trees produced outside of frame workloads will be dropped.
  ///             Very close to when this call is made, the application can
  ///             expect the updated viewport metrics. Rendering only begins
  ///             when the Flutter application gets an output surface and a
  ///             valid set of viewport metrics.
  /// @see        `OnOutputSurfaceDestroyed`
601 602
  void OnOutputSurfaceCreated();

603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611
  /// @brief      Indicates to the Flutter application that a previously
  ///             acquired rendering surface has been lost. Further frame
  ///             requests will no longer be serviced and any layer tree
  ///             submitted for rendering will be dropped. If/when a new surface
  ///             is acquired, a new layer tree must be generated.
  /// @see        `OnOutputSurfaceCreated`
612 613
  void OnOutputSurfaceDestroyed();

614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623
  /// @brief      Updates the viewport metrics for the currently running Flutter
  ///             application. The viewport metrics detail the size of the
  ///             rendering viewport in texels as well as edge insets if
  ///             present.
  /// @see        `ViewportMetrics`
  /// @param[in]  metrics  The metrics
  void SetViewportMetrics(const ViewportMetrics& metrics);

626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633
  /// @brief      Notifies the engine that the embedder has sent it a message.
  ///             This call originates in the platform view and has been
  ///             forwarded to the engine on the UI task runner here.
  /// @param[in]  message  The message sent from the embedder to the Dart
  ///                      application.
  void DispatchPlatformMessage(fml::RefPtr<PlatformMessage> message);

636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653
  /// @brief      Notifies the engine that the embedder has sent it a pointer
  ///             data packet. A pointer data packet may contain multiple
  ///             input events. This call originates in the platform view and
  ///             the shell has forwarded the same to the engine on the UI task
  ///             runner here.
  /// @param[in]  packet         The pointer data packet containing multiple
  ///                            input events.
  /// @param[in]  trace_flow_id  The trace flow identifier associated with the
  ///                            pointer data packet. The engine uses this trace
  ///                            identifier to connect trace flows in the
  ///                            timeline from the input event event to the
  ///                            frames generated due to those input events.
  ///                            These flows are tagged as "PointerEvent" in the
  ///                            timeline and allow grouping frames and input
  ///                            events into logical chunks.
  void DispatchPointerDataPacket(const PointerDataPacket& packet,
                                 uint64_t trace_flow_id);

657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667
  /// @brief      Notifies the engine that the embedder encountered an
  ///             accessibility related action on the specified node. This call
  ///             originates on the platform view and has been forwarded to the
  ///             engine here on the UI task runner by the shell.
  /// @param[in]  id      The identifier of the accessibility node.
  /// @param[in]  action  The accessibility related action performed on the
  ///                     node of the specified ID.
  /// @param[in]  args    Optional data that applies to the specified action.
  void DispatchSemanticsAction(int id,
                               SemanticsAction action,
                               std::vector<uint8_t> args);

672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680
  /// @brief      Notifies the engine that the embedder has expressed an opinion
  ///             about where the accessibility tree should be generated or not.
  ///             This call originates in the platform view and is forwarded to
  ///             the engine here on the UI task runner by the shell.
  /// @param[in]  enabled  Whether the accessibility tree is enabled or
  ///                      disabled.
  void SetSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled);

683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696
  /// @brief      Notifies the engine that the embedder has expressed an opinion
  ///             about where the flags to set on the accessibility tree. This
  ///             flag originates in the platform view and is forwarded to the
  ///             engine here on the UI task runner by the shell.
  ///             The engine does not care about the accessibility feature flags
  ///             as all it does is forward this information from the embedder
  ///             to the framework. However, curious readers may refer to
  ///             `AccessibilityFeatures` in `window.dart` for currently
  ///             supported accessibility feature flags.
  /// @param[in]  flags  The features to enable in the accessibility tree.
  void SetAccessibilityFeatures(int32_t flags);

  // |RuntimeDelegate|
  void ScheduleFrame(bool regenerate_layer_tree = true) override;

702 703
  // |RuntimeDelegate|
  FontCollection& GetFontCollection() override;

  Engine::Delegate& delegate_;
  const Settings settings_;
  std::unique_ptr<Animator> animator_;
  std::unique_ptr<RuntimeController> runtime_controller_;
  std::string initial_route_;
711 712
  ViewportMetrics viewport_metrics_;
  std::shared_ptr<AssetManager> asset_manager_;
713 714
  bool activity_running_;
  bool have_surface_;
  FontCollection font_collection_;
  ImageDecoder image_decoder_;
717 718
  fml::WeakPtrFactory<Engine> weak_factory_;

  // |RuntimeDelegate|
  std::string DefaultRouteName() override;

  // |RuntimeDelegate|
  void Render(std::unique_ptr<flutter::LayerTree> layer_tree) override;

725 726 727
  // |RuntimeDelegate|
  void UpdateSemantics(SemanticsNodeUpdates update,
                       CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates actions) override;

729 730
  // |RuntimeDelegate|
  void HandlePlatformMessage(fml::RefPtr<PlatformMessage> message) override;

  // |RuntimeDelegate|
733 734 735
  void UpdateIsolateDescription(const std::string isolate_name,
                                int64_t isolate_port) override;

736 737
  void SetNeedsReportTimings(bool value) override;

  void StopAnimator();

  void StartAnimatorIfPossible();

  bool HandleLifecyclePlatformMessage(PlatformMessage* message);

  bool HandleNavigationPlatformMessage(fml::RefPtr<PlatformMessage> message);

  bool HandleLocalizationPlatformMessage(PlatformMessage* message);

  void HandleSettingsPlatformMessage(PlatformMessage* message);

  void HandleAssetPlatformMessage(fml::RefPtr<PlatformMessage> message);

  bool GetAssetAsBuffer(const std::string& name, std::vector<uint8_t>* data);

  RunStatus PrepareAndLaunchIsolate(RunConfiguration configuration);

756 757
  friend class testing::ShellTest;

759 760

}  // namespace flutter