semantics.dart 12.9 KB
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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

Adam Barth 已提交
part of dart.ui;
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/// The possible actions that can be conveyed from the operating system
/// accessibility APIs to a semantics node.
class SemanticsAction {
Ian Hickson 已提交
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  const SemanticsAction._(this.index);

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  static const int _kTapIndex = 1 << 0;
  static const int _kLongPressIndex = 1 << 1;
  static const int _kScrollLeftIndex = 1 << 2;
  static const int _kScrollRightIndex = 1 << 3;
  static const int _kScrollUpIndex = 1 << 4;
  static const int _kScrollDownIndex = 1 << 5;
  static const int _kIncreaseIndex = 1 << 6;
  static const int _kDecreaseIndex = 1 << 7;
  static const int _kShowOnScreen = 1 << 8;
21 22
  static const int _kMoveCursorForwardByCharacter = 1 << 9;
  static const int _kMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter = 1 << 10;
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  /// The numerical value for this action.
  /// Each action has one bit set in this bit field.
  final int index;

  /// The equivalent of a user briefly tapping the screen with the finger
  /// without moving it.
  static const SemanticsAction tap = const SemanticsAction._(_kTapIndex);

  /// The equivalent of a user pressing and holding the screen with the finger
  /// for a few seconds without moving it.
  static const SemanticsAction longPress = const SemanticsAction._(_kLongPressIndex);

  /// The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from right
  /// to left.
  /// This action should be recognized by controls that are horizontally
  /// scrollable.
  static const SemanticsAction scrollLeft = const SemanticsAction._(_kScrollLeftIndex);

  /// The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from left
  /// to right.
  /// This action should be recognized by controls that are horizontally
  /// scrollable.
  static const SemanticsAction scrollRight = const SemanticsAction._(_kScrollRightIndex);

  /// The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from
  /// bottom to top.
  /// This action should be recognized by controls that are vertically
  /// scrollable.
  static const SemanticsAction scrollUp = const SemanticsAction._(_kScrollUpIndex);

  /// The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from top
  /// to bottom.
  /// This action should be recognized by controls that are vertically
  /// scrollable.
  static const SemanticsAction scrollDown = const SemanticsAction._(_kScrollDownIndex);

  /// A request to increase the value represented by the semantics node.
  /// For example, this action might be recognized by a slider control.
  static const SemanticsAction increase = const SemanticsAction._(_kIncreaseIndex);

  /// A request to decrease the value represented by the semantics node.
  /// For example, this action might be recognized by a slider control.
  static const SemanticsAction decrease = const SemanticsAction._(_kDecreaseIndex);

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  /// A request to fully show the semantics node on screen.
  /// For example, this action might be send to a node in a scrollable list that
  /// is partially off screen to bring it on screen.
  static const SemanticsAction showOnScreen = const SemanticsAction._(_kShowOnScreen);

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  /// Move the cursor forward by one character.
  /// This is for example used by the cursor control in text fields.
  static const SemanticsAction moveCursorForwardByCharacter = const SemanticsAction._(_kMoveCursorForwardByCharacter);

  /// Move the cursor backward by one character.
  /// This is for example used by the cursor control in text fields.
Michael Goderbauer 已提交
  static const SemanticsAction moveCursorBackwardByCharacter = const SemanticsAction._(_kMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter);

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  /// The possible semantics actions.
  /// The map's key is the [index] of the action and the value is the action
  /// itself.
  static final Map<int, SemanticsAction> values = const <int, SemanticsAction>{
    _kTapIndex: tap,
    _kLongPressIndex: longPress,
    _kScrollLeftIndex: scrollLeft,
    _kScrollRightIndex: scrollRight,
    _kScrollUpIndex: scrollUp,
    _kScrollDownIndex: scrollDown,
    _kIncreaseIndex: increase,
    _kDecreaseIndex: decrease,
    _kShowOnScreen: showOnScreen,
    _kMoveCursorForwardByCharacter: moveCursorForwardByCharacter,
Michael Goderbauer 已提交
    _kMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter: moveCursorBackwardByCharacter,
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  String toString() {
    switch (index) {
      case _kTapIndex:
        return 'SemanticsAction.tap';
      case _kLongPressIndex:
        return 'SemanticsAction.longPress';
      case _kScrollLeftIndex:
        return 'SemanticsAction.scrollLeft';
      case _kScrollRightIndex:
        return 'SemanticsAction.scrollRight';
      case _kScrollUpIndex:
        return 'SemanticsAction.scrollUp';
      case _kScrollDownIndex:
        return 'SemanticsAction.scrollDown';
      case _kIncreaseIndex:
        return 'SemanticsAction.increase';
      case _kDecreaseIndex:
        return 'SemanticsAction.decrease';
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      case _kShowOnScreen:
        return 'SemanticsAction.showOnScreen';
131 132 133
      case _kMoveCursorForwardByCharacter:
        return 'SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByCharacter';
      case _kMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter:
Michael Goderbauer 已提交
        return 'SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByCharacter';
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    return null;

/// A Boolean value that can be associated with a semantics node.
class SemanticsFlags {
  static const int _kHasCheckedStateIndex = 1 << 0;
  static const int _kIsCheckedIndex = 1 << 1;
  static const int _kIsSelectedIndex = 1 << 2;
  static const int _kIsButtonIndex = 1 << 3;
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  static const int _kIsTextFieldIndex = 1 << 4;
  static const int _kIsFocusedIndex = 1 << 5;
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  const SemanticsFlags._(this.index);

  /// The numerical value for this flag.
  /// Each flag has one bit set in this bit field.
  final int index;

  /// The semantics node has the quality of either being "checked" or "unchecked".
  /// For example, a checkbox or a radio button widget has checked state.
  static const SemanticsFlags hasCheckedState = const SemanticsFlags._(_kHasCheckedStateIndex);

  /// Whether a semantics node that [hasCheckedState] is checked.
  /// If true, the semantics node is "checked". If false, the semantics node is
  /// "unchecked".
  /// For example, if a checkbox has a visible checkmark, [isChecked] is true.
  static const SemanticsFlags isChecked = const SemanticsFlags._(_kIsCheckedIndex);

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  /// Whether a semantics node is selected.
  /// If true, the semantics node is "selected". If false, the semantics node is
  /// "unselected".
  /// For example, the active tab in a tab bar has [isSelected] set to true.
  static const SemanticsFlags isSelected = const SemanticsFlags._(_kIsSelectedIndex);

amirh 已提交
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  /// Whether the semantic node represents a button.
  /// Platforms has special handling for buttons, for example Android's TalkBack
  /// and iOS's VoiceOver provides an additional hint when the focused object is
  /// a button.
  static const SemanticsFlags isButton = const SemanticsFlags._(_kIsButtonIndex);
amirh 已提交

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  /// Whether the semantic node represents a text field.
  /// Text fields are announced as such and allow text input via accessibility
  /// affordances.
  static const SemanticsFlags isTextField = const SemanticsFlags._(_kIsTextFieldIndex);

  /// Whether the semantic node currently holds the user's focus.
  /// The focused element is usually the current receiver of keyboard inputs.
  static const SemanticsFlags isFocused = const SemanticsFlags._(_kIsFocusedIndex);

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  /// The possible semantics flags.
  /// The map's key is the [index] of the flag and the value is the flag itself.
  static final Map<int, SemanticsFlags> values = const <int, SemanticsFlags>{
    _kHasCheckedStateIndex: hasCheckedState,
    _kIsCheckedIndex: isChecked,
    _kIsSelectedIndex: isSelected,
203 204 205
    _kIsButtonIndex: isButton,
    _kIsTextFieldIndex: isTextField,
    _kIsFocusedIndex: isFocused,
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  String toString() {
    switch (index) {
      case _kHasCheckedStateIndex:
        return 'SemanticsFlags.hasCheckedState';
      case _kIsCheckedIndex:
        return 'SemanticsFlags.isChecked';
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      case _kIsSelectedIndex:
        return 'SemanticsFlags.isSelected';
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      case _kIsButtonIndex:
        return 'SemanticsFlags.isButton';
219 220 221 222
      case _kIsTextFieldIndex:
        return 'SemanticsFlags.isTextField';
      case _kIsFocusedIndex:
        return 'SemanticsFlags.isFocused';
223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247
    return null;

/// An object that creates [SemanticsUpdate] objects.
/// Once created, the [SemanticsUpdate] objects can be passed to
/// [Window.updateSemantics] to update the semantics conveyed to the user.
class SemanticsUpdateBuilder extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
  /// Creates an empty [SemanticsUpdateBuilder] object.
  SemanticsUpdateBuilder() { _constructor(); }
  void _constructor() native "SemanticsUpdateBuilder_constructor";

  /// Update the information associated with the node with the given `id`.
  /// The semantics nodes form a tree, with the root of the tree always having
  /// an id of zero. The `children` are the ids of the nodes that are immediate
  /// children of this node. The system retains the nodes that are currently
  /// reachable from the root. A given update need not contain information for
  /// nodes that do not change in the update. If a node is not reachable from
  /// the root after an update, the node will be discarded from the tree.
  /// The `flags` are a bit field of [SemanticsFlags] that apply to this node.
Ian Hickson 已提交
  /// The `actions` are a bit field of [SemanticsAction]s that can be undertaken
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  /// by this node. If the user wishes to undertake one of these actions on this
  /// node, the [Window.onSemanticsAction] will be called with `id` and one of
Ian Hickson 已提交
  /// the possible [SemanticsAction]s. Because the semantics tree is maintained
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  /// asynchronously, the [Window.onSemanticsAction] callback might be called
  /// with an action that is no longer possible.
  /// The `label` is a string that describes this node. The `value` property
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  /// describes the current value of the node as a string. The `increasedValue`
  /// string will become the `value` string after a [SemanticsAction.increase]
  /// action is performed. The `decreasedValue` string will become the `value`
  /// string after a [SemanticsAction.decrease] action is performed. The `hint`
  /// string describes what result an action performed on this node has. The
  /// reading direction of all these strings is given by `textDirection`.
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  /// The `rect` is the region occupied by this node in its own coordinate
  /// system.
  /// The `transform` is a matrix that maps this node's coodinate system into
  /// its parent's coordinate system.
268 269 270 271 272 273
  void updateNode({
    int id,
    int flags,
    int actions,
    Rect rect,
    String label,
274 275
    String hint,
    String value,
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    String increasedValue,
    String decreasedValue,
    TextDirection textDirection,
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    Float64List transform,
    Int32List children
  }) {
    if (transform.length != 16)
      throw new ArgumentError('transform argument must have 16 entries.');
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                textDirection != null ? textDirection.index + 1 : 0,
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  void _updateNode(
    int id,
    int flags,
    int actions,
    double left,
    double top,
    double right,
    double bottom,
    String label,
309 310
    String hint,
    String value,
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    String increasedValue,
    String decreasedValue,
    int textDirection,
314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344
    Float64List transform,
    Int32List children
  ) native "SemanticsUpdateBuilder_updateNode";

  /// Creates a [SemanticsUpdate] object that encapsulates the updates recorded
  /// by this object.
  /// The returned object can be passed to [Window.updateSemantics] to actually
  /// update the semantics retained by the system.
  SemanticsUpdate build() native "SemanticsUpdateBuilder_build";

/// An opaque object representing a batch of semantics updates.
/// To create a SemanticsUpdate object, use a [SemanticsUpdateBuilder].
/// Semantics updates can be applied to the system's retained semantics tree
/// using the [Window.updateSemantics] method.
class SemanticsUpdate extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
  /// Creates an uninitialized SemanticsUpdate object.
  /// Calling the SemanticsUpdate constructor directly will not create a useable
  /// object. To create a SemanticsUpdate object, use a [SemanticsUpdateBuilder].
  SemanticsUpdate(); // (this constructor is here just so we can document it)

  /// Releases the resources used by this semantics update.
  /// After calling this function, the semantics update is cannot be used
  /// further.
  void dispose() native "SemanticsUpdateBuilder_dispose";