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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "flutter/fml/message_loop_impl.h"

#include "lib/ftl/build_config.h"


#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/message_loop_darwin.h"
using PlatformMessageLoopImpl = fml::MessageLoopDarwin;


#include "flutter/fml/platform/android/message_loop_android.h"
using PlatformMessageLoopImpl = fml::MessageLoopAndroid;

#elif OS_LINUX

#include "flutter/fml/platform/linux/message_loop_linux.h"
using PlatformMessageLoopImpl = fml::MessageLoopLinux;


#error This platform does not have a message loop implementation.


namespace fml {

ftl::RefPtr<MessageLoopImpl> MessageLoopImpl::Create() {
  return ftl::MakeRefCounted<::PlatformMessageLoopImpl>();

MessageLoopImpl::MessageLoopImpl() : order_(0), terminated_(false) {}

MessageLoopImpl::~MessageLoopImpl() = default;

void MessageLoopImpl::PostTask(ftl::Closure task, ftl::TimePoint target_time) {
  FTL_DCHECK(task != nullptr);
  WakeUp(RegisterTaskAndGetNextWake(task, target_time));

void MessageLoopImpl::RunExpiredTasksNow() {

void MessageLoopImpl::SetTaskObserver(MessageLoop::TaskObserver observer) {
  FTL_DCHECK(MessageLoop::GetCurrent().GetLoopImpl().get() == this)
      << "Message loop task observer must be set on the same thread as the "
  task_observer_ = observer;

void MessageLoopImpl::DoRun() {
  if (terminated_) {
    // Message loops may be run only once.

  // Allow the implementation to do its thing.

  // The message loop is shutting down. Check if there are expired tasks. This
  // is the last chance for expired tasks to be serviced.

  // The loop may have been implicitly terminated. This can happen if the
  // implementation supports termination via platform specific APIs or just
  // error conditions. Set the terminated flag manually.
  terminated_ = true;

  // When the message loop is in the process of shutting down, pending tasks
  // should be destructed on the message loop's thread. We have just returned
  // from the implementations |Run| method which we know is on the correct
  // thread. Drop all pending tasks on the floor.
  ftl::MutexLocker lock(&delayed_tasks_mutex_);
  delayed_tasks_ = {};

void MessageLoopImpl::DoTerminate() {
  terminated_ = true;

ftl::TimePoint MessageLoopImpl::RegisterTaskAndGetNextWake(
    ftl::Closure task,
    ftl::TimePoint target_time) {
  if (terminated_) {
    // If the message loop has already been terminated, PostTask should destruct
    // |task| synchronously within this function.
    return ftl::TimePoint::Max();
  FTL_DCHECK(task != nullptr);
  ftl::MutexLocker lock(&delayed_tasks_mutex_);
  delayed_tasks_.push({++order_, std::move(task), target_time});

ftl::TimePoint MessageLoopImpl::RunExpiredTasksAndGetNextWake() {
  std::vector<ftl::Closure> invocations;

    ftl::MutexLocker lock(&delayed_tasks_mutex_);

    if (delayed_tasks_.empty()) {
      return ftl::TimePoint::Max();

    auto now = ftl::TimePoint::Now();
    while (!delayed_tasks_.empty()) {
      const auto& top =;
      if (top.target_time > now) {

  for (const auto& invocation : invocations) {
    if (task_observer_) {

  ftl::MutexLocker lock(&delayed_tasks_mutex_);
  return delayed_tasks_.empty() ? ftl::TimePoint::Max()

}  // namespace fml