提交 fd3308ed 编写于 作者: 水库浪子


上级 b28b419e
......@@ -161,6 +161,13 @@ public class WeUser extends BaseEntity
private Integer isOpenChat;
private String neWeUserId="45DuXiangShangQingXie";
/** 转化成企业微信需要的dto对象 */
public WeUserDto transformWeUserDto(){
WeUserDto weUserDto=new WeUserDto();
......@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
<if test="corpId != null ">and corp_id = #{corpId}</if>
<if test="isActivate != null ">and is_activate = #{isActivate}</if>
<if test="isOpenChat != null ">and is_open_chat = #{isOpenChat}</if>
<if test="neWeUserId != null and neWeUserId !=''">and user_id != #{neWeUserId}</if>
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