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<a name="Algorithm_introduction"></a>
## Algorithm introduction

tink2123 已提交
This tutorial lists the text detection algorithms and text recognition algorithms supported by PaddleOCR, as well as the models and metrics of each algorithm on **English public datasets**. It is mainly used for algorithm introduction and algorithm performance comparison. For more models on other datasets including Chinese, please refer to [PP-OCR v2.0 models list](./
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- [1. Text Detection Algorithm](#TEXTDETECTIONALGORITHM)
- [2. Text Recognition Algorithm](#TEXTRECOGNITIONALGORITHM)

### 1. Text Detection Algorithm

PaddleOCR open source text detection algorithms list:
- [x]  EAST([paper](
- [x]  DB([paper](
- [x]  SAST([paper]( Self-Research)

On the ICDAR2015 dataset, the text detection result is as follows:

|Model|Backbone|precision|recall|Hmean|Download link|
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|EAST|ResNet50_vd|88.18%|85.51%|86.82%|[Download link](link)|
|EAST|MobileNetV3|81.67%|79.83%|80.74%|[Download link](link)|
|DB|ResNet50_vd|83.79%|80.65%|82.19%|[Download link](link)|
|DB|MobileNetV3|75.92%|73.18%|74.53%|[Download link](link)|
|SAST|ResNet50_vd|92.18%|82.96%|87.33%|[Download link](link)|
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27 28 29 30 31

On Total-Text dataset, the text detection result is as follows:

|Model|Backbone|precision|recall|Hmean|Download link|
tink2123 已提交
|SAST|ResNet50_vd|88.74%|79.80%|84.03%|[Download link](link)|
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33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

**Note:** Additional data, like icdar2013, icdar2017, COCO-Text, ArT, was added to the model training of SAST. Download English public dataset in organized format used by PaddleOCR from [Baidu Drive]( (download code: 2bpi).

For the training guide and use of PaddleOCR text detection algorithms, please refer to the document [Text detection model training/evaluation/prediction](./doc/doc_en/

### 2. Text Recognition Algorithm

PaddleOCR open-source text recognition algorithms list:
- [x]  CRNN([paper](
- [x]  Rosetta([paper](
- [x]  STAR-Net([paper](
xiaoting 已提交
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- [ ]  RARE([paper]( coming soon
- [ ]  SRN([paper]( Self-Research) coming soon
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Refer to [DTRB](, the training and evaluation result of these above text recognition (using MJSynth and SynthText for training, evaluate on IIIT, SVT, IC03, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE) is as follow:

|Model|Backbone|Avg Accuracy|Module combination|Download link|
|Rosetta|Resnet34_vd|80.24%|rec_r34_vd_none_none_ctc|[Download link](|
|Rosetta|MobileNetV3|78.16%|rec_mv3_none_none_ctc|[Download link](|
|CRNN|Resnet34_vd|82.20%|rec_r34_vd_none_bilstm_ctc|[Download link](|
|CRNN|MobileNetV3|79.37%|rec_mv3_none_bilstm_ctc|[Download link](|
|STAR-Net|Resnet34_vd|83.93%|rec_r34_vd_tps_bilstm_ctc|[Download link](|
|STAR-Net|MobileNetV3|81.56%|rec_mv3_tps_bilstm_ctc|[Download link](|

Please refer to the document for training guide and use of PaddleOCR text recognition algorithms [Text recognition model training/evaluation/prediction](./doc/doc_en/