1. 31 1月, 2011 1 次提交
  2. 27 6月, 2009 1 次提交
  3. 14 6月, 2007 1 次提交
    • A
      2007-06-13 Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi@ximian.com> · c3773642
      Atsushi Eno 提交于
      	* XmlNode.cs : InnerText is settable on XmlDocumentFragment (silly,
      	  but since XmlDocumentFragment does not override this property
      	  it must be handled here).
      	* XmlDocumentFragmentTests.cs : added InnerText().
      	* XmlWriterSettingsTests.cs : replace \r\n with \n to make it pass
      	  on windows.
      svn path=/trunk/mcs/; revision=79457
  4. 02 11月, 2006 1 次提交
  5. 04 9月, 2006 1 次提交
  6. 31 1月, 2005 1 次提交
  7. 14 5月, 2003 1 次提交
  8. 12 4月, 2003 1 次提交
  9. 14 3月, 2003 1 次提交
    • M
      * Removed AllTests.cs and TheTests.cs · fb585dff
      Martin Willemoes Hansen 提交于
              * NUnit20ified NameTableTests.cs, SelectNodesTests.cs,
                XmlAttributeCollectionTests.cs, XmlAttributeTests.cs,
                XmlCDataSectionTests.cs, XmlCharacterDataTests.cs,
                XmlCommentTests.cs, XmlDeclarationTests.cs,
                XmlDocumentFragmentTests.cs, XmlDocumentTests.cs,
                XmlDocumentTypeTests.cs, XmlElementTests.cs,
                XmlEntityReferenceTests.cs, XmlNamespaceManagerTests.cs,
                XmlNodeListTests.cs, XmlNodeReaderTests.cs,
                XmlNodeTests.cs, XmlProcessingInstructionTests.cs,
                XmlSignificantWhitespaceTests.cs, XmlTextReaderTests.cs,
                XmlTextTests.cs, XmlTextWriterTests.cs,
                XmlWhiteSpaceTests.cs, XmlWriterTests.cs,
                XPathNavigatorEvaluateTests.cs, XPathNavigatorMatchesTests.cs,
                XPathNavigatorTests.cs, makefile.gnu, System.XML_linux_test.args
              * Commited Atsushi Eno changes to System.XML_test.build
      svn path=/trunk/mcs/; revision=12472
  10. 14 11月, 2002 1 次提交
  11. 03 11月, 2002 1 次提交
  12. 29 10月, 2002 1 次提交