1. 13 1月, 2018 2 次提交
  2. 12 1月, 2018 4 次提交
  3. 11 1月, 2018 6 次提交
  4. 10 1月, 2018 4 次提交
  5. 06 1月, 2018 4 次提交
  6. 05 1月, 2018 4 次提交
  7. 04 1月, 2018 5 次提交
  8. 03 1月, 2018 2 次提交
    • J
      Merge pull request #776 from Unity-Technologies/unity-master-staging · 29cbfa17
      Jonathan Chambers 提交于
      Mono Bleeding Edge for Trunk
      case 980742 - Fix 32-bit Windows Standalone failing to load Mono
    • B
      IL2CPP debugger fixes for working with Unity players (#772) · 37ff3f56
      brianradunity 提交于
      * IL2CPP debugger fixes for working with Unity players
      * Ignoring setp_out sequence points when searching for sequence points that don't correspond to step_out requests.
      * Not returning step_out sequence points when retrieving method debug  info.  The step out sequence points have the same offset as other sequence points, but different line numbers.
      * Hardened the il2cpp_mono_free_method_signatures() function against multiple calls by setting the method_signatures hash table to null after it is cleared.
      * The isActive field in Il2CppSequencePoint should be a uint8_t, not a bool, as it gets incremented.  I think this change was made in the previous C-only type for this struct but not propagated to the C++ version, which is the only version we use now.
      * Fixed missed issue with duplicate inner loop variable
  9. 02 1月, 2018 1 次提交
  10. 29 12月, 2017 1 次提交
  11. 22 12月, 2017 1 次提交
  12. 21 12月, 2017 3 次提交
    • J
      Ensure mono_gc_dllmain always returns a value. · 37431ded
      Jonathan Chambers 提交于
    • J
      Fix TimeZoneInfo local time on platforms that do not have tzdata · 5778842d
      Jonathan Chambers 提交于
      CreateLocal works by checking the platform. If it is windows, it uses the windows API or registry depending on api version, UWP, etc. otherwise it checks for the $TZ environment variable. If thats not found. it looks for /etc/localtime.....more obscure platforms like WebGL have no means of obtaining tzdata this way. This means that CreateLocal falls back to setting the TimeZoneInfo.Local time to UTC....this causes functions like DateTime.Now and DateTime.ToLocalTime to convert to UTC, instead of the user's local time.  By using Mono's old icall, we won't be able to convert between arbitrary timezones, but basic time conversion, such as UTC to Local will work.
    • J
      Merge pull request #770 from Unity-Technologies/unity-master-staging · 320954f2
      Jonathan Chambers 提交于
      Mono Bleeding Edge fixes for Trunk
      case 947208 - partial fix
      case 973494 - Expose mono_object_is_alive
      Lots of IL2CPP debugger work.
  13. 19 12月, 2017 2 次提交
  14. 18 12月, 2017 1 次提交
    • B
      Debugger suspend threads · e8d0652e
      Brian Raderman 提交于
      * Initial work to properly suspend threads running managed code when the debugger requests it.
      Enabling more thread related tests after the thread suspension fix.
      * Fixing some issues with step filters that were never working.  Hijacking the jitinfo pointer and storing a Il2CppSequencePoint pointer in it for il2cpp.  We can
      use the sequence point to access data we need for filtering, in much the same way mono uses the JitInfo pointer.
      * Fixing crashing issues that occur when you generate debug code but don't pass in
      the appropriate arguments to initialize the debugger.  We need to check that the debugger has been initialized before performing various debugger-related operations.