提交 cc29f5cf 编写于 作者: L Levi Bard

[Debugger] Appdomain unload fixes.

* mini/debugger-agent.c: Clear pending typeloads 
  when unloading, remove appdomain from table 
  earlier, take loader lock.

License: MIT/X11
上级 587cad2e
......@@ -3062,7 +3062,13 @@ appdomain_unload (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoDomain *domain)
/* Invalidate each thread's frame stack */
mono_g_hash_table_foreach (thread_to_tls, invalidate_each_thread, NULL);
clear_breakpoints_for_domain (domain);
mono_loader_lock ();
g_hash_table_remove_all (loaded_classes);
g_ptr_array_set_size (pending_type_loads, 0);
g_hash_table_remove (domains, domain);
mono_loader_unlock ();
process_profiler_event (EVENT_KIND_APPDOMAIN_UNLOAD, domain);
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