提交 24ce88f8 编写于 作者: A andreasr

X509ChainImplUnityTls reports status now

Fixes Fogbugz ticket 1261388.
Impl sticks close to current Mono Btls implementation on _master_ - the implementation on our fork has the same issues as prior to this fix and throws NotImplementedException
上级 fb1dbb3c
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ using Mono.Security.Interface;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
namespace Mono.Unity
......@@ -102,6 +103,30 @@ namespace Mono.Unity
error |= MonoSslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors;
return error;
public static X509ChainStatusFlags VerifyResultToChainStatus (UnityTls.unitytls_x509verify_result verifyResult)
// First, check "non-flags"
if (verifyResult == UnityTls.unitytls_x509verify_result.UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_SUCCESS)
return X509ChainStatusFlags.NoError;
else if (verifyResult == UnityTls.unitytls_x509verify_result.UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FATAL_ERROR)
return X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot; // Inaccurate, throw exception instead?
// Yes, we ignore user error flags here. They still affect if a chain is accepted, but they are not status flags of the chain!
X509ChainStatusFlags error = X509ChainStatusFlags.NoError;
if (verifyResult.HasFlag (UnityTls.unitytls_x509verify_result.UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_EXPIRED))
error |= X509ChainStatusFlags.NotTimeValid;
if (verifyResult.HasFlag (UnityTls.unitytls_x509verify_result.UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_REVOKED))
error |= X509ChainStatusFlags.Revoked;
if (verifyResult.HasFlag (UnityTls.unitytls_x509verify_result.UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_CN_MISMATCH))
// Unclear what to return, behaving like Mono's BTLS impl
// https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/1553889bc54f87060158febca7e6b8b9910975f8/mcs/class/System/Mono.Btls/MonoBtlsProvider.cs#L312
error |= X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot;
if (verifyResult.HasFlag (UnityTls.unitytls_x509verify_result.UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_NOT_TRUSTED))
error |= X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot;
return error;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -131,6 +131,12 @@ namespace Mono.Unity
errors = UnityTlsConversions.VerifyResultToPolicyErrror(result);
// There should be a status per certificate, but once again we're following closely the BTLS implementation
// https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/1553889bc54f87060158febca7e6b8b9910975f8/mcs/class/System/Mono.Btls/MonoBtlsProvider.cs#L180
// which also provides only a single status for the entire chain.
// It is notoriously tricky to implement in OpenSSL to get a status for all invididual certificates without finishing the handshake in the process.
// This is partially the reason why unitytls_x509verify_X doesn't expose it (TODO!) and likely the reason Mono's BTLS impl ignores this.
return result == UnityTls.unitytls_x509verify_result.UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_SUCCESS &&
errorState.code == UnityTls.unitytls_error_code.UNITYTLS_SUCCESS;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
......@@ -12,9 +13,10 @@ namespace Mono.Unity
// Follows mostly X509ChainImplBtls
class X509ChainImplUnityTls : X509ChainImpl
X509ChainElementCollection elements;
UnityTls.unitytls_x509list_ref nativeCertificateChain;
X509ChainPolicy policy = new X509ChainPolicy ();
private X509ChainElementCollection elements;
private UnityTls.unitytls_x509list_ref nativeCertificateChain;
private X509ChainPolicy policy = new X509ChainPolicy ();
private List<X509ChainStatus> chainStatusList;
internal X509ChainImplUnityTls (UnityTls.unitytls_x509list_ref nativeCertificateChain)
......@@ -64,8 +66,13 @@ namespace Mono.Unity
set { policy = value; }
public override X509ChainStatus[] ChainStatus {
get { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
public override X509ChainStatus[] ChainStatus => chainStatusList?.ToArray() ?? new X509ChainStatus[0];
public void AddStatus (X509ChainStatusFlags errorCode)
if (chainStatusList == null)
chainStatusList = new List<X509ChainStatus>();
chainStatusList.Add (new X509ChainStatus(errorCode));
public override bool Build (X509Certificate2 certificate)
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