提交 a8b1baa4 编写于 作者: DCloud_JSON's avatar DCloud_JSON


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/** * 判断手指触摸位置
* h5网络地址转base64 */
*/ export function determineDirection(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight, currentX, currentY) {
export function pathToBase64(path) { /*
// #ifdef H5 * (右下>>1 右上>>2 左上>>3 左下>>4)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { */
const _fileReader = (blob) => { let corner;
const fileReader = new FileReader(); /**
fileReader.onload = (e) => { * 思路:(利用直角坐标系)
resolve(e.target.result); * 1.找出裁剪框中心点
}; * 2.如点击坐标在上方点与左方点区域内,则点击为左上角
fileReader.readAsDataURL(blob); * 3.如点击坐标在下方点与右方点区域内,则点击为右下角
fileReader.onerror = (error) => { * 4.其他角同理
console.error('blobToBase64 error:', JSON.stringify(error)) */
reject(new Error('blobToBase64 error')); const mainPoint = [clipX + clipWidth / 2, clipY + clipHeight / 2]; // 中心点
}; const currentPoint = [currentX, currentY]; // 触摸点
if (/^(http|\/\/)/.test(path) && typeof FileReader === 'function') { if (currentPoint[0] <= mainPoint[0] && currentPoint[1] <= mainPoint[1]) {
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; corner = 3; // 左上
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (currentPoint[0] >= mainPoint[0] && currentPoint[1] <= mainPoint[1]) {
xhr.open("get", path, true); corner = 2; // 右上
xhr.timeout = 2000; } else if (currentPoint[0] <= mainPoint[0] && currentPoint[1] >= mainPoint[1]) {
xhr.responseType = "blob"; corner = 4; // 左下
xhr.onload = function() { } else if (currentPoint[0] >= mainPoint[0] && currentPoint[1] >= mainPoint[1]) {
if (this.status == 200) { corner = 1; // 右下
_fileReader(this.response) }
} return corner;
xhr.send(); }
}) /**
// #endif * 图片边缘检测检测时,计算图片偏移量
} */
export function calcImageOffset(data, scale) {
/** let left = data.imageLeft;
* 判断手指触摸位置 let top = data.imageTop;
*/ scale = scale || data.scale;
export function determineDirection(cutX, cutY, clipWidth, clipHeight, currentX, currentY) {
const EXPAND_SIZE = 24; let imageWidth = data.imageWidth;
let imageHeight = data.imageHeight;
let leftx1 = cutX - EXPAND_SIZE; if ((data.angle / 90) % 2) {
let leftx2 = cutX + EXPAND_SIZE; imageWidth = data.imageHeight;
imageHeight = data.imageWidth;
let topy1 = cutY - EXPAND_SIZE; }
let topy2 = cutY + EXPAND_SIZE; const {
let rightx1 = cutX + clipWidth - EXPAND_SIZE; clipWidth,
let rightx2 = cutX + clipWidth + EXPAND_SIZE; clipY,
let bottomy1 = cutY + clipHeight - EXPAND_SIZE; } = data;
let bottomy2 = cutY + clipHeight + EXPAND_SIZE;
let corner; // 当前图片宽度/高度
const isRight = currentX > rightx1 && currentX < rightx2; const currentImageSize = (size) => (size * scale) / 2;
const isLeft = currentX > leftx1 && currentX < leftx2; const currentImageWidth = currentImageSize(imageWidth);
const isBottom = currentY > bottomy1 && currentY < bottomy2; const currentImageHeight = currentImageSize(imageHeight);
const isTop = currentY > topy1 && currentY < topy2;
if (isRight && isBottom) { left = clipX + currentImageWidth >= left ? left : clipX + currentImageWidth;
corner = 1; left = clipX + clipWidth - currentImageWidth <= left ? left : clipX + clipWidth - currentImageWidth;
} else if (isRight && isTop) { top = clipY + currentImageHeight >= top ? top : clipY + currentImageHeight;
corner = 2; top = clipY + clipHeight - currentImageHeight <= top ? top : clipY + clipHeight - currentImageHeight;
} else if (isLeft && isTop) { return {
corner = 3; left,
} else if (isLeft && isBottom) { top,
corner = 4; scale
} };
return corner; }
/** * 图片边缘检测时,计算图片缩放比例
* 图片边缘检测检测时,计算图片偏移量 */
*/ export function calcImageScale(data, scale) {
export function calcImageOffset(data, scale) { scale = scale || data.scale;
let { let {
imageLeft: left, imageWidth,
imageTop: top, imageHeight,
imageWidth, clipWidth,
imageHeight, clipHeight,
cutX, angle
clipWidth, } = data
cutY, if ((angle / 90) % 2) {
clipHeight imageWidth = imageHeight;
} = data imageHeight = imageWidth;
scale = scale || data.scale; }
if ((data.angle / 90) % 2) { if (imageWidth * scale < clipWidth) {
imageWidth = mageHeight; scale = clipWidth / imageWidth;
imageHeight = mageWidth; }
} if (imageHeight * scale < clipHeight) {
scale = Math.max(scale, clipHeight / imageHeight);
// 当前图片宽度/高度 }
const currentImageSize = (size) => (size * scale) / 2; return scale;
const currentImageWidth = currentImageSize(imageWidth); }
const currentImageHeight = currentImageSize(imageHeight);
left = cutX + currentImageWidth >= left ? left : cutX + currentImageWidth; * 计算图片尺寸
left = cutX + clipWidth - currentImageWidth <= left ? left : cutX + clipWidth - currentImageWidth; */
top = cutY + currentImageHeight >= top ? top : cutY + currentImageHeight; export function calcImageSize(width, height, data) {
top = cutY + clipHeight - currentImageHeight <= top ? top : cutY + clipHeight - currentImageHeight; let imageWidth = width,
return { imageHeight = height;
left, let {
top, clipWidth,
scale clipHeight,
}; sysinfo,
} width: originWidth,
height: originHeight
/** } = data
* 图片边缘检测时,计算图片缩放比例 if (imageWidth && imageHeight) {
*/ if (imageWidth / imageHeight > (clipWidth || originWidth) / (clipWidth || originHeight)) {
export function calcImageScale(data, scale) { imageHeight = clipHeight || originHeight;
scale = scale || data.scale; imageWidth = (width / height) * imageHeight;
let { } else {
imageWidth, imageWidth = clipWidth || originWidth;
imageHeight, imageHeight = (height / width) * imageWidth;
clipWidth, }
clipHeight, } else {
angle let sys = sysinfo || uni.getSystemInfoSync();
} = data imageWidth = sys.windowWidth;
if ((angle / 90) % 2) { imageHeight = 0;
imageWidth = imageHeight; }
imageHeight = imageWidth; return {
} imageWidth,
if (imageWidth * scale < clipWidth) { imageHeight
scale = clipWidth / imageWidth; };
} }
if (imageHeight * scale < clipHeight) {
scale = Math.max(scale, clipHeight / imageHeight); /**
} * 勾股定理求斜边
return scale; */
} export function calcPythagoreanTheorem(width, height) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2));
/** }
* 计算图片尺寸
*/ /**
export function calcImageSize(width, height, data) { * 拖动裁剪框时计算
let imageWidth = width, */
imageHeight = height; export function clipTouchMoveOfCalculate(data, event) {
let { const clientX = event.touches[0].clientX;
clipWidth, const clientY = event.touches[0].clientY;
sysinfo, let {
width: oWidth, clipWidth,
height: oHeight clipHeight,
} = data clipY: oldClipY,
if (imageWidth && imageHeight) { clipX: oldClipX,
if (imageWidth / imageHeight > (clipWidth || oWidth) / (clipWidth || oHeight)) { clipStart,
imageHeight = clipHeight || oHeight; isLockRatio,
imageWidth = (width / height) * imageHeight; maxWidth,
} else { minWidth,
imageWidth = clipWidth || oWidth; maxHeight,
imageHeight = (height / width) * imageWidth; minHeight
} } = data;
} else { maxWidth = maxWidth / 2;
let sys = sysinfo || uni.getSystemInfoSync(); minWidth = minWidth / 2;
imageWidth = sys.windowWidth; minHeight = minHeight / 2;
imageHeight = 0; maxHeight = maxHeight / 2;
return { let width = clipWidth,
imageWidth, height = clipHeight,
imageHeight clipY = oldClipY,
}; clipX = oldClipX,
} // 获取裁剪框实际宽度/高度
// 如果大于最大值则使用最大值
/** // 如果小于最小值则使用最小值
* 勾股定理求斜边 sizecorrect = () => {
*/ width = width <= maxWidth ? (width >= minWidth ? width : minWidth) : maxWidth;
export function calcPythagoreanTheorem(width, height) { height = height <= maxHeight ? (height >= minHeight ? height : minHeight) : maxHeight;
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2)); },
} sizeinspect = () => {
/** if ((width > maxWidth || width < minWidth || height > maxHeight || height < minHeight) && isLockRatio) {
* 拖动裁剪框时计算 return false;
*/ } else {
export function clipTouchMoveOfCalculate(data, event) { return true;
const clientX = event.touches[0].clientX; }
const clientY = event.touches[0].clientY; };
//if (clipStart.corner) {
const { height = clipStart.height + (clipStart.corner > 1 && clipStart.corner < 4 ? 1 : -1) * (clipStart.y - clientY);
clipWidth, //}
clipHeight, switch (clipStart.corner) {
cutY: oldCutY, case 1:
cutX: oldCutX, width = clipStart.width - clipStart.x + clientX;
cutstart, if (isLockRatio) {
isLockRatio height = width / (clipWidth / clipHeight);
} = data; }
let { if (!sizeinspect()) return;
maxWidth, break;
minWidth, case 2:
maxHeight, width = clipStart.width - clipStart.x + clientX;
minHeight if (isLockRatio) {
} = data; height = width / (clipWidth / clipHeight);
maxWidth = maxWidth / 2; }
minWidth = minWidth / 2; if (!sizeinspect()) {
minHeight = minHeight / 2; return;
maxHeight = maxHeight / 2; } else {
clipY = clipStart.clipY - (height - clipStart.height);
let width = clipWidth, }
height = clipHeight,
cutY = oldCutY, break;
cutX = oldCutX, case 3:
sizecorrect = () => { width = clipStart.width + clipStart.x - clientX;
width = width <= maxWidth ? (width >= minWidth ? width : minWidth) : maxWidth; if (isLockRatio) {
height = height <= maxHeight ? (height >= minHeight ? height : minHeight) : maxHeight; height = width / (clipWidth / clipHeight);
}, }
sizeinspect = () => { if (!sizeinspect()) {
sizecorrect(); return;
if ((width > maxWidth || width < minWidth || height > maxHeight || height < minHeight) && isLockRatio) { } else {
return false; clipY = clipStart.clipY - (height - clipStart.height);
} else { clipX = clipStart.clipX - (width - clipStart.width);
return true; }
}; break;
if (cutstart.corner) { case 4:
height = cutstart.height + (cutstart.corner > 1 && cutstart.corner < 4 ? 1 : -1) * (cutstart.y - clientY); width = clipStart.width + clipStart.x - clientX;
} if (isLockRatio) {
switch (cutstart.corner) { height = width / (clipWidth / clipHeight);
case 1: }
width = cutstart.width - cutstart.x + clientX; if (!sizeinspect()) {
if (isLockRatio) { return;
height = width / (clipWidth / clipHeight); } else {
} clipX = clipStart.clipX - (width - clipStart.width);
if (!sizeinspect()) return; }
break; break;
case 2: default:
width = cutstart.width - cutstart.x + clientX; break;
if (isLockRatio) { }
height = width / (clipWidth / clipHeight); return {
} width,
if (!sizeinspect()) { height,
return; clipX,
} else { clipY
cutY = cutstart.cutY - (height - cutstart.height); };
} }
break; /**
case 3: * 单指拖动图片计算偏移
width = cutstart.width + cutstart.x - clientX; */
if (isLockRatio) { export function imageTouchMoveOfCalcOffset(data, clientXForLeft, clientYForLeft) {
height = width / (clipWidth / clipHeight); let left = clientXForLeft - data.touchRelative[0].x,
} top = clientYForLeft - data.touchRelative[0].y;
if (!sizeinspect()) { return {
return; left,
} else { top
cutY = cutstart.cutY - (height - cutstart.height); };
cutX = cutstart.cutX - (width - cutstart.width); }
case 4:
width = cutstart.width + cutstart.x - clientX;
if (isLockRatio) {
height = width / (clipWidth / clipHeight);
if (!sizeinspect()) {
} else {
cutX = cutstart.cutX - (width - cutstart.width);
return {
* 单指拖动图片计算偏移
export function imageTouchMoveOfCalcOffset(data, clientXForLeft, clientYForLeft) {
let left = clientXForLeft - data.touchRelative[0].x,
top = clientYForLeft - data.touchRelative[0].y;
return {
...@@ -11,20 +11,14 @@ export default { ...@@ -11,20 +11,14 @@ export default {
data() {return {path: '',options:{"width":600,"height":600}}}, data() {return {path: '',options:{"width":600,"height":600}}},
onLoad({path,options}) { onLoad({path,options}) {
this.path = path this.path = path
if(options){ if(options){
this.options = JSON.parse(options) this.options = JSON.parse(options)
} }
}, },
methods:{ methods:{
successFn(e){ successFn(e){
// uni.getImageInfo({
// src:e.url,
// complete: (e) => {
// console.log(e);
// }
// })
this.uploadImgToUnicloud(e.url,(url)=>{ this.uploadImgToUnicloud(e.url,(url)=>{
this.getOpenerEventChannel().emit('uploadAvatarAfter', {url}) this.getOpenerEventChannel().emit('uploadAvatarAfter', {url})
uni.navigateBack() uni.navigateBack()
}) })
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