提交 06d25fcd 编写于 作者: H hustjieke

fix(workflow): nightly build failed #1830

Currently we disable tar pkg in ci/cd.
上级 0ebbd117
......@@ -67,21 +67,22 @@ jobs:
./mysql-test-run.pl --suite=innodb,main --mysqld=--default-storage-engine=innodb --nowarnings --force --nocheck-testcases --retry=0 --do-test-list=./suite/innodb/include/innodb_testlist --parallel=15
./mysql-test-run.pl --suite=tianmu --nowarnings --force --nocheck-testcases --retry=0
- name: output some vars
id: vars
SHA_EXT: sha256sum.txt
run: |
find pkg_outdir -type f \( -iname \*.deb -o -iname \*.rpm -o -iname \*.tar.gz \) -exec bash -c "sha256sum {} > {}.sha256sum.txt" \;
subdir=$(date -u +%Y.%m.%d)
echo "::set-output name=subdir::$subdir"
- name: copy file via ssh password
uses: appleboy/scp-action@master
host: ${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_HOST }}
username: ${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_PASSWORD }}
port: ${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_PORT }}
source: "pkg_outdir/*"
target: "${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_DIR }}"
# TODO(): physical machine has been removed, we restart this funcion again in the future.
#- name: output some vars
# id: vars
# env:
# SHA_EXT: sha256sum.txt
# run: |
# find pkg_outdir -type f \( -iname \*.deb -o -iname \*.rpm -o -iname \*.tar.gz \) -exec bash -c "sha256sum {} > {}.sha256sum.txt" \;
# subdir=$(date -u +%Y.%m.%d)
# echo "::set-output name=subdir::$subdir"
#- name: copy file via ssh password
# uses: appleboy/scp-action@master
# with:
# host: ${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_HOST }}
# username: ${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_USERNAME }}
# password: ${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_PASSWORD }}
# port: ${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_PORT }}
# source: "pkg_outdir/*"
# target: "${{ secrets.FILE_SERVER_DIR }}"
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