• L
    fix(tianmu): fix problems related to master slave synchronization (#819) · ca2d68ff
    lihongjian 提交于
    fix 1:#818 Master slave synchronization - There will be too many tuples problem
    Tianmu::dbhandler::TianmuHandler::current_position This variable is not initialized. In some cases,
    a large value may cause too many tuples problem.
    Solution: Initialize the variable
    fix 2:#819 Master slave synchronization - Primary key conflict problem
    Solution: Modify the modification logic of master slave synchronization, so that the delete and update operations do not follow the primary key logic
    Fix the problem that the insert statement will not generate binlog in the delayed insert mode
    Fix the binlog error of the line format generated by the tianmu engine
tianmu_handler.cpp 62.5 KB