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# ==== Purpose ====
# This is an auxiliary file that facilitates writing include/*.inc
# files. It has three purposes:
#  1. Store mtr's state at the beginning of the .inc file and restore
#     the state at the end. The following status is restored:
#     disable_warnings
#     disable_query_log
#     disable_result_log
#     disable_abort_on_errors
#     Current connection
#  2. This file also prints the name of the .inc file that sources
#     it. Only the name of the top-level .inc file is printed: if
# sources, then this file only prints
#  3.  If the mysqltest variable $rpl_debug is set, then
#      this file will print:
#        ==== BEGIN include/<filename> ====
#      and will print
#        ==== END include/<filename> ====
#      These printouts are indented to make it easier to read the
#      result log.
# ==== Usage ====
# # At the beginning of include/
# --let $include_filename=
# [--let $include_silent= 1]
# [--let $rpl_debug= 1]
# --source include/
# # At the end of include/
# --let $include_filename=
# --source include/
# Parameters:
#   $include_filename
#     The basename of the file: a file named /path/to/
#     should set $  This parameter
#     must be provided both for and
#   $include_silent
#     By default, the following string is printed to the result file:
#       include/$include_filename
#     If this variable is set, this printout is inhibited.
#   $rpl_debug
#     If set, this script will print the following text:
#      ==== BEGIN include/$ ====

# Print 'include/$include_filename', but only when invoked from
# the top-level. We don't want to print
# 'include/$include_filename' from all files included
# recursively.
if (!$_include_file_depth)
  if (!$include_silent)
    --echo include/$include_filename
  --let $_include_file_depth= 0
--inc $_include_file_depth
if ($rpl_debug)
  --echo $_include_file_indent==== BEGIN include/$include_filename ====
  # Print this text (just once) to prevent checking in result files containing
  # debug info.
  if (!$printed_this_should_not_be_checked_in)
    --echo DO_NOT_CHECK_IN_THIS_LINE: \$rpl_debug should only be used for debugging. Never check in a test that has $rpl_debug=1.
    --let $printed_this_should_not_be_checked_in= 1

--let $_include_file_enabled_warnings= $ENABLED_WARNINGS$_include_file_enabled_warnings
--let $_include_file_enabled_query_log= $ENABLED_QUERY_LOG$_include_file_enabled_query_log
--let $_include_file_enabled_result_log= $ENABLED_RESULT_LOG$_include_file_enabled_result_log
--let $_include_file_enabled_abort_on_error= $ENABLED_ABORT_ON_ERROR$_include_file_enabled_abort_on_error
--let $_include_file_connection= $CURRENT_CONNECTION,$_include_file_connection

if ($rpl_debug)
  --echo $_include_file_indent con='$CURRENT_CONNECTION' warn='$ENABLED_WARNINGS' qlog='$ENABLED_QUERY_LOG' rlog='$ENABLED_RESULT_LOG' aborterr='$ENABLED_ABORT_ON_ERROR'

--let $include_filename=
--let $_include_file_indent= .$_include_file_indent