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/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

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 * Vio Lite.
 * Purpose: include file for Vio that will work with C and C++

#ifndef vio_violite_h_
#define	vio_violite_h_

#include "my_net.h"   /* needed because of struct in_addr */
#include <mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h>

/* Simple vio interface in C;  The functions are implemented in violite.c */

#ifdef	__cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef struct st_vio Vio;
#endif /* __cplusplus */

enum enum_vio_type

  VIO I/O events.
enum enum_vio_io_event

#define VIO_LOCALHOST 1                         /* a localhost connection */
#define VIO_BUFFERED_READ 2                     /* use buffered read */
#define VIO_READ_BUFFER_SIZE 16384              /* size of read buffer */
#define VIO_DESCRIPTION_SIZE 30                 /* size of description */

Vio* vio_new(my_socket sd, enum enum_vio_type type, uint flags);
Vio*  mysql_socket_vio_new(MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, enum enum_vio_type type, uint flags);
#ifdef __WIN__
Vio* vio_new_win32pipe(HANDLE hPipe);
Vio* vio_new_win32shared_memory(HANDLE handle_file_map,
                                HANDLE handle_map,
                                HANDLE event_server_wrote,
                                HANDLE event_server_read,
                                HANDLE event_client_wrote,
                                HANDLE event_client_read,
                                HANDLE event_conn_closed);
#define HANDLE void *
#endif /* __WIN__ */

void    vio_delete(Vio* vio);
int vio_shutdown(Vio* vio);
my_bool vio_reset(Vio* vio, enum enum_vio_type type,
                  my_socket sd, void *ssl, uint flags);
size_t  vio_read(Vio *vio, uchar *	buf, size_t size);
size_t  vio_read_buff(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size);
size_t  vio_write(Vio *vio, const uchar * buf, size_t size);
/* setsockopt TCP_NODELAY at IPPROTO_TCP level, when possible */
int vio_fastsend(Vio *vio);
/* setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE at SOL_SOCKET level, when possible */
int vio_keepalive(Vio *vio, my_bool	onoff);
/* Whenever we should retry the last read/write operation. */
my_bool vio_should_retry(Vio *vio);
/* Check that operation was timed out */
my_bool vio_was_timeout(Vio *vio);
/* Short text description of the socket for those, who are curious.. */
const char* vio_description(Vio *vio);
/* Return the type of the connection */
enum enum_vio_type vio_type(Vio* vio);
/* Return last error number */
int	vio_errno(Vio*vio);
/* Get socket number */
my_socket vio_fd(Vio*vio);
/* Remote peer's address and name in text form */
my_bool vio_peer_addr(Vio *vio, char *buf, uint16 *port, size_t buflen);
/* Wait for an I/O event notification. */
int vio_io_wait(Vio *vio, enum enum_vio_io_event event, int timeout);
my_bool vio_is_connected(Vio *vio);
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
ssize_t vio_pending(Vio *vio);
/* Set timeout for a network operation. */
int vio_timeout(Vio *vio, uint which, int timeout_sec);
/* Connect to a peer. */
my_bool vio_socket_connect(Vio *vio, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t len,
                           int timeout);

my_bool vio_get_normalized_ip_string(const struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_length,
                                     char *ip_string, size_t ip_string_size);

my_bool vio_is_no_name_error(int err_code);

int vio_getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa,
                    char *hostname, size_t hostname_size,
                    char *port, size_t port_size,
                    int flags);

#include <openssl/opensslv.h>
#define DES_cblock des_cblock
#define DES_key_schedule des_key_schedule
#define DES_set_key_unchecked(k,ks) des_set_key_unchecked((k),*(ks))
#define DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(i,o,l,k1,k2,k3,iv,e) des_ede3_cbc_encrypt((i),(o),(l),*(k1),*(k2),*(k3),(iv),(e))
/* apple deprecated openssl in MacOSX Lion */
#ifdef __APPLE__
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"

#define HEADER_DES_LOCL_H dummy_something
/* Set yaSSL to use same type as MySQL do for socket handles */
typedef my_socket YASSL_SOCKET_T;
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>

enum enum_ssl_init_error
const char* sslGetErrString(enum enum_ssl_init_error err);

struct st_VioSSLFd
  SSL_CTX *ssl_context;

int sslaccept(struct st_VioSSLFd*, Vio *, long timeout, unsigned long *errptr);
int sslconnect(struct st_VioSSLFd*, Vio *, long timeout, unsigned long *errptr);

struct st_VioSSLFd
*new_VioSSLConnectorFd(const char *key_file, const char *cert_file,
                       const char *ca_file,  const char *ca_path,
                       const char *cipher, enum enum_ssl_init_error *error,
                       const char *crl_file, const char *crl_path);
struct st_VioSSLFd
*new_VioSSLAcceptorFd(const char *key_file, const char *cert_file,
                      const char *ca_file,const char *ca_path,
                      const char *cipher, enum enum_ssl_init_error *error,
                      const char *crl_file, const char *crl_path);
void free_vio_ssl_acceptor_fd(struct st_VioSSLFd *fd);
#endif /* ! EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */
#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */

void ssl_start(void);
void vio_end(void);

#ifdef  __cplusplus

#if !defined(DONT_MAP_VIO)
#define vio_delete(vio)                         (vio)->viodelete(vio)
#define vio_errno(vio)                          (vio)->vioerrno(vio)
#define vio_read(vio, buf, size)                ((vio)->read)(vio,buf,size)
#define vio_write(vio, buf, size)               ((vio)->write)(vio, buf, size)
#define vio_fastsend(vio)                       (vio)->fastsend(vio)
#define vio_keepalive(vio, set_keep_alive)  (vio)->viokeepalive(vio, set_keep_alive)
#define vio_should_retry(vio)                   (vio)->should_retry(vio)
#define vio_was_timeout(vio)                    (vio)->was_timeout(vio)
#define vio_shutdown(vio)                       ((vio)->vioshutdown)(vio)
#define vio_peer_addr(vio, buf, prt, buflen)    (vio)->peer_addr(vio, buf, prt, buflen)
#define vio_io_wait(vio, event, timeout)        (vio)->io_wait(vio, event, timeout)
#define vio_is_connected(vio)                   (vio)->is_connected(vio)
#endif /* !defined(DONT_MAP_VIO) */

/* This enumerator is used in parser - should be always visible */
enum SSL_type

/* HFTODO - hide this if we don't want client in embedded server */
/* This structure is for every connection on both sides */
struct st_vio
  MYSQL_SOCKET  mysql_socket;           /* Instrumented socket */
  my_bool       localhost;              /* Are we from localhost? */
  struct sockaddr_storage   local;      /* Local internet address */
  struct sockaddr_storage   remote;     /* Remote internet address */
  int addrLen;                          /* Length of remote address */
  enum enum_vio_type    type;           /* Type of connection */
  my_bool               inactive; /* Connection inactive (has been shutdown) */
  char                  desc[VIO_DESCRIPTION_SIZE]; /* Description string. This
                                                      member MUST NOT be
                                                      used directly, but only
                                                      via function
                                                      "vio_description" */
  char                  *read_buffer;   /* buffer for vio_read_buff */
  char                  *read_pos;      /* start of unfetched data in the
                                           read buffer */
  char                  *read_end;      /* end of unfetched data */
  int                   read_timeout;   /* Timeout value (ms) for read ops. */
  int                   write_timeout;  /* Timeout value (ms) for write ops. */
     VIO vtable interface to be implemented by VIO's like SSL, Socket,
     Named Pipe, etc.
     viodelete is responsible for cleaning up the VIO object by freeing 
     internal buffers, closing descriptors, handles. 
  void    (*viodelete)(Vio*);
  int     (*vioerrno)(Vio*);
  size_t  (*read)(Vio*, uchar *, size_t);
  size_t  (*write)(Vio*, const uchar *, size_t);
  int     (*timeout)(Vio*, uint, my_bool);
  int     (*viokeepalive)(Vio*, my_bool);
  int     (*fastsend)(Vio*);
  my_bool (*peer_addr)(Vio*, char *, uint16*, size_t);
  void    (*in_addr)(Vio*, struct sockaddr_storage*);
  my_bool (*should_retry)(Vio*);
  my_bool (*was_timeout)(Vio*);
     vioshutdown is resposnible to shutdown/close the channel, so that no 
     further communications can take place, however any related buffers,
     descriptors, handles can remain valid after a shutdown.
  int     (*vioshutdown)(Vio*);
  my_bool (*is_connected)(Vio*);
  my_bool (*has_data) (Vio*);
  int (*io_wait)(Vio*, enum enum_vio_io_event, int);
  my_bool (*connect)(Vio*, struct sockaddr *, socklen_t, int);
#ifdef _WIN32
  OVERLAPPED overlapped;
  HANDLE hPipe;
  void    *ssl_arg;
#ifdef HAVE_SMEM
  HANDLE  handle_file_map;
  char    *handle_map;
  HANDLE  event_server_wrote;
  HANDLE  event_server_read;
  HANDLE  event_client_wrote;
  HANDLE  event_client_read;
  HANDLE  event_conn_closed;
  size_t  shared_memory_remain;
  char    *shared_memory_pos;
#endif /* HAVE_SMEM */
#endif /* vio_violite_h_ */