Instructions For using this project

    You need to first setup environment.

    1. Have Python First! (>=3.6)

    2. If you are Windows, click the "Environment Setup.bat" to setup.

      For Linux and Mac: Open Terminal and input "pip install -r .\requirements.txt"

    Then you can run our demo.

    We have 2 demos which you can run.

    1. Detection
    2. HumanPoint

    If you are Windows, click bat files to run.

    For Linux and Mac: Type in "python .\PythonFileName"


    1. You can quit by using pressing Key ESC (Escape) or killing python process.

    2. You can also take screenshots by tapping Enter on the keyboard.

    New Update

    1. You can Take a Screenshot through taping Enter on your keyboard.

      The image will be in Cap folder.


    1. In the code, you can change the model we chose. The original one is "yolov8x" series, which has the best accuarcy but least efficiency.

    2. You can change "yolov8n" series model, which have been downloaded already.

    3. You can use this feature by hanging codes.

    Good Luck and Enjoy!

    Sincerely, MMiter, the author





    贡献者 2

    TonyYanTony @TonyYanTony
    m0_72150303 @m0_72150303


    • Python 92.7 %
    • Batchfile 7.3 %