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*gitcode:* [QR_PrintTool]([Sound_ITECH / QR_Print_tools · GitCode](

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> the client tool of TAG manage.


	// 画矩形
	//errorcode = PTK_DrawRectangle(5, 5, 2, 385, 150);
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawRectangle(5, 20, 2, 385, 150);

	 // 打印QR码、sublable
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawBar2D_QR(25, 40, 100, 100, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, parme->sdLable);    //12.5mm /0.125 = 100
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawTextTrueTypeW(30, 120, 20, 0, _T("Arial"), 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _T("subLable"), parme->subLable);

	 errorcode = PTK_DrawLineOr(120, 20, 2, 130);			// |
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawLineOr(255, 20, 2, 32);			// |   
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawLineOr(120, 52, 265, 2);			// -
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawLineOr(120, 84, 265, 2);			// -
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawLineOr(120, 116, 265, 2);			// -

	 //打印custmerID 、supplierID
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawTextTrueTypeW(144, 23, 28, 8, _T("Arial"), 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _T("custmerID"), parme->customerID);
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawTextTrueTypeW(280, 23, 28, 8, _T("Arial"), 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _T("supplierID"), parme->supplierID);

	 errorcode = PTK_DrawTextTrueTypeW(148, 55, 28, 8, _T("Arial"), 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _T("supplierName"), parme->supplierName);
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawTextTrueTypeW(180, 87, 28, 8, _T("Arial"), 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _T("partnumberID"), parme->partnumberID);
	 errorcode = PTK_DrawTextTrueTypeW(184, 119, 28, 8, _T("Arial"), 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _T("swVer"), parme->swVer);