提交 81e0dae4 编写于 作者: M Megvii Engine Team

docs(mge): update GradManger docs

GitOrigin-RevId: ccffb830c4c26b35498b6b2c328d5eafbfebd82e
上级 66671006
......@@ -23,21 +23,51 @@ class AttachSpec:
class GradManager:
GradManager manages auto differentiation and all resources required to perform it.
GradManager computes gradients or more generally, vector-Jacobian product, by reverse mode
automatic differentiation (a.k.a. back propagation).
Our auto differentiation framework requires that the user explicitly indicates when
the forward operations start and when all resources should be released. A typical usage of
GradManager is as follows:
Reverse mode autodiff normally reuses many intermediate tensors for best computation efficiency.
In a read-eval-print-loop (REPL) environment however, it is impossible to known how the user
would take gradients later thus which tensors to keep. To solve this problem, the user must
somehow declare beforehand which gradient could possibly be taken. With GradManager, users are
required to call the :meth:`attach` method on a tensor if they want to take gradients with
respect to it later. Furthermore, any computation on a tensor before it is attached is
completely ignored from the autodiff perspective, so :meth:`attach` must be called before any
computation that needs differentiation.
For example, the following symbolic differentiation code
.. code-block::
x = get_x()
y = f(x)
dy = ones_like(y)
dx = vjp(y, x, dy) # vector-Jacobian product
can be rewriten using GradManager for REPL environment as
.. code-block::
with GradManager() as gm:
x = get_x()
gm.attach(x) # must be placed before any computation on x that needs differentiation
y = f(x)
dy = ones_like(y)
gm.backward(y, dy) # doesn't need x, already known via attach()
dx = x.grad # backward() saves result to .grad attribute
A more realistic example of training a neural network would be like
.. code-block::
gm = GradManager()
with gm:
# forward operations
# backward gradients
for data in dataset:
with gm:
loss = model(data)
# gradients w.r.t. parameters is accumulated into their .grad attributes
You can also use ``record()`` and ``release()`` method instead of ``with`` context:
......@@ -46,14 +76,29 @@ class GradManager:
gm = GradManager()
# forward operations
# backward gradients
for data in dataset:
loss = model(data)
# backward() will clear recorded history and free resources
# call release() if backward() is not called
# gm.release()
For your convenience, GradManager may (not must) be reused. As shown in the examples, you
only need to attach a tensor once and GradManager will remember it afterwards.
However, a single GradManager can record only one computation history at a time. To run
multiple differentiations simultaneously or perform high order differentiation, create
as many GradManager as you need.
.. note::
Mutable tensors introduce ambiguities when doing symbolic differentiation: which version
of the tensor are we referring to? For attached tensors, GradManager resolves this
ambiguity by "snapshoting" them on first encounter, either on :meth:`record` (or entering
with statement) if tensor is attached before :meth:`record`, or on :meth:`attach` if
GradManager is already recording. Attached tensors will then be interpreted as their
snapshotted version for differentiation purpose. The same ambiguity on the first parameter
of :meth:`backward` is simply resolved by using the latest version.
Typically, in data parallel, we would like to average the gradients across
processes. Users will finally get the averaged gradients if an "AllReduce"
......@@ -77,17 +122,59 @@ class GradManager:
def attach(self, tensors: list, callbacks=None):
Registers parameters that gradients should be calculated with respect to.
Callback Functions should have a signature like this:
Instruct GradManager to track operations on tensors, so that gradients with respect
to those tensors could be evaluated later.
:meth:`attach` also accepts a list of callbacks, which will be called with the tensor and
its gradient during :meth:`backward`. The signature of callbacks should look like:
.. code-block::
def cb(param: Tensor, grad: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# do something
def callback(tensor: Tensor, grad: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# returned grad is passed to subsequent callbacks
# and finally accumulated to the .grad attribute of tensor
return grad
:param params: to be registered parameters
:param callbacks: list of callback functions
:meth:`attach` calls with overlapping tensors will result in their callbacks concatenated,
independently for each tensor. For example,
.. code-block::
gm.attach([x, y], callbacks=[f])
gm.attach([y], callbacks=[g])
is equivalent to
.. code-block::
gm.attach([x], callbacks=[f])
gm.attach([y], callbacks=[f, g])
The effect of :meth:`attach` will persist across multiple uses of the GradManager. When
reusing a GradManager, it is likely a mistake to call :meth:`attach` on the same set of
tensors and callbacks repeatedly, which may grow the callback list indefinitely.
.. note::
When reusing a GradManager, it is sometimes desirable to attach temporary tensors each
time, e.g. for computing gradients of inputs of a neural network. GradManager tries to
accommodate such usages by holding weak references to attached tensors. Most of the
times, this should be enough to prevent resource leak. Unfortunately, there are still
some pitfalls left:
- Callbacks should not hold strong references, directly or indirectly, to attached
tensors. Any strong reference, including those from callbacks, will prevent
garbage collection (even by the cycle collector!) of a attached tensor, until
the GradManager object is garbage collected.
Please also note that GradManager might hold additional strong references to attached
tensors when it is in use. This note only covers potential resource leaks across
multiple uses of a GradManager, which is unrelated to whether resources is timely
released within a single use.
:param tensors: tensor or list of tensors to track
:param callbacks: callback or list of callbacks
if callbacks is None:
callbacks = []
......@@ -127,10 +214,30 @@ class GradManager:
def backward(self, y=None, dy=None):
Performs back-propagation and computes gradients.
:param ys: outputs of forward operators, e.g., the loss tensor
:param dys: derivatives of ys
Compute gradients (or vector-Jacobian product) for all attached tensors, accumulate to
corresponding .grad attribute, and release resources along the way.
:meth:`backward` computes the vector-Jacobian product :math:`dx_j = \sum_{i} dy_i J_{ij}`
where :math:`J_{ij} = ∂y_i/∂x_j` is the Jacobian matrix between vector variables :math:`y`
and :math:`x`, with all vectors involved represented as a list of tensors, in the sense of
direct sums (or flatten-and-concatenate). :math:`y` and :math:`dy` are passed as the first
and second parameter respectively, whereas :math:`x` is directly taken from the list of
all attached tensors. The result :math:`dx` is also not returned. Instead, it is directly
accumulated into the .grad attribute of matching attached tensors (a.k.a. :math:`x`). This
can be done unambiguously since :math:`dx` as a list of tensors has the same structure as
If :math:`y` is a scalar and :math:`dy` is chosen to be 1, the vector-Jacobian product
yield gradient of :math:`y` with repect to :math:`x` as a special case. In that case,
you will be able to omit the :math:`dy` parameter and :meth:`backward` will automatically
use 1 for it and compute the gradient.
:meth:`backward` consumes all resources held by this GradManager and releases them in the
process of this call. When the call successfully finishes, the GradManager will be put back
to an inactive state.
:param y: tensor or list of tensors
:param dy: tensor or list of tensors. Defaults to 1 if y is scalar
from ..functional import ones_like
......@@ -144,14 +251,18 @@ class GradManager:
"call a method that clears the history?"
assert self._grad is not None
if ys is None:
if y is None:
ys = []
if not isinstance(ys, (tuple, list)):
ys = [ys]
if dys is None:
elif isinstance(y, (tuple, list)):
ys = y
ys = [y]
if dy is None:
dys = [ones_like(y) for y in ys]
if not isinstance(dys, (tuple, list)):
dys = [dys]
elif isinstance(dy, (tuple, list)):
dys = ys
dys = [dy]
self._grad(ys, dys)
for callback in self._after_backward_callback:
......@@ -172,7 +283,9 @@ class GradManager:
def record(self):
Starts recording forward operations.
Start recording operations
After this call, you will be able to call :meth:`backward`.
if self._recording:
raise RuntimeError("already recording")
......@@ -198,7 +311,9 @@ class GradManager:
def release(self):
Stops recording and releases resources for gradients calculation.
Stop recording operations and release resources kept for gradient computation
After this call, you will not be able to call :meth:`backward`.
if self._grad is not None:
self._grad.__exit__(None, None, None)
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