misc.i 4.8 KB
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 * $File: misc.i
 * This file is part of MegBrain, a deep learning framework developed by Megvii.
 * $Copyright: Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved.

#include "megbrain/utils/persistent_cache.h"
#include "megbrain/serialization/helper.h"
#include "megbrain/gopt/inference.h"
#include "megbrain/plugin/opr_footprint.h"
using _PyStackExtracter = PyStackExtracter;
using _PersistentCache = mgb::PersistentCache;
using _PersistentCacheBlob = _PersistentCache::Blob;
using _MaybePersistentCacheBlob = mgb::Maybe<_PersistentCacheBlob>;
using _OptimizeForInferenceOptions = mgb::gopt::OptimizeForInferenceOptions;

%feature("director") _PyStackExtracter;
class _PyStackExtracter {
        virtual ~_PyStackExtracter() = default;
        virtual std::string extract() = 0;
        static void reg(_PyStackExtracter *p);

// from Blob to python bytes
%typemap(in) const _PersistentCacheBlob& {
    $1->ptr = PyBytes_AsString($input);
    $1->size = PyBytes_Size($input);
%typemap(directorin) const _PersistentCacheBlob& {
    $input = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(
        static_cast<const char*>($1.ptr), $1.size);
%typemap(directorout) _MaybePersistentCacheBlob {
    mgb_assert($1->ob_refcnt >= 2, "persistent cache result refcnt too small");
    if ($1 == Py_None) {
        $result = mgb::None;
    } else {
        _PersistentCacheBlob blob;
        blob.ptr = PyBytes_AsString($1);
        blob.size = PyBytes_Size($1);
        $result = blob;

%feature("director") _PersistentCache;
class _PersistentCache {
        virtual ~_PersistentCache() = default;

        virtual void put(const std::string &category,
                const _PersistentCacheBlob &key,
                const _PersistentCacheBlob &value) = 0;

        virtual _MaybePersistentCacheBlob get(
                const std::string &category,
                const _PersistentCacheBlob &key) = 0;

        %extend {
            static void reg(_PersistentCache *p) {
                _PersistentCache::set_impl({p, [](_PersistentCache*){}});

struct _OptimizeForInferenceOptions {
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
#define SET(n)  void enable_##n();
#undef SET
#define SET(_trans, _trans_capital)   \
        void enable_##_trans(); \

        SET(nchw4, NCHW4);
84 85 86
        SET(nhwcd4, NHWCD4);
        SET(nchw88, NCHW88);
        SET(nchw44, NCHW44);
        SET(nchw44_dot, NCHW44_DOT);
88 89
        SET(nchw32, NCHW32);
        SET(chwn4, CHWN4);
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
#undef SET

%inline {
    static SymbolVarArray _optimize_for_inference(
            const SymbolVarArray& dest_vars,
            const _OptimizeForInferenceOptions& opt) {
        return mgb::gopt::optimize_for_inference(dest_vars, opt);

    // defined in function_replace.cpp
    void _register_logger(PyObject *logger);
    void _timed_func_set_fork_exec_path(const char *arg0, const char *arg1);
    void _timed_func_exec_cb(const char *user_data);

    // defined in megbrain_wrap.cpp
    void _mgb_global_finalize();
    std::vector<size_t> _get_mgb_version();
    SymbolVarArray _grad(SymbolVar target, SymbolVarArray wrts,
            bool warn_mid_wrt, int use_virtual_grad,
            bool return_zero_for_nodep);
    SymbolVar _inter_graph_trans_var(
            CompGraph &dest_graph, SymbolVar src);
    SymbolVar _get_graph_optimizer_replaced_var(SymbolVar src);
    void _add_update_fastpath(SharedND& dest, SharedND& delta,
            float alpha, float beta, float bias);
    void _add_update_fastpath(SharedND& dest,
            CompGraphCallbackValueProxy& delta,
            float alpha, float beta, float bias);

    static SymbolVar _current_grad_target(CompGraph &graph) {
        return mgb::cg::current_grad_target(graph.get());

    uint32_t _get_dtype_num(PyObject *dtype) {
        return static_cast<uint32_t>(npy::dtype_np2mgb(dtype).enumv());

    PyObject* _get_serialized_dtype(PyObject *dtype) {
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
        std::string sdtype;
        auto write = [&sdtype](const void* data, size_t size) {
            auto pos = sdtype.size();
            sdtype.resize(pos + size);
            memcpy(&sdtype[pos], data, size);
        mgb::serialization::serialize_dtype(npy::dtype_np2mgb(dtype), write);
        return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(sdtype.data(), sdtype.size());

    size_t max_size_t() {
        return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

    std::string _get_opr_fp_graph_exec(
        CompGraph& cg, const SymbolVarArray& outputs) {
        auto json = mgb::OprFootprint::get_opr_fp_graph_exec(cg.get(), outputs);
        return json->to_string();

// vim: ft=swig