提交 d6a1e87b 编写于 作者: D Dirk Baeumer

i18n updated and cleanup

上级 68f31369


To preserve performance only 1000 of 1000+ files are displayed.
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"actionBarAccessibleLabel": "操作栏",
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"caseDescription": "区分大小写",
"defaultLabel": "输入",
"regexDescription": "使用正则表达式",
"wordsDescription": "全字匹配"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"close": "关闭",
"error": "错误",
"info": "信息",
"warning": "警告"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"clickToOpen": "单击以在新窗口中打开全尺寸图像",
"downloadBinary": "文件无法在编辑器中显示,因为它是二进制文件或使用不支持的文本编码。请单击以下链接,在浏览器中打开该文件或下载该文件:",
"missingAudioSupport": "抱歉,不支持音频文件播放。",
"missingVideoSupport": "抱歉,不支持视频文件播放。",
"nativeBinaryError": "文件无法在编辑器中显示,因为它是二进制文件、非常大或使用不支持的文本编码。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"more": "更多"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"error.connection.unknown": "出现未知连接错误。您的 Internet 连接已断开,或者您连接的服务器已脱机。",
"error.connection.unknown.verbose": "未知连接错误 ({0})",
"error.defaultMessage": "出现未知错误。有关详细信息,请参阅日志。",
"error.http": "{0} (HTTP {1})",
"error.http.verbose": "{0} (HTTP {1}: {2})",
"error.permission": "权限被拒绝",
"error.permission.verbose": "权限被拒绝 (HTTP {0})",
"illegalArgumentError": "非法参数: {0}",
"illegalArgumentError2": "非法参数",
"illegalStateError": "非法状态: {0}",
"illegalStateError2": "非法状态",
"loaderError": "无法加载需要的文件。您的 Internet 连接已断开,或者您连接的服务器已脱机。请刷新浏览器并重试。",
"loaderErrorNative": "未能加载所需文件。请重启应用程序重试。详细信息: {0}",
"message": "{0}。错误代码: {1}",
"notImplementedError": "未实施",
"stackTrace.format": "{0}: {1}"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"CloseBraceExpected": "需要右大括号",
"CloseBracketExpected": "需要右方括号",
"ColonExpected": "需要冒号",
"CommaExpected": "需要逗号",
"EOFExpected": "需要内容结尾",
"InvalidNumberFormat": "数字格式无效",
"PropertyExpected": "需要属性名",
"UnknownSymbol": "符号无效",
"ValeExpected": "需要值",
"ValueExpected": "需要值"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"sev.error": "错误",
"sev.info": "信息",
"sev.warning": "警告"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"diff.days": "{0} 天",
"diff.days.month": "一个月前",
"diff.days.verbose": "{0} 天前",
"diff.days.week": "一周前",
"diff.days.yesterday": "昨天",
"diff.hour.verbose": "1 小时前",
"diff.hours": "{0} 小时",
"diff.hours.verbose": "{0} 小时前",
"diff.minute.verbose": "1 分钟前",
"diff.minutes": "{0} 分钟",
"diff.minutes.verbose": "{0} 分钟前",
"diff.seconds": "{0} 秒",
"diff.seconds.verbose": "刚才",
"format.date": "{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}:{5}",
"format.time": "{0}:{1}:{2}"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"TaskRunner.UNC": "无法对 UNC 驱动器执行 shell 命令。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"startAfterStopError": "无法从一个已停止的计时器启动一个新的计时器。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"empty": "—",
"error": "无法加载选项",
"loading": "正在加载 …"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"cancel": "取消",
"credentialsRequired": "此 Git URL 要求你进行身份验证:",
"label.password": "密码",
"label.remember": "记住密码",
"label.username": "用户名",
"ok": "确定",
"rememberDisclaimerFullAccessibleText": "记住凭据。保存密码会将此信息存储在你的 Azure 网站中。这意味着,任何具有对你网站的 FTP 访问权限的用户都将能够检索你的密码。",
"rememberDisclaimerTooltip": "保存密码会将此信息存储在你的 Azure 网站中。这意味着,任何具有对你网站的 FTP 访问权限的用户都将能够检索你的密码。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"editorViewAccessibleLabel": "编辑器内容"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"autoClosingBrackets": "控制编辑器是否应在打开括号后自动将其关闭",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "编辑器配置",
"fontFamily": "控制字体系列。",
"fontSize": "控制字体大小。",
"formatOnType": "控制编辑器是否应在键入后自动设置行的格式",
"glyphMargin": "控制字形边距的可见性",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "控制光标是否应隐藏在概述标尺中。",
"insertSpaces": "控制编辑器是否将为选项卡插入空格。接受的值:“自动”、true、false。如果设置为“自动”,则会在打开文件时猜测值。",
"lineHeight": "控制行高。",
"lineNumbers": "控制行号的可见性",
"mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": "要对鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 \"deltaX\"\"deltaY\" 使用的乘数 ",
"overviewRulerLanes": "控制可在概述标尺同一位置显示的效果数量",
"quickSuggestions": "控制键入时是否应显示快速建议",
"quickSuggestionsDelay": "控制延迟多少毫秒后将显示快速建议",
"referenceInfos": "控制编辑器是否显示支持它的模式的参考信息",
"renderWhitespace": "控制编辑器是否应呈现空白字符",
"roundedSelection": "控制选项是否有圆角",
"scrollBeyondLastLine": "控制编辑器是否将滚动超出最后一行",
"selectionHighlight": "控制编辑器是否应突出显示选项的近似匹配",
"suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "控制键入触发器字符时是否应自动显示建议",
"tabSize": "控制选项卡的呈现大小(以字符为单位)。接受的值:“自动”、2、4、6 等。如果设置为“自动”,则会在打开文件时猜测值。",
"wrappingColumn": "控制在多少个字符后编辑器会自动换到下一行。将其设置为 0 则将打开视区宽度换行 ",
"wrappingIndent": "控制换行的行的缩进。可以是“无”、“相同”或“缩进”。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"corrupt.commands": "执行命令时出现意外异常。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"mode.tokenizationSupportFailed": "标记输入时模式失败。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "复制",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "剪切",
"actions.clipboard.pasteLabel": "粘贴"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"n_references": "{0} 个引用",
"one_reference": "1 个引用",
"unknown_reference": "- 引用"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"color.action.label": "颜色选取器操作"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"comment.block": "切换块注释",
"comment.line": "切换行注释",
"comment.line.add": "添加行注释",
"comment.line.remove": "删除行注释"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"action.showContextMenu.label": "显示编辑器上下文菜单"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "将选择添加到下一个查找匹配项",
"findNextMatchAction": "查找下一个",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "查找上一个",
"moveSelectionToNextFindMatch": "将上次选择移动到下一个查找匹配项",
"selectAllOccurencesOfFindMatch": "选择所有找到的查找匹配项",
"startFindAction": "查找",
"startReplace": "替换"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"label.closeButton": "关闭 (退出)",
"label.find": "查找",
"label.nextMatchButton": "下一个匹配(F3)",
"label.previousMatchButton": "上一个匹配(Shift+F3)",
"label.replace": "替换",
"label.replaceAllButton": "全部替换",
"label.replaceButton": "替换",
"label.toggleReplaceButton": "切换替换模式",
"label.toggleSelectionFind": "在选定内容中查找",
"placeholder.find": "查找",
"placeholder.replace": "替换"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"disableSelectionFindAction": "启用在选定内容中查找",
"enableSelectionFindAction": "启用在选定内容中查找",
"findNextMatchAction": "查找下一个",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "查找上一个",
"replace.replaceAll": "替换所有实例",
"replace.replaceThis": "替换该实例",
"startFindAction": "查找",
"startReplace": "替换"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"caseDescription": "区分大小写",
"defaultLabel": "输入",
"regexDescription": "使用正则表达式",
"wordsDescription": "全字匹配"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"label.closeButton": "关闭(退出)",
"label.find": "查找",
"label.nextMatchButton": "下一个匹配(F3)",
"label.previousMatchButton": "上一个匹配(Shift+F3)",
"label.replace": "替换",
"label.replaceAllButton": "全部替换",
"label.replaceButton": "替换",
"label.toggleReplaceButton": "切换替换模式",
"label.toggleSelectionFind": "在选定内容中查找",
"placeholder.find": "查找",
"placeholder.replace": "替换"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"formatAction.label": "格式代码"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"actions.goToDecl.label": "转到定义",
"actions.gotoTypeDecl.label": "转到类型定义",
"actions.previewDecl.label": "查看定义",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "声明"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"markerAction.next.label": "转到下一个错误或警告",
"markerAction.previous.label": "转到上一个错误或警告",
"quickfix.multiple.label": "建议的修正:",
"quickfix.single.label": "建议的修正:"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"modesContentHover.loading": "正在加载..."
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"editorActionArrowAccessibleLabel": "打开编辑器操作",
"ineditor.menu.keybinding": "{0} ({1})"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "替换为下一个值",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "替换为上一个值"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"lines.copyDown": "向下复制行",
"lines.copyUp": "向上复制行",
"lines.delete": "删除行",
"lines.indent": "行缩进",
"lines.insertAfter": "在下面插入行",
"lines.insertBefore": "在上面插入行",
"lines.moveDown": "向下移动行",
"lines.moveUp": "向上移动行",
"lines.outdent": "行减少缩进",
"lines.trimTrailingWhitespace": "裁剪尾随空格"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"label": "打开链接",
"links.navigate": "Ctrl + 单击以跟踪链接",
"links.navigate.editor": "Ctrl + 单击以打开(Ctrl + Alt + 单击以打开到侧边)",
"links.navigate.editor.mac": "Cmd + 单击以打开(Cmd + 选项 + 单击以打开到侧边)",
"links.navigate.mac": "Cmd + 单击以跟踪链接"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"mutlicursor.insertAbove": "在上面插入光标",
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "在下面插入光标"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "触发参数提示"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"quickfix.trigger.label": "快速修复"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"QuickFixSelectionWidget.loading": "正在加载...",
"QuickFixSelectionWidget.noSuggestions": "无修复建议。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"label": "转到行..."
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"GotoLineAction.label": "转到行...",
"gotoLineActionInput": "输入行号,后跟可选的冒号以及要导航到的列号",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLineAndColumnLimit": "输入要导航到的介于 1 到 {0} 之间的列",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLineLimit": "输入要导航到的介于 1 到 {0} 之间的行号",
"gotoLineLabelValidLine": "转到行 {0}",
"gotoLineLabelValidLineAndColumn": "转到行 {0} 和列 {1}"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"label": "命令面板"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"QuickCommandAction.label": "命令面板",
"quickCommandActionInput": "输入你想要执行的操作的名称"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"label": "转到符号..."
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"QuickOutlineAction.label": "转到符号...",
"_constructor": "构造函数({0})",
"call": "调用({0})",
"class": "类({0})",
"function": "函数({0})",
"interface": "接口({0})",
"method": "方法({0})",
"modules": "模块({0})",
"property": "属性({0})",
"quickOutlineActionInput": "输入你想要导航到的标识符的名称",
"symbols": "符号({0})",
"variable": "变量({0})",
"variable2": "变量({0})"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"labelLoading": "正在加载...",
"noResults": "无结果",
"references.action.label": "查找所有引用",
"references.action.name": "显示引用"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"missingPreviewMessage": "无可用预览",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "引用",
"referenceCount": "{0} 个引用",
"referencesCount": "{0} 个引用"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"conflict": "这些文件也已同时更改: {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"changeAll.label": "更改所有事件",
"rename.error.multiplefile": "对不起,但是还不能对用于多个文件的符号执行重命名。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"conflict": "这些文件也已同时更改: {0}",
"missing.support": "无法运行重命名",
"no result": "无结果。",
"rename.label": "重命名符号"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"cannotLoadFile": "无法加载文件 {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "转到括号"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"smartSelect.grow": "扩大选择",
"smartSelect.shrink": "缩小选择"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"suggest.trigger.label": "触发建议"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"suggestWidget.loading": "正在加载...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "无建议。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"toggle.tabfocusmode": "切换使用 Tab 键,设置焦点"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"label.close": "关闭"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"changeProject": "更改项目...",
"projectsLabel.noProject": "无项目",
"projectsLabel.project": "1 个项目",
"projectsLabel.projects": "{0} 个项目",
"projectsLabel.selectSolutionPathOrFolder": "选取项目",
"selectProject": "选择项目",
"selectProjectOrSolutionOrFolder": "选择项目",
"selectSolution": "选取项目",
"status.error": "Omnisharp 遇到错误。请检查控制台以了解更多信息。",
"status.packageRestore": "正在还原包...",
"status.started": "Omnisharp 正在运行",
"status.starting": "Omnisharp 正在启动...",
"status.unknown": "Omnisharp 状态未知",
"titleStarted": "所选项目:“{0}”"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"category.label.dnx": "dnx",
"category.label.dnx.restore": "dnx",
"category.label.k": "k",
"category.label.k.restore": "k",
"command.gone": "该命令不再可用。",
"exec.label": "{0} - ({1}, {2})",
"restore.label.dnu": "dnu 还原 - ({0})",
"restore.label.k": "kpm 还原 - ({0})"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "关闭",
"message": "某些项目在加载时遇到问题。请查看输出以获取详细信息。",
"restore": "还原",
"restore.error": "未能执行还原,尝试为 {0} 手动运行“dnu 还原”。",
"showOutput": "显示输出",
"unresolvedDependencies": "“{0}”中有未解析的依赖关系。请执行还原命令以继续。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"label": "重新启动 Omnisharp 服务器"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"csharp.diagnostics": "{0} [{1}]"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"overload_label": "{0} (+ {1} 重载)"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"exec.label": "k: {0}/{1} ({2})"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"cssConfigurationDescription": "这用于配置 CSS 语言。",
"cssConfigurationTitle": "CSS 配置",
"lint": "控制 lint 验证中使用的问题严重性。",
"validationSettings": "控制 CSS 验证的工作方式。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"css.quickfix.rename": "重命名为“{0}”",
"literal.fontface": "@font-face",
"literal.keyframes": "@keyframes {0}"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"expected.colon": "应输入冒号",
"expected.comma": "应输入逗号",
"expected.condt": "应输入条件",
"expected.dot": "应输入圆点",
"expected.expression": "应输入表达式",
"expected.ident": "应输入标识符",
"expected.lcurly": "应输入 {",
"expected.lparen": "应输入 (",
"expected.lsquare": "应输入 [",
"expected.number": "应输入数字",
"expected.operator": "应输入运算符",
"expected.pagedirordecl": "应输入页面指令或声明",
"expected.percentage": "应输入百分比",
"expected.propvalue": "应输入属性值",
"expected.rcurly": "应输入 }",
"expected.rparent": "应输入 )",
"expected.rsquare": "应输入 ]",
"expected.ruleorselector": "应输入 at-rule 或选择器",
"expected.selector": "应输入选择器",
"expected.semicolon": "应输入分号",
"expected.stringliteral": "应输入字面字符串",
"expected.term": "应输入术语",
"expected.uri": "应输入 URI",
"expected.uriorstring": "应输入 uri 或字符串",
"expected.varname": "应输入变量名",
"expected.varvalue": "应输入变量值",
"unknown.atrule": "未知 at-rule",
"unknown.keyword": "未知关键字"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"css.builtin.hsl": "使用色调、饱和度和亮度值创建颜色。",
"css.builtin.hsla": "使用色调、饱和度、亮度和 Alpha 值创建颜色。",
"css.builtin.rgb": "使用红色、绿色和蓝色值创建颜色。",
"css.builtin.rgba": "使用红色、绿色、蓝色和 Alpha 值创建颜色。"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"keyframes.standardrule.missing": "定义关键帧时始终定义标准规则 \"@keyframes\"。",
"keyframes.vendorspecific.missing": "始终包括所有供应商特定规则: 缺少: {0}",
"namelist.concatenated": "{0},“{1}”",
"namelist.single": "“{0}”",
"property.standard.missing": "还应定义兼容性的标准属性“{0}”",
"property.vendorspecific.missing": "始终包括所有供应商特定属性: 缺少: {0}"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"rule.avoidFloat": "避免使用“float”。浮动会带来脆弱的 CSS,如果布局的某一方面更改,将很容易破坏 CSS。",
"rule.avoidIdSelector": "选择器不应包含 ID,因为这些规则与 HTML 的耦合过于紧密。",
"rule.avoidImportant": "避免使用 !important。它表明整个 CSS 的特异性已经失去控制且需要重构。",
"rule.colorFunction": "参数数量无效",
"rule.duplicateDeclarations": "不要使用重复的样式定义",
"rule.emptyRuleSets": "不要使用空规则集",
"rule.fontFaceProperties": "@font-face 规则必须定义 \"src\"\"font-family\" 属性",
"rule.hexColor": "十六进制颜色必须由三个或六个十六进制数字组成",
"rule.ieHack": "仅当支持 IE7 及更低版本时,才需要 IE hack",
"rule.importDirective": "Import 语句不会并行加载",
"rule.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay": "因显示而忽略属性。例如,使用 \"display: inline\"时,宽度、高度、上边距、下边距和 float 属性将不起作用",
"rule.standardvendorprefix.all": "使用供应商特定前缀时,还应包括标准属性",
"rule.universalSelector": "已知通配选择符 (*) 慢",
"rule.unknownProperty": "未知的属性。",
"rule.unknownVendorSpecificProperty": "未知的供应商特定属性。",
"rule.vendorprefixes.all": "使用供应商特定前缀时,确保同时包括所有其他供应商特定属性",
"rule.withHeightAndBorderPadding": "使用边距或边框时,不要使用宽度或高度",
"rule.zeroWidthUnit": "零不需要单位"
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* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
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"transition.snippet": "跨浏览器的过渡属性"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"html.snippet": "简单 HTML5 起始点",
"img.snippet": "一个图像",
"javascriptlink.snippet": "插入到外部 Javascript 文件的链接",
"link.snippet": "链接",
"ol.snippet": "一个小型有序列表",
"stylesheetlink.snippet": "插入到样式表的链接",
"table.snippet": "一个基本表起始点",
"ul.snippet": "一个小型无序列表"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"allwaysAllWords": "始终包含当前文档的所有内容。",
"compilationSettings": "控制 JavaScript 验证如何运行。",
"jsConfigurationTitle": "JavaScript 配置",
"lint": "控制验证的各个方面。",
"lint.comparisonOperatorsNotStrict": "使用“!==”和“===”,而不使用“!=”和“==”。",
"lint.curlyBracketsMustNotBeOmitted": "不要省略花括号。",
"lint.emptyBlocksWithoutComment": "空白块应有注释。",
"lint.forcedTypeConversion": "请勿通过分配重新声明某个变量。",
"lint.functionsInsideLoops": "循环中的函数。",
"lint.missingSemicolon": "缺少分号。",
"lint.mixedTypesArithmetics": "仅对算术运算使用数字。",
"lint.newOnLowercaseFunctions": "用作构造函数的具有小写名称的函数。",
"lint.newOnReturningFunctions": "用作构造函数的具有 return 语句的函数。",
"lint.parametersDontMatchSignature": "参数与函数签名不匹配",
"lint.primitivesInInstanceOf": "请勿使用具有基元类型的 instanceof。",
"lint.redeclaredVariables": "请勿重新声明变量并更改其类型。",
"lint.semicolonsInsteadOfBlocks": "分号而不是块。",
"lint.tripleSlashReferenceAlike": "查找输入错误的三斜线引用。",
"lint.undeclaredVariables": "请勿使用未声明的变量。",
"lint.unknownModule": "请勿要求未知模块。",
"lint.unknownProperty": "请勿使用未知属性。",
"lint.unknownTypeOfResults": "“typeof”操作符的意外输出。",
"lint.unusedFunctions": "未使用的本地函数。",
"lint.unusedVariables": "未使用的本地变量。",
"semanticValidation": "为 JavaScript 文件运行 linter 检查 - 替代 validate.lint.* 设置。",
"suggestSettings": "控制 JavaScript IntelliSense 如何运行。",
"syntaxValidation": "检查 JavaScript 文件中是否存在语法错误。",
"useCodeSnippetsOnMethodSuggest": "完成函数的参数签名。"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"json.bower.default": "默认 bower.json",
"json.bower.error.repoaccess": "对 Bower 存储库发出的请求失败: {0}",
"json.bower.package.hover": "{0}"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"json.nugget.error.repoaccess": "对 NuGet 存储库发出的请求失败: {0}",
"json.nugget.package.hover": "{0}",
"json.nugget.version.hover": "最新版本: {0}",
"json.nugget.versiondescription.suggest": "包的当前最新版本",
"json.project.default": "默认 project.json"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"jsonConfiguration.fileMatch": "包含解析 JSON 文件到架构时要匹配“*”的文件模式。",
"jsonConfiguration.fileMatches": "解析 JSON 文件到架构时要匹配的文件模式数组。",
"jsonConfiguration.schema": "给定 URL 的架构定义。仅需要提供架构用于避免访问架构 URL。",
"jsonConfiguration.schemaPath": "当前目录中的架构的 URL 或相对路径",
"jsonConfiguration.schemas": "将架构关联到当前项目中的 JSON 文件",
"jsonConfigurationDescription": "用于配置 JSON 设置和架构。",
"jsonConfigurationTitle": "JSON 配置"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"array": "数组",
"boolean": "布尔值",
"number": "数字",
"object": "对象",
"string": "字符串",
"undefined": "未定义"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"json.suggest.default": "默认值"
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"app.plugin.json.activationEvents": "插件的激活事件",
"app.plugin.json.contributes": "此插件的贡献",
"app.plugin.json.contributes.language": "插件的语言贡献",
"app.plugin.json.contributes.language.aliases": "此语言的名称别名",
"app.plugin.json.contributes.language.extensions": "关联到此语言的文件扩展名",
"app.plugin.json.contributes.language.filenames": "关联到此语言的文件名",
"app.plugin.json.contributes.language.id": "此语言的 ID",
"app.plugin.json.dependencies": "插件依赖关系",
"app.plugin.json.mainModule": "主 JavaScript 文件的相对路径",
"app.plugin.json.pluginId": "唯一的插件 id",
"app.plugin.json.scripts": "插件提供的脚本",
"app.plugin.json.scripts.compile": "用于编译此插件的命令行",
"bower.json.authors": "创作包内容的人员列表。",
"bower.json.dependencies": "使用包名称的简单哈希指定依赖项到 semver 兼容标识符或 URL。",
"bower.json.description": "通过简短说明帮助用户识别和搜索你的包。",
"bower.json.devDependencies": "仅包开发需要的依赖项,例如测试框架或生成文档。",
"bower.json.exportsOverride": "grunt-bower-task 用于指定自定义安装位置。",
"bower.json.homepage": "可了解有关包的详细信息的 URL。如果未指定,返回 GitHub 项目并且它是一个 GitHub 端点。",
"bower.json.ignore": "安装包时,Bower 要忽略的文件列表。",
"bower.json.invalidPatternName": "以 _ 开头的任何属性有效。",
"bower.json.keywords": "用于根据关键字搜索。有助于更轻松地查找你的包,而不必知道其名称。",
"bower.json.license": "SPDX 许可证标识符或许可证的路径/URL",
"bower.json.main": "使用你的包所需的主作用文件。",
"bower.json.moduleType": "此包显示的模块类型",
"bower.json.packagename": "你的包的名称。",
"bower.json.private": "如果你将它设置为 true,它将拒绝发布它。这是防止意外发布专用存储库的方法。",
"bower.json.repository": "可在其中找到源代码的存储库。",
"bower.json.resolutions": "如果包之间发生冲突,自动解析的依赖项版本。",
"bower.json.title": "Bower 配置文件的 JSON 架构",
"bower.json.version": "语义版本号。",
"global.json.projects": "与此文件相关的项目文件夹的列表。",
"global.json.sources": "与此文件相关的源文件夹的列表。",
"global.json.title": "ASP.NET 全局配置文件的 JSON 架构",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions": "指导 JavaScript 语言服务如何验证 .js 文件",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions.charset": "输入文件的字符集",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions.decorators": "对 ES7 修饰器启用实验支持。",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions.diagnostics": "显示诊断信息。",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions.locale": "将用于显示错误消息的区域设置,如 zh-cn。",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions.mapRoot": "指定调试器应放置映射文件的位置而不是生成的位置",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions.module": "解析所依据的模块代码生成: \"commonjs\"\"amd\"\"system\"\"umd\"。",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions.noLib": "请勿包括默认库文件(lib.d.ts)。",
"jsconfig.json.compilerOptions.target": "指定 ECMAScript 目标版本: \"ES3\" (默认)、\"ES5\"\"ES6\" (实验)。",
"jsconfig.json.exclude": "列出不应包括的文件和文件夹。\"files\" 属性存在时,不实现此属性。",
"jsconfig.json.files": "如果 jsconfig.json 中不存在 \"files\" 属性,则语言服务默认包括所有文件(包括目录和子目录)。指定了 \"files\" 属性时,仅包括这些文件。",
"jsconfig.json.title": "JavaScript 配置文件的 JSON 架构",
"json.schema.unabletoload": "无法从 '{0}': {1} 加载架构。",
"package.json.bugs": "应该将问题上报到的项目问题跟踪程序的 URL 和/或电子邮件地址。对于遇到与你的包有关的问题的人员,这些内容十分有用。",
"package.json.bugs.email": "应向其报告问题的电子邮件地址。",
"package.json.bugs.url": "项目的问题跟踪程序的 url。",
"package.json.bundleDependencies": "将在发布包时捆绑的包名的数组。",
"package.json.bundledDependencies": "将在发布包时捆绑的包名的数组。",
"package.json.config": "\"config\" 哈希可以用于设置在包脚本中使用并且在各个升级间保持的配置参数。",
"package.json.contributors": "为此包做出贡献的人员的列表。",
"package.json.dependency": "使用包名的简单哈希指定依赖关系到版本范围。版本范围是具有一个或多个空格分隔描述符的字符串。还可以使用 tarball 或 git URL 标识依赖关系。",
"package.json.descr": "这可帮助人们发现你的包,因为它会在“npm 搜索”中列出。",
"package.json.description": "此包的 NPM 配置。",
"package.json.directories.bin": "如果指定 \"bin\" 目录,则该文件夹中的所有文件都会用作 \"bin\" 哈希。",
"package.json.directories.doc": "将标记文件置于此处。最后可能会在某天很好地显示这些文件。",
"package.json.directories.example": "将示例脚本置于此处。它可能会在某天通过某种明智的方式公开。",
"package.json.directories.lib": "告诉人们库的批量处于何处。无需以任何方式对 lib 文件夹执行任何特殊操作,但是它是有用的数据信息。",
"package.json.directories.man": "充满手册页的文件夹。可有效用于通过浏览文件夹生成 \"man\" 数组。",
"package.json.files": "\"files\" 字段是要包含在项目中的文件的数组。如果在数组中对某个文件夹命名,则它将也包含该文件夹中的文件。",
"package.json.homepage": "项目主页的 url。",
"package.json.keywords": "这可帮助人们发现你的包,因为它会在“npm 搜索”中列出。",
"package.json.license": "应为你的包指定许可证,以便人们知道如何允许他们使用该包,以及你对该包施加的任何限制。",
"package.json.licenses": "应为你的包指定许可证,以便人们知道如何允许他们使用该包,以及你对该包施加的任何限制。",
"package.json.main": "主字段是你的程序的主入口点的模块 ID。",
"package.json.maintainers": "维护此包的人员的列表。",
"package.json.man": "指定单个文件或文件名数组以备 man 程序进行查找。",
"package.json.name": "包的名称。",
"package.json.person": "受邀创建或维护此包的人员",
"package.json.preferGlobal": "如果你的包主要是应在全局安装的命令行应用程序,请将此值设置为 true 以在进行本地安装时提供警告。",
"package.json.private": "如果设置为 true,则 npm 会拒绝发布它。",
"package.json.repository": "指定你的代码所处的位置。对于要做出贡献的人员,这十分有用。",
"package.json.scripts": "\"scripts\" 成员是在包生命周期中各个时间运行的脚本命令的对象哈希。键是生命周期事件,值是当时运行的命令。",
"package.json.underscore": "以 _ 开头的任何属性有效。",
"package.json.version": "版本必须可由 node-semver (作为依赖项与 npm 捆绑)分析。",
"project.json.authors": "应用程序的设计者",
"project.json.bundleExclude": "要从发布输出(kpm 捆绑)中排除的文件的列表。",
"project.json.code": "指定需要编译的所有代码文件的 glob 模式。(数据类型: 具有 glob 模式的字符串或数组)。例如: [ 'Folder1*.cs', 'Folder2*.cs' ]",
"project.json.commands": "可用于该应用程序的命令",
"project.json.compilationOptions": "传递到 Roslyn 的编译选项",
"project.json.configurations": "配置是编译设置的命名组。运行时中内置了 2 个默认值,即 \"Debug\"\"Release\"。",
"project.json.dependencies": "应用程序的依赖项。每次登录指定名称和 Nuget 包的版本。",
"project.json.dependency.name": "该依赖项版本。",
"project.json.dependency.type": "依赖项类型。只在生成时存在 'build' 依赖项",
"project.json.description": "应用程序的说明",
"project.json.exclude": "指示要从编译排除的所有代码文件的 glob 模式。(数据类型: 具有 glob 模式的字符串或数组)。",
"project.json.frameworks": "将生成的目标框架和特定于配置的依赖项。",
"project.json.preprocess": "指示要预处理的所有代码文件的 glob 模式。(数据类型: 具有 glob 模式的字符串)。",
"project.json.resources": "指示要作为资源编译的所有文件的 glob 模式。",
"project.json.script": "命令行脚本或脚本。\r\rAvailable variables:\r%project:Directory% - The project directory\r%project:Name% - The project name\r%project:Version% - 项目版本",
"project.json.scripts": "不同阶段要执行的脚本。",
"project.json.shared": "指定要与相关项目共享的代码文件的 glob 模式。例如: [ 'Folder1*.cs', 'Folder2*.cs' ]",
"project.json.title": "ASP.NET project.json 文件的 JSON 架构",
"project.json.version": "应用程序的版本。例如:",
"project.json.webroot": "通过指定 project.json 文件中的 Webroot 属性,指定 Web 服务器根(aka 公共文件夹)。在 Visual Studio 中,此文件夹将用于获取 IIS 的根权限。应将静态文件放置在此处。",
"schema.json": "使用架构描述 JSON 文件。参见 json-schema.org 了解详细信息。",
"schema.json.$schema": "验证此文档的架构",
"schema.json.additionalItems": "用于阵列,仅适用于项目被设置为一个数组。如果是一个架构,则在项目数组指定项目后,由此架构进行验证。如果为 false,则其他项目将导致验证失败。",
"schema.json.additionalProperties": "是一个架构或者是一个布尔值。如果是一个架构,则用于验证所有与 'properties' or 'patternProperties' 不匹配的属性。如果为 false,则任何与上述两者不匹配的属性将导致此架构失败。",
"schema.json.allOf": "架构的数组,所有必须匹配。",
"schema.json.anyOf": "架构的数组,必须至少有一个匹配。",
"schema.json.default": "默认值。由建议使用。",
"schema.json.definitions": "不用于验证。将您希望使用 $ref 内嵌引用的子架构放在此处。",
"schema.json.dependencies": "属性名称到属性名称数组或架构的映射。属性名称数组指的是命名的关键属性。这取决于为保证有效将显示在对象中的数组中的属性。如果该值是一个架构,则该架构仅应用于对象,如果关键属性存在于对象上。",
"schema.json.description": "元素的详细描述。用于悬停菜单和建议。",
"schema.json.enum": "一组有效的文字值",
"schema.json.exclusiveMaximum": "使最大的属性成为专有属性。",
"schema.json.exclusiveMininum": "使最小的属性成为专有属性。",
"schema.json.id": "架构的唯一标识符。",
"schema.json.items": "用于数组。可以是一个用于验证每个元素的架构,或按顺序验证每个项目的架构数组 (第一个架构将验证第一个元素,第二个架构将验证第二个元素,依此类推)。",
"schema.json.maxItems": "一个数组内的项目的最大数量。包含。",
"schema.json.maxLength": "字符串最大长度。",
"schema.json.maxProperties": "一个对象可以拥有的属性的最大数量。包含。",
"schema.json.maximum": "最大数值,默认包含。",
"schema.json.minItems": "一个数组内的项目的最小数量。包含。",
"schema.json.minLength": "一个字符串的最小长度。",
"schema.json.minProperties": "一个对象可以拥有的属性的最小数量。包含。",
"schema.json.minimum": "最小数值,默认包含。",
"schema.json.multipleOf": "一个可以除尽当前值的数 (即,没有余数)",
"schema.json.not": "必须不能匹配的架构。",
"schema.json.oneOf": "架构的数组,正好有一个必须匹配。",
"schema.json.pattern": "匹配字符串的正则表达式。不是隐含固定的。",
"schema.json.patternProperties": "属性名称的正则表达式与架构的映射,用于匹配属性。",
"schema.json.properties": "属性名称与每个属性架构的映射。",
"schema.json.required": "字符串的数组,这些字符串列出了此对象需要的所有属性的名字。",
"schema.json.title": "元素的描述性标题",
"schema.json.type": "一个基本架构类型 (数字、整数、空、数组、对象、布尔值、字符串) 的字符串或一个指定这些类型子集的字符串的数组。",
"schema.json.uniqueItems": "数组中所有项目是否必须唯一。默认为 false。",
"snippetSchema.json": "用户代码片段配置",
"snippetSchema.json.body": "代码片段内容。使用 \"${id}\"\"${id:label}\"\"${1:label}\" 作为变量,并使用 \"$0\"\"$1\" 表示光标位置",
"snippetSchema.json.description": "代码片段描述。",
"snippetSchema.json.prefix": "在 Intellisense 中选择代码片段时将使用的前缀",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions": "向 TypeScript 编译器指示如何编译 .ts 文件",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.charset": "输入文件的字符集",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.declaration": "生成相应的 d.ts 文件。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.diagnostics": "显示诊断信息。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.emitBOM": "在输出文件开头发出 UTF-8 字节顺序标记(BOM)。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap": "发出单个文件以及源映射而不是单独的文件。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.inlineSources": "随单个文件中的源映射一起发出源;需要设置 --inlineSourceMap。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.listFiles": "编译的文件部分的打印名称。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.locale": "将用于显示错误消息的区域设置,如 zh-cn。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.mapRoot": "指定调试器应放置映射文件的位置而不是生成的位置",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.module": "指定模块代码生成: \"CommonJS\"\"Amd\"\"System\"\"UMD\"。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.newLine": "指定发出文件时要使用的行序列结尾: \"CRLF\" (dos)或 \"LF\" (unix)。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.noEmit": "不发出输出。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.noEmitHelpers": "请勿生成自定义 helper 函数,如编译输出中的 __extends。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.noEmitOnError": "如果报告了任何类型检查错误,请勿发出输出。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.noImplicitAny": "有关带隐式 \"any\" 类型的表达式和声明的警告。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.noLib": "请勿包括默认库文件(lib.d.ts)。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.out": "连接输出并将其发出到单个文件。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.outDir": "将输出结构重定向到目录。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums": "请勿清除生成代码中的常量枚举声明。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.removeComments": "请勿将注释发到输出中。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.rootDir": "指定输入文件的根目录。与 --outDir 一起用于控制输出目录结构。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.sourceMap": "生成相应的 \".map\" 文件。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.sourceRoot": "指定调试器应放置 TypeScript 文件的位置而不是源位置。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": "抑制缺少索引签名的索引对象的 noImplicitAny 错误。",
"tsconfig.json.compilerOptions.target": "指定 ECMAScript 目标版本: \"ES3\" (默认)、\"ES5\"\"ES6\" (实验)。",
"tsconfig.json.files": "如果 tsconfig.json 中不存在 \"files\" 属性,则编译器默认为包括包含目录和子目录中的所有文件。指定 \"files\" 属性时,仅包括这些文件。",
"tsconfig.json.title": "TypeScript 编译器的配置文件的 JSON 架构"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"ColonExpected": "需要冒号",
"DisallowedExtraPropWarning": "不允许使用属性 {0}。",
"DoubleQuotesExpected": "属性关键字必须用双引号括起来",
"DuplicateKeyWarning": "重复对象键",
"End of file expected": "预期的文件结尾",
"ExpectedCloseBrace": "需要逗号或右大括号",
"ExpectedCloseBracket": "需要逗号或右中括号",
"Invalid symbol": "预期的 JSON 对象、数组或文本",
"InvalidEscapeCharacter": "字符串中的转义字符无效",
"InvalidNumberFormat": "数字格式无效",
"InvalidUnicode": "字符串中的 Unicode 序列无效",
"MaxPropWarning": "对象拥有比 {0} 限制更多的属性",
"MinPropWarning": "对象拥有比 {0} 需要的数量更少的属性",
"MissingRequiredPropWarning": "缺少属性“{0}”",
"PropertyExpected": "预期的属性",
"RequiredDependentPropWarning": "对象缺少属性 {1} 要求的属性 {0}",
"UnexpectedEndOfComment": "意外的注释结尾",
"UnexpectedEndOfNumber": "意外的数字结尾",
"UnexpectedEndOfString": "意外的字符串结尾",
"ValueExpected": "需要值",
"additionalItemsWarning": "根据架构,数组项目过多。预期为 {0} 或更少",
"enumWarning": "值不是一个可接受的值。有效值为: {0}",
"exclusiveMaximumWarning": "值超过了 {0} 的专有最大值",
"exclusiveMinimumWarning": "值低于 {0} 的专有最小值",
"maxItemsWarning": "数组拥有的项目过多。预期为 {0} 或更少",
"maxLengthWarning": "字符串比最大长度短",
"maximumWarning": "值超过了 {0} 的最大值",
"minItemsWarning": "数组拥有的项目过少。预期为 {0} 或更多",
"minLengthWarning": "字符串比最小长度短",
"minimumWarning": "值低于 {0} 的最小值",
"multipleOfWarning": "值不能被 {0} 整除",
"notSchemaWarning": "匹配不允许的架构。",
"oneOfWarning": "当只有一个必须验证时,匹配多个架构。",
"patternWarning": "字符串不匹配“{0}”的模式",
"typeArrayMismatchWarning": "错误类型。预期为 {0} 的一种",
"typeMismatchWarning": "错误类型。预期为“{0}”",
"uniqueItemsWarning": "数组有重复的项目"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"json.npm.package.hover": "{0}",
"json.npm.version.hover": "最新版本: {0}",
"json.package.default": "默认 package.json"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"lessConfigurationDescription": "这用于配置 LESS 语言。",
"lessConfigurationTitle": "LESS 配置",
"lessLint": "控制 LESS lint 验证中使用的问题严重性。",
"lessValidationSettings": "控制 LESS 验证的工作方式。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"less.builtin.abs": "数字的绝对值",
"less.builtin.acos": "反余弦 - 余弦函数的反函数",
"less.builtin.alpha": "返回“@color”的 \"Alpha\" 通道",
"less.builtin.argb": "创建 #AARRGGBB",
"less.builtin.asin": "反正弦 - 正弦函数的反函数",
"less.builtin.atan": "反正切 - 正切函数的反函数",
"less.builtin.blue": "返回“@color”的“蓝色”通道",
"less.builtin.ceil": "向上取整到整数",
"less.builtin.color": "将字符串分析为颜色",
"less.builtin.contrast": "如果“@color1 > 43% luma”,则返回“@darkcolor”,否则返回“@lightcolor”,请参阅注释",
"less.builtin.convert": "将数字从一种类型转换为另一种类型",
"less.builtin.cos": "余弦函数",
"less.builtin.darken": "返回亮度暗 10% 点的“@color”",
"less.builtin.data-uri": "内联一个资源并回退到 \"url()\"",
"less.builtin.desaturate": "返回饱和度降低 10% 点的“@color”",
"less.builtin.e": "转义字符串内容",
"less.builtin.escape": "对字符串进行 URL 编码",
"less.builtin.extract": "返回列表中指定位置上的值",
"less.builtin.fade": "返回透明度为 50% 的“@color”",
"less.builtin.fadein": "返回透明度降低 10% 点的“@color”",
"less.builtin.fadeout": "返回透明度增加 10% 点的“@color”",
"less.builtin.floor": "向下取整到整数",
"less.builtin.green": "返回“@color”的“绿色”通道",
"less.builtin.greyscale": "返回灰色的 100% 不饱和色",
"less.builtin.hsl": "创建颜色",
"less.builtin.hsla": "创建颜色",
"less.builtin.hsv": "创建颜色",
"less.builtin.hsva": "创建颜色",
"less.builtin.hsvhue": "返回 HSV 空间中“@color”的“色调”通道",
"less.builtin.hsvsaturation": "返回 HSV 空间中“@color”的“饱和度”通道",
"less.builtin.hsvvalue": "返回 HSV 空间中“@color”的“值”通道",
"less.builtin.hue": "返回 HSL 空间中“@color”的“色调”通道",
"less.builtin.length": "返回值列表中元素的数量",
"less.builtin.lighten": "返回亮度增加 10% 点的“@color”",
"less.builtin.lightness": "返回 HSL 空间中“@color”的“亮度”通道",
"less.builtin.luma": "返回“@color”的 \"luma\" 值(感知亮度)",
"less.builtin.max": "返回一个或多个值中的最小值",
"less.builtin.min": "返回一个或多个值中的最小值",
"less.builtin.mix": "返回“@color1”和“@color2”的混合色",
"less.builtin.mod": "第一个参数对第二个参数进行取模运算",
"less.builtin.percentage": "转换为 %,例如 0.5 > 50%",
"less.builtin.pi": "返回 pi",
"less.builtin.pow": "第一个参数的第二参数次方",
"less.builtin.red": "返回“@color”的“红色”通道",
"less.builtin.replace": "字符串替换",
"less.builtin.round": "将数字取整到多个位置",
"less.builtin.saturate": "返回饱和度增加 10% 点的“@color”",
"less.builtin.saturation": "返回 HSL 空间中“@color”的“饱和度”通道",
"less.builtin.sin": "正弦函数",
"less.builtin.spin": "返回色调增加 10 度的“@color”",
"less.builtin.sqrt": "计算数字的平方根",
"less.builtin.tan": "正切函数",
"less.builtin.unit": "删除或更改维度单位"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"literal.fontface": "@font-face",
"literal.keyframes": "@keyframes {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"expected.colon": "应输入冒号",
"expected.condt": "应输入条件",
"expected.dot": "应输入圆点",
"expected.ident": "应输入标识符",
"expected.lcurly": "应输入 {",
"expected.lparen": "应输入 (",
"expected.lsquare": "应输入 [",
"expected.number": "应输入数字",
"expected.operator": "应输入运算符",
"expected.propvalue": "应输入属性值",
"expected.rcurly": "应输入 }",
"expected.rparent": "应输入 )",
"expected.rsquare": "应输入 ]",
"expected.semicolon": "应输入分号",
"expected.term": "应输入术语",
"expected.varname": "应输入变量名称",
"expected.varvalue": "应输入变量值"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"parse.error.general": "分析错误: {0}",
"rule.colorFunction": "无效的参数数量",
"rule.duplicateDeclarations": "不要使用重复的风格定义",
"rule.emptyRuleSets": "不要使用空规则集",
"rule.fontFaceProperties": "@font-face 规则必须定义“src”和“font-family”属性",
"rule.hexColor": "十六进制颜色必须包含三或六个十六进制数字",
"rule.importDirective": "导入没有并行加载的语句",
"rule.universalSelector": "已知通用选择器 (*) 慢",
"rule.unkownProperty": "未知属性。",
"rule.vendorprefixes.all": "使用特定于供应商的前缀时,确保使用全部",
"rule.vendorprefixes.standard": "使用特定于一个供应商的前缀时,确保也包含标准名称",
"rule.withHeightAndBorderPadding": "使用填充或边界时,不要使用宽度或高度",
"rule.zeroWidthUnit": "零不需要单位"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"define.snippet": "定义模块",
"dowhile.snippet": "Do-While 语句",
"for.snippet": "For 循环",
"foreach.snippet": "For-Each 循环",
"forin.snippet": "For-In 循环",
"function.snippet": "Function 语句",
"if.snippet": "If 语句",
"ifelse.snippet": "If-Else 语句",
"log.snippet": "控制台日志",
"new.snippet": "New 语句",
"settimeout.snippet": "设置超时函数",
"switch.snippet": "Switch 语句",
"tripleslashreference.snippet": "到另一个文件的相关引用",
"trycatch.snippet": "Try-Catch 语句",
"while.snippet": "While 语句"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"markdownConfigurationDescription": "这用于配置标记预览相关的设置。",
"markdownConfigurationTitle": "标记预览配置",
"styles": "标记预览中供使用的 CSS 样式表的 URL 或本地路径列表。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"bold.snippet": "插入粗体文本",
"code.snippet": "插入代码",
"fencedcodeblock.snippet": "插入防护的代码块",
"heading.snippet": "插入标题",
"image.snippet": "插入图像",
"italic.snippet": "插入斜体文本",
"link.snippet": "插入链接",
"orderedList.snippet": "插入有序列表",
"quote.snippet": "插入引用文本",
"rule.snippet": "插入水平标尺",
"unorderedList.snippet": "插入无序列表"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"expected.from": "应输入 \"from\"",
"expected.in": "应输入 \"in\"",
"expected.through": "应输入 \"through\"\"to\" "
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"sassConfigurationTitle": "Sass 配置",
"sassLint": "控制 Sass lint 验证中使用的问题严重性。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"sass.builtin.abs": "返回数字的绝对值。",
"sass.builtin.adjust-color": "增加或减少颜色的一个或多个组成部分。",
"sass.builtin.adjust-hue": "更改颜色的色调。",
"sass.builtin.alpha": "获取颜色的不透明组件。",
"sass.builtin.append": "追加一个值到列表的末尾。",
"sass.builtin.blue": "获得颜色的蓝色组件。",
"sass.builtin.call": "动态调用 Sass 函数。",
"sass.builtin.ceil": "将数字向上取整到下一个整数。",
"sass.builtin.change-color": "更改颜色的一个或多个属性。",
"sass.builtin.comparable": "返回两个数字是否可以相加、相减或进行比较。",
"sass.builtin.complement": "返回颜色的补色。",
"sass.builtin.darken": "使颜色变暗。",
"sass.builtin.desaturate": "使颜色变得更不饱和。",
"sass.builtin.fade-in": "使颜色变得更不透明。",
"sass.builtin.feature-exists": "返回当前 Sass 运行时中是否存在某个功能。",
"sass.builtin.floor": "将数字向下取整到上一个整数。",
"sass.builtin.function-exists": "返回是否存在具有给定名称的函数。",
"sass.builtin.global-variable-exists": "返回全局范围内是否存在具有给定名称的变量。",
"sass.builtin.grayscale": "将颜色转换为灰度。",
"sass.builtin.green": "获取颜色的绿色组件。",
"sass.builtin.hue": "获取颜色的色调组件。",
"sass.builtin.ie-hex-str": "将颜色转换为 IE 筛选器理解的格式。",
"sass.builtin.index": "返回列表中值的位置。",
"sass.builtin.inspect": "返回值的字符串表示形式,即该值在 Sass 中的表现形式。",
"sass.builtin.invert": "返回颜色的反色。",
"sass.builtin.is-superselector": "返回 $super 是否匹配 $sub 匹配的所有元素,甚或更多元素。",
"sass.builtin.join": "将两个列表联接为一个列表。",
"sass.builtin.keywords": "返回传递到使用变量参数的函数的关键字。",
"sass.builtin.length": "返回列表的长度。",
"sass.builtin.lighten": "使颜色变亮。",
"sass.builtin.lightness": "获取颜色的亮度组件。",
"sass.builtin.list-separator": "返回列表的分隔符。",
"sass.builtin.map-get": "返回映射中与给定键关联的值。",
"sass.builtin.map-has-key": "返回映射是否有一个与给定键关联的值。",
"sass.builtin.map-keys": "返回映射中所有键的列表。",
"sass.builtin.map-merge": "将两个映射合并为一个新映射。",
"sass.builtin.map-remove": "返回删除了键的新映射。",
"sass.builtin.map-values": "返回映射中所有值的列表。",
"sass.builtin.max": "查找几个数字中的最大值。",
"sass.builtin.min": "发现几个数字中的最小值。",
"sass.builtin.mix": "混合两种颜色。",
"sass.builtin.mixin-exists": "返回是否存在具有给定名称的 mixin。",
"sass.builtin.nth": "返回列表中的特定项。",
"sass.builtin.opacify": "使颜色变得更不透明。",
"sass.builtin.percentage": "将没有单位的数字转换为百分比。",
"sass.builtin.quote": "向字符串添加引号。",
"sass.builtin.random": "返回随机数字。",
"sass.builtin.red": "获取颜色的红色组件。",
"sass.builtin.rgba": "更改颜色的 Alpha 组件。",
"sass.builtin.round": "将数字取整到最近的整数。",
"sass.builtin.saturate": "使颜色变得更饱和。",
"sass.builtin.saturation": "获取颜色的饱和度组件。",
"sass.builtin.scale-color": "流动缩放颜色的一个或多个属性。",
"sass.builtin.selector-append": "将一个选择器追加到另一个选择器,两者之间不留空格。",
"sass.builtin.selector-extend": "使用 $selector 中的 $extender 扩展 $extendee。",
"sass.builtin.selector-nest": "将一个选择器嵌套在另一个选择器下面,如它们在样式表中的嵌套方式。",
"sass.builtin.selector-parse": "将选择器分析为由 & 返回的格式。",
"sass.builtin.selector-replace": "使用 $selector 中的 $replacement 替换 $original。",
"sass.builtin.selector-unify": "统一两个选择器,以生成一个匹配这两个选择器所匹配的元素的选择器。",
"sass.builtin.set-nth": "替换列表中的第 n 个项。",
"sass.builtin.simple-selectors": "返回组成复合选择器的单个选择器。",
"sass.builtin.str-index": "返回 $string 中 $substring 首次出现的索引。",
"sass.builtin.str-insert": "在 $index 将 $insert 插入到 $string 中。",
"sass.builtin.str-length": "返回字符串中字符的数量。",
"sass.builtin.str-slice": "从 $string 中提取子字符串。",
"sass.builtin.to-lower-case": "将字符串转换为小写。",
"sass.builtin.to-upper-case": "将字符串转换为大写。",
"sass.builtin.transparentize": "使颜色变得更透明。",
"sass.builtin.type-of": "返回值的类型。",
"sass.builtin.unit": "返回与数字关联的单位。",
"sass.builtin.unitless": "返回数字是否有单位。",
"sass.builtin.unquote": "从字符串中删除引号。",
"sass.builtin.variable-exists": "返回当前范围内是否存在具有给定名称的变量。",
"sass.builtin.zip": "将多个列表合并为一个多维列表。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"typescript.quickfix.addAsGlobal": "将“{0}”标记为全局",
"typescript.quickfix.rename": "重命名为“{0}”",
"typescript.quickfix.typeDefinitions": "下载类型定义 {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"javascript.comparisonOperatorNotStrict": "使用“!==”和“===”,而不使用“!=”和“==”。",
"javascript.functionInsideLoop": "循环中的函数。",
"javascript.missingSemicolon": "缺少分号。",
"javascript.newOnLowercaseFunctions": "用作构造函数的具有小写名称的函数。",
"javascript.reservedKeyword": "请勿使用保留的关键字。",
"javascript.semicolonInsteadOfBlock": "分号而不是块。",
"javascript.typeofCannotBeCompared": "“typeof”操作符的意外输出。",
"javascript.typescriptSpecific": "请勿在 JavaScript 中使用特定于 TypeScript 的语言构造。",
"layout.curlyBracketsMustNotBeOmitted": "不要省略花括号。",
"layout.emptyblock": "空白块应有注释。",
"typescript.looksLikeTripleSlash": "是否意味着“/// <reference path=\"some/path.ts\" />”?",
"typescript.missingReturnType": "缺少返回类型。",
"typescript.unusedFunction": "未使用的本地函数。",
"typescript.unusedImport": "未使用的导入。",
"typescript.unusedLocalVariable": "未使用的本地变量。",
"typescript.unusedPrivateMember": "未使用的私有成员。",
"typescript.variableUsedBeforeDeclared": "变量在声明之前使用。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"missing.localize": "字符串需要本地化"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"allwaysAllWords": "始终包含当前文档的所有内容。",
"baseUrl": "允许配置用于解析模块引用(http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config-baseUrl)的基本 URL。此选项仅适用于使用异步模块定义(\"module\": \"amd\")的项目。",
"compilationSettings": "控制 TypeScript 验证如何运行。",
"lint": "控制验证的各个方面。",
"lint.comparisonOperatorsNotStrict": "使用“!==”和“===”,而不使用“!=”和“==”。",
"lint.curlyBracketsMustNotBeOmitted": "不要省略花括号。",
"lint.emptyBlocksWithoutComment": "空白块应有注释。",
"lint.functionsInsideLoops": "循环中的函数。",
"lint.functionsWithoutReturnType": "请勿省略函数的返回类型批注。",
"lint.missingSemicolon": "缺少分号。",
"lint.newOnLowercaseFunctions": "用作构造函数的具有小写名称的函数。",
"lint.reservedKeywords": "请勿使用保留的关键字。",
"lint.semicolonsInsteadOfBlocks": "分号而不是块。",
"lint.tripleSlashReferenceAlike": "查找输入错误的三斜线引用。",
"lint.typeScriptSpecifics": "请勿在 JavaScript 中使用特定于 TypeScript 的语言构造。",
"lint.unknownTypeOfResults": "“typeof”操作符的意外输出。",
"lint.unusedFunctions": "未使用的本地函数。",
"lint.unusedMembers": "未使用的私有成员。",
"lint.unusedVariables": "未使用的本地变量。",
"module": "指定正使用的模块系统。",
"noImplicitAny": "强制执行任何类型的声明。",
"noLib": "请勿使用针对 DOM 和浏览器环境的键入。",
"scope": "当具有多个验证设置时,定义这些设置将应用的子文件夹。",
"suggestSettings": "控制 TypeScript IntelliSense 如何运行。",
"target": "指定使用哪个版本的 ECMA 脚本。",
"tsConfigurationTitle": "TypeScript 配置",
"useCodeSnippetsOnMethodSuggest": "完成函数的参数签名。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"err.tooMuchData": "很抱歉,但 VS 代码的 JavaScript 源文件太多。请考虑使用 jsconfig.json 中的 exclude 属性。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"class.snippet": "类定义",
"constructor.snippet": "构造函数",
"doloop.snippet": "Do-while 循环",
"foreach.snippet": "使用以下项的 For-Each 循环 =>",
"fullproperty.snippet": "定义完整属性",
"getproperty.snippet": "属性 getter",
"importstatement.snippet": "导入外部模块。",
"jsdoc.snippet": "jsdoc 片段",
"log.snippet": "登录控制台",
"privatemethod.snippet": "私有方法定义",
"publicmethod.snippet": "公共方法定义",
"returnfalse.snippet": "返回 false",
"returnstatement.snippet": "返回语句",
"returntrue.snippet": "返回 true",
"setproperty.snippet": "属性 setter",
"throwexception.snippet": "引发异常",
"tripleslashreference.snippet": "三斜线引用"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"ref.loadFailure": "找不到文件“{0}”"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"class.snippet": "类定义",
"constructor.snippet": "构造函数",
"foreach.snippet": "For-Each Loop 正在使用 =>",
"importstatement.snippet": "导入外部模块。",
"jsdoc.snippet": "jsdoc 片段",
"privatemethod.snippet": "Private Method 定义",
"publicmethod.snippet": "Public Method 定义"
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